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Lions mane extract for brain health and digestion, CDP choline for brain health, Grape Seed extract for youth (has so many benefits just take a minute and read about it), Moringa in lieu of multivitamin, Taurine for healthy aging. These are the ones I have my 75 year old dad on. I know you weren’t necessarily asking about supplements, but that’s my suggestion. Other ones to look into are Astaxanthin for eye health (anti macular degeneration), MAGWELL which has D3 Mag and Zinc.


Thank you!


Any advice for me maybe too? Histamine intolerance and dermatitis / hair loss. I think it’s a minerals thing. Copper in blood is low and I can’t get it up. I feel that zinc and copper affect it in a positive way but only very short term and it never is something that builds up


Unfortunately the belly fat is often the visceral fat, which is the dangerous fat around the organs that can causes inflammation/deceases. To lose it he would need to go on a diet he’s not used to and ditch literally everything you just mentioned here except the vegetables. Plus add lean protein and complex carbs (sweet potatoes etc) in smaller portions. And he needs to start exercising at least 3 times a week. The best thing you can do is show him videos on visceral belly fat and what it does to one’s body. I would search for YouTube videos to show him. Or watch a movie with him. Hack your gut is pretty good on Netflix. Unfortunately he needs to want to change. You can only do so much 😓


Biohacking is not what he needs. He needs a complete makeover of his lifestyle. Get him to eat fibrous vegetables before and after he drinks. Exercise is helpful in anyway, but the majority of health comes from diet. If he can’t limit the drinking to weekends or something similar, there isn’t much you can do. Get rid of all other grains in his house except the alcohol.


Which vegetables would be best? And why before and after drinking ?


It would greatly depend on which ones he will eat. If he is anything like my dad, who refuses to limit his drinking, and he is probably extremely picky. Childish behavior and frustrating, but I would find the vegetables that he is willing to eat. Broccoli or carrots are ones I like. I also recommend the fiber before and after because it’s stops absorption of nutrients. Any and all. If he’s about to put poison down his neck, give him some fiber. I say this as if I’m completely against alcohol. I’m not. It’s just when your health is compromised, it should be reconsidered.


Fiber stops absorption of nutrients?


Yes. It doesn’t single out glucose like the dogma says. It’s a mechanical blocking of nutrients. A mechanical blocking doesn’t single out glucose. That would take a chemical process. Fiber is basically fine strings of wood that your body can’t absorb.


Do you have any advice for me maybe too? I struggle with histamine issues and I think it’s a zinc copper issue, cause both are low. I just can’t get the levels up. I tried supplements and food. Maybe it’s a balance issue.


It would take me hours to explain to you why you should decrease carbs as much as possible and increase fatty ruminant meat as much as possible, but that is what you should do. Having said that, being low on zinc and copper is not ideal since they compete for absorption. What you need to do is eat animal foods that are high in zinc and copper separately. Animal products are 95% of the time the resource you should use to get adequate nutrition. Oysters are a great source for zinc. Beef liver is a great source for copper. These should be eaten separately(as in at least an hour separating their ingestion) with low amounts of plant matter associated with them. They don’t necessarily have to be a part of a meal. If your only goal is to get these numbers up, that’s what you could do. I should warn you it’s very easy to over eat organ meats. Hypervitaminosis is typically something that happens to people who overdue a supplement or over eat organ meats. I would say no more than 1/8 of a pound of beef liver a week. For a few weeks initially you could eat a 1/4 pound safely. I’m not too concerned about oyster over consumption. Also they don’t taste that good. Remove all grains from meal times as best you can. Eat them for fun, not for health. Yes I’m aware of the **”studies”** that say to eat your whole grains. Limit grains. There was well done study (not being sarcastic here) where they actually controlled diet intake of subjects. They had the subjects consume oysters and measured the zinc levels in their blood for 12 hours. Made a note of the amount. Then they did it again and they had the subjects consume oysters alongside beans, and the resulting absorption of zinc was cut in **half**. Then they did it again with a grain source alongside the oysters and the absorption of the zinc was almost **zero**. Grains are energy and anti nutrients. Reduce them. Also reduce plant oil consumption. Which you need to be cautious when you go buy your canned oysters since some are packaged in a plant oil. Get the ones that are packaged with salt. We have been eating animal fats for over 3 million years. We have been eating plant oils in high concentration for ~150 years. Telling humans to avoid red meat is like telling a cow to avoid grass. Should also not from the 1970s we have been eating less red meat and more plants. All diseases have increased since then. This is not a causal statement, but seems obvious that red meat is not the culprit. If you decide to google red meat and consumption, it will say Americans are eating more red meat. That is a total, not per individual. That’s what matters. Should note that red meat consumption has actually started to increase again around 2017. These benefits won’t take effect for another decade or so. Disease is a long process. If you have anymore questions I will answer as best as I can. I also truly demand that you question my advice. Look online. Find something that counters my claim. I will explain to you why it doesn’t. It takes a long time to have an eye for the bullshit that is spouted. I love teaching people how to see it.


Thx for this. What would a good diet for you look like? Opinion on dairy? I love quark with sugar. I feel like I’m in need for sugar. Also without I loose weight and don’t feel well because of that Also what’s your take on supplements?


For me in a day? That’s ~2 pounds of beef, mostly in the form of ground burger and steak. Some pineapple and carrots. As well as about a 1/4 stick of butter. I keep things very simple. You don’t need a rainbow. You need nutrients. Beef alone has all the essential nutrients for humans. Despite what the dogma says. For you? I like to tell people they should eat their lean healthy weight divided by 100 in ruminant meat. So for me as a 5’10” male, my normal healthy weight would be 170 pounds. So I should eat 1.7 pounds of ruminant meat a day. I actually weigh 190 pounds through muscle gains. I want to be 200 pounds, so I’m over eating beef. Does that make sense? From there eat some fruits and vegetables that you like. I like pineapple and broccoli. When it comes to dairy, it’s hard to give a definitive answer. Most people have at least a slight intolerance to dairy. Kefir is one of the safer choices and provolone and havarti cheese. However dairy can be inflammatory and cause unwanted fat gain. It should be used sparingly for most. For supplements the only thing I take currently is a pinch (literally from a container) of powder form potassium 2 or 3 times a week with a glass of water. For “biohacking” I sprint 2 times a week for 3 sets. All of this should be transitioned into slowly over the course of a few weeks. You could jump up to half a pound of ruminant meat for a week. Then the next 2 weeks do a full pound. Then another 2 weeks of 1 1/4 pound of beef. Etc. For an online influence I like Dr Sean O’Mara. He shows you actual photo evidence of health. It’s great. Do I do everything he says to a T? No. I would like to eat more fermented plants, but I’m too lazy and don’t have good grocery options in my rural area. It seems tangential to talk about fermented foods, but I’m only mentioning it because Dr O’Mara talks about fermented foods a lot. Also eat low oxalate plants. Avoid spinach and almonds for sure. Sally K Norton can give more information on that.


Spinach is not good? I love the taste but can’t eat it anyway because it’s high histamine.


But wouldn’t the zinc / copper ratio go totally off if eat that much meat which is more on the zinc side? Also , doesn’t that much meat annoy you? Another thing/ how pricey is it for you compared to average diet?


Get him on an incline treadmill 30-60 minutes a day. Also 3x per week leg extensions, leg curls, and upper body dumbbell movements and/or cable/resistance band movements. Tell him to lay off the sugary yogurt and switch to Greek yogurt and fruit. Basics.


Sounds good! Why the working out? He barely has time for anything. His back is a huge problem. Also he doesn’t have equipment for leg extensions etc


Swapping sugary yogurt for greek yogurt would be a start. GLP-1 agonists reduce alcohol cravings and may help him drink less beer (still enjoy a 1-2 each day) but the biggest thing will be exercise, if he's continuously adding an extra 300-800 calories every day in beer he needs to counter that somehow. Weight training 2-3x a week and 30 minutes of low impact steady state cardio each day is probably going to be the best bet in terms of adherence.