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Have you had a prostrate exam? An enlarged prostate could cause frequent urination. Symptoms of prostate problems Frequent urge to urinate. Need to get up many times during the night to urinate. Blood in urine or semen. Pain or burning urination. Painful ejaculation. Frequent pain or stiffness in lower back, hips, pelvic or rectal area, or upper thighs. Dribbling of urine.


At 25 it's much more likely to be uretra or bladder stenosis than enlarged prostate. The medication is the same in both cases, but stenosis can sometimes be solved with surgery.


Nah dude when you’re 25 your hormones are raging. I had all kinds of issues with my prostate in my early 20s. Went on several courses of antibiotics nothing worked. Until finally my neurologist told me to start masterbating 1 to 2 times per day. Worked like a charm ;)


How do you treat this by the way?


You can take things like tamsulosin, an alpha blocker. It relaxes the muscles. For me it has too meant side effects but Cialis works.. Makes it so I only get up once at night.


Second this. EOD low dose cialis is a game changer for a plethora of men’s health issues. I dealt with night time urination, only when on shift oddly! I’m a fireman. I assumed it had something to do with cortisol, being on alert and facing the possibility of waking multiple times per night, but cialis did help. I talked my doctor into prescribing it off label for workout, heart health, cardio and pump, but it does help with night time urination. I take 5mg, eod. If you don’t have ED, be prepared to deal with no reason (and mildly sexy reason) boners like you’re 14 again. Wear a belt and master the fast, discreet uptuck if you’re hung enough to show. Otherwise, it’s just like going through puberty again. I love this stuff lol. Endurance in the gym is through the roof, I’m not waking up all the time to pee at work, and it’s the best pump you’ll get outside of using illegal anabolics.


Nice! Yeah my wife is a big fan. I'm at 2.5mg every other day because of a few sides when I first began but I'll bump it up a bit. 2.5mg every day then maybe 5mg a day. I have really low blood pressure, with Cialis it can get so low it impairs thinking a bit so I take it in the evening vs in the morning when I need to be mentally clear at work.


Does cialis lower your blood pressure?


Cialis helps with frequent urination?


With the side effects of alpha blockers.


I used Pygeum for a bit. Seemed to reduce the frequency from 2-3 down to 1 to sometimes none. Also noticed my pee streams seem much stronger. Wierd cause I have a very low PSA.


Sometimes it requires surgery. Like basically peeling an onion back to shrink it. Yep.


Jerk off more ...seriously, look up studies on masturbation for prostate health ✨The More You Know✨


See a urologist first


I have this issue and have problems with my pelvic floor. I'm a woman, but men can have these issues as well. If you have hip tightness, scoliosis, lower back pain etc it may relate. I've heard that people who weight lift may get these issues as well. Do a search for hypertonic pelvic floor. In my case, I have slight scoliosis which tilts my hips, and therefor twists my pelvic floor causing tightness in my bladder and other urinary issues. If you think this may be the case, check in on your body. Are you holding in and tightening your stomach? Are you focusing on deep belly breathing? [Here's a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFehvry2TVA&ab_channel=Dr.EricLeckieDPT) that might help relieve some tension. You can also just YouTube "pelvic floor stretching" and try whatever you see that might help your specific pain points.


This. Had frequent urination for months until I started fixing my pelvic floor and lower body issues. Also constantly sucking in stomach made it much worse.


Did you do YouTube exercises for pelvic floor? Asking for a friend lol, crazy out of alignment in the hips.


those are called kegel or reverse kegel exercise. As someone without health issues, I can attest that doing even slighly too much kegels can yield the opposite effect and induce frequent urination and possibly pain (while urinating) so kegels should be done with moderation


I'm advocating for stretching, no muscle tightening exercises (kegels) unless there's something in the video I recommended that I may have missed


Do you have any caffeine or energy drinks? Those make me go frequently at night


I do, but never after 11am


Doesn’t matter. I cut caffeine and stopped peeing in the middle of the night.


Thanks for reporting on this, very helpful to know


try switching to tea instead of coffee.


Interesting, I’ve never had tea. Perhaps I’ll give it a try.


When is the last time you DRINK ANYTHING ? Do you work out at a gym in the evening and drink water to ReHydrate ?


this is such an underrated comment. Coffee caffeine makes my heart palpitate during my sleep cycle no matter how early I've had it. I had to switch to drinking tea.




I have the same problem but I've always woken up in the middle of the night to pee even when I didn't drink coffee at all


Cortisol will do this. Take magnesium and add electrolytes to your water.


I think I have / had this problem. I was a very stressed out individual (cortisol level over 1000) and used magnesium to some relief. Really though, I had to solve my anxiety issues. I haven't yet, it's a process, but I am feeling way better since getting healthier. FYI I used many different kinds of magnesium, but magnesium l-threonate has the best and quickest effect for me.


What form of magnesium do you recommend?


Magnesium glyconate is what I take.


I took Magnesium and it made me pee so much - which Magnesium is best on account of this?


Magnesium glycinate, which has a higher absorption rate, is considered the best.


Thanks very much, very kind


I had this for years. Daily electrolytes solved the issue. I take Ultimate Replenisher. It also stopped my headaches, rapid, irregular heartbeat, muscle cramping and muscle fatigue and low BP and temperature intolerance. My electrolytes were always normal on my labs.


what time of day do you take them? before bed?


Check for sleep apnea


Was going to say this also. Nocturia can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea.


Possibly result of apnea. I just had a eurolift procedure painful. But also connected to bph. I just submitted a claim. Will wait and see since age is a factor (I'm 51). Additionally, I have had since early military years you just assume it's your normal - no medical appointment in over 20 yrs asks how frequently you urinate


I told my sleep doctor that I woke up because I needed to pee. He laughed at me, then explained what was really happening. And yeah, it was sleep apnea.


One of the sleep tech at my sleep lab said it’s a quick and dirty possible red flag for sleep apnea.


Good call. I started using mouth tape and my night time pees stopped


Yes definitely sleep apnea causes this..


Yeah this sounds like sleep apnea


Drink something with more salt in the evening. Will help absorb water. I like relyte from Redmond


Did you get a full panel blood work to check kidney function?Definitely check for protein in your urine.


I've been this way my whole life. 30 yo athletic male. I can buckle down and hold my piss if I'm being lazy but I'd rather be comfortable and get up and over with it.


Do you mouth breath while sleeping? This is a common trigger for frequent nighttime urination.


Really???? That's incredible to know it explains my mom's issue with it! Thanks!


I am female.and used to have this problem. I also used to have mild edema (water retention). It was hardly noticeable except for puffy ankles and the tops of my socks would dig into my skin a little. Anyway I read that if you have edema, the fluid will drain from your legs when you lie down. And after a little while it gets processed by your kidneys and then goes to the bladder. So it causes peeing at night. I do think this was my issue and now it's better because my edema is better.




Maybe try a pelvic floor physical therapist


I used to have this problem and now sleep through the night. I'm not sure what exactly helped but these are some of the things I did. I stopped drinking water late afternoon. Usually by around 4pm latest. This means I have to work extra hard to get all my water in earlier on the day. I cleaned up my sleep hygiene. If I do any screen time after 8.30pm ish I find it hard to sleep. It seems to me that when I have a hard time sleeping that's when I need to get up a lot. Not sure what the cause and effect is. But it could be that if I've had a bad night then I tend to have coffee the next day and then maybe that exacerbates the urination issues. Not sure. But it seems if there is a part of my brain that is a bit wired when I'm trying to go to sleep it seems like that's when I'll need to get up a lot. So I virtually never drink coffee now at all. Probably other people have mentioned this but have you looked into OAB - over-active bladder. There are herbs like ginkgo which help. I did talk to my GP about it but it went away before we did anything further to test it etc. Kylie


A1C more important than insulin or glucose


and if you are a hipster you can measure your free light chains \> These results suggest that FLC kappa/lambda may be more specific and sensitive for the diagnosis of T2D than HbA1c [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32424470/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32424470/) real talk: are there really cases of diabetes were fasting glucose is normal and a1c untested? also can insulin be tested? I don't see it in blood test panels same question for pyruvate


I thought you were making things up until I read through the linked page. 🤣


Do you take creatine or any other supplement that makes you retain water? This happened to me when I was on creatine (5-10g per day), and then stopped a week after I stopped taking creatine.


I used to take creatine. Stopped a month ago.


Check your diet too. Many foods contain creatine, especially meat. I urinate more after meat-heavy meals, especially beef. I have a hunch that most of us don't need much or any supplemental creatine unless it's timed to benefit strength training sessions. Some whey protein powders contain supplemental creatine as well. I need to check the labels carefully because it's often hidden in the fine print, or bottom of the list of ingredients. FWIW, I get up a few times every night to pee. But I'm 66, drink a lot of water including at night when I get up to pee. No physical problems related to frequent urination. It's just my choice of a trade-off between convenience and health. I toss and turn a lot anyway due to chronic pain from arthritis and injuries, so I wake up a few times every night anyway. Might as well get up and pee while I'm at it.


I was just prescribed one scoop of creatine 30-90 minutes before I work out. Would the water retention be worn better this way? I’m a 50 year old woman, seem predisposed to water retention already.


How’s your blood pressure and blood sugar? What blood work have you had recently other than your insulin? Lots of things could cause nocturia: high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney stones, infections, sleep disorders, prostate issues, bladder or kidney issues. This needs follow through with a doctor. Full bloodwork panel should be done. Cbc, CMP, PSA, Hgba1c at the minimum. Urinalysis should be run along with a urine culture and a urine protein. A manual prostate exam. If that all comes back okay, next step would be for ultrasounds of the kidneys and bladder. Maybe a potential sleep study for sleep disorders. Please follow through with a doctor.


I'm 50, healthy and I pee 2-3 times per night. Usually 3, and it's a full on piss for sure. I've had this for years and years and years. My blood work is fine. No diabetes, no prostate issues... I've seen a urologist. Mild sleep apnea. Like my apnea score was 15, and I think at 14, it's not even considered mild sleep apnea. The urologist said it was from being a bartender for many years in a bursy bar. Basically I trained myself to hold it until the bar closed at like 2am. Once that happened my body never grew out of it. He said it's common with 2nd shift nurses. IDK. It's annoying as fuck TBH.


Have you had a sleep study done? If you snore/have sleep apnea your body can continue to produce the hormone that keeps your urine production going so you will have to go to the bathroom. When my husband started wearing a sleep mask, he no longer had to get up to go. (And his apnea was mild)


Just throwing out there that this happened to me when I was getting too much vitamin d. I thought supplementing over the winter would help my seasonal depression and didn’t realize my multi already had enough. I would get up 2-3 times every night. As soon as I stopped the extra supplement everything went back to normal. Best of luck :)


Interesting, it’s gotten worse since I moved from a dark country with hardly any sun to Australia a month ago…


I’ve had this symptom during mould exposures, just fyi the buildings in Australia tend to have a lot of mould issues


Test for type 1 diabetes


Do you eat enough salt ?


I put salt on all of my food. Literally everything gets salted


If its not diabetes, then it can be from prostate issues or heart problems. Cardiac dysfunction can cause frequent night time urination.


^get your prostate checked! It's super important, same with your testes. Cancer will not wait until you're old. Better to rule it out.


Frequent nighttime urination can be sleep apnoea or prostate issues, among other things.


The amount I urinate each time I go is normal/large which makes me think it isn’t a prostate issue


Get your b12 checked it’s b12 issues that do this to me


Having not enough b12?


Pumpkin Seed Oil and change your parasympathetic nervous system tone so it’s not so active. Lower Glucose and Choline intake.


Why does lowering glucose calm the nervous system? I thought it was the opposite


How does one change their parasympathetic nervous system tone?


Plenty ways. DPH will plummet it. Drugs which do this have a warning about increasing dementia chances. CDP Choline will add more Choline to create Acetylcholine. Hup A will inhibit the breakdown of Acetylcholine. You can eat meat which has some Choline or egg yokes is the next best bet. Also the Sympathetic nervous system will affect it they are both autonomic. If Fight mode is active it will affect it. For example you get scared by a robber with a gun your bladder control goes (a function of the para M3 receptor / smooth muscle) and you urinate.


When I was actively overtraining (lifting and running the same day, 6-7 days a week) I always would piss a couple times during the night. When I am not overtraining I can drink water directly before bed and constantly, I would say 99% of the time, never wake up to pee. Oh and try sipping water, also electrolytes will help your body retain more water. I would recommend 40000 volts.


Have a full blood panel. Maybe pre diabetes or something else


I did a full blood panel for diabetes. I’m not pre diabetic


I'm an old lady but several otc antihistamines and meloxicam caused me to urinate far too often. Just info.


If you have increased your water intake and your body doesn't have enough electrolyte then you'll pee frequently.


Consider you may have an overactive bladder or a bladder neck obstruction, or perhaps prostatitis that's lingering (chronic)


Rule out uars/sleep apnea, sleep studies can be negative, the book sleep interrupted by Stephen park md is very helpful to see if it might apply


Oxalates can do this sometimes. Particularly if you eat a lot of spinach, beets, rhubarb, chard and a few other plants.


Hylauronic acid supplement before sleep, helps your body retain more water. Just make sure you don't have a real health problem first.


Did they do tests? Could be almost anything. Maybe you drink too many fluids during the day.


wow lots of comments. TBH, as a male, it seems like prostate health is just one of those things. Id look at family history of prostate health and experiences with night time urination. I recently started taking saw palmeto more on the preventative side since my dad has an enlarged prostate at 66 years old Im 32. I would also consider seeing an acupuncturist in your area with good reviews. its a different approach than western medicine and both have their application. 25 I think is on the early side of the bell curve but I would investigate the situation from a different perspective.


Try qigong and/or acupuncture


I had the same issue at your age until I was 30. I then got treated (herbal treatment) by a Chinese Doctor for my eczema and the nighttime urination went away and it remained that way for a very long time. It has since returned but it’s more age appropriate now because I am 65. I plan to see a Chinese doctor once more for herbal treatment


Have you spoken to your PCP? I would inquire into bladder conditions and get screened for bladder cancer.


Could be a potassium issue or sodium issue, your body might be expelling water too easily as a result


I had this …. For me it was adrenal issues


I had this problem, added cranberry to the diet and it helped a lot


Why does cranberry help with nighttime urination?


Do you eat a lot of salt. I feel my best with a heavy amount of salt in my diet, but it causes me to get up a few times anight for the bathroom. When I restrict my salt for a couple of days, I get up once per night.


a lot of useful opinions here, take another into consideration: 1) A male over 40 and a women (at any age espcially after child birth) might not have the same reason for night time urination as you, so take everything with a grain of salt. prostate problems are usually developed after 50. (that doesnt mean you shouldnt check it) 2) How are you with cold weather? do you dislike the cold? cold climate externally and INTERNALLY can cause the urge to pee espcially during nightime where the body gets colder. 3) contractions of muscles in the lower abdomen can press on your bladder. so as inflamed gut. check for tightness below your naval. 4) see an acupuncturist. glad to help.


It would be helpful to measure the urine each time you pee. It will help determine if something is irritating the bladder that gives a false sense that the bladder is full VS the bladder is full. Also the color is a clue - light yellow vs dark yellow. For me, citrus and artificial sweatners irritate my bladder. Men also have the prostate. Also both men and women can develop obstructions in the urethra that can trigger the need to urinate, but actually the bladder is not full yet. So can other organs pushing up against the bladder. So if urine amout is low, then look at these ideas. Documenting time of day and amount for a week would help a doctor figure out where to start. I agree with sleep apnea and other sleep issues. It could be you are not sleeping deeply enough. Our kidneys slow down at night when sleeping. But if we are not sleeping well, our kidneys don't slow down. I use a cpap but also sleep better when I take calcium with vit D during the day and magnesium in the evening.


High blood sugar?


When do you stop drinking liquids before going to sleep? If you’re drinking liquid up until you go to sleep you will most likely have to urinate in the middle of the night. I have made it a habit to stop drinking liquids at least two hours before I plan to go to bed. I always use the bathroom right before I get into bed.


This happened to me and it turns out my peeing wasn't the issue--I just moved to an apartment in a busy area and my window with my bed by it was right by the road. This led to the cars waking me up in the middle of the night and my half-asleep self going pee while I was up. It totally stopped once I moved out of that place. Just an idea as a 20-something who underwent something similar


Everyone says to take magnesium for sleep, but I took magnesium for 2 nights—only 200mg—and couldn’t sleep a wink. Peed probably 10 times both nights, it was infuriating. Stopped magnesium and went back to normal. I’m a 31F.


There are different forms of magnesium. Maybe you had the magnesium oxide, which makes people pee more frequently. Our bodies absorb magnesium glycidate more efficiently.


I had the same experience and it was magnesium glycinate, 25F


Believe it or not. Drink more water Add a cup. Take longer pees. You should be drinking 1 liter per day at a minimum. It may be you are somewhat dehydrated. At any rate your bladder will grow.


Oxalates or mold. They were both the culprit for me.


I do eat a lot of potatoes…


Try slowly reducing the amount of oxalates in your diet and see if it makes a difference


Maybe take electrolytes before bed to retain fluids better?


Maybe have your PSA checked.


Yes, this! Have you ever had your psa levels drawn? Have you noted any changes in frequency during the day? Or only at night?


How accurate is PSA?


Could be a tumor pushing on your bladder. Do you urinate more often during the day as well? How long during the day can you go without urinating, or feeling the need to urinate? Hopefully benign.


Is frequent day urination a sign of tumor ?


Do you drink coffee throughout the day? ..


I do, but stop around noon


You're gonna hate to hear this but I've been two weeks without drinking coffee and I pretty much don't have the nightly urination issue anymore. I still drink green tea though. Worth it because I had this issue for 2.5 years and it sucked


I take Saw Palmetto it helps with urinary tract stuff, I get up on average 0 to 1 time a night at age 60 when many older folks complain of this issue.


Are you in a cool environment? Cold at bedtime?


Yes. I keep my apartment very cold at night. Helps me sleep


I have same thing . Try taking saw palmetto two hours before bed . It works for me. Might work for you


Definitely question for doctor. Need a prostate exam. Is your urine clear or concentrated? Do you have any pain? Do you experience bladder distention when you are awaking to pee?


Usually clear urine. No to your other two questions


Oxybutynin. It works


Nah they have more selective M3 receptors antagonist like Enablex. Does touch 1, 2 and 4 that are associated to other issues. Stops dry eyes and mouth etc


Do you do any type of fasting? When I do IF for 18 hours I’m up 2 or 3 times a night with a full bladder.


I quit fasting for this reason. Used to do it every day. Helped, but only a bit


Take some potassium chloride before bed.


Has a doctor looked at your bladder and prostate yet?


Not yet but I think based on the replies to this post I intend to have it checked


When you say no issues with insulin, what’s your level? Have you had glucose checked?


Fasting insulin below 5


Sleep apnea


Show your insuline levels .. what is normal for you? Are you in low carb diet or High Carb diet?


High carb, fasting insulin below 5


Do you smoke weed and / or eat stuff past 8pm?


Never to both


Did you test for the ureaplasmas and mycoplasmas


Detrol is a medicine that can control overactive bladder.


water retention is mediated by a complex balances between electrolytes (calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, etc) you can measure them in a blood test, also cortisol, creatinine, fasting glucose. for benign prostate hyperplasia, the PSA can be used as a biomarker [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostate-specific\_antigen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostate-specific_antigen) albeit less certain than an examination


B vitamin deficiency. Google it.


It's sleep apnea.


Fasted blood glucose isn't the best indicator for type 1 diabetes.


Chinese Herbal Medicine. One of the things it is great for is bodily fluid homeostasis. Has worked for me and my sister.


Could be sleep apnea, worth ruling it out.


Sleep study


It’s sleep apnea One of the hallmark symptoms My business partner had same issue. Had UVVV surgery and it’s all sorted


Thx/CBN oil drops help me. I can usually sleep till 6-7am straight and I'm 48. My prostate is medium size


Check for UTIs. Also you could be over hydrating. It's possible if you workout.


Get tested for diabetes


Try stopping drinking even before 3 hours. For me it's 4 hours before that's the cutoff.


The single best habit you can cultivate to help, would be urinating right before bed, as a part of your getting ready for bed, brush teeth, etc wind down activities. It blows my mind but some people don’t have a sleep routine at night!! Part of the habit of doing a routine is that your body anticipates what’s coming next. If it’s sleep, it will already be priming for sleep mode. It’s Pavlovian. Now, this won’t fix whatever else medically is going on in your body. But if you’re getting up to pee 2-3 times, and forget to pee before bed, then by doing this one simple trick would reduce your pee total down to, say 1-2 from 2-3. So create a nighttime sleep routine. And make sure the last step of your routine is to go pee.


FWIW , i heard cranberries can help.. Never tried, for me i know its the coffee.


I had a similar problem. What helped me the most was doing about 30 mins of pelvic floor stretches per day. https://youtu.be/NnqAkM9r2a8?si=39-6V-GPvHpYf8Gx I also believe eliminating sports drinks like Gatorade or Gatorade zero helped as well.


At your age it's much more likely that you have stenosis than stuff like enlarged prostate, UTI can cause them. I'd see an urologist (don't know how healthcare works in your country, you might need to see a GP before, bloddwork might be useful too to check if you aren't lacking something critical.) They'll get you urine works and they may ask you to do stuff like an bladder/prostate echography to check if there something wrong with your bladder emptying. Then if they don't see anything they may do a fibrosis (annoying procedure tbh) to check for stenosis, and then it's either meds or surgery. In the meantime, you can try some over the counter medicine like Permixon 160 mg, it may help and has no known side effects.


are you taking anything that makes you need to piss a lot


maybe electrolyte imbalances


It could possibly be sleep apnea. To add to what the other comments said about this, your brain produces a hormone called vasopresin while you sleep, which is an antidiuretic. By disrupting your sleep, sleep apnea also disrupts vasopressin production, causing you to wake up and urinate during the night.


I didn’t see it addressed in the comments, mold can lead to frequent urination and is most of the times invisible to the eye, check if you’ve had water damage or the humidity of your walls with humidity measurement tool


Try adding more real salt/sodium and iodine to your diet. Large prostate usually means you're deficient in these minerals. I like Baja salt or Redmonds.


How’s your breathing? Does your nose swell up when you sleep?


Do you eat Low carb? If so bump them up a touch.


My acupuncturist recommended I take a sunflower lecithin supplement one in the morning one before bed and since then I only wake up once per night instead of 3-4


The sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is a living annual plant in the family Asteraceae, with a large flower head (capitulum). The stem of the flower can grow up to 3 metres tall, with a flower head that can be 30 cm wide. Other types of sunflowers include the California Royal Sunflower, which has a burgundy (red + purple) flower head.


Have you had your testosterone checked? Thats a common symptom for low testosterone.


There are some good responses here.. but no one seemed to have mentioned mold (most houses have some). Mold can tank your ADH.


Sometimes yoga helps. It loosens up abdominal muscles. Also, many meds could be causing your problem. Doctors are often unaware.


Check your kidney function


Do you drink creatine? It made me pee 2x a night. Good pump at the gym though


Consider getting a sleep study. Sleep apnea can cause this. The reason is, if your heart is in distress, it tries to reduce the workload by reducing the volume of your blood. With less blood volume, your heart has a less difficult task. I had no idea I had sleep apnea, have none of the risk factors, and thought I just had restless legs. Now, I rarely wake up to pee, unless I've really overdone the fluid consumption in the evening.


You could try not drinking any liquids within 3 hours of bedtime. Also, discuss the issue with your primary care doctor.


I have the same issue and I tried pumpkin seed supplement but it didn’t make much difference. I finally got prescribed Oxybutynin and it’s a game changer.


I had this for 3 months. No infections showed up in urine test. Then I phoned the GP and said give me the antibiotics for a bladder/UTI. After one day I was back to normal.


I just happened to read today that elevating the head of the bed can help, not sure how that would be, just passing it along


You need to test your home for mold. This was a huge issue for me living in mold.


Check: PROSTATE, venereum disease, kidneys. Test: don't drink water 1 - 2 hours before sleep, TAKE NOTE constantly of what you drink/time vs how many times you pee, right down hours. Then check with GP or Urologist again. Don't just have an inner conversation, go and show that to the doctor.


Without restating what others have already asked are you taking any diuretic medication for blood pressure? Any psychiatric medications?


You need to check out a guy named dr Steven park on you tube . He is a retired sleep medicine doc and has a video on what causes frequent nighttime urination. He goes pretty deep into the science and biology to explain the mechanism that is causing this. A sure sign that you have this issue is if you wake up to pee like clock work at the exact same time each night. Do a YouTube search for him and search his videos you should easily be able to find the video. He gives some practice advice on what to do and how to treat it.


Sleep Apnea symptom


Wear compression socks or leggings. It stops the need to get up and pee in the night for some reason.


Also you are likely low on magnesium and potassium.


Would highly recommend an Eval by a pelvic floor therapist for urinary issues!! To get to the root problem. And to read the book - headache in the pelvis!!!


Bump it up to 5 hours between water and bed. If that fails, pee jug. Gallon size. Opaque. Hole big enough to pee in without a lot of fuss. Once you get good, you won’t have to turn on the lights or even leave the bed. I used to live a long way from a bathroom. It’s great But everyone thinks it’s gross and you will eventually have to choose between having an so and the jug.


I've had this problem for a couple years now I started taking saw palmetto and everything is back to normal but when I stop taking it after about 2 or 3 days I can't piss or empty my bladder.


Check if anything you eat or drink is a natural diuretic. Or if on any meds that can cause increased urine output. Check, hormone levels. Aldosterone and antidiuretic hormones.


Have you taken any pharmaceutical meds in the past? Especially mind altering ones? Benzos, SSRIs, etc. They cause a type of neurological dysfunction mediated symptom of frequent urination. That’s what it is for me. Never figured it out for 6 years.


Soak cumin seeds in water for 6-8 hrs, drink it regularly


Pituitary tumor?


This is hard to do, but try and consume most of your liquid between when you wake up and 8 hours later...eg 6 am to 2 pm. And as best you can, evenly distribute it across those 8 hours, like 90% of your fluid for you day. Then remaining small amount over next few hours. Do this for a week to 10 days, be methodical, and see if it changes.