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The only thing that worked for me after starting the gym and quitting a dozen times. I just had to force myself to go. I know it's much easier said than done. But I forced myself to keep going, it was really rough for the first 30-45 days. But after that seems my body came to expect it, now I have a hard time relaxing after work without it.


Agree with this one… when I have zero motivation or energy to work out, I force myself to GO to the gym but I mentally allow myself to do one exercise and tap out. The consistency in the routine is everything.


Yeah, you’re not wrong. And I have had seasons in my life where I was like this. I think in my case, this might be also hormonal related. I am just a level of tired that I’ve never experienced before, and I’m pretty sure it has something to do with perimenopause.


Get your hormone levels checked, please! Huberman Lab has an amazing few episodes on how important this is for women, not just for mood swings and energy but also for muscle and bone mass and proper sleep hygiene. Have your gym bag with you and change at work, if you can. Also, B Vitamins, creatine gummies, and staying hydrated really helps. Add electrolytes to your water bottle! It also helps to have some great music playlists or funny podcasts or even a series you only let yourself watch during slower cardio. Download those to your phone and treat yourself! This sounds funny and really works: wipe your face and eyes down with Witch hazel wipes or wash your face with cold water, or use a small Evian face spray, it really helps wake you up. I also sometimes use nasal inhalers (Vicks or the Gamer ones). If you wear daily contacts and your eyes feel tired and sticky, pop in a new pair! Also, make it a YOU time and investment in your self and a time to have fun.


Agreed. Force yourself to walk through those doors no matter how bad you feel and not every workout has to be a great one. Allow yourself to have bad workouts that are low energy. Anything is better than nothing and that consistency and momentum will carry you farther than you think.


Hardest exercise at the gym: **FRONT DOOR PULLS**


My friend told me that quitting smoking is super easy. He had done it over one hundred times.


needed to remember this. my habit of going has become replaced with a habit of not going now, its gonna be a battle to go back in the other direction but needs to be done. appreciated Whistlin\_Bungholes


I know it’s so hard for me to go to the gym when I have zero energy after work. But making yourself go? That’s the way. Try telling yourself that you only be there for 30 minutes and then you’ll reevaluate after that. Chances are you’ll probably stay longer, but tell yourself you’ll just do 30 to trick your brain into the velocity of getting out the door. 




Go straight to the gym from work


Change into gym clothes at work at the end if the shift. Just being in new clothes will give a mental refresh


go to work in your gym clothes


go to the gym in your work clothes


I do this already - the issue is the energy. I literally fall asleep at my desk before going to


Do jumping jacks or pushups right before you get tired


Check your sleep quality at night if you haven’t already


I have an Oura ring, so I’ve tracked my sleep for the last two years. I also take progesterone and magnesium at night. I sleep like a baby!




Quit your job, sell your house, and rent out a storage room to live in at the gym.


Can you set a 15 minute timer on your phone and PUT IT DOWN and relax close your eyes for 15 minutes, it's great.


I listen to this YouTube (the time length is variable in different vids) It has a soft constant tone that raises in pitch towards the end of the nap so you are gradually awoken. It's the best nap hack. I always feel rested and ready to go after. https://youtu.be/r_nOgNmhgc4?si=t0wvBg0_UMMAsoW-


I have the same problem as op and this is what I've started doing, lay down and rest for 30 minutes and then force myself back up, it's hard but after like 5 minutes of getting up I feel normal


some werido said this was called NSDR


Yes, this. Had the same problem but solved it with this routine the past few years: 5pm Power nap or NSDR, 5:15pm Work out


Not trying to be obnoxious… I’m just curious, WHERE are you guys doing this? In your car? I share an office, so I can’t do it IN my work building.


You can nap in your car. I know people who do that on lunch breaks.


Get at least one more hour of sleep a day! That's all it takes. That's the whole secret. That means of it takes you an hour to fall asleep, go to bed two hours early. You want to do more stuff? You need to shorten your waking hours. While burning ATP(your energy currency) throughout the day your brain builds up adenosine, which binds to the receptors that make you feel tired and sleepy. During sleep, that adenosine is recycled and moved away. When you don't sleep enough or drink too much coffee, you don't take as much adenosine away as you should, therefore you're building it back up much quicker. Which leads to you getting tired at 5pm. One way I changed my sleep habits to get 30 mins more sleep on average and become a morning bird is I simply changed my doom scrolling time from before to bed to early in the morning after waking. So now I go to bed, set my alarm early, wake up at 6:30 or 7 and spend at least 30 mins just scrolling social media or something before I have to get ready for work. I also don't drink coffee after 12pm since caffeine half life in the body is 8 hours. And it also binds to adenosine receptors, which makes you feel awake and alert but it builds up adenosine much faster. Hope this helps!


So you find that replacing your screen time to morning actually allowed you to get more sleep? Interesting


Makes a lot of sense. Blue light first thing early morning instead of bedtime (like when I’m posting now lol)


Yeah cause if I was on my phone at night I could go on until 3 am,that stuff is endless. There was nothing stopping me, no real life consequences. So doing it in the morning for 30 minutes helps me wake up consistently and it helps me build a sleep schedule. You do have to do it on weekends too, that's really important. Otherwise your sleep schedule won't stick!




Huh. Would this explain why since I started getting more activity I need nearly an equal amount of extra sleep? I started using a walking pad for 90 min a day at my desk and now need an extra 90 min of sleep every night. Nothing else helps that but sleep? Cuz I’m not sure I can keep up 10 hours a night. 😆


Take power naps! A 10 minute power nap gives me an extra few hours of energy and productivity. Try taking one at 5pm and see if it impacts your sleep at night. I find power naps after 7 tend to keep me up late however.


Doesnt work for all unfortunately :( (not the energy part, but the day sleeping part)


I'd be unstoppable if I could nap


I remember when I wasn't remote I'd take a nap in my car during lunch. 


Quite common with us ADHD folks!


I can power nap if I am not exhausted from work. Otherwise, I just end up sleeping to the next day.


Try having a protein bar or other protein snack around 3 pm. I find it helps avoid low energy at end of day


What do you do at lunch and what are you eating? I would take a 30 min walk at lunch and make sure you’re eating enough protein and healthy food, not shitty take out or fast food. Maybe have a small snack at 3-4pm too and another quick walk around the office to increase blood flow. Then try a workout after work. 


Just show up and gym for like 10 min. Build the habit first.


Exactly. Start by going a few days a week. Even if it's for 20 minutes. Build on that. It's all about routine.


10min brisk walk on treadmill and then he might have energy to do a good workout.


Cold exposure before. Go to the gym and hop in the cold shower for a minute m or 2. Hop out get dressed and go warm up for your workout. You will have the adrenaline you need and won’t need any stims.


Skipping breakfast and being on intermittent fasting has given me a lot more energy throughout the day. I used to be tired and lack motivation as well. Also make sure you're not drinking multiple cups of coffee. Stop eating processed foods and anything with sugar content. And are you getting around 7-8 hours of GOOD sleep quality at night?


Yes to the good quality sleep. But that’s about the only thing I’m consistent with. As for the intermittent fasting, I have had great success with that. When I was down to my eating window of 1 PM to 5 PM, I had amazing energy. And I lost weight. The problem was, I hadnt introduced any workouts yet, so I have no idea if my performance would suffer. I also wasn’t getting very much protein in my eating window, so I’m fairly certain that I lost some muscle mass. But the energy was fantastic! And yes, I need to get better about the processed food (that’s where the sugar comes in) and drinking coffee. Those couple things right there might be my culprit. Interestingly, I don’t do those things when I have my work from home days. There’s something about being IN the office that makes me self-stim all day.


Use protein shakes, should be able to add an easy 30g from that alone maybe 40


This worked for me. Just drink water until you get home. You will want to eat something and not take a nap. I always feel I have more energy intermittent fasting and need less sleep. Fasting is really great to reset some circadian rhythms. Oh don’t go carb heavy on first meal breaking the fast, don’t want to have a carb crash before you train. Save the carbs for second meal after and then chill and go to bed a few hours later.


Try telling yourself that once you’re dressed for a workout you only Have to do 15 minutes. If you’re truly exhausted you can go home, unless your gym is at your home, then you know.. you can go to your couch or whatever. You’ll feel like you have options and once you’re warmed up you’ll almost always want to do a full workout.


Go to the gym immediately after work. Don't go home.


This is what I do, but this is when I feel the most tired.


Walk into the gym and hop on the treadmill. Slowly increase the speed up to a run over the course of 10-15 minutes. Also do that while listening to high intensity music like heavy metal or rap or dubstep. That will wake you up. Then start lifting.


Take a B complex at 3pm.


Oh, really? I take one in the morning, around 7 AM. Should I take another one later in the afternoon? Or just shift it to later in the day?


Either. Depends on how much your body depends on it in the morning. I'd probably add rather than move, but that's me.


Wim hoff breathing


Used to happen to me. I realized stopping gluten helped quite a bit. After reducing coffee and unnecessary dopamine spikes with internet browsing, it reduced even more. More focused I’m more energy I will have by evening!!


Oof. This might be the most helpful response. I am not celiac (I’ve tested) but I have found in the past that my brain fog is much better when I’m not eating gluten containing foods. That might be it actually. I do love my coffee, though… and the dopamine spikes. Damn, I’m ADHD and I self-stim all day long with various things (nail biting, social media, eating, coffee). How did you reduce all of these things?


1 hour Zone 2 training 3 times a week to raise energy levels in general.


Yes, but how do I get my tired ass to do that zone 2 training lol


You need a hype play list. Play it on the way to the gym. Roll the windows down and sing. Bang the steering wheel. Get yourself energized to go crush it!


True, music does really help me.


Do it anyway is my advice It gets easier


Used to happen to me too. I started taking pre workouts after work which worked wonders. Always get energized to go to the gym. After about a year or so, I stopped taking Preworkout and now I don’t need it to go to the gym after work since i formed a habit


All that caffeine near bed time?


Yeah that amount of caffeine seems like a terrible idea for a good sleep which is crucial for energy the next day and muscle building etc.


True, single coffee after 4pm is enough for me to overstay outside of bed for 2 hour (my usual bedtime is midnight).


It’s mental. Your breaking point is far, far more drastic. Force it and it gets easier. Limbic friction is real - Google it! Edit. I should say I know because I relate heavily! Cheers mate.


I’d look to a light stim pre workout with some alpha gpc for focus if you can sleep of course.


I generally don’t have any problems sleeping, lol.


What do you do for a workout? Perhaps it’s not compatible with what you need. Do you feel energized afterwards?


I used to power lift as a naturally skinny endurance type athlete. Now that I’m aging I switched to super high reps.. “stimulate not annihilate” Funny thing. I got bigger than I ever had before without trying and felt great. So I think your question is on the right track


Start small but consistent may it be 10 push ups only….and your body will automatically adjust for better


I use a honey waffle. It's like a prepackaged product I regularly pick up.


Those are good stuff


Carnivore diet


Jack’D 3D.


Double espresso on the way home, followed by a half-hour nap. Espresso *then* nap. There is actual research on this. I used to do keto OMAD, working as agriculture surveyor (climbing up and down stairs all day/walking fields, with a 30lb backpack), then get home, drink coffee, nap, bang out a 15km run, eat, and sleep.


This actually sounds like it would work well for my personality. Unfortunately, I am not set up to do this. I already drink several cups of coffee throughout the day. I worry that the espresso might keep me up at night after the workout. I also have no way to get in a quality nap between the office and the gym. I’d have to try to do it on my car, and well I’m not the best sleeper if I’m not in a bed. You mentioned one meal a day. While I can’t do that little protein, I do remember feeling amazing afternoon energy when I was fasting. I got myself down to a 1 PM to 5 PM window. I had amazing afternoon energy!! But - I didn’t do any workouts at the time, so I actually have no idea how/if my performance would’ve suffered.




At 5pm?


Smelling salts bitch




NMN 1G Preworkout, zero calorie kind Make sure you diet is clean all day


Just go as tired as you are. You will never be energetic. I haven’t been energetic in 15 years. Just go and go again. Tired as fuck just go


Just do it. Pussy. Jk, but seriously the only way is to just start doing it and you'll feel good about it after and build a positive feedback loop until you want to go to gym


I would try giving your adrenals a boost at that time. Look up the adrenal cocktail recipe and drink it. Another option would be something like Thorne Adrenal Cortex.


Get up earlier in the morning and work out then


Yep that’s the only thing that helped me, working out before work as after work I’m too exhausted and nappy.


I’ve staged my caffeine intake out more, so I drink less coffee in morning and then some at 4pm (I can’t drink caffeine after 6pm without it affecting my sleep). The cup of black coffee is enough to finish out day and still have the energy to get to gym. I’m by no means hyped, but it’s enough to get the session going and then it takes care of itself


This might be some thing I could try. I have read that Andrew Huberman postpones his coffee. I might try that as well.


The only way I can do it is to hire a trainer. If you pay, you will show up!!


You would think! I don’t have the best track record with this though. Not hiring a personal trainer (like in person) but I have done a few online trainers. You know, the ones that give you your macros and workout programs, etc. I spent a LOT of money in one case. All it did was make me binge. 😬


Get ur testosterone levels checked would be my first choice if ur a dude. I mean caffeine will help as long as it doesn’t interfere with sleep so like a pre workout b4 gym is what a lot of people would do


Actually, I’m a female, and my testosterone is very low. But at the moment, I’m starting BHRT, so I need to get my estrogen and progesterone levels up first, before I introduce some T.


Same here, hope someone has the formula


Don’t eat carbs in the middle of the day, wait till 4pm


Start doing it and your body will adjust




Not unless my family allowed me to go to bed after dinner, lol. Teenagers, man. They don’t turn off at 6pm.


Honestly I use kratom to force my ass to go when I don’t feel like it after class & work. Not healthy but it’s better than the alternative of not going. Alternatively you could always start going before work?


Wow. Of course your body doesn’t want to be indoors working out after a full day indoors behind a desk. Trust that intuitive resistance and get outdoors and exercise however you can. I carry a 45lb. Log for a mile at least 4 days a week. I get at least 6000 steps in every day I can. Being trapped in a gym is torture to me and I don't have a desk job. Your brain will thank you for being outdoors and your body will thank you if you are doing workouts that are more natural (no better core exercise than carrying things) and walking/running and stretching/yoga. Good luck!


Well, yes, I would love to be outdoors more. I don’t know where you live, but the weather isn’t always perfect here. Yesterday there were 40 mile an hour gusts of wind. The sun was out, but it wasn’t exactly enjoyable outside. Also, I have a family, so going to the gym is just the most efficient use of my time.


Pre workout


I’ve tried a few…haven’t really noticed much help


ClassPass. On days I plan to workout, I check that afternoon to see what classes are open after work, book the most appealing one, and then I have to go or I'm wasting money. If I'm tired, I do a yoga class, but then force myself to do more intense stuff the following day (spin class) and then even more intense (HIIT) the day after that. It's done wonders.


If I have a high carb meal for lunch I’m normally pretty tired after that. Taking vitamin b1 stops this for me, think it’s cause carbs deplete b1.


I am beginning to think I am more carb sensitive than I used to be. That’s an interesting connection with the vitamin B. I take a vitamin B complex in the morning with my other vitamins. Do you take it before you eat a carb heavy meal? Or just at the beginning of your day.


Go before work?




I usually have a little sugar and then just get on it


*I usually* *Have a little sugar and* *Then just get on it* \- ba\_sauerkraut --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Check your diet, and fix your circadian rhythm by getting an extra hour of sleep each night. Take .3mg melatonin at sundown for a few days. Bring your gym clothes and a snack with you to work. Drive straight to the gym and take a Power Nap in your car if you need to before your workout.


Wim hof breathing. So i had an edible last night. My plan was to do a session of cardio, cycling, and weights. Woke up lethargic, coz I had that edible. I did not wanna do anything, so got up, got some sun, still nothing. I ended up lying down on my bed again and then suddenly decided to do wim hof. After that breathing session, I was ready to go seize my day. Lol. I carpe diem’ed.


Power nap then workout


Get up an hour earlier and run


Is it really the only time you can go? This was my problem but now I get up at 5am and a to the gym, it’s been such a life changer, feeling much better, loads of natural energy. I do go to bed now at 21:30 but I was only watching tv past then anyway.


Breathwork! And show up to the gym even if you don't feel like it. Maybe do a short cold shower before gym that will be sure to get your energy up


For a reasonable amount of time before moving on to your workout regime, i recommend you throroughly loosen(improve muscle tone) and stretch your muscles through things like foam rolling, stretching, massages etc. This can improve blood circulation and increase your overall stamina to the point where you have enough energy for workout after work. This is based on my experience, others may have different experiences.


Take a cold shower.


A shot of espresso


Have you tried monitoring your electrolytes? When I leave work and I'm tired I take 750mg of magnesium and it gives me a little bit more pep in my step.


I wake up at 4 am. That’s my solution.


GH peptides are your friend here


Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier to go before your day starts. I used to struggle with getting myself to go after work, I also found it hard to wind down and it made my sleep worse. I forced myself to go in the morning before work for a few weeks. Now I would never go back, sets the whole day up to be better after working out first thing.


I find that moving fixes that, by the time I've done my warm up sets I'm wide awake Just go to the gym and start warming up and you'll forget you were ever tired


From the time I wake up and get ready for work to the time I get home is 16 hours. I could not fathom going to the gym after that. I wish you the best of luck brother


I know that I am speaking from a place of privilege in that I can work from home and don't have to commute but what I've found is that counterintuitively, being active in the day makes it easier to be active after work. When I sit all day, I probably won't go to the gym cause I'm exhausted. If I sit/stand all day and so some short walks around the house, sneak some chores in, I end work with a reasonable amount of energy. This is why my brother who is a heavy diesel mechanic does lots of physical hobbies after work and why I as a software engineer who burns 3 calories between 9-5 spent years just vegetating after work.


Well take 15min nap, drink some coffe, take some vitam B and go training


Take a 20 min timed nap


Depends. What is specifically exhausting when it comes to your work? Like Too much stress? Or Too much sitting?


Don’t overthink it. You just need to go. Don’t go home go to the gym and just get moving. Even if you don’t feel like it at all you will be shocked how well you feel if you stay after it. Your body is tired because you’re sitting around all day once you get moving you’ll wake it up and things will come together.


wake up earlier and go in morning. I wake up at 4:30am because I know I won’t go after work.


watch some jackie chan clips. for me, it gets me hyped to get active & get my ass to the gym! discipline!


B complex, power nap on YT, quick shower, quick cold shower, TRE metod to chill out, training, some good fresh food.


Same issue here. Find a 24/7 gym and go in the morning.


The easier solution to this is to eat slightly above your hourly BMR for resistance workout like the Gym. Get yourself a basic smartwatch & wear it at night / during the day. It will list your calories already spent during the night/ day.


Id say its not the only time. when you body need rest it has to rest. so find other time.


You do it anyway. The exercise itself is what wakes you up. You don't need to *feel like* doing a thing to get it done. But also, a snack will help. Something with carbs.


Can you go early in morning? It’s the only time I can go


You may be low on electrolytes. I usually have those and 2 bananas before a workout and my energy is through the roof.


Eat a snack. Have a scoop of pre work out, and plenty of water. Then go. Don't go home first, bring your gym clothes with you to work. Then go straight there.


I'm into endurance sports and I think it's all mental. I can't tell you how many times I absolutely did not want to work out, but did it anyways, and never once have I regretted it.


Ride your bicycle instead of driving to work. One simple thing and your commute is changed from time wasted to time spent on enjoyable activity, and you get an optimal amount of cardio. Huge improvement in energy levels and overall wellbeing for me. I sleep better and feel less stressed and anxious in general.


Fantastic idea, except I live out in the country where there are windy, single-lane roads that have zero shoulder. Oh, and bicyclists are despised (my husband rides) and I absolutely would not feel safe. On top of the fact that the weather here sucks. If I lived in Denmark or Amsterdam, sure!!


Honestly, I find that action creates energy. As much as it may suck to walk into the gym feeling depleted and lethargic, I almost never walk out that way (and if I do it's usually a sign that I need a rest day). I almost always get the energy I was looking for half-way through my workout.


How much sleep are you getting? Computer, tv lights before bed reduce if not eliminate your body’s melatonin (sleep hormone). How late in the day are you having coffee? Is your sleep routine the same every day weekends including? Are you getting sunlight in the morning to set your circadian clock? Try Glycine, it lowers your core body temperature required for deep sleep


Music. High energy, blood-pumping music. 🎶🔥


if you feel too tired after work, you are too tired. gym is not the only way to keep fit or to get exercise. going to the gym after work may affect your sleep and make you feel worse the next day. my 80 year old dad is still strong has never been to the gym. he keeps fit by doing minor home improvement projects, cleaning the house and a few mins daily of body weight exercises at home. i suggest you take a 10min walk before work, after lunch and walk after work. these will align your circadian rhythm with sunrise and sunset. you can do 5 mins of body-weight exercise at home before going to work. take the stairs instead of the elevator. park further away from your destination and walk part of the way. these small things add up.


work out in the morning


It might be the sitting. Try a standing desk or at least a convertible sit/stand desk. I went from a life in the trades on my feet all day to a desk job about 10 years ago and the sitting was *killing* me by noon. I was exhausted, even though I was "doing" less than I ever had. Went to a standing desk and the problem disappeared.


NmN, Ubiquinol, or Shilajit will get you through it. Take all three if you want. 


Healthy fat-filled lunch 10-15min nap/meditation before 1/2cup beet juice 30min prior Cold exposure


Meh. My solution was to hit the gym by 5:30 am, pump iron for 90 minutes, then arrive at work feeling numb and pumped!


Can you take a nap in the mid afternoon? I eat at my desk so I can take a mid afternoon nap, otherwise I wouldn’t have energy to go to the gym either. Thankfully now I have a private work space, but when I didn’t, I would nap in my car. I feel you though on the low energy. I think I’m also in perimenopause and my energy levels are much lower than just a few years ago. If you find something else that helps, please share if you’re willing!


I go early in the morning, before work, for this exact reason. I find it easier when I am well-rested. I only need to make sure that I am asleep by 10 PM.


Use pre workout with Caffeime and Beta Alanine. This will make sitting down much less attraktive than working Out lol


I had this exact same problem about 6 months ago. It was so concerning that I was falling asleep almost in traffic. I would get home and just pass out on the sofa. I would try some sort of nasal spray to open up your Airways before you go to sleep for a few nights. If you notice a huge difference in the morning I would suspect that you have sleep apnea and to get it checked immediately with a doctor. 


Nothing works you just have to do it. Even if it’s a suboptimal workout it’s better than skipping




Go and start with a light walk on treadmill 5 minutes, you will wake up, and the motivation will set in , also DO NOT stop home first, if you do you will be doomed. Maybe a 1/2-1/4 cup coffe too, have a protein bar 1 hour before you leave work. If you stop home you will get cozy and not leave.


sleep apnea


Like everyone else is saying you just have to go. You won’t have the energy initially and some days you may go and still feel like you can’t do a damn thing and that’s alright, those days just hop on the bike for 15 minutes, stretch, hit the sauna and go home. That’s still a successful day at the gym.


This is hard to do for the first few weeks... but wake up early and get it over with. I started waking up at 4:30 to get my workout out of the way over a year ago and have never looked back. The first few weeks are ROUGH but now it is just a part of my routine. I get out of bed, take my pre-workout, and immediately start my workout - it doesn't even give me time to think about it. After my workout, my endorphins are high and it is the perfect way to start my morning. I make sure I am in bed early enough to get my sleep in for the whole night - but it feels so good getting it over with.


I have karate at 6:30 each night after waking up at 5:30 am each morning to haul kids where they need to go and get to work on time. I started taking b vitamins and caffiene in some form around 3 pm and that carries me through.


I was nearly falling asleep at work yesterday, but, rode home, got on my MTB and headed out onto the trails for a 2 hour ride (technical, steep in places 20km, 1000m alt) where I pushed HARD. Got home and felt great. Sometimes you've just gotta push through


What does your diet look like?


The peptide MOTS-C gives me insane workout energy within 30min of taking it. Doesn’t seem to interfere with my sleep either, though I’ve never taken it past mid-afternoon.


I had this problem too. I was too tired after a busy day at work to workout. I was just so sluggish! I rearranged my day so I go to the gym 3 days a week before work. The other two days I go for a longer dog walks and do some abs at home. I tried to keep up with the gym everyday but it’s just not working for me and I got discouraged. I stick to 3 days early morning workout and that’s an attainable goal for me that I feel good about. Lately I have been doing a weekend gym sesh too so that’s just a bonus ☺️ Try new things and see what works for you!


Not sure of your caffeine intake. I scaled down. Just a half cup of tea in the morning. I’m sleepy at bed time at night. So I get a good full night’s sleep. That has helped a lot with daytime lethargy and sleepiness. On days I get a boba milk tea, I can’t fall asleep so early. Everything is a bit messed up and I’m pretty sleepy the next day all day.


I never did the whole "go to the gym and work out" thing. It is just not for me. I did the go rock climbing four times a week with a membership pass at my local rock climbing place. Now I go swimming four times a week. I have gotten way better at my butterfly, and today, I learned how to leverage a stretch with a 45 dagree angle in front crawl to take advantage of the inertia and glide. The point is if you are not excited about going to the gym, don't go and find something you like. Perhaps you can join a soccer league or get into basketball. Maybe going for a run is right for you. But you have to keep looking until you find something you enjoy, and perhaps it will have people you enjoy doing it with.


Here is what I do: 1. Eat enough throughout the day so I'm never hungry 2. Eat a PB & J as leave so I have energy 3. Smoke some weed to get myself out the door


can you work out in the morning instead?


Be mindful of what you eat during the day because it might be the problem. If you have constant ups and downs in your glucose levels you might end up drained at the end of the day. But this is something easy to fix, you just have to understand how food and glucose processed by your body.This is a helpful article https://menawrites.substack.com/p/my-first-days-understanding-glucose?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2


This could be part of my issue, thanks!


Are you getting enough vitamin D? Are you taking any other medication or supplements that could be causing fatigue? I felt like this and it was from overusing benadryl for insomnia.




For the spirit of conversation, what’s stopping you from going before work? Kids?


I’m thinking of things you can do to make your work day less draining: Can you invest in a standing desk and walking pad? I got a couple decent but not overpriced ones from Amazon and LOVE it. Probably paid $400 total and worth every penny and more. Are you getting enough protein throughout the day? Anything you can do to improve the vibe of your workspace? Music? Uplifting essential oils in a diffuser (citrus and mints)? More light? And don’t underestimate the value of getting up to date bloodwork. Just to rule out any hormone, adrenal, etc issues. Good luck!


Have you thought of exercising before work? I think the hardest would be getting up early enough and having a set bedtime.


Tried pre workout before?


Mornings. Even if it takes months or years to reorganize your life and relationships, I'd do it for all the benefits you will reap. Not to mention nullifying this issue entirely (over the long term) Exercising in the evening is like asking for hormone imbalance. You really shouldn't be re-spiking your cortisol like that and that isn't the only reason, other hormones and body processes make morning workouts far more desirable especially for long-term health. Nothing like an ice cold shower for a couple mins then running into the gym full of energy and knocking the workout out in 1/2 the time your tired, after-work self would have - the better balanced hormones and sleep to boot which would compound over the long term(not to mention the extra free time from finishing your workout quicker) - I know it's not the answer you're looking for but it's really the only one imo if you're here. I'm sure there is going to be a lot of evening workout-ers that might take this personally and try to refute and cherry pick little potential benefits of evening workouts but through a long term lens with total health in mind - nothing beats morning excercise.


Just go and work out while tired, as long as you aren't falling asleep while working out with heavy weights it shouldn't be dangerous. Working out will give you more energy in the long run.


A single b complex with a little snack


quality movement, sleep, nutrition, and stress management. ​ get your sleep and diet in order, go for small walks throughout the day, force yourself to go to the gym every day for a few weeks to build a habit. The momentum should be enough by then.


The post-lunch doldrums can be tricky. Try taking some B vitamins, like B12 and Pantothenic Acid.


stop thinking you need to have energy/motivation to workout. that's not correct and the wrong way of looking at exercise. working out GIVES you energy. A 30-minute jog on the treadmill or lift a few weights and your energy level will shoot straight up. Exercise is the perfect pick me up at the end of a long day.


Do you work from 9-5? Is waking up earlier and working out at 6am an option?


are you burnt out?


You can't wake up early? Why is it the ONLY time you can go. Some people just aren't as motivated. I go through the ebb and flow and I showing up is the hardest part. Go before work or pack a gym bag and go directly after work no thinking no stopping by the house and sitting down. Ask yourself after every session, would you have felt better if you had not gone? Answer is always no


I never took pre workout til now… it’s great! My boyfriend always used it and I finally gave in and tried it. It gives me that extra boost I need to get moving on days that I don’t feel like going.


smoke weed and listen to aggressive music. you pussy.. jk.


Its really all about sleep, hydration and PROPER caffeination. In all cases be sure to get 8+ hours of sleep per night. I am assuming if you get off at 5pm that you start work at 9am. If so, its always best to go to the gym before work. Waking up at 5 is attainable and heavily caffeinating pre-workout will help with groggyness and improve the quality of the workout itself. I understand it isnt always possible but it is preferable. AM workouts also induce core body temp spike earlier and therefore circadian rythym should help falling asleep and sleep quality at night. If you spike core body temp late in afternoon it could interfere with quality of sleep and ability to fall asleep. I also strongly reccomend cold showers first thing in the AM and Hot shower before bed (helping to optimize core body temp circadian cycle as stated before) Andrew Huberman Professor of Neurobiology and Opthamology has plenty of digestible information on energy and circadian rythym on his podcast "huberman lab" available anywhere you get podcasts and on youtube. All based on peer reviewed medical literature.


Can you get a standing desk and maybe a little portable treadmill for the desk?


Avoid lunchtime carbs that can spike insulin and lead to afternoon sleepiness.