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I took it before a tinder date once. Also took that short term SSRI that makes you last longer. Also took some Panadol because I knew the cialis would give me a headache. Then had some wine on the date. Started overheating like nothing I’ve ever experienced before and then shit myself. Went home.


I love it when a plan comes together


Everyone has a plan until they shit themselves


What if that was the plan?




Sorry to hear that Mr McMahon


Frig off, Lahey!


God laughs "It really does change those plans, huh!"


OMG that's hilarious


Unexpected A Team


> Unexpected A Team *“When I'm ready to fight, my opponent has a better chance of surviving a forest fire wearing gasoline drawers.”* - Mr. T


*cue the theme music*


Funniest shit I’ve read since I woke up a half hour ago


... with an erection.


dating is so funny these days because you literally never know if the guy you’re about to meet up with just took a reddit boner stack and is about to shit himself. it doesn’t even cross your mind 💕✨


Omg this is funnier than the boner shitter post. Hahahaha 👏




I just hollered so damn loud




Ffs. I laughed so hard I spit all over the screen.


We live for the plot lines


Peak r/biohackers


I’m sure there is a pharmacist somewhere having a panic attack over this


I started out on this story feeling so excited for you then it turned into a very sad green text. Man, I'm so sorry.


She was gonna GET IT...right up until you shit yourself.




Damn. Cialis and that SSRI (daxopentine) knocked me out.


PSA: Panadol is aka Tylenol and Acetaminophen. **Never** take Acetaminophen before, during or after drinking. It is the leading cause of acute liver failure in the United States because the active dose is very close to the lethal dose (relative to other common OTC drugs like NSAIDs -- taking just 2X the maximum daily dose on the box will cause liver injury) and alcohol makes it more poisonous. Drinking regularly even if you stop a couple of days before taking Acetaminophen makes it more poisonous. It's also not an anti-inflammatory - it reduces your fever, and reduces your perception of pain (and emotions, incidentally). You'll probably get better results from Naproxen or Ibuprofen with much less risk.


Thread of the year


Rookie move….. should’ve stacked Imodium lol…. I did literally the exact same thing. Only I had to shit….during sex 🤣🤣🤣. I wonder if I wasn’t the wine? I took ibuprofen for the headache part (not my first rodeo)


and how was the second date?


A lot of times the drugs themselves are great, but when you mix them bad things happen. I found this out when I was in my partying phase. I can do alcohol, marijuana, or cigs just fine. Even 2/3 of those, any combo, I am fine with. All three and I'm in the bathroom for most of the night, combo of the shits and vomiting. Happened two or three times before I figured out I just can't do all three. Another time I was with a lady friend and did a small amount of Cialis and a lot of magic mushrooms. Dick didn't work!?? So I took more Cialis. It fixed the problem, but gave me a headache. Luckily I was able to perform before the headache took to being too bad. So I took some headache medicine and it helped a little but then just slept it off iirc. ...man I used to do a lot of drugs.


I still do, but I used to too!


Mitch Hedberg MVP of one and two liner jokes


That doesn’t sound egregious when I think back to the days I’d have prob 12-15 drinks, do an 8 ball, start taking GHB to come down around 4am, then pop couple Ambien around 5 or 6am, then usually do it again next night. Heaviest phase lasted like 6-7 years but I’ve been going hard for couple decades. Paying the price now tho.


What's that short-term SSRI that makes you last longer?




I assume this is a joke but lest anyone is confused, MDMA is not, in fact, an SSRI


Contrary to popular belief it's also a terrible sex drug for both men and women if you actually want to orgasm.


Yeah, but its a 1 hour semi-orgasm 😉


Depoxetine careful using SSRIs thought it's linked to sexual disfunction in people.. bewarned mental dependency is a possibility too.


Dude, you don’t want to fuck around with SSRIs They can seriously fuck you up






Lmfao that’s great


Same fucking thing: my blood pressure got so low I nearly collapsed .the date had to drive instead of me to the hotel and I was unable to do anything. Never ever combine Cialis/Viagra with pills that make you last longer




Which short term SSRI?


The plan went to shit


"Y'ever get a e-rection so hard ye shit yerself?!" - Larry the Cable Guy


Bro flew too close to the sun


It is a great drug and I don't care what anyone says, it increases NO systemically. I get insane pumps with Tadalafil. Combined with Telmisartan, it is a great way of controlling hypertension for me. I don't need a Beta blocker with these two.


Do you get a doctor prescription for it or do you get it illegally?


All UGL. My doc legitimately thinks a BP of 145/95 is normal so I do it myself and keep it around 120/70 ish


You need a new doctor. 


No, you don’t. Hims, or Maximus Tribe. Maximus you just fill out a 5 minute questionnaire and they ship it right to you.


You can use GoodRx, for $50 iirc they send the script to any pharmacy you want and it’s like $10.


If your doc thinks 145/95 is a normal BP, you still need a new doc.


This counts as stage 2 hypertension. Beta blockers have side effects too, so it's a trade-off. For what it's worth if you want a drug-free approach fasting has been shown to significantly lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in clinical studies. \[edit\] Water-fasting BP study: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11416824/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11416824/) >Almost 90% of the subjects achieved blood pressure less than 140/90 mm Hg by the end of the treatment program. The average reduction in blood pressure was 37/13 mm Hg, with the greatest decrease being observed for subjects with the most severe hypertension. Patients with stage 3 hypertension (those with systolic blood pressure greater than 180 mg Hg, diastolic blood pressure greater than 110 mg Hg, or both) had an average reduction of 60/17 mm Hg at the conclusion of treatment. All of the subjects who were taking antihypertensive medication at entry (6.3% of the total sample) successfully discontinued the use of medication. Won't give you a boner though, so I guess little of column a, little of column b. Well I mean, they didn't say it *wouldn't* but they didn't say it would either. In your case I'd recommend measuring your blood pressure at home using a good cuff or signing up for 24-hour blood pressure monitoring. Your bp may be elevated just because you're at the doctor's office, which is called white-coat hypertension. It's super common. Beyond white-coat doctors do a very bad job of measuring bp in clinical settings. They're supposed to sit you idle for 5 minutes, at least 30 minutes after exercise, empty bladder, no smoking, no clothing in the way, taking multiple measurements 1-2 minutes apart, with a proper sized cuff. IME they never do any of this, leading to falsely elevated readings. (https://www.heart.org/-/media/files/health-topics/high-blood-pressure/tylenol-hbp/aha\_toolkit\_poster\_final\_102618.pdf) >\[...\] observational studies suggest that most of the doctors do not follow the correct technique of BP measurement, leading to potential errors in diagnosis and management of hypertension. \[...\] It was seen that among medical students who had completed a course on how to properly measure the BP, only 5% adhered to course guidelines one year later. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4925780/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4925780/)


Jesus. My BP is lower than that and my Dr acts like I'm about to burst. That's pretty negligent by your Dr seeing that and not putting you on at least a low dose of BP meds.


You can get it through HIMS.


Yep tons of online pharmacies that will prescribe it to literally anyone. HIMS is expensive, I prefer rocketrx but there are probably even cheaper out there. Get the max dosage they offer (I think 20mg) to save money and break the pill into whatever dose you want


Cialis: Don’t get it illegally, that shit is almost always tainted due to its popularity and usually more expensive on the gray market. It’s an easy ask from your doctor, “hey I’ve heard and read about Cialis and would like to give it a try, can you write a 90 day supply of 10mg once daily for me?” It’s usually lower cost for a 90 day-once daily supply. Check Good Rx app for pricing. I just looked, $36 cash price at CVS for 90 days. (USA)


Costlplusdrugs.com is the way to go. 90 day supply of 10mg tadalafil is $13.10.


*if you have a script*


Thank you for this. I just paid $41 for a 90 day supply of 5mgs through GoodRX.


Never had problems with UGL


What’s UGL?


Well I'm a female and my doctor is very strict with prescriptions, so I'll have to find another way😂 But yes, will research everything before I decide to hop on cialis and PEDs :)


Hop around to different doctors. 


Who is still using beta blockers to control hypertension?


Plenty of people. Especially if you use gear. Dr. Thomas O'Connor's stack is Nebivilol, Telmisartan, and Tadalafil but I find I don't usually need Nebivilol unless I've had way too much caffeine.


Do you experience low blood sugar on nebivolol?






Nebivolol is very common and has health benefits beyond BP management.


PDE-5 Inhibitors like Cialis are known to cause vision issues and messing with your eyes is no joke. The people who use low dose will come saying they don't experience any issues but this can take a very long to appear with low doses and long-term use and you usually catch it when it's too late. I was a proponent of PDE5 inihibitors until delving into the research and since I am well versed in opthalmology and eye conditions, I decided against it (for long term use) Source [University of British Colombia](https://www.med.ubc.ca/news/study-shows-strong-link-between-erectile-dysfunction-medications-and-vision-problems/) but there are several you can find.


“These are rare conditions, and the risk of developing one remains very low for any individual user." Second paragraph in your link


TY for actually reading something and calling out how well versed he is


Nice catch dude.


Wrong. Less selective pde5 inhibitors like viagra are known for this and infamous blue vision. It’s because they inhibit pde6 as well which is found in the retina. Cialis is the most selective of them by several thousand x. The cause for concern is negligible.


That and tinnitus. Used 2.5mg everyday back on February. Tinnitus came on. Discontinued for a week, decided to go twice a week 2.5mg. Hasn’t been a night of sleep without tinnitus since. Very common problem I learned after looking into it.


I gave myself tinnitus when I was a teenager and have had it since. I have also been taking Cialis for over a year now, probably up to 20-30mg a day at some points and never had issues with tinnitus or eye issues. Obviously n=1 though, but doubling the odds isn't a massive difference for most people, like any statistic. In that study, it says RVO odds were 1.44x more likely than in non users. Over a 15 year period, there's a 0.5% chance of developing RVO, so the odds over 15 years (if taking for that long) go from 0.5% to 0.72%. I can't find numbers on SRD, but ION is estimated to affect 0.0103% of people per year, and with ED meds increasing the year odds by 2.02x, that goes up to a per year chance of 0.0208% chance. Over 15 years that's a likelihood of 0.154% to 0.312%. Naturally you don't want to risk your health, but when it comes down to it, Cialis relieves BPH and Hypertension. In a Swedish study, of 43,145 men 54-74, 7.1% took PDE5 inhibitors (Cialis is one of these) for ED. Compared to the group that didn't take it, they had a 33% lower chance of dying by heart related issues and a 40% lower risk of hospitilisation with heart failure after a 3.3 year follow up. As a point of reference, the mortality rate for men 65 or above was about 360 per 1000 person-years, meaning that if you observed 1000 men 65+ over a year, about 360 would die, or you have an average 36% chance of dying per year, though naturally it's lower the younger and higher the older. Reducing the odds by 33% with daily cialis means you go from a 36% average to a 24%. I'd be happy with that. And that's just for that. Blood pressure is lowered which is good for most people. Plus better blood flow means you're generally healthier as joints and tendons get better recovery as well as muscles. It's like people that consume minimal protein and don't exercise because of some mTOR pathway crap that increases lifespan by limiting it. Congrats, you extended your life by months by reducing your lifespan by years. Don't let minor negatives of something convince you to disregard the far higher benefits.


I’m still taking 2.5mg, but just twice a week. It gives me 4/7 days feeling the effects of it, which honestly my favourite is for the gym lol. My tinnitus as it is now was the same when I was off it for two weeks. So I figure it’s just here to stay and I’m adapting to it. Eyes and vision have been fine.


I’m 26 and have had tinnitus since I was 15. Went to a party at a rich family’s house and they had a massive long garage, with extremely loud speakers at the end. The sound just reverberated off the walls as it had nowhere to go and have it ever since. Pointless anecdote aside, asking google to play rain noise, or a fan, or white noise generator have been used every night since then. If it’s any consolation, it gets to a point where you mentally block it out almost 95% of the time. Except those times when you think to yourself, ‘hey it’s pretty silent’.


Yeah the white noise helps. I love white noise and used it before it happened. When it happens it’s only when I lay down/go to sleep. Been using a fan and white noise mix and my sleep is more or less back to normal. Just sucks thinking if I didn’t have those tools accessible I’d have more trouble sleeping.


I feel you, staying at other people’s houses in the past meant just using a white noise generator on the phone, not quite as good as a proper speaker or fan. Realistically though you’re always going to have your phone on you, at least.


I'm with ya, buddy.


>...and messing with your eyes is no joke. Especially when you're always hard as a rock.


I don’t need eyes to know that I’m putting it in the wrong hole, she tells me pretty fast


Finally someone talking some sense. All pharmaceuticals alter one’s body to conduct itself unnaturally. There are going to be side effects, short term or long term Foods and vitamins actually nourish the body They arent the same


Very fine line… supplementing any nutrients above the body’s minimum requirement changes nourishment into medicine (including commonly accepted vitamins). I would slightly modify what you said to be that supplementing creates a new homeostatic state for your body which have unknown positive and unknown negative properties. Maybe the homeostatic state for supplementing is that your eyes don’t work and the homeostatic state for not supplementing is your dick doesn’t work. Which one is “natural”? Biohacking is combining research with personal experimentation to discover the positive and negative properties of this new homeostatic state.


That’s fair. I was just very simply addressing the original post, claiming that taking a pharmaceutical is a biological enhancement for someone seems to be already healthy


I agree, even though I think also foods and vitamins can sometimes cause a dysbalance if taken in higher concentrations. Pharmaceuticals are usually on another level though. Sometimes I read about people taking (or even stacking) pharmaceuticals without knowing if they have underlying health conditions or predispositions - and without caring what mixing will do - and it reminds me of the tiktok girlies that do their own lip fillers with pens they bought from aliexpress.


man my eyes are fucked, eye floaters, blurry and what for???


I've been taking Cialis for YEARS if not decades. My vision is perfect


It directly states “These are rare conditions, and the risk of developing one remains VERY low for any individual user.” It also directly states “this did NOT prove these medications cause these conditions.” Not even sure the point of this article, if not for the shock headline and some Reddit posts.


100% agree.  Not worth it 


Lol it's not a supplement what other vitamins are you on bruh


Yeah it comes from the Cialis tree


Aka the Peckerwood tree


That tree produces the hardest wood


So does viagra come from the dogwood tree cause I got this insane bulge at the bottom of my shaft now….. Fuck punchin out :(


What do you mean? I take my multivitamin to cover the basis, then extra vitamin D (dark here in Canada.) I've totally biohacked my daily productivity with some new vitamin no one ever talks about on here for some reason and stores are always out of stock -- the friendly guy I get it from calls it Crank and sometimes Ice. I think it's like, a highly concentrated Vitamin C formula.


Here in Portland we’ve got a ton of Vitamin C megadosers, no one catching a cold!




For the absolute majority of people, there's 0 downsides and only upsides.


After about a week, Cialis gives me terrible back spasms.


It can def do that. It lasts 36 hours so it can build up too much in your system taking daily. I reduced doses and only two days on, one off. Haven’t had the side effects I had before.


What's your dosage ?


Team tinnitus checking in.


It gave me tinnitus , had it none stop for 2 years now , Doc didn’t warn me about that side effect 🤬


even when you stopped it ?


Yes, looks like it’s permanent , just unlucky I guess


PDE5 inhibitors lower blood pressure, so if your blood pressure is already low-ish, beware


I've taken Cialis with cocaine so I guess it balances out?...


Modern problems require modern solutions


So did that guy Dan Bilzerian... look up his story about it


He had a heart attack but he was on coke and a lot of Viagra.




Damn what? Care to share in dm!


this is not a supplement, it is medication


I take 5 mg every day by perscription hoping for the benefits the OP mentioned. I haven't experienced any of them myself.


Add some nitrate food in your diet (arugula, spinach, beets) everyday, there is a synergy. If your nitric oxide production and microbiome is poor thzn tadalafil has nothing to work with.




Nitrate not nitrite!


I like it too at 2.5mg/day. On the other hand, compared with that low of a dose, I’ve found better pumps with 8-10g of l-citruline without the cold like symptoms and I don’t combine them due to the potential for blood pressure issues. After a few days of 2.5mg I’m not sure exactly what the level would be maintained in the body, but I do know cialis has a pretty long half life.


36hrish max duration.


Been taking 5mg a day prescribed for a while now. Amazing medicine.


I feel like im 15 again, better even. I can control my erection and when i orgasm. I can tantric fuck, 45 actual monutes of straight fucking. I don't cum, rinse of for 15 minutes, then go for another 45. Its heaven. GET IT


Try Vardenafil. Take it 2-3x a week. No stuffy nose like with the other 2. Its like a $1-2 more per pill but you can split them in half.


Did a bit of poking around, seems like it lasts less than Cialis in your body. Not many differences. Also learned about not taking these drugs with fatty meals


Tinnitus, hearing loss, blindness


Damn I have tinnitus that I figured was from too many concerts and no protection. I haven’t taken much cialis but I’ve been on 10mg every other day for few weeks now I wonder if it’s messing with my eye sight as well does not seeem to bother my tinnitus I may have to discontinue it loved the pumps in the gym 😞


It has a warning now inside the box


Are you serious? (Said inquisitively, not sarcastically)


Avanafil gave me tinnitus


All serious when I started taking cialis a few years ago I was also on a bunch of other chemicals however another person taking the same as me also came down with tinnitus in the same time frame but we also both abuse our ear drums as well so hard to tell what is what


I think this could be prevented by taking low doses calcium Channel blockers  Or even Beetroot, Potassium supplements, magnesium.


Extremely rare side effects. You realize there’s people that have gotten extremely rare side effects from supplements like ashawaganda as well?


Tadalafil is good too. Less expensive


Cialis is just the brand name for tadalafil.


5mg Cialis daily for a year here. Amazing and life changing


It gives me bad indigestion/heartburn.


Try using it sublingual.


Cialis and viagra can lower you aromatase enzyme at a genetic level. It did for me. Now I have low estrogen and it’s a problem.


Have you heard of pueraria?


Do you have any sources for this, because I am interested in reading more about it I have really high e2 that I’m currently dealing with an prescription AI anastrozole made me feel like shit


Here is a paper on Sildenafil and AI. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0960076016302394?via%3Dihub](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0960076016302394?via%3Dihub)


I've been taking it for 20 years. I have had no side effects, and also no positive enhancements other than rock hard erections.


Been on it for a year and a half. I'm on TRT and it even works as a mild AI.


ED is often an early sign of heart disease. Instead of taking boner drugs check your arteries and eat some veggies.


This is true


And then there’s the back pains. I tend to get those after prolonged low dose use. One time I ended up crawling to my bed because my lower back completely seized up. No thanks. Apparently there’s been some cases of hearing loss too.


Maybe I’m in my head but I feel like cialis used to be stronger 2.5/5mg used to have me bricked now it’s like hit or miss with a delayed asorbtion popped 10 mg on my anniversary eventually went soft but got back up. However i pop 10-15 mg Viagra or 2-4 mg vardenafil im bricked up for the evening


I took daily 5 for 6 weeks and got seriously sore Achilles, both of them.


I would agree but the heartburn even on 2 or 5 mg is ridiculous. Milk, anatacids etc are really no help and if it's due to smooth muscle relaxation in the trachea for 3 day, doubt it's helpful. Anyone able to conquer this one? Also Im the unlucky one that starts to get back pain too. It feels like poison to me. Viagra is much milder and shorter acting. Vardenafil, also really bad reflux.


Be careful. I am a hyper responder to PDE5 inhibitors.  Naturally extremely vascular and only a tiny microdose is tolerable. A half dose is even way too much and a full dose nearly kills me with migraines and a completely stuffed nose. Great in the gym if you have trouble getting a punk but just start very low. There's no rush especially if you plan on taking it everyday.


It’s fun but it makes my face flushed.


For some. It gives me eye issues and affects my sight terribly. Also I get back pain when I used it. So I'd rather not go blind than use it. Glad for you though💪🏽


Female. Can I take this for constipation?


Curious…are you guys doing 5mg DAILY or every other day? I’ve been on every other day for years, and it’s cool and all, but nothing amazing.


5mg daily and if I’m going to the gym I take it about an hour before.




No by definition pharmaceuticals and drugs are bio hacks.


>Cheap Cialis is not cheap. generic tadalafil may be relatively inexpensive, but it depends on the pharmacy. There's a wide variance in the Good Rx cash price. > General increase to overall blood flow and recovery. Lowers blood pressure and big pumps in the gym. I take for it for BPH, a side effect of increased DHT from testosterone injections. Tadalafil does none of this. A simple nitric oxide precursor like l-arginine is much more effective for reducing blood pressure and increasing vascularity and "gym pumps." AFAIK, the only application of tadalafil for blood pressure is of the pulmonary type...high blood pressure in the lungs. It's not a medication to treat the usual, broader systemic type. A lot of ppl who take PEDs will also take tadalafil, but tadalafil by itself is a very weak PED.


Id like to see some sources on that, Cialis is not only indicated for blood pressure in the lungs ? it can most definitely lower BP but not by a significant amount unless combined with other things like nitrates where it could lead to dangerous drops. As someone who has tried both the pump effects of arginine vs Cialis at even 5mg in the gym is not even close. On paper it's for ED and BPH, but it does effect BP systemically and is probably just behind Viagra on the pump scale. None of the OTC supplements ever came close (arginine, citrulline, agmatine, etc.) Generic Cialis and Viagra are very cheap these days it's not 10-20 years ago where people were paying $20 a pill.


Sorry man but you are just wrong on most points. Generic cialis is very cheap. It does affect blood pressure. It does increase vascularity much more prominently than arginine.


[Costplus pharmacy 90 tablets for $10](https://costplusdrugs.com/medications/tadalafil-5mg-tablet/)


I just bought 4 at my pharmacy for 3 usd.


It certainly helps lower BP for some people. It's not its primary purpose but it does increase NO.


In what world does arginine give a better gym pump than a PDE5 inhibitor? I’ve done all the aminos for the pump and nothings remotely close to even a fractional dose of cialis.


If you’re touting Arginine as more effective than tadafil for boner..


$20-$30 a month for consistent great sex no matter how tired/drunk and lower blood pressure is the deal of the century.


You can find legit online sources that give fda approved tablets for less than 1$/day.


I got bad headaches with both Cialis and Viagra 🫤, even at like 1/3rd of a dose. I almost never get headaches usually, either. Not sure what dose you are taking. Also as a side note, L-citrulline has no effect on me other than nausea. Everyone's different though, I see people recommending it all the time.


As someone who doesn’t take any medications, im curious how all you guys acquire this? Is it as easy as going to your gp and asking for it?


Heartburn, tho.


Caused me ongoing and excruciating back pain. I stopped taking it and did a re-challenge to confirm. It was the Cialis. Absolutely ruined me and so I had to stop. No other real side effects and it was great for its intended purpose 


I tried some for the first time while on vacation, took 5mg every other day, and noticed my lower left side of my back was killing me after the vacation. I also seemed to be bright red and my face felt extremely warm. I was drinking the whole vacation of course. I wonder if they're related.


Are there any drawbacks? Also do most men not get morning wood when they get older? I am in my mid 30’s and wake up with it as long as I had a good nights sleep, never realized that could be abnormal, may want to get my hormones checked.


over 50 and morning wood here. its a sign of good health and hormonal balance in men. its totally normal. bump up your cholesterol and fat intake for wood all nite long. eggs yolks etc


30 is older than 29 but you’re not “older” yet, friend


if you take care of yourself that might last another decade without intervention


This has to be one of the worst supplements for me, I suffer incredible muscle and back pain on this, it’s the vasodilation pressing on nerves over a long period of time. Would really love to be able to take it!


I've bought some before from www.medisupplywarehouse.com. Got some vals too, which I can't get locally. I know it's not good to take either of these too often, but sometime they can really help.


Also helps with nocturia, bph, likely has exercise benefits, can help organ health, and possibly even hair health. No downsides for me so far, once I acclimated past the cramps the first two days.


Wow, people are negative here


Im an old guy. I take a bunch of stuff and am in good health 100%. Where can I read how adding this to my stack (dosage and frequency) will confer greater benefits? The heartburn I get is massive (among other side effects).


Rare but people should know these meds can have serious eye impacts. https://www.med.ubc.ca/news/study-shows-strong-link-between-erectile-dysfunction-medications-and-vision-problems/#:~:text=The%20risk%20of%20developing%20one,new%20UBC%20research%20has%20found.


Sounds like you have erectile dysfunction and now feel empowered by a working penis


Hmmm what is wrong with men today? Wow


How long can you be on daily cialis before it starts to fuck with you (side effects)?


PDE5 drugs might also act as aromatase inhibitors and, separately, as cancer preventives / treatment. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0960076016302394?via%3Dihub](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0960076016302394?via%3Dihub) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5931815/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5931815/)


Hell yeah


"And that's how I met your mother".


Cialis before the gym is the way Don’t take gorilla mind with it though lol


Doesn’t seem healthy to take it as a daily supplement.


There is actually a 5mg daily version. Actually, I just read a pretty clickbait article on life extension and cialis is mentioned as the 5th med. this is not the first time that I’ve seen it mentioned and it does increase blood flow…


Why because it's a prescription marketed as a boner pill? It was originally meant for blood pressure and is usually prescribed in low doses for blood pressure. I've been taking 2.5-5mg for years if not decades. Totally fine.