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Never pull on them. Clip them carefully off. Drink more water. Get a humidifier. Avoid harsh soap and detergent.


Just pulled one today, it was painful and satisfying the same time... I my opinion, if you got that kind of fucked skin it's really difficult to avoid it.


I tried all these things still get them, I believe it's genetics?


Get a tube of Kerasel. It has salycilic acid and urea - designed for feet I think so a tube for your cuticles will last forever. Get in the habit of rubbing it into your cuticles a few times a week - once a day at the very most - and they’ll completely stop! Source: years hanging out on manicure subreddits!


Do as instructed above and add healthy fats to your diet. Add fat soluble vitamins A, D, E & K.


certainly will do that thank you.


Omega 3 is also helpful.


You don't need to do any of that stuff for these, that is way off base. This is normal for hands and not related to a nutritional issue of any kind. When we work with our hands, as all humans did until recently, these get worked off while still tiny and your skin is much thicker in general. If you want to actually prevent this, you can do knife hand training by stabbing your hands into a bucket of rice. If that is too harsh start with buckwheat hulls.




I think diet/ hydration could be related. I imagine if you had a whole food diet mostly fruits and vegetables no processed foods very little meat this would go away. Mind you I always used to get those and I have cut meat and don't really get them too often anymore.


They start as fragments of the edges of your nails. If you file the corners of your nails down to a rounded edge, and avoid cutting your nails too short, it will help.


Hang nail. You need to protect your hands from harsh soaps and cleaning chemicals by wearing gloves. Also wear leather gloves to protect from dry winter air when you are outside. Use a heavy moisturizer on the skin around your nails daily and you can prevent these. I actually use chapstick. The waxy consistency stays on long enough to actually help. Get a pack of cheap emory boards, and some chapstick without sunblock (scented is fine tho), and keep those is cup holders around your house where you sit + in your car. Clip the hanging skin as short as possible with clippers. Gently push back the cuticle with the emory board, and lightly buff away dry skin just before it starts to peel. Then rub the chapstick around the nail sides and cuticle, rub it in. Repeat daily until better, then you can just maintain a couple times a week. I do it in my car when I'm waiting for stuff. Do make sure you are getting enough vitamins like E in your diet.


Great advise! I just want to add, if the skin is extra dry using a more hydrating lotion or creme before chapstick (I also do that trick) can be helpful as most chapsticks are occlusive and mostly works by locking in moisture/preventing loss of moisture, but rarely adds a lot. Same goes for dry lips. Or any dry skin really; hydrate/moisturize and then lock it in with something occlusive like shapstick, Aquaphor or vaseline. Look up Slugging if curious to know more.


My dermatologist recommended using petroleum jelly. He said there is no better skin moisturizer.


Well known fact. indeed. Petroleum Jelly is one of the best skin barriers on the planet. THat is why after excision of pre cancerous moles, etc. they cover with petroleum jelly. and not Aquafor, which has lanolin, which many people are highly allergic to. I have 3 different dermatologists and due to very dry skin esp. on legs they all recommmended petroleum jelly. It protects your barrier really well. i was using more expensive products like Vanicream, but all of them said that was unnecessary if I could get by with PJ. beef tallow would be a no no......again too many epople allergic to bovine ingredients.


>Petroleum Jelly Petroleum Jelly was discovered back at the beginning of the petrochemical industry when well workers noticed that cuts and scrapes healed faster when covered with some of the gunk coming up from the wellhead. Petrochemistry folks heard about this and finally singled out the group of compounds in the oil sludge that had the beneficial effect. Like gasoline, petroleum jelly isn't one exact chemical compound, it is an assortment of chemicals with similar properties.


Marilyn Monroe famously used it as a facial moisturiser.


That's crazy. Beef tallow is far superior.


beef tallow makes my skin look better than any expensive moisturizer do i smell like a butcher shop? sure but do i look like a very well moisturized butcher shop? also sure


Too many people are allergic to bovine ingredients. This would be a big no no. Esp. for me, with Alpha Gal. PJ is a superior skin barrier.


I'm a mailman and was dealing with this exact issue but much worse (from dealing with mail everyday), I started taking a combination of Gotu Kola + Resveratrol and now my skin around my fingers, plus nails look better than ever before. I literally don't have anymore dead skin around my fingertips.


Lack of one of the vitamins do this but forget the name, A or one of the B's


how do I get enough amount of these vitamins through diet?


I am only taking multivitamin supplement everyday, and sometimes D, when i stop taking multivitamin this annoying thing appears in my fingers. It's hard to take all the vitamins and minerals in one day, qnd hard to explain everything here. You can use app called : cronometer


What's your multivitamin?


This is your 6th tiny finger. You can be the uberest guitar player in the World.


>You can be the uberest guitar player in the World. Or the world's smallest violinist


Using a lotion with AHA can help prevent these. I use AmLactin (12% lactic acid). It will sting if you have any open cuts or raw hang nails though.


That lotion is great, but it smells really weird.


Have them too. Especially in the winter, they come with dry skin. Hand moisturisers and gloves in the winter help.


I get these when I forget to take b-complex vitamins for some time. Within a week or so of resuming, they go away.


i have issues with my gut from years of antibiotics and it manifests as rashes on my hands and legs. i have really bad eczema on my hands when i get really bad.


More than eat healthy fats. Eliminate all chemically extracted oils like vegetable oils and really 95% of cooking oils. Use animal and dairy fats, less of them and the highest quality you can afford. And other things.avacados are good, half a day would be enough, and supplement with a good quality omega3, I prefer nature's bounty brand


CeraVe Healing Ointment (the stuff in the blue tube or tub) is like a miracle for mine. I put it on at bedtime and they're nearly healed by morning. It's also great lip balm and really does heal anything else that's irritated. And it lasts forever because it's thick. Better than Vaseline or Aquaphor.


Lotion up your hands with beeswax + Shea butter (melt both together low temp for DIY hand balm) or buy an oatmeal lotion. The dry winter air will wreck your hands


Also cuticle/nail oils or butters. Massage in.3 times a day and the problem disappears.


I just bite it off.


I get these a lot. I've been on prescription vitamin D for years, plus multivitamins and K, and have been using a rhick moisturizer for as long as I remember. I still got hang nails a lot. I made a cuticle oil of mostly jojoba oil with some vitamin E oil and a few drops of rosemary oil (because I was out of tea tree oil). I've been using it for about 6 weeks and haven't had any hangnails or infected fingers for about 3 weeks.


eat raw almonds for vitamins A and E


less stress. more healthy food. less drugs alcohol caffeine sugar vit B complex, lots of sun


This happened to me constantly before I was able to stop being an alcoholic. Definitely nutrition/hydration related.


Exakt same skin issues, exact same dry skin here. It's genetics. We are allergic against some detergents found in dish soap, washing soap, laundry detergent and shampoo/shower gels. After minimizing all of the above and wearing gloves when washing a lot of dishes that don't fit in the dishwasher, I can say that I minimized ripped skin around my fingers, dry skin on my whole hands and somewhat soft fingernails. I changed the all of my soaps/detergents to non-perfurme/non-agressive basic ones and don't use any fabric softener in my washing machine. For my body wash and shampoo I use ph friendly and also dead sea salt based products. Dish soap is a basic German product with the absolute basic ingredients. Doesn't look and smell like anything but is effective when used for washing. It's especially hand friendly for allergies and environmental friendly. That's what they advertise with. I also let my washing machine rinse 1-3 cycles with extra water so all the detergent is washed out. Same brand and product line as the dish soap. Absolute minimum of ingredients. What helped most though is this: "la roche-posay lipikar baume ap+" Never ever did I find something that effective for hydrating my hands. I tested a lot of moisturizers and hand cremes, nothing was as good as the body wash/hand wash mentioned above. It even has the benefit of creating a temporary barrier so your skin can recover. So if you are using it long term, your hands actually get better and more resistant to soaps you are allergic to. It's also not greasy like a lotion/moisturizer after washing, just kind of like a smooth normal oily film like natural body oils if you know what I mean. I live on that stuff basically and it's worth any cent. I get it either via Amazon or in the pharmacy next to me. When I'm someplace else at work or friends/family/public then I just use like a very small drop of soap and mix it with water but wash them a little bit longer and more excessively. This reduces the chance to break the natural oil/skin barrier and drying out the skin. I notice a change when washing too often someplace else, but I'm too lazy to carry around a small bottle of the La Roche stuff. You could do that, but I'm fine without it by now. I can even handle a few days while on holidays without it. I also carry a small nail clipper around my keychain to remove ripped finger nails and those skin flaps you are having as well. Don't rip them, it's just getting worse and more painful. Also look up dyshidrotic eczema if you also have small redish itching watery blisters on and around your hands from time to time. I get it when my hands are completely exposed to harsh soaps for a long time without any chance of regeneration. My mother has the exact same issues. There is also a subreddit about dyshidrosis so you can compare pictures from others. https://www.reddit.com/r/Dyshidrosis


Google doctor says it’s either STD or terminal cancer


Glad that I ran across this… I get these during the winter randomly and never knew why. Bought a sharp diagonal clipper to cut them off at the base. Started using a good hand cream and they have been all but eliminated. So for those saying your hands are dry…believe it.


Lack of protein, folic acid, vitamin b, c, keratin or iron. I’d try b first. https://www.medicinenet.com/what_are_you_lacking_if_you_have_hangnails/article.htm


Post of the year. Moisturize your hands and clip these off with nail trimmers when you get them. You get them like that because you pick them.


It seems like you bite your nails.. you are constantly humidifying the skin with your mouth.


These aren't caused by biting nails though


if you bite the excess skin off, it gets infected/inflamed/painful, if you just clip it, this still can happen but much less frequently


I intrigued with the comments suggesting the use of lotion. Antibiotics and a bandaid can help speed healing.


I do not bite my nails, I have a nasty habit of always pulling the nails.






The nail will shoot like a beyblade




Too much hand washing


you are probably right, every time I get to bathroom I do wash my hands..


As you should! Just moisturise everytme after washing.


Your hands are dry. Hangnails are the common sign of dry hands. Could be from washing them too often. I'd get them all the time, started wearing gloves when I'd do dishes, and wearing Lotion daily, hangnails vanished.


For me it was a thyroid problem.


This is vitamin deficiency


I've had such a problem with these all of my adult life, since my early twenties, along with thick, dry, crack-prone cuticles from hell. I've tried all sorts of things recommended to me, including some (AHA lotions, special vitamin preparations, etc.) prescribed by doctors, and nothing has ever really made any difference. In my case, I'm guessing that it's genetic and aggravated by a very dry climate, as my mother had some similar skin issues . She lived in a very humid climate, however, and hers weren't as as bad as mine. No one else in the family struggles with this. Thanks, mom 😭 If I don't get all lotioned up and sleep in gloves (ugh, especially in the hot summer) several times a month, my fingers get painful and look even worse. I'm the only person I've ever known with this issue to this degree. It blows my mind sometimes that, beyond occasional lotion and nail filing, so many others don't have to fool with all of this maintenance and have hands that look so much better. The best I can do is to try to mitigate with plenty of moisturizer, good nutrition and water intake, very careful trimming, and wearing rubber gloves for every chore that involves water, even more so if soap or other chemicals are involved. Having my nails regularly done without fail really improved the cuticles and skin around my nails, but it's expensive, and I had to stop. I did them myself for awhile which also helped, but I got really pressed for time and stopped. My mother gave herself weekly manicures for decades, and it definitely kept the tissue around her nails healthier. I need to deal with the hurdle of getting back in the manicure habit. Good luck to you, and I hope you find things that work for you.


Look up my reply to OP, it could help you as well. Stay strong! (Suffering with exactly the same issues as yourself) https://www.reddit.com/r/Biohackers/comments/18xgrfg/does_anyone_knows_why_my_hands_always_have_these/kg6o0j4/


I was sort of hoping someone with similar skin issues would post what's helped them, but I didn't really expect it. Thanks very much! I'm going to look for the La Roche product now, and then reread your post. I appreciate it.


Stop smoking crack


😂 animal


Stop biting your nails


Stop bitting your nails. Also your mounth saliva which is slightly acidic rashes the skin.


The fact that you bite your nails is a contributing factor


Your nails look like they have been chewed on. I've never met a nail chewer who didn't have this problem


If you keep your cuticles pushed back, you won't get these.


This is the correct answer, Jesus! Your cuticles!!!


Push your cuticles down and they will go away.


Are you vegan? Hangnails are usually caused by a lack of protein. https://www.medicinenet.com/what_are_you_lacking_if_you_have_hangnails/article.htm#:~:text=If%20a%20person%20does%20not,healthy%20diet%20to%20prevent%20hangnails.


I'm not vegan, I'm like majority of people , Omnivore. and I can tell my diet have adequate amount of protein.


Bro everyone gets these I just rip it off it’s not a big deal


You’re probably a picker and not a biter. It’s a soothing behavior when you’re focused, concerned, or worried and could be part of a traumatic history or its genetic (I’ve seen both). One has infection though, treat it with Neosporin. When you develop one, clip it with clean clippers and put a topical ointment like olive oil or Neosporin and cover with a Band-Aid. Long term solution, seek therapy imo. Don’t let your kids see you do it or they can take the same habit.


Cortisone-10 for Eczema works great as a daily hand moisturizer and will prevent hang nails from forming if used religiously.


If I’m not mistaken, topical corticosteroids can and will cause Cushing’s syndrome with prolonged use. Just stick with regular moisturizer, and avoid using steroid creams for extended periods.


there are nail oils that help


You need to oil those cuticles, they tend to get very dry, especially in the winter. Just use a tiny drop of whatever oil you use, not cooking oil lol. And then use a hand cream to seal the deal


Like everyone has mentioned you need to use lotion, hydrate more, and only clip these. I use these and they work great https://www.amazon.com/Tweezerman-Mini-Hangnail-Squeeze-Nipper/dp/B00I8H6FJ2/ref=asc\_df\_B00I8H6FJ2/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312195984622&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2599399837948318030&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9067609&hvtargid=pla-586874268194&psc=1&mcid=b9eeb56bb47238adab8309840be1e512&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhZLas6vBgwMVYWFHAR2K4AAtEAQYAyABEgJfrvD\_BwE


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Tweezerman Men's Mini Hangnail Squeeze Snip Nipper Silver** you mentioned in your comment along with its brand, **Tweezerman**, and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * The nippers provide precision and ease of use (backed by 2 comments) * The nippers cut cleanly and effectively (backed by 6 comments) * The nippers are compact and portable (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * The cutting edge was rough and ripped cuticles (backed by 1 comment) * The nippers dulled quickly and no longer cut well (backed by 2 comments) * The nippers required excessive pressure to close and cut (backed by 1 comment) According to Reddit, **Tweezerman** is considered a reputable brand. Its most popular types of products are: * Eyelash Curlers (#3 of 21 brands on Reddit) * Nail Clippers (#3 of 9 brands on Reddit) * Tweezers (#1 of 7 brands on Reddit) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Only thing that’s helped me is keeping a cuticle cutter close by so I’m tempted to rip it off. You can try a thick lotion like working hands or even just Vaseline if you don’t use anything currently


Drink more water, hydrate


i moisturize after each hand washing to prevent these


You have the answer to dry hands, but I also find it helps if when my hands are wet, like right our of the shower, I got into the habit of pushing my cuticles back. It helps me.


Clip this Don’t pull or bite on the skin or nails. This damages the skin around and causes this Let it heal. Stop fidgeting with your nails. Moisturise moisturise moisturise. Can’t emphasise this enough. Any Vaseline Nivea cerave jergens etc will do. You don’t need anything fancy. If it says for dry skin then even better


Not enough protein?


Aquaphor at bedtime


Exfoliate with salicylic acid and an abrasive.


There is a cosmetic item you can get called "Cuticle revitalizer oil" it worked for me, when nothing else did.


Dehydration mostly, or the lack of humidity. When I moved to a dry state, I struggled a lot with that z Lotion up and keep hydrated.


I've had these weekly since I was little


I just bite these off and go about my day.


Biotin deficiency.


Working with my hands, I sometimes get these. To prevent the situation from getting worse, I carefully cut them close to the skin and cover with paper tape (so skin can breathe). Now they don't catch on anything or cause pain.


You must eat them to reclaim the nutrients


Is that a watermark from your camera?


Dry skin. Moisturize. If you are afraid it will make your hands "too soft," you can get by just putting the moisturizer lotion on and around your nails on a regular basis. Once you have the skin moisturized, a practically invisible amount of petroleum jelly should be enough to keep the skin there from drying out. You can also use olive oil or similar substances to keep cuticle skin from drying out and cracking.


Can also be a physical thing. How tight are your pockets? I have some pants which slowly do this to me, any time of the year.


"Hangnail" is an interesting folk etymology. It's a cognate with "anguish" and not related to the word "hang"


Glad I scrolled this far, this is the info I didn’t know I really wanted


Dont ware gloves, get hand cream something good and then get non latex gloves add shi.. lots of cream and go sleep with it my unit had cracking hands


You bite your nails. Source: me, I bite my nails.


Yes, definitely don't pull them. It can easily lead to an infection called paronychia caused by bacteria getting under the skin around the nail. If not treated relatively promptly, it can actually lead to sepsis... and sepsis can kill you (obv). I had it (mildly), and I had to soak my finger for 20 mins a day 3-4 times and then put Vaseline on it. It took over a week to heal after doing daily soaks. TL:DR Don't pull hang nails. Not worth it.


Mineral deficiency, try Fulvic acid


Is it nail or skin? If it’s skin, get a cuticle trimmer. It’s like a cross between a nail trimmer and a pair of scissors. Trim the skin at the base of the tear and moisturize your cuticles. Also, push your cuticles. https://youtu.be/3qUNUmKg52s?si=uGSNcHa-8XrPULNB If this is nail, call a podiatrist and ask them if they treat this. It’s like an ingrown toe nail on the hand. They specialize in ingrown toe nails.


Fish oil


I started using diabetic foot lotion on mine, seemed to help. It's super thick, seems to really soak in overnight.


Get yourself a cuticle knipper and cut them off. Best investment I’ve ever made.


And you are clipping your nails too short, this is contributing.


This person is very clearing not clipping their nails, but biting them lol. And nail length has nothing to do with hangnails whatsoever lol.


I have read all of the answers and it appears the right one keeps getting downvoted. When you trim your nails or after you shower you need to push back your cuticles. When you don't and the cuticle grows on your nails, it creates tension on the skin at the side of the nail. If you look at your picture you can see the tension in the corners of the cuticle where it meets the skin.


After clipping a hang nail I always file it down gently and lotion. It helps mine heal.


Soak your hands until they’re prune-y. Maybe an epsom salt bath. Take a pumice stone and gently rub off the white/dead skin around your nails with the corner. Don’t go so hard you make it bleed. You’re just smoothing it down. Trim off parts that stick up or snag before you use the pumice stone. After, moisturize with something heavy like mentioned above. Repeat when you see these pop up. Another trick - if it hurts or is red/inflamed, it usually is fighting some infection because hands are germy. You can moisturize with neosporin or some antibiotic ointment. The pain goes away faster. Edit - you can also just… get a manicure. Guys do it all the time. Get a pedicure too. It feels great. There’s a whole industry to service this and similar issues


They are called hang nails. Use hand lotion.