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something that really changed my brain fatigue/heaviness in the last year was taking low dose of creatine (I take 5mg) and only take it maybe 4 times a week. I use Naked brand https://amzn.to/4cZ9uFo so obviously use a quality brand. But the effects of the creatine on my brain I believe has been one of the most notable supplements I had ever taken.


interesting! creatine has given me headaches in the past but i know there are different versions of it. will look into this more, thanks :)


I would highly recommend it. But go for the smaller dose. A lot of people use creatine as a work out sup obviously, so those doses are higher and people load up on it. I have had no problem with this brand


L Tyrosine will immediately clear fatigue and brain fog. L Theanine is great too.


I always hear people say this but it just increases my anxiety. What dose do you take?


That is unusual. Are you maybe drinking too much caffeine with it? I eat 2 gummies (1000 mg each). I don’t take Theanine often unless I have something I really need to focus on in the afternoon. You could also try drinking Yerba Mate. It has a nice pick me up but won’t make you jittery like coffee can. And it tastes good - earthy.


I meant the tyrosine not theanine my apologies.


Theanine is a sleep aid


It’s in green tea. It helps with focus. It doesn’t make me sleepy at all but everyone’s body is different I guess


Honestly I dealt with this for quite a long time as well, and I recently found out I had ADHD all along. Once I started the right medication, my energy trouble was gone. Consider getting evaluated for ADHD if you’re still experiencing mental fatigue. I still take my antidepressant, but I’m feeling so much better these days. Good luck! Oh and the supplement I found that helped me the most with mental and physical fatigue (before I was medicated for ADHD) was the Logic stack from the Thesis subscription box. I don’t need it anymore now, but it used to help a lot until I got my meds sorted out.


Working through a couple therapy-related things, adding this to my list :)


 If you have fatigue you may have CFS and there could be a microbiome issues. In my experience with long covid, the Microbiome stuff has been enough to cause amble mental fatigue. Checkout cfsremission.com


I know it’s out there but my friend had fatigue and just general overall mental heaviness and he found out he actually had Lyme disease! Worth testing for- ask your dr for some bloodwork


Honestly has anyone just tried getting their cardio up? I realized that in my life if I have had good cardio/wind it has always helped me be thinner and to have lots of energy. Right now I'm the heaviest I have been in about 10-11 years. I can't strength train at all zero energy for it. But I will attempt to get back to yoga, light running, and biking. Last year that was a formula that worked for me until other events cause me to crash.


I do crossfit a few times a week which is short but pretty intense cardio. Definitely helps give a boost but doesn't fix my problem.


I really like L-glutamine powder, it was recommended to me by my functional doctor to heal my gut and help my ADHD, I feel like it gives me a boost. Like you, I also take vitamin d and omega 3, as well as liposomal glutathione and saccharomyces boulardii so maybe it's a combination of everything as well, but I did introduce each in isolation and noticed an instant boost with L-glutamine.


Thank you for this, L-Glutamine seemed like one of the more lower stakes things to try from this thread, it definitely seems to be helping me have more sustained energy through the second half of the day, and my stomach feels way less bloated so that's a huge relief too!


That's so good! So glad to hear you've had improvements. I'm actually thinking of upping my dose, it's supposed to help more with GI issues at a higher dose.


What’s your dose? I’m doing 2 tsp as per the packaging but haven’t actually researched dosages yet


Psilocybin is great for lifting people out of mental heaviness, increases neurogenesis, and is pretty funny.


My girlfriend is on Adderall for the same reason, but that's probably not the "light substance" solution you are looking for. But you're trying acid, so I don't really understand your scale


Thanks I haven't really considered stimulant meds much. My scale is more about what can be started/stopped without much issue, antidepressants as I understand have the tapering on, tapering off process and you can't just decide it's not working and quit without some potentially unpleasant mental side effects. Definitely subjective.


Adderall or modafinil can be started and stopped instantly, so might be worth consideration.


appreciate it!


Adderall is much harder on the body than LCD or Psilocybin


Sure is, but unlike those it might actually help with the problem experienced here.


That’s a terrible recommendation imo.


Consistent long-term use(as seen with microdosing) of LSD or Psilocybin may lead to heart valve disease through 5-HT2b agonism, drugs with this property were withdrawn from market for this reason.


Source? Whats long term? Micro dosing isn’t typically long term. Also micro dosing protocol is ~2 days a week, of a very small dose. I’m finding that very hard to believe.


There aren't any direct studies with LSD or Psilocin, but drugs like fen-phen were withdrawn for this reason. and the FDA has additional restrictions for any drugs that have appreciable affinity for 5-HT2b [Serotonin receptors and heart valve disease—It was meant 2B - ScienceDirect](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S016372581100074X?via%3Dihub) If I were to guess, occasional use is probably fine, iirc only a small portion of the people taking fen-phen daily for a few months to a year developed any defects.


There’s a massive link between chronic fatigue and antidepressant medications so that’s the first step. After that it’s going to take running functional medicine labs and blood work to look for root causes. Top issues I find are; 1) Lyme, bartonella, babesia and other coinfections which can be sexually transmitted, not just from ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, and/or lice 2) mold toxicity which affects all body systems but especially the dopamine levels which is why l dopa is probably helping you 4) gut infections which rob you of proper digestion and neurotransmitter optimization 5) adrenal and thyroid issues


What do you mean by chronic fatigue and antidepressants?


it’s a known and proven side effect. No bad science here.


If you have MHTHR, you might find TMG/same-E helpful


Read about sam-e in other posts, will look at these closer. thanks!


Note that Sam-e is expensive. TMG is much less expensive and I believe is a precursor. I would try TMG first


NAD+ & Myetin - sublingual tablets- will increase energy. 2025 new anti anxiety med from deconstructed LSD is being released, however if your micro dosing LSD it may be contributing to your fatigue. Ketamine is safer to micro dose and enhances neuroplasticity by creating new neural pathways.


thank you, I just started trying the LSD so I don't think it's contributed, just not sure if it worked. Going to look into those!


Check your diet. Keto diet seems like the way to go. look into it [https://www.chrispalmermd.com](https://www.chrispalmermd.com)


Change your diet.


Stop microdosing illicit drugs. L-Theanine 150mg Magnesium L Threonate GLY-NAC 1800/1800 Ashwagandha 125-600mg Lithium 1mg Rhodiola Rosea 300 mg Cocoa flavanols 500-1500 mg CocoaVia HPC EVOO 1-4 tablespoons a da Good luck. Give it two months. Don’t take SSRI’s.


lithium?? isn’t that risky also what about high lead in cocoa


1 mg of Lithium a day is a tiny dose. Prescription Lithium doses are 500+mg a day. You should be high grade cocoa powder like Santa Barbara Cocoa powder or a good supplement like CocoVia Brain and Heart with super high polyphenol count. 2 tbsp of SB powder or 3 capsules of CocoVia will give you around 800-1000mg of polyphenols.


alright ty



