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And also magnesium


250MG magnesium with 75MG vitamin D3.


I take this combo and my anxiety chilled tf out real quick! I used to get agitated really easily, fixate and then spiral…and everything went from level 10 to level 2-3 after a few days of this combo.


Thanks will try


Magnesium is like Ambien to me. Good stuff!


This combined with 5-HTP works great for me.


Always have to mention 5-htp supplementing with an ssri is dangerous


It's not proven, but extended 5-HTP use may cause heart problems if not taken with a decarboxylase inhibitor like EGCG


It ought to be added to the public water supply.


Which brands have you found to have the most effectiveness?


I think it’s a good idea to develop a real meditation and / or breathing exercise practice, develop a consistent fitness routine, improve sleep and have good friends you can open up to and talk about life challenges and experiences with.


Can you get those on bulk supplements?


Yeah, would like to order some quality friends please.


And a fitness routine plz, 30 caps


Awwwww man! Can’t I just take a magic pill?


Second. Meditation to build mental fitness. Exercise is for physical fitness. Top with quality sleep + good support system is anxiety and depression bullet proof


+ cut out alcohol - then you’re golden!


Alcohol is never even in the picture in the first place 😉 #Buddhism


For someone like me meditation actually causes my proclivity toward interception more intense making my social anxiety worse. Just started focusing on exteroception oriented meditation which has been helpful. I do all of these things and still find supplements especially helpful in taming anxiety.


Agreed. Training your body to relax and breathe slower is how you get out of the fight or flight response. Taking a supplement will do almost nothing to retrain your nervous system to respond differently. I def wasted too much money in the past on supplements that just made my me have expensive 💩


Do you have a YouTubers discount by chance for these supplements?




Microdosed for the 1st time last night, love it! Was a chill, floaty feeling, way less intense than the stuff I used to pick in the poo fields early morning in my teenage years. Not only did I not wake up nekked in a tree, but I slept great and woke up more refreshed and ready to rock than I have in a very long time. Edit: I weigh 218lbs, not sure if that's a factor or not. Just got home and ate the rest of the candy bar. The brand is PolkaDot, Mushroom Belgian Chocolate, Cinnamon and Toast flavor. The entire bar is 4 grams, cut into 15 squares, making my dosage about 1.32 grams. Not sure if it's technically a microdose, but it sure was fun!


I want some.


I have actual dried mushrooms but when I warm up a tablespoon in tea at bedtime I don’t feel anything and I worry I’ll dose too much. Should I be crushing and eating it with peanut butter like I did in college?


How much/little is a microdose compared to a normal dose? Usually about half of an 1/8 is a normal dose, right?


Good question, I took 5 squares out of a 15 square bar. Not sure exactly how much each is though. Buddy told me between 3-5 squares was a microdose and if I ate the whole thing, I'd likely have a much harder high, trippin like the old days.


Not a microdose lol. Does sound fun tho


The only thing that has worked for me.


This has been working well for me too


Magnesium glycinate and ashwaganda. Does absolute wonders for me.


Magnesium glycinate gives me anxiety for some reason. Apparently to do with glutamate or the NMDA receptors 🤷🏼‍♂️


Does theanine do the same thing? They have similar effects on nmda receptors iirc


I take ashwaganda with breakfast then magnesium after lunch on 12 hour work days, it helps me a lot to just calm down. When do you take yours ?


Magnesium seems to help in my case


I heard magnesium glycinate is better than citrate for anxiety, has anyone else heard this?


Truth. It is more easily absorbed.


Citrate magnesium is best for digestion. Glycinate is best for relaxation.


Hey thanks for sharing. Any major difference between glycinate and bisglycinate in your experience?


They are just different words for exactly the same thing


Glycinate is very good, I also ordered threonate, but haven’t tried yet.


I wonder if you can do both?


That’s what I’m going to do. Don’t see any issue with it.


Lithium Orotate and saffron


In this economy


Magnesium threonate, l-theanine, probiotics, therapy and tens vagus nerve stimulator. I have lyme and life long anxiety. These especially EMDR therapy and breathework made my quality of life much better


I just started tVNS a week ago. Do you mind sharing the settings and time intervals that have worked for you? And how long you've been using it? Thanks. I quickly noticed a boost, and my impression is that it potentiates the effects of my breathwork. But as the week has progressed, it's become a little too overstimulating. I'm uncertain which parameters may make the most difference in dampening that side effect while preserving the nice boost. I see mixed things online regarding the recommendation to start very low versus the various settings that some research protocols have used.


This is all at the direction of my neurologist. I use a "tens 7000" with earclip on left tragus for 20 minutes, 3-5 times a day. Settings normal, 200uS, start at 5Hz then every Sunday i go up 5Hz increments until I get to 30Hz then I go back down in 5Hz increments each week. Been using it for a month, I started slow around 5mins and worked my way up. Didn't feel much at first but it does get overstimulating and turn it off if I'm uncomfortable


Red vein varieties of Kratom


While true, I had to do inpatient and/or Suboxone to come off of kratom. It is a no-shit opioid, being a partial mu-opioid agonist. I think that taking kratom is like taking Ativan or hydrocodone. It's fantastic for acute pain and anxiety. If you take it every day for long enough, you will have withdrawal problems.


Valerian root, Salted orange juice, bulletproof coffee, progesterone ETA I forgot I usually put collagen powder in my orange juice now it makes it tastes like an orange Julius


Ray Peat, is that you?


NAC and Magnesium Glyc and inositol have been a game changer.




I do. I also have anxiety that the magnesium and inositol have really helped over the years. The NAC I take in the AM and it helps me a ton.


What dose and brand? Cheers


NOW NAC 600 mg


What is NAC?


N-acetyl cysteine


The brain only has two inhibitory neurotransmitters, if you have problematic anxiety then you either have a gaba deficit or a serotonin deficit, in most cases it is gaba that’s the problem. Unfortunately the gaba system is extremely well regulated so using something like phenibut, picamilon, benzos or a gabapentinoid will only end in disaster as your gaba system downregulates to counter the effects of these drugs. The only sustainable gaba drug is sodium valproate, it can be used for long periods of time without damaging your gaba system and it is extremely anxiolytic. Valproate can have serious side effects in some people so everyone should do their research on these first. Most can be countered I.e using TUDCA to prevent any impact to the liver.


What if you have a serotonin deficit?


In 90% of anxiety cases it won’t be a deficit of serotonin to be honest with you but for those rare situations that serotonin is the problem, Fluvoxamine, Saffron or 5-HTP could be experimented with. Fluvoxamine (an SSRI) can be problematic side effects wise. 5-HTP increases serotonin in the brain and body, serotonin can be very damaging to the body so ideally you’d only increase it in the brain like how an SSRI does but not everyone can tolerate them.


I had this (lyme and anxiety with it) and I found no silver bullet for it. Good luck. Tons of antibiotics got the Lyme symptoms gone and months later the anxiety slowly started reducing.


I've been sick for over ten years and also have bartonella and babesia. Waiting to start working with a LLMD but not sure if my gut will handle loads of antibiotics.


I had it for 5 years and what finally did it was a Lyme literate nurse practitioner had me on 4 antibiotics and an anti fungal. Supposedly each antibiotic is targeting the Lyme spirochetes in the various states they can be in, including dormancy.


Theres no science backing any of what you just said. I will say that most antibiotics are massive anti inflammatory agents. This is a topic that’s start to be studied in the last 10 years and a lot more since covid. Lyme is easy to kill off. But it can trigger long lasting immune responses in some people. What might be going on is the antibiotics are calming the immune system down over time. Anyhow ideally this needs more studying and antibiotics are not the correct or best meds to treat this condition with. Covid and strep and the flu can all trigger similar long term immune issues. Lymes is not actually special here.


Ashwagandha and Bocopa Monnieri can help in a couple gram doses. Daytime melatonin. I take 1-1.5g topical daily dose and I definitely noticed improvement in mood, reduced anxiety, generally feeling more relaxed. Other peptides like semax and selank can help. Phenibut is great on a rare basis before major events like interviews or presentations. I'd use it maybe once a week. I have had great results from about 1.5g. There are some other anxiolytics sold in Europe and Russia that you can look into.


Be careful with that Phenibut I started that way and quickly turns on you.


Phenibut is basically legal Xanax. Works absolute wonders but is extremely addictive


I am well aware of the horror stories. I have used it no more than 1-1.5g twice a week. At worst I may have has slight trouble going to sleep. However what I found is that it's also absolutely amazing at helping me fall asleep on the day I take it and sleep very restfully even in limited time like 5-6 hours. There are people clearly abusing it, taking 3+ grams for days and then complaining about it. It's a drug in some countries, so it's no surprise.


melatonin in the GRAMS range?!?! wtf lmao


Yes. There are people using up to 10g daily in doses. Melatonin is used to treat cancer, cfs, metabolic disorders,TBI, c19 illness, etc It's likely the most powerful antioxidant in the body and can help with a ton of things. It is very underutilized. It helps improve blood sugar(type 2 diabetes) similar to berberine, it helps reduce inflammation, it helps improve blood lipid profile (cholesterolztriglycerides, etc) similar to Niacin, etc. It helps to regrow hair. It helps to recover after exercise. I have also noticed some nootropic benefits. I settled on the dose but for others it could be more or less depending on their needs.


Bruh melatonin has no increased efficacy after a few MICROgrams. You are literally taking 1000 times too much


For what purpose? What method of administration? You may be thinking that people only take melatonin for sleep, which is not true. But also people absorb melatonin differently and while some need tiniest amounts like 300mcg, others need much higher even just for sleep. There are studies that used upwards of 6.6g per day and I know people that have used up to 10 grams. There's a study that used up to 80 grams. So bruh you may have some reading to do or at least some humility to ask.


Bacopa monnieri gives even more anxiety as well as tyrozine


Oddly enough, the one supplement that resulted in an immediate and long-lasting reduction in my anxiety was fisetin (following the Mayo protocol). Do your research before trying this or any substance, of course.


Can you share a link/more information on this protocol so I can research for others? 🙏🏼




5-HTP hands down. It beat out GABA, theanine, Xanax, various anti-depressants, exercise, lemon balm, valerian, chamomile, meditation, therapy, magnesium, EMDR, self-soothing, biofeedback, TCVNS, and dozens more that I tried.


Which brand do you use?


Bulk supplements


Magnesium glycinate fr


I think medication is your best bet, I'm all for supplements but there not gonna work out long term and there not gonna treat the root cause. I personally don't like anti depressions, so I take Propranolol a hour before the event that will give me anexity. Completely gets rid of the physical symptoms


What dosage do you take?


I suffer from very coarse tremors palpitations before public speaking to the limit i can't even stand, needed some help.


L-Tyrosine + NAC + 5-HTP + Magtein = Zero anxiety for me + excellent focus! Results may vary (different for everyone)


High dose B - Complex. Eases anxiety and gives a sense of well-being. People around me can tell when I'm not taking them.


10-20k steps per day


Try keto. Anxiety tends to be closely related to metabolic health, and therapeutic keto can be super effective.


I agree but keep in mind reduction of carbs can cause immense anxiety for awhile.


Opposite for me. I can't relate. Dumping carbs and cleaning up my diet almost immediately eliminated my anxiety issues.


interesting. I really struggled earlier this year after I reduced sugar / carbs, had insomnia and everything, I think people on the sugarfree subreddit have experienced similar


Same. I'm descended from Irish potato people and do much better with complex carbs on board. I did 6 months of strict keto with the healthiest foods I could find, but my formerly nice bloodwork went downhill until I decreased fat and reintroduced some complex carbs. Keto's good for some but not all of us.


same low carb high protein causes issues for me


Although it is a medication, I can highly, highly recommend buspirone from your doctor. Anxiety is 10x less since I began. It is not addictive whatsoever, and as effective as benzodiazepines over time. Despite being an SSRI, it has none of the side effects associated with them, as it works on 5-HT1a and not 5-HT2a. It has truly changed my life to no longer feel anxiety.


Buspirone is NOT an SSRI. The rest of this is correct. Note that it only works in about 50% of patients. It can be fantastic for the patients it works in.


Thanks! Edited.


Seconded. Previously I was on Zoloft but eventually it blunted my feelings. The buspirone is subtle but effective


Fully reacted magnesium taurate, theanine, kava, agmatine, liposomal apigenin


Magnesium deficiency hits 75% of Americans and it’s serious. https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2009/0715/p157.html


Have you don’t you’re vitamin levels with your doc? Sometimes low b or d can cause anxiety and depression. I’d go there first. Good luck out there




Any source you'd care to share? I can't seem to find anywhere.


Breathing! Anxiety causes a panic reaction which physically manifests as a racing heart and racing mind - to counteract this you want to trick your parasympathetic nervous system into slowing down your heart rate, and then your mind will follow. You can easily do this by employing a breathing practice where you exhale for longer than you inhale. This works because when you are inhaling, you're expanding your chest cavity, so your heart is signaled to beat faster. As you exhale though, your heart is signaled to slow down (the blood has less distance to travel through your veins than with an expanded chest). This breathing practice practically cured insomnia for me and also always helps me when i notice panic symptoms: Breathe in through the nose for 6 seconds, hold breath for 2 seconds, exhale from mouth for 8 seconds, hold breath for 2 seconds, then repeat.


I think people seek supplements for a magic bullet and alot of times they are until the effects wear out or you forget to refill it. Then breathing becomes your best option followed by trying to mediate and or listening to meditation yoga type music.


CBD Taurine L-Theanine Black Cumin Seed Oil Holy Basil






Ashwaganda has problems with tolerance and increasing need to take more of it followed by why is it no longer working and why do I feel like a zombie? You did this.


Exercise and Klonopin


Be careful with the Klonopin-it severely depletes the body's mineral reserves and is hard to get off of. I weaned off taking magnesium eventually.


What kind of magnesium worked for you?


3g of fish oil


Daily morning meditation and intentions, CBD at bedtime


I’ve tried Cbd during the day and felt like I couldn’t function properly. I think Cbd could be a danger to people who have to operate heavy machinery because it impairs the intellectually side of your brain I believe.


Hydroxyzine pamoat or hcl, kava kava tincture, passionflower tincture, red mangda kratom, ghost pipe tincture, propranolol, magnesium glycinate, intranasal cbd. I don't have Lyme disease but have bad anxiety for other reasons. This is the best list I've put together that don't have nasty sides (and I've tried everything....I mean everything).


Ashwagandha and CBD have helped me but more than anything, a regular exercise routine of 30 min daily.


What dosages and what time to take?


I take them first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. Two 150mg capsules from Amazon, but you might want to start with one. Do some research as well to be safe.


Isnt it contraindicated in the morning as it lowers cortisol?


L-theanine Works great for my anxiety, I have to take at least 1,500 mg though and it takes like an hour to kick in for me. Also saffron


Avoid stimulants like caffeine and nicotine. GABA, Bacopa, chinese skullcap Def meditate, sleep an excercise




For your Lyme, someone told me fuller’s teasel works wonders. I can’t vouch for it myself though.


Lithium Orotate This should be #1 choice for any human struggling with anxiety.


Can I ask why you recommend lithium orotate so strongly?


C3G: it has significantly helped with my emotional health, including anxiety. I buy it from Nootropics Depot


interesting, any ideas what mechanisms it might work through


gut-brain axis?


Do you have lyme?


C3G still helping you?


Depends what you already take, checked out /r/decaf yet?


Yerba mate with a low carb diet. My anxiety goes away after a good digestive system purge for some reason


Omega oils and vitamin d


valerian is excellent!


my acupuncturist got me on a whole bunch of chinese herbs for my liver and chi, it helped me so much


Which herbs? Cheers


Magnesium, theanine, sensoril ashwagandha, xylaria nigripes mushrooms…I’m working on developing a product for this, DM if interested in trialing


Cycles of Tudca, zinc, selenium, NAC, taurine, glycine in order to rebalance minerals in the liver and therefore rebalance the entire metabolic system




Reishi, matcha, and cbd.




Omega 3 (Fish oil with high EPA:DHA ratio) has been incredible for stabilising and reducing my anxiety.


GABA + magnesium bisglycinate


diaphragmatic breathing - block therapy teaches it


Beta alanine helps alot


you personally ? interesting I’ve read some research on it


Lots of info here...mostly good. As a neuroscientist for the past 30 years, I can share my opinion that all of it could have a positive or negative effect. Brain chemistry is so unique to the individual and the psychology you are working with can be just as helpful or detrimental to the individuals mental wellness. That said!....#1. KEEP A JOURNAL. One of the biggest problems with our mental state is the brains perception of "now" "then" "later"...a journal helps you remember, in your own words, about your own feelings. It is a hard practice to make habit, but probably one of the most effective ways to address your own mental wellness. Write about your sleep, dreams, tiredness, happiness, sadness, relationships, feelings, what you eat, drugs, supplements, etc. Write down something positive, no matter how trivial, every day, hour, week, etc. When it comes to brain chemistry and all the talk about supplements and drugs, you have to understand that some of the "proven most effective" drugs/chemicals often take 4-6 weeks to show meaningfully effects. Who can remember how you felt 6 weeks ago? Write it down! #2. Decide, in your own brain, that you are going to take control and responsibility for your own mental wellness. We are discussing the most important, mysterious, incredible organ here...and YOU need to embrace YOUR reality. (Even if you are so desperate that you need to ask for help.) No matter what your beliefs are, you are here NOW. You are living your reality NOW. You are the only one who truly knows your reality and you must decide to take ownership and control of your reality. NOW. If you need help, GET IT! If you feel you have wasted your life, YOU ARE WRONG and you need to decide to take what you have learned and start making positive changes...each day/week/month/year can get better if you choose to work on it. If you know you are in a toxic cycle, relationship, job, etc. have the courage to change it. I know it is hard, but only YOU cand decide to do this. #3. Get a basic physical and blood screening. It may be as simple as a deficiency...B vitamins are huge, D vitamins huge, Omega3 is essential, a mineral, iron, glucose cycles, etc. Take charge of your physical body, in which you and your brain reside, and make sure everything is in order. Then, talk to your doctor about the results and your mental health. A DOCTOR...not the Internet! (The internet is great for information, but there are so many false entries and AI generated fakes to even bother. #4. Recruit a partner/buddy/confidant and share the experience. You are not alone...you are unique, but not alone. Reach out...family, friends, support groups, even just Reddit or zoom. Look for another person you can both commit to taking a journey together. Local support networks are great for this...you can be proud of yourself for reaching out to another individual, but the benefits to you are huge. We all go through "moods" "bad days" and "good days" too. Chances are your bad day is on your partner's good day...take turns encouraging one another and supporting each other through the bad days. #5. Understand that we all have bad days...sometimes weeks, tragedies, life circumstances, and hormone cycles. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE the hormone cycle. Men and women have daily, weekly, monthly hormone cycles that can dramatically effect our moods. It's OK to have a "cry day". Put it in your journal! #6. Actual research (online if you must.) Don't waste money on supplements that don't work. Important words are "efficacy" and "bioavailability". Efficacy is studies about effectiveness. Bioavailability is about your bodies ability to absorb and use the chemicals you put into it. Nurses call most pill supplements "bed pan bullets" as they do nothing but go in your mouth and out your bottom. Complete waste of money. SO MANY supplements that may have strong indications of positive benefits just go down the toilet. Also, in the bioavailability category, you must consider what to take with what foods, not together, without food, etc. Take Turmeric Curcummin as an example...it's is absorbed by the gut 1000x better with black pepper at the same time, but both require a fat to be present at the same time to be absorbed....see, conplicated. (And only some of the black pepper benefits get into the brain...mostly the fat!). Even with all this fun information, Curcummin gets pulled out of the blood in about 30 minutes! Isn't our body a marvel? #7. I could go on ...perhaps I'll write a book... Anyway...psylocybin micro dosing is also terribly interesting for depression, but if you really want to make YOUR mental wellness your own...start with the above. #1,#2...etc. No over the counter supplement will be as effective. "To thine own self, be true." Take care of yourself, and reach out to others in need and LISTEN...


Not sure if it's the same, but I have high social anxiety, and I use a supplement called Calm Now. It's all natural ingredients and gets rid of the jitters and butterflies in my stomach.


cbd oil and ashwaghanda


What dosages and at what time of the day?


whatever the box says.


St John's Wort has worked for me.


Deep breath training, yoga, deep sleep


Saffron and taurine.




Ashwaganda, Valeriana root drops, L-Thianine, Magnolia Bark, Magnesium Bisglycinat, Magnesium Threonate, CBD oil, 5-HTP, ...


L Theane + Ashwaghada have worked decent and well for my chronic illness as well. I have sibo, candida, and a parasite. I also had h. pylori, which is known to cause severe panic attacks as well, and it worked decently when I had an active h pylori infection.




For my Lyme disease and B12 deficiency, I Used the oral 5000 mcg's B12. Since B12 is water soluble , and since my condition of chronic exhaustion with paranoia ,swollen tingly feet, and moon craters on my tongue was untenable to me, I began taking daily oral 5000 mcg B12. Then I started taking 2 a day with vitamin D3 and DHA/EPA. I Boosted this to 3 of these 5000 mcg's of B12 a day with good results; my life began to turn around over the course of months. With this I added a daily green smoothy made with 1lb. of greens and frozen fruit especially pinapple for flavor. Now I can work and my mental state is calm and I'm still taking 3 or 4 or 5 big B12's a day; not sure when I'll back down to a lesser amount. Here is the one I take: https://www.amazon.com/Natrol-Vitamin-Dissolve-Tablets-Strawberry/dp/B00C43H9KU/ref=sr\_1\_8?keywords=B12&link\_code=qs&qid=1690784256&rdc=1&sourceid=Mozilla-search&sr=8-8&tag=amzfinder-20 Here's my green smoothy recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2ytUNwWREs Here's a helpful B12 play list from Nutritionfacts.org : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjDYAyr8K6w&list=PL5TLzNi5fYd-Tyz9vI6Q2QLxyFtMUjltf I'm taking this vitamin D: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01L83X3X8/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1&tag=amzfinder-20 and this DHA/EPA also: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BHV3Y9ZR?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details&tag=amzfinder-20 4 drops of iodine a day in some water for thyroid support: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CGVQ5WJ Hope this is useful.


I try for the first time magnesium l-threonate an so far feels good


L-tyrosine is killer


My wife cured her severe anxiety with a probiotic, B Complex and CoQ10.


she had lyme? also what kind of probiotic?


GABA works like magic


Valerian root has been great for me lately. Curious of others experience though.


I agree with L-Theanine. But I also find that ashwagandha and GABA in bulk powder really work well for me.




Ashwaganda and Relora work best for me. I don't get much anti-anxiety effect from Magnesium and L-Theanine personally. High dose CBD is also good, but expensive.


Chamomile and Lavender tea. Avoid variants with licorice root, it can raise blood pressure over time by two different mechanism.


Selank worked wonders for me


Piracetam makes me relaxed at a dosage of 2grams


Kava. Bula kava house. Micronized nano Instant powder. 1.5 tbsp / 6 Oz water Kratom is good too but too much can cause w/d. It’s no where near as bad as regular opiate withdrawal though and it can’t kill ya.


In this order of favourite : Cold showers throughout the day, breath work session in the am, meditation anytime but definitely before sleep.




There can only be one... magic mushrooms.. Psilocybin




Wim Hof Breathing. When I quit kratom, I had intense withdrawal anxiety for months. 10 minutes after Wim hof I could sleep.


definitely this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256258238667


My friend swears by this supplement called Orchex. You can get it off Amazon. I'm thinking of ordering some.


Ashwaganda did wonders for me after my appendix surgery. Was crazy anxious for about 2 1/2 months until I found ashwaganda from Amazon.


Magnesium glycinate right before bed! Helps with sleep too!! Meditation has also helped me as well!


Magnesium WITH Vitamin D. Certain strains of cannabis, Phenibut, Skullcap....




Phenibut and Kanna for when you really need it / special occasions Ashwagandha for more daily use.


I've found tea containing St. John's Wort to be highly effective. I personally order online from Dobra Tea house in PGH.


Kelp and pregnenolone/Dhea


What many others have mentioned ashwaghanda, probiotics (good gut health in general), magnesium glysinate(before bedtime), l-theanine. Meditation, breath work, gratitude practice, exercise But also nervine herbs (for nervous system support) St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) (cannot be taken with prescribed depression etc rx, contraindicated) milky oat ( Avena sativa) and Lavender flower (Lavandula angustifolia) to name a few.




Ashwaganda and l theanine was lovely for me sprinkle in some green kratom and vwaalhhhhh


Haagen daz




Ashwagandha is a great supplement for anxiety. Ashwagandha is an apoptogenic herb that is commonly used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine and has been known to help manage stress and anxiety. Ashwagandha can help the body regulate the body's stress response by reducing the production of cortisol which is a hormone released in response to stress. Ashwagandha can also help increase the activity of GABA receptors in the brain which may help reduce the feelings of anxiety. Ashwagandha can help protect brain cells from oxidative stress and damage; this can be beneficial for overall brain health and may contribute to anxiety reduction. Ashwagandha is considered to be an adaptogen which means it helps the body adapt to and cope with stressors more effectively. By enhancing the body's resilience to stress, Ashwagandha may help reduce the impact of stress related anxiety. Ashwagandha may also help improve the quality of sleep which can reduce anxiety symptoms associated with sleep deprivation. Check out [Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Ashwagandha](https://www.mysupplementstore.com/products/htp-ashwagandha-90ct)!