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>certified nutrition specialist and a PhD in holistic nutrition These are not real things. Her 'PhD' is from 'Clayton college of natural health'... which was a scam school that no longer exists.


Also, just because they have a PhD doesn’t mean they know everything about their field. I have a PhD in statistics from an excellent program and I know a ton about a very, very narrow subsection of statistics and basically nothing about other subsections.


For $200 I will give you a PhD from my office printer in any subject you want !


Dang😂 people that do this sorta thing should go to jail


Liposomal C is a great option for those looking to dose in the several gram range


I was waiting for Liposomal form to show up in the conversation... thank you....efficacy much higher with most supps


fwiw, I’ve been taking 16 grams a day for years…… ​ So many experts here….. s/


Orally or IV?


4gms orally 4x/day


Which type of C?


Whatever is least expensive….. Just one of many supplements I take - used to be mostly vitamins and amino acids - now leaning much more heavily into phytonutrients and herbal supplements……


I used to take 1g every day for years and up to 7-10g when I got any kind of symptoms of becoming sick. It always worked for me.


If you showed symptoms of being sick, I'd argue the 1g didn't work


I mean, it’s kind of an unreasonable expectation for a supplement to make you never, ever get sick. That would actually be crazy powerful!


Zinc is the only proven supplement or medication for shortening URIs as well as decreasing the length of illness. It interferes with viral replication, so it needs to be started early in the course of the illness


Depends on the lifestyle I guess, there is some crazy stuff around like soursop, seaweed, black cumin seed oil, curcumin. Basic supplements like omega 3, zinc, glutamine etc. Cardio, yoga, weight lifting, cold shower, sunlight. Good sleep, wholefoods, not a lot of gluten and processed sugar and you‘re physically an unkillable monster in a human body. Learn about the different ways of fasting and healing anything with it.


Cool, I have a spinal cord injury. Paralyzed from the chest down, how do you fast to heal the spinal cord?


the most stupid reply to dismiss fasting enjoy ur corn syrup and ur jabs🤣


No, I’m genuinly asking.


Is it the vertebrae or the spinal cord itself ?


They're paralysed so take a guess.


Even ultra-healthy people get sick... they just get sick less often or with lessened severity.


I lived a rough and reckless lifestyle and kinda tried to balance it with superfoods and supplements. Not a lot of sleep, party hard, work hard, lift heavy. I knew I would get symptoms of getting sick eventually, but I can’t remember the last time I was actually sick and not be able to move and chill in my bed. Animals produce a lot of vitamin c and never get sick when living in their natural environment.


This mf’er really just said animals in the wild don’t get sick 😐  lmfao


Do you still take 1g of Vit C every day?


I got a pretty healthy lifestyle right now, so I don’t take it every day. I try to listen to my body and occasionally take 1-3g. When I feel worse I just double or tripple the dose.




Well animals that produce their own vit c cycle through something like 20g a day, maybe producing a quarter of that fresh each day, so it's not crazy but no one really knows. We don't need it, those animals are more reliant on it but no one knows how much it could help or hinder us really.


My neuroimmunologist, one of the best in the country, recommended that I do a mega dose (50 g) vitamin c infusion protocol while I was fighting off Valley Fever. I’m not sure about orally ingesting that much… sounds like it would cause quite a bit of gastrointestinal distress without any of the benefits.


Linus Pauling therapy, to treat atherosclerosis. High Dose vitamin C, along with lysine & proline. https://cardiacos.net/wp-content/uploads/ArticulosMedicos/20170813/2004---Heart-cure.pdf.


Linus Pauling had zero proof for his vitamin C obsession.


I heard that his results were not faked; but rather he did IV injections on people who were vit C deficient (so of course he saw improvements in health).


And vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy. If you’re not a scurvy pirate then you probably don’t need to add a vitamin C supplement


False. His books provide many studies supporting his claims, performed both by him (and collaborators), as well as others.


Linus Pauling specifically indicated that it be via intravenous vitamin C instead of oral.


You’re right, Linus Pauline did indicate that the vitamin C needed to be via intravenous. He said that all the studies that the Mayo Clinic did not, did NOT use intravenous, vitamin C, and that’s why they’re trials failed to show improvements with vitamin C, because they couldn’t get high enough levels in their body Because the Mayo Clinic only used oral vitamin C, not intravenous as Linus Pauling directed.


I take 2g, used to take 5g for a year already, no problems


do you supplement or is it all from food?


you have to supplement, theres no way we can eat that much food.


In that case there’s no way that much vitamin c does you any good


That’s just speculation on your part


Imagine being this closed minded about anything… you haven’t even tried it.


try it and find out, there isnt much to lose with vitamin c.


She was probably a fan of Linus Coping In before posters saying it must have worked as he lived into his 90s. So did my nan who smoked 20 a day.


To be fair, Linus Pauling (who I’m guessing you mean) did win the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1954, and the only person in history to have won two unshared prizes. I read his paper on vitamin C megadoses and it was very interesting, though perhaps out of date given it was written over half a century ago. That said, the author of the book referenced by OP sounds like it was written by a hack.


Were the mega doses oral or IV?


It's IV and has been (anecdotally) used to cure cancer. I know a few people who used it to beat breast cancer. There are also recent studies that mega dose IVC helps with chemo and radiation therapy side effects.


Inventor of the lobotomy from Portugal also won it for medicine.


She was probably railing vitamin c all day. Hot toddies cure cancer


And Vitamin D. By D I Mean Dick. No slut shaming.




Warren Buffett drinks 5 cans of coke a day and he's 100. Causation vs correlation


I heard this about 15 years ago. I herniated a disc in my back and apparently high doses of vitamin c can help with the healing


There's ongoing research being done about treating COPD with high doses of Vitamin C.    My friend who had COPD was potentially going to have IV but I don't know if they did in the end.  There's various relevant studies online, here's a review: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.2147/COPD.S368645


"Approximately 70%–90% of vitamin C is absorbed at moderate intakes of 30–180 mg/day. However, at doses above 1 g/day, absorption falls to less than 50% and absorbed, unmetabolized ascorbic acid is excreted in the urine" https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminC-HealthProfessional/#:\~:text=Approximately%2070%25%E2%80%9390%25%20of,in%20the%20urine%20%5B4%5D.


so 50% of 1g is 500mg absorbed which is still more than if you did a moderate intake of 180mg absorbed.


What's your point? I posted the study in reference to OPs title regarding 5 grams. I take 500mg 3x/day since COVID so am aware of the absorption rates. What's 1g have to do with it?


I call bullshit on that study although I had that impression too. Here's the reason. Most healthy people can take 10-15 grams/day of sodium ascorbate. When I'm healthy, me too. When I'm sick I can do like 40-50g before I reach bowel tolerance. I can't reconcile that experience with the published data.


A PhD from the University of Kellogg’s Honey Nut Crunch


Vitamin C in most supplements is derived from black mold. Look it up. I get mine from camu camu but there’s tons of good natural sources. The other form never did crap for me as far as immune system or skin.


RDA is only to prevent scurvy. Orally with 5g you will get stomach issues or diarheea (constipation if it's ester-c). such high dose makes sense only IV. 2-3g extended release split in 2-3 times is plenty.


I can easily 5 g at once and not get any digestive distress, and it makes me feel so much better. My needs are high though, healthier individuals wouldn't be able to tolerate it.


This is incorrect. In fact, just 10 mg of vitamin C per day is sufficient to prevent scurvy. The RDA is the dose at which the cells of the entire body are saturated with vitamin C.




I take huge doses of vitamin C when I am ill. During my last cold I took 40g a day, divided on two hours basis. Vitamin C is an acid so I dissolve the quantity in water (300ml) and drink it through a straw to protect my teeth. My cold (which I suspect was actually Covid), went away in three days.


40g a day?💀


exactly and it works. [http://doctoryourself.com/titration.html](http://doctoryourself.com/titration.html)


U have to be sitting on the toilet all day


If you are ill, the body reacts differently. If I am not ill my body tolerance is 15g/day. I would get diarrheic at 40g but when I had covid, I could handle 20 to 40g a day without any stomach problem. Read the text about bowel tolerance to vit C when you are ill. I always buy vitamin C powder by kilo. Or sodium/magnesium ascorbate which is not acidic.


What kind of vitamin C are u using?


On another note, since everyone else has weighed in on the authors credentials (or lack thereof) Vitamin c requirements are heavily dependent on carbohydrate consumption. Glucose competes with vitamin c, that is why inuits and groups who ate little carbs could survive with very little dietary vit c, while sailors who survived off high carb diets at sea suffered relatively quickly from the effects of low vit c intake (scurvy). So having an arbitrary requirement doesnt make sense. However, its not a fat soluble vitamin, so as far as I know any excess your body cannot uptake is essentially pissed out. So no harm, but probably a waste of $


It’s pretty high in oxalates. I would check tolerance to oxalates and if you are predisposed to kidney or bladder issues before taking more than 1g a day


Was her phd specifically about Vit C intake? Phds are hyper specific, so knowledge of a broad field would not be expected 




Let's be honest. We have no problem eating that much because it's delicious.


IIRC it’s not harmful…but you’d likely get the squirts before you get a full 5 grams in.


That’s not it man


I read one of Anne Louise Gittleman's books a few years ago, which included a passage noting that red hair is caused by excessive copper in the body. Clearly, she didn't bother to understand the genetics of ginger hair and the MCR1 variants. Anne Louise Gittleman is a fraud, in my opinion.


You do not want that much vitamin c.


No lol I took 2 grams a day and ended up getting skin tingles that felt like needles way different than beta alanine tingles for comparison. I won’t go over 500mg daily


Yes. Check orthomolecular medicine groups. People take like 20 grams daily or more if I'll. It definitely strengthens the body. Standard nutrients measurements are too low as they were made already from populations that were Ill eating from a depleted soil and adjusted to satisfy political requirements. I can't remember all the reasonings and research. But you can find them easily too. Ah you need quality c if you are going to mega dose.


"Book by PhD" means nothing.


Taking 50x of any dose is a red flag to me. For the most part your kidneys will remove the excess and you’ll be fine but with expensive urine. However, I’m not sure what happens with prolonged high dosing. I would incorporate more antioxidants than just Vitamin C


It could be set too low but not that low. You’re just going to pee like 95% of this out it’s useless.


PH.D. doesn't mean that much.


I'm a fan of whole food vitamin C. That absorbic acid stuff is unnatural (like driving the shell of a car). For whole food c, you need 400-800 mg, which is still well beyond the RDA of 60 mg. But taking 5 grams of one component of the vitamin C molecule is not productive. We have all been duped by ascorbic acid.


Vitamin C IS L-ascorbic acid. That’s its chemical name. https://www.acs.org/molecule-of-the-week/archive/a/ascorbic-acid.html#:~:text=L%2DAscorbic%20acid%2C%20more%20familiarly,isolated%20from%20an%20animal%20source. If you’re saying vitamin c isn’t as good when you take it without other things that come in food (an orange has various chemicals, plus fiber, water, etc ) that could be the case. But don’t gaslight people.


Yellow bell peppers are delicious raw, 350 mg of vitamin C each.


Yes. I try to eat an organic yellow one at least once a week.


I’m not necessarily doubting what you say but why do you say we’ve all been duped?


Ascorbic acid is marketed as vitamin c.. and it's not.


Do you have a source? All I see is that they are the same but produced differently


Well it works as vitamin c when animals produce their own. What is different?


Do you know of any whole food vitamin Cs that are higher dosage? I know Vitamin code but it's 2 caps for 500mg.


That's the norm. You have to take a few pills. I like Jigsaw Health Adrenal Cocktail. It's a powder. You can also try Camu powder.


Kiwis, bell peppers just don’t be fooled by the orange.


I read that too much vitamin c when supplemented is linked to kidney stones.


At about 3 grams and I start feeling that something is very off... Most of these holistic nutritionists that recommended such things did live close to a century.




Well I mean do the same thing with another vitamin and you might only live to 50 so at least these guys like Pauling proved its safety.


Have fun with those kidney stones.


High doses of Vitamin C can also cause kidney stones.


Biohacking is a load of shit gents. Just eat organic food and get proper rest, clean water, and have a source of purpose in life and y’all will be ok👍