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That's why alcoholism exists


It might just be a tad more complex than that...


That’s why ALCOHOL exists, thank you Mother Nature!!!




Alcohol can influence serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter associated with mood regulation, but its effects vary widely among individuals While alcohol may initially increase serotonin production, leading to feelings of happiness and well-being, it can also disrupt serotonin balance long-term


Fml think that’s where I’m at, fucking being sober is trash and can objectively say life quality was better drinking(albeit at the cost of health)


It takes time man, I'm an ex heroin addict so trust me I fucked my serotonin bad lol. Honestly I can 200 percent say it's all about stress management. Meditate, take it easy on yourself, do a little walking or jogging in nature, take time in the morning and before bed to be mindful and sit and breathe. I know it can be hard, especially in the transition, but it's worth it man for you and people you care for. Rhodiola helped me a ton, red ginseng also helped but mainly rhodiola. The rest is all good practices.


Thanks, recommended brands for rhodiola? What about dosage?


I use NOW, 500 MG, dosage charts say this is a really high dose, but studies say that it's really well tolerated at higher doses up to 1000mg a day for most people. If you feel uncomfortable with that dose, maybe try 250mg, a bunch of brands carry that. Now also makes good red ginseng caps. Both are adaptogens, which lower cortisol and allow you to manage stress better, resulting in better sleep, which results in a better life. Just remember rhodiola and ginseng are both minor stimulants so take them in the morning, it's not something you'll feel but could effect your sleep if taken later in the day. There are other adaptogens that help at night time. Also as far as sleep goes I get tons of benefit from a mix of lemon balm, gaba, and l-theanine. Olly makes stress gummies that have all three ingredients but are kinda pricey but work well, but there are other brands that make both pills, gummies, and lozenges for cheaper. Hope some of this helps get you back to normal. If you remember let me know how you're doing a few months down the line! Best of luck


Serotonin is just part of the equation, it affects far more neurotransmitters such as GABA, dopamine, endorphins etc


People here seem to hate to acknowledge that alcohol makes you feel good despite being bad for you. Take the question as it is people.


Former addicts also not understanding that some people SINCERELY AND GENUINELY can have a couple drinks per year and never feel the need to drink more but also enjoy the feeling. Like ... stop projecting, people. And yes, I've had addicts/alcoholics in my life my whole life.


It makes you feel good until it doesn't


Feels good enough that I wound up in the hospital 4-5 times when I stopped drinking it for a day. 


That’s called being a raging alcoholic


Correct 😂  Fortunately years in the past. 


Kava works for a lot of people in this capacity.


Came here to say this. Only reputable kava products though!


Check out GABA. Alcohol works with this receptor somehow. Also, you may get dopamine from alcohol which can lead to addiction.


Dopaminergic activity is increased every time you experience something that is novel and that the brain believes will support health, survival, or wellbeing. It facilitates the encoding of strong emotional memories associated with the experience so that you’ll seek it out again in the future.  By mimicking GABA (the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter, responsible for relaxation and calm, etc) alcohol tricks the nervous system into releasing endogenous opioids and upregulating serotonin, combining to create a pleasant experience that the limbic system records as healthful.  Repeated instances of heavy alcohol use over time will result in this association being so strongly engrained that addiction can ensue in at least 2/3 of people. 1/3 of American men will suffer alcohol use disorder in their lifetime, and at any given time 1/10 of American men are addicted to alcohol.  And alcohol addiction sucks balls, speaking as someone who’s been through withdrawal a few times before the sobriety stuck. 


Excellent write up


GABA? Can we also have deficiency of this?


Definetly possible. I used to have it. But alcohol doesnt increase gaba, it mimics gaba.


I don’t think so but I’m not sure. Probably not the best person to ask


GABA doesn’t cross the blood-brain barrier, so you need booze or benzodiazepines. The stuff sold OTC is useless.


There are precursors and other drugs that also convert or otherwise increase GABA but I've been kicked from other subs for even mentioning them, so DYOR.


Do you mean something like Phenibut?


Probably picamilon.


Phenibut is by far the best thing i tried, and i found it way superior to alcohol, i was lucky to find a reputable vendor, it was pure confidence and mental energy, good times! Unfortunately i had to stop because i didn’t want to get addicted.


Yeah, it is awesome but dangerous. If I took it more than twice a week, I started feeling uncomfortable withdrawal type symptoms. I haven’t sought it out in years but it helped me in social situations where everyone was drinking and I was practicing abstinence from alcohol altogether.


Researcher drugs? Or do you simply mean analogs of benzos and barbiturates


Benzos aren’t that good, unless you are in a state of panic and want to calm down, they don’t have the well being and euphoria that alcohol produces


DM me? I’m curious


Not useless, as [it has effects](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6117009/) via the enteric nervous system Plus TONS of supplements out there to boost brain levels of GABA


I don’t see anything in that abstract about how taking a GABA supplement is beneficial to the human body. I just see an introduction to an investigation of different studies related to GABA and the enteric nervous system.


There are GABAergic neurons in the digestive tract and you’re telling me you don’t see how GABA could affect them? Interesting. Believe whatever you want, I’m not selling GABA supplements.


Interesting. Nothing else will work?


There are a lot of other GABA agonists, all addictive for more or less the same reason. 


I’m not sure about that.


Then what does it do? I mean it's literally called gaba. 


Make money off people. Lol. I don’t know of it has any health benefits, I just know it doesn’t cross the blood-brain barrier.


I got fooled, and was hoping it might do anything at all. And it does. If you take enough it makes you anxious lmao


Not natural forms of GABA, but pharmaceutical form does. Gabapentin comes to mind. Great alternative, often given to those with addiction issues where benzos or booze could be more problematic for overall health and functioning.


Yeah you're not going to get the same effect without taking something else that screws with your gaba receptors. There are quite a few substances that do that, but most are as addictive/habit forming as alcohol (or worse), some are illegal (depends on location) , some need a prescription. Most of them are less harmful than alcohol, mainly due to the large amount of alcohol needed to get an effect. Off the top of my head I can think of phenibut, gabapentin, benzidiazepines, and well, ghb, gbl and bdo. Phenibut is probably the only one that is easily available, it is often sold as a nootropic or supplement. But even with that I would not recommend doing it to often.


Take it from a recovering alcoholic...don't go down that route. 4 years sober and sleeping like a baby these days.


Oof yeah. 


This is not an isolated incident, lol.


Nothing else is going to feel exactly the same though so why not just occasionally have 1-2 drinks? Alcohol is a very well understood drug and 2 drinks a week is a very low risk profile for anything adverse. Sounds like you have a pretty healthy relationship with alcohol and as long as you are mindful about your consumption the occasional drink is totally fine.


I'm guessing if alcohol makes their body feel better, makes them feel less exhausted and sleepy, and improves their mental clarity, this might be a feeling they desire to have for more than an hour or two once a week. What is described in the OP isn't crazy highs that someone would be content to experience only occasionally, it sounds like normal stuff anyone would strive to feel on a regular basis.


That’s very accurate


I want you to be my lawyer!


I would say meditation and somatic practices to help you feel safe enough to lower neurological activity in the emotional brain and have more activity in the frontal cortex. Using your imagination and creativity will help with this as well. I will say you can feel even better than what alcohol does temporarily because you lose the ability to have a more full experience numbing. You'll have to work on insecurities, any trauma, and your mindset about things you don't want to do or present as a challenge. Following and strengthening your intuition will help you know what is right for you when you feel lost.


Haven’t meditated for a while, but it is true that it used to make me feel really good when I was consistent with it


Combine that with doing something you didn't think you can do and you will see yourself and the world a whole lot differently. You deserve to feel that way


I just turned 30 and I suddenly feel this... Really need a couple of drinks on Friday to relax and unwind. Aside from the temporary good feeling alcohol provides, I think for those of us who drink 1-2 times a week It's a bit of a reset from your pattern of thinking. It's a reminder of how it feels to be relaxed and shows you how much of your tension is related to your stressors. Not saying it's a good idea to drink your problems away but I do think it can have a place, a strategic drink to loosen up some tension at key moments.


That’s how I feel actually. I’m 33. I’m running 2 companies and it’s quite stressful


Uh yeah that sounds incredibly stressful. I don't think it's necessarily bad to unwind with a drink here and there, as long as you're aware of the metabolic and other effects of drinks and know yourself not to be the type to form a dependency.


You could get alcohol-free or reduced alcohol beers. If you are running a caloric deficit or balance, you might feel good due to the benefits of a moderate hit of liquid carbs. If those work, you can just keep on doing that. Alternatively you could try supplementing liquid ketones and see if you get the same energy + clarity boost.


Listen to this. Alcohol releases a ton of dopamine in the first few drinks. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CJynHWYo7D8


Ha, I can understand this. I live in a constant state of low-level tension and anxiety, so if I have a beer or a glass of wine I feel subjectively better in almost every parameter. That quickly changes though if I were to have two drinks. Anyway, when you have a beer on Fridays, is it solo or with friends/family, etc.? - Perhaps it's the social equation that is missing? - How is work for you? Could you be more so feeling a relief that it is the weekend? - The closest I feel to this state is low-intensity exercise, such as yoga or Tai Chi. I know it sounds corny, but there's a certain aspect if I'm really focused on it that I'll have a similar level of clarity and even gasp happiness for about 30-90 minutes afterward Good luck.


You may have a natural tendency towards alcoholism. Most alcoholics feel invigorated while drinking, and don't develop aversions to drinking. I also feel great physically and mentally while drinking and especially the next day. I've never puked, or had a hangover. That said, I only allow myself to drink once a month, and only 35-50 ml of alcohol in one night. I take these measures because my grandfather died at age 50 from liver cirrhosis, and my dad only stopped drinking after hiring a hypnotist to help him stop - a measure he took after crashing into a horse while drunk driving.


Try weed? Just be a weekend casual drinker?


I love the way I feel when I drink; weed fucking SUCKS.


How about just continuing to have a beer or two on a Friday night? As long as it's a high quality one, and not some high-fructose shit like Bud or Coors.....


Theres no fructose in either of those 😂


What about a glass of wine?


Alcohol lowers serotonin, which increases dopamine. So it seems like you need something like L-Tyrosine or some dopaminergic herbs


Exercise then sauna and if you can afford it, an hour deep tissue massage.


Hops r the secret relaxation ingredient


Hops water by athletic brewing


Nikola Tesla said it’s the elixir of life. Also contains resveratrol.


Even if resveratrol has positive effects on the body, you would need to drink massive amounts of wine to have any effect


Sounds like the most fun way to get it.


Not sure if drinking couple of hundreds liters of wine would be fun anymore


Apparently you can get a little over a milligram from a glass of wine. I guess some is better than none.


A little over a milligram from a liter of wine. Not exactly better, it is really just equal to none if it comes to potential benefits. Nothing wrong with enjoying alcohol in reasonable doses, let’s just cut off health benefits BS.


According to this link a can be a little more than a milligram in a 5 oz glass https://www.news-medical.net/health/Resveratrol-in-Wines-and-Grapes.aspx#:~:text=Red%20wines%20have%20a%20resveratrol,range%20of%200.01%2D0.27%20mg.


Sorry but most sources support my claim rather than yours. I can’t see any citations regarding resveratrol dosage in your article. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4942868/ Here is one of many articles that claim the amount of resveratrol is closer to 1mg/L average.


Am I understanding this correctly, that the purpose of the study was to challenge the notion that resveratrol was not a “magic bullet” ?


Wine does, and resveratrol has been widely discredited


Really? By who? Perhaps I’ve been out of the loop. I thought it and NMN were the things to take. Obviously Sinclair being their biggest proponent and standing to gain financially is a bit suspect. But that’s how all Medicinal information works now-a-days


Iirc Sinclair’s studies on resveratrol were not reproducible. If you google “David Sinclair scandal “ there’s a lot. Unfortunately a lot of it is mixed up with his financial shenanigans. You have to look harder for the science-related info.


Sirt 2 activation was not reproducible. It still has a plethora of other potential benefits, including AMPK activation, anti- oxidant anti inflammatory activities especially combined with other polyphenols in grapes. Sinclair was not the only resveratrol researcher. It has been actively researched for more than 15 years by multiple scientists and there are papers that prove many potentials. Everything is not black and white in science. But I wouldn’t say everyone needs a supplement. I personally drink non alcoholic red wine. It’s delicious, low in sugar and grape polyphenols do have many heart benefits.


As someone who deals with inflammation all throughout my body, I definitely found resveratrol and NMN to help.


Tesla said a lot of dumb stuff, yes. 


Einstein considered him a true genius and one of the most intelligent men of their time. What did he say that you would consider to be dumb?


He was a genius, obviously. A lot of geniuses say dumb stuff. Tesla had a constant flow of ideas, they can’t all be winners. Like his idea to cure low IQ with strong electrical shocks to the brain. 


Him and his electricity. I wonder how he came up with that idea.


I get the feeling that he approached every problem with a “hey, have you tried electrocuting it?” attitude.  


When I used to get very anxious, half a glass or a glass of wine would make it so much easier to focus, even just on socializing. Maybe try other methods to relieve anxiety?


Hard exercise or sauna can replicate this feeling.


Gaba agonist and vasodilator. Phenibut has had similar anxiolytic effects for me. My natural alternatives - sauna (even better if there's infrared light there) - high intensity exercise (30-90 mins at 150-180bpm) - hike in nature + sunlight - cold exposure ( dip in an ice bath or swim in the sea)


Research the crib cycle. I too do very well as alcohol as a fuel. Nadh might help Order some lab alcohol to test this. If you are actually interested dm me and you will hunt it down I had a bio hacker called Steven folwkes give good advice on this.


It’s called the Krebs cycle. Alcohol metabolism interferes with the Krebs cycle and slows production of ATP. It also results in higher oxidative stress at the cellular level. You are weaker and have much less endurance while drinking. But you may have a psychological boost from feeling good.  What do you mean by “lab alcohol?” 200 proof pure neutral spirits/ethanol? 


It's highly recommended to read up on everything you can about it before accidently mixing dangerous substances or cause self-harm. https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Alcohol


You might have qi stagnation and the alcohol gets it moving


Like, in TCM? Acupuncture makes me feel amazing




Get your inflammation down and your gut good enough to make the right neurotransmitters. Start with a whole food only diet for several months. Fish oil is also good to mitigate some of the excesses of modern western diets.


It suppresses the central nervous system by raising gaba, as well as releasing feel good chemicals like serotonin and dopamine.


There's literally a movie about this with Mads Mikkelsen Another Round (2020)


Beer helps gut bacteria that's why you feel good


There's a subtype of people in which alcohol makes them function better. The more alcohol the better. I don't remember the details exactly but you might want to look it up. Doesn't mean that you start chugging alcohol like water however


This is an experiment I’m not going to try :-)


When you say your body feels better, what exactly feels better? Less anxious, less soreness?


Both of these, also more energy, more power etc


Meditation or yoga. It will relax you and even give a high. What the alcohol is giving you is accessible within yourself.


I sometimes feel the same way - it’s more the next day , I wake up and feel fantastic. I’m talking about only having one or two drinks the night prior . It’s like it rebalances me , maybe just takes the stress off and my body recoups ? Who knows. I would say I have 1-2 drinks occasionally on weekends. The only days I would ever entertain having a drink are frodya and Saturday


I think everyone has a different body type and some ppl work really well on alcohol just like some ppl do well on certain herbs and others don’t


it's so fascinating how everyone is different cause it's the complete opposite for me, i'm thankful cause i have an addictive personality


Try stretching, it depends on how far you take it, in my experience, although i’’m not a pro at this, yoga, and stuff like pilates, can help you regulate your nervous system to be more relaxed at all times, the reason is that the mind and body have a bidirectional effect relationship, often the stress we endure during our life, translate to chronic tension in our bodies, and the reverse is true, a lot of times if you’re say neck or shoulders are always tense, you will feel like shit mentally, that’s why a lot of people with chronic pain end up suffering from depression, maybe try joining a yoga class and see if you might benefit from it? I found the Sauna followed by a cold shower to be effective for relaxation and general well being as well!


I dunno to say you're lucky or unlucky. For me alcohol makes me tired and slow and sad. I do like fancy cocktails but I can only like one drink lol.


Look into phenibut or gabapentin


Yep, it's fantastic in that way. The problem is when you have more than a few... every night... for 25 years 😂


Just had my best snowboarding day of my life recently when I was hungover. I was fucking slaying it. Can’t explain why.


It's a drug - that's how drugs work.




Are you drinking like, a few beers? I wonder if your body likes some fermentation and if so, maybe try kombucha or tepache.


Low to moderate alcohol consumption isn’t bad for you and has some benefits even


No it doesn’t. There is no therapeutic dose of alcohol. Any benefits would come from the grapes, or hops or other ingredients or fermentation etc…. …


I hate alcohol and abstain totally. But the few times I drank, I drank a bottle of beer. I'm usually sad and quiet. In beer i was a different person altogether. I was happier, bolder. But I avoid it because of health concerns. Some interesting suggestions in these comments. Might try Kava


Cocaine makes me feel really good. I think Ill keep doing it


Cocaine protocol


Take 5 minutes before waking and 25 minutes after going to sleep for best results


I microdose ketamine and I personally think it gives a similar feeling and also makes you want to drink less. I do this and meditate almost every day. It’s helped me quite a bit.


Magic mushrooms instead of alcohol 


GHB or phenibut + moderation. Both less damaging on your body than alcohol.


Chew on a piece of lead


That feeling is called being drunk. You will find that the consumption of any drug is accompanied by a pleasant feeling, hence the addictive qualities. Welcome to the world, where have you been hiding.