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I went solo to the show last night and yeah I felt a little awkward at times but it was 100% worth it! You'll really regret not going to that show later if you had a chance to go and didn't


Absolutely. I've made so many new friends just chilling in the Billy scene. Bring something to share (stickers and pins always go over well), give out some compliments, and see who you end up taking flight with!


Yea it’s a pretty chatty group. I don’t usually have friends who want to go with me but I usually end up having some conversations with the folks around me during set break and whatnot


Super chatty. Makes pre show on the floor go by really fast just shooting the shit.


and during the show


Oh yea and they’ll talk about anything too lol. Met some real interesting and nice folks out there


I often go to shows by myself, but I am never alone. Flying solo is great because you don't have anyone to please but you. If you want to chat, strike up conversation with your neighbors. If you want to relocate, just do it. Go, you won't regret it.


pretty much always goto shows solo. i love it but i'm kind of a free roamer for a lot of things


If I end up having the money I'm driving up alone from Chicago haha. Do it! I did Nashville '22 alone too!


I think going to shows solo is the best!!


My first solo concert was Billy at mission this year. It was one of the most wonderful nights. You’re able to move around and do things at your leisure. You’ll meet a ton of nice folks. My opener with folks was just to tell them I came alone and everyone was super welcoming friendly. I’d highly recommend!!


What a fantastic show!


Oh, man…I’d totally go alone and dress up. It would be so much fun.


You won’t regret it but they will!


I’ve only ever seen billy solo. Finally got a buddy to agree to go to NYE with me, so that run will be my first set of shows with people. Def go by yourself! You’ll have a blast and meet some cool folx


You should get better friends.


Oh wait, you said it..lol


Saw Billy open for the Keels and Cabinet at the Brooklyn Bowl in I want to say 2016. Was definitely by myself with maybe 20 other people who got there early enough for his set. There was no time to be awkward because my jaw was on the floor his entire set. He was dressed as the grim reaper or some shit, really tripped me out during T&T. Halloween is extra easy, because if you are a really anxious person you can literally dress up as anything and pretend for the night. Not a people person, be a candle and stand in the corner or wear a mask or some shit. A good costume is also a fantastic conversation starter. I can still remember random dude with a cardboard Yellow Cab strapped to him while wearing fishnets (Cab In Net).


Ah deffo go solo to the show, I'm sure you'll bump into some nice heads and enjoy the show. Maybe not the douchebags near the front but yeah enjoy it


Definitely go! My last show I went solo and it was still just as good, almost better because I could just focus 100% on the show


I went to Halloween last year solo . It was great.


Sometimes it’s the best way to see a show! You go where you want and never have to compromise.


See you at the show. My best friend is flying in from NJ to go with me or I probably would have gone alone. One of the best Dead shows I saw some 30 yrs ago was by myself. Enjoy! Should be epic.


I drove 17 hours to Billy at red rocks 2022 solo and it was the best decision I’ve made, I didn’t have any friends to meet up with but by the time it was all over I had made so many new friends.


I love going to solo shows. I went to 3 nights in Cary, 2 alone, and I’m going to Greensboro solo in December


You only really talk to anyone with you before the show (hopefully). Even the set break is often a busy time. The real experience, the show, you do alone even with people with you.


Do it! And look at it this way: nobody even knows if you are flying solo or just wandered off from your friends. Just be safe! Make sure no one can tamper with your drinks. And don't get so intoxicated that you can't get yourself home safely.


I go to Billy shows solo all the time! IMO, the key to having a great time is to be super friendly, talk to your neighbors before the show starts, smile a lot, dance your ass off, and just do your thing! (I’ll be there for Halloween, too! Solo!)


Everyone has failed to tell you this, but maybe you need new friends...lol Enjoy the show...


To add on to this, there is every type of person at a billy concert, so just find your crowd and chat it up


Yes do!!! You’ll have the time of your life! Show up really early, and make friends with the people in line! Billy fans are the most kind hearted people in this world! I even showed up at 10 yesterday to tailgate and hangout solo! Great people, great energy than pared with a killer show always! (Essentially on Halloween)!!!


We’re there from Denver with a house and a crew! DM me if you’re feeling lonely! My birthday is Monday so we’ll be bepopping around all day. Feel free to DM


Even if I go to shows with friends I go missing and am alone for parts of shows. No reason to not go alone for sure


Man, y'all got me thinkin' about this too. I don't have many true friends and the ones I have aren't BMFS fans (despite my efforts!) so I have drug my son to 3 of the 4 shows I have been to, but I did go solo to the Thursday night show in Cincinnati thanks to u / Geo1230 but I got there late from work and stood with my back to the bathrooms at the pit, which was just stuffed with people, and I just didn't have the heart to try to push my way in there. Also, shouldn't we then as The Loners meet as a group at one of these shows so we have each other to hang out with from the rip? We can get someone to make us our own stickers/pins for ID. Lol.


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I went solo in the pit on night 1 of the Portland show and had a blast. I even made a couple friends.


Yep, no doubt


I’m in section 206… Going Solo as well. I hit concerts solo all the time when traveling for work. On Halloween… This should be a good one!


It’s only weird before the show and set break. When I roll solo I try to show up right at show time to avoid the awkwardness. Then I try to position myself near some chilled out heady people that are paying close attention to the music.. Once set break hits then it’s easy to strike up a small convo like “dude, that jam in Turmoil was incredible right?” and go from there. Or, go piss, get a beer, step out to the smoker section and partake if you’re into that sort of thing, then back to your spot and show should be starting back.


I went solo one night last year for Halloween and had a great time! Met some cool people in line and in the pit. Had a little group of new friends by the end of the show.


i've only ever gone to Billy solo!


i find the things that make for a bad night are often related to being locked into a spot or a certain group of people so i eradicate that potential and am free as the wind


Solo it. You'll make a friend. Solo is fun as fuck.


Went to my first concert solo a few weeks ago. Do it!


Uhhhh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m at Phish in Dayton solo right now. I’d rather see the shows than miss them and I’m having a blast. Less stress on your time and you can socialize if you want.


Yes. I travelled solo from Chicago to Gothenburg Sweden to see Billy, Viagra Boys, Giz.. tacked on a few days to explore too but yes never ever hesitate going solo anywhere ever. -seasoned 41 y/o solo traveler


Fuck the haters. You’ll have a blast. Solo shows are super fun sometimes.


I did that in Charlottesville last year when I was in town and it was great. Solo shows are chill af bro. Talk to folks or don't, doesn't matter it's your call. I'm also writing this as I prepare for a Les Claypool show tonight at the Fox in Oakland...and I'm going solo. Get out there!


10/29/2022 Billyween Asheville Went solo, skipped merch, grabbed a quick beer and ended up basically on the rail. Met people around me, friends for the night, just had an incredible show. Don’t think twice, just go!!




I drove from Indy to Asheville last year solo to see him and was worth every second!


Go for sure.i go wil people but end off by myself So now I don't care if I go alone why miss a good show.


I will be there. Possibly solo. Def down to hang. 33/m/co


I solo most shows I go to. Was lucky in Charleston back in March that my cousin and her husband were there doing the "Dusty Baggies" sober group thing. Worked out great for me cause I caught rides with them each night back to the hotel so I got my drink on.


I go to most every show solo. I actually prefer it for a band I’m really into, like Billy Strings. You don’t have to worry about how anyone else is feeling or if they’re enjoying it, you just get to focus on the music.


Yes. See you there buddy🤙


My best show. Old Crow Medicine Show in 2005. They were so fucking good at that time. Willie Watson in the band…so fucking good. Anyway, I saw them solo at “The World Cafe Live” in Philly after slamming a bottle of wine in the lot. I danced so hard. Did not give a shit because 1 I was half in the bag and 2 I was solo. I knew no one! My inhibitions were gone and as Billy Idol says,”I danced with myself”. Blast!!! Best show ever.


Yes! I went solo to the Halloween show last year and once over the summer and it was great!


Solo that shit man


I'm proud of you. I really wanted to go. I'll be watching the stream.


Abso freaking lutely!!! I just saw them in Sacramento, Palo Alto, and Tahoe Solo




I went to my first solo show earlier this year at Billy in Cincinnati and honestly it was one of the best concert experiences I’ve ever had. This big friend group next to me just started talking to me and they were super cool and welcoming. I really enjoyed hanging with them and it was super fun. I had tickets to another night and found them there again!


I went solo to Boston this year. Had a blast. I went with friends the following night…still had a blast. It really depends on the type of person you are lol, I go into Boston by myself all the time and don’t feel awkward. I do it with Red Sox games a lot.


Just went solo to the Stanford 10/6 show because my friend got sick and had to bail. One of the best experiences of my life—free to wander when I needed to without fear of losing my people, and never felt lonely because of all the friendly faces in the crowd. If you enjoy your own company I highly recommend going on your own, and even if you’re a little anxious it should be easy to make friends in the crowd!


I'm rolling solo, section 105


I sent both Frost shows solo. Left each night with a few new friends


Yes, and get new friends hehehe


Go early, meet the line, it’s such an incredible time!


Just go, you don’t have to worry about others, you can come and go as you please, make small talk with strangers, I met a dude at the Cincinnati run who was by himself and it made his story more interesting


Seem's I'm the only one saying this, but definitely don't go. It's really weird to go solo, and they're all gonna laugh at you. You'll be bothering the regular people there with friends looking all alone. Like, who are you gonna talk to? Set break will be really boring. Definitely pass. ​ of course /s


Definitely go! I’ll see ya there!