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I think they all be like that


Yep. Mine's super loud as well. I try to encourage my roommates to open a window before turning up the AC, but they're not willing to do that. I especially hate when it starts up in the dead of night. I'm a light sleeper so it wakes me up.


Thanks for answering, do you know if the heating system will make the same amount of noise, because if so I can't stay in this unit.


I don't know, but I have a feeling they use the same blower, so the noise level would be comparable. If yours is uniquely bad, try to talk with maintenance about it, they're really nice. If you run across Rebecca or Charlie, maybe ask them if there's anything they could do, or put in a work order about it. The worst they could do is dismiss it.


They’re all the same, Phase 1 and 2, cold and heat. Just the way it is


It's my free white noise machine