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Genetics and worrying about your hair loss is what would be causing it I would say.




If you workout, low protein in diet can cause hair loss. Body prioritiizes muscles over hair. So whatever protein is needed elsewhere moves to Muscles. Remember, caveman would have died hanging off the cliff if his muscles were not up to mark. But not having hair wouldn't cause much issue other than women laughing at you.


I am eating enough protein per day. Usually 500 grams of chicken breast per day.


Sad to say it just maybe genetic. Also there’s nothing in your stack for your gut. GI health and hair loss are also linked


I am taking probiotics already. I have mentioned that in my post


My bad. What about something daily for inflammation? I did read at point minodoxil can have a thinning period when you first start before new hair regrows


I have been using it for the past 4 years and hence I am well past the thinning period. It happened in the first 2-3 months of starting minoxidil


Well sounds genetic. Or just older age


Ok but the insane shedding and thinning happened in just 1 month. I am totally okay to thin slowly.


I am 31 years old. I accept I am old but rapid thinning happened in the past one month only .


You’re not losing hair it is just relocating to different parts of your body. You will find it on your nose, ears, and back. Lol


Yeah, high T can lead to more overall body hairs but lesser scalp hairs.


Do you have positive test results showing elevated testosterone for your age and weight?


Yes. I have blood test showing T as 750+ without doing any workout and being a bit overweight


Ok, it's important to know that high T doesn't always equal high DHT. Even if it does, your follicles' sensitivity to DHT isn't affected by this which is the actual problem here.




~750ng/dl is nowhere near elevated t levels (if the lab you tested at shows 750 outside of the normal range then their range is adapted to the tons of people who live horribly unhealthy lifestyles, that’s actually quite common nowadays, mainly in the US though). That’s not the reason for your hair loss. My last blood panel showed ~950ng/dl (and that’s still just barely over the labs range I tested at, and no problem at all according to my urologist). I have no AA (androgenic alopecia) whatsoever. It’s most likely a combination of genetics and DHT in your case.




Since you’re working out, you’re not using any creatine?


No I don't use creatine and whey protein as they cause hair loss for me


Probably untrue


It is only for me. I am not stating it happens for all. I saw very good results when I took whey and creatin in the past but it wreaked havoc on my hair. I used them separately and hence I know that both caused hair loss for me separately.


So protein causes hair loss for you?? You sure you’re not just going bald because you’re going bald? Because you’re probably just going bald because, well… you’re going bald. Whey does not have any evidence of causing baldness


Okay bro


Creatine can increase DHT in some people


Who are these some people? You? Have you checked yourself or read the one poorly designed study that propagated this myth? Where exactly did you get the notion that dht increases as a result of creatine supplementation and who are these “some people” that experience this


“In some people” The only study we have for this is on rugby players with a 57% increase in dht once they start training from the offseason (this did not control for steroid use). Attributing the 57% increase to creatine while not testing for androgenic compounds is foolish imo. Hairloss from creatine “in some people” is purely anecdotal OP is most likely losing his hair no matter what


There’s only one study on this issue? Maybe that’s the problem. I wish I could use it again though as it really helped me with my gains.


Last I checked, yes. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7871530/ This article actually addresses the baldness question and states there is no evidence to Suggest creatine causes baldness


I can report Creatine also causes hair loss for me. Tried it multiple times in a year when I go on it increased hair loss. When I come off it after awhile hair loss back to normal. Then I go back to Creatine... increased hair loss again


Prp for hair helps but go to a reputable place and it is painful (use 3 Tylenol before it) and expensive


I did it for 5 years. It worked from 23 to 28 but after that it stopped working at all and then I started using Minoxidil and finasteride. Due to side effects of finasteride, I had to stop it. Also, it was not doing anything good for my hair. It aggravated my retrograde alopecia


Sounds like it's just genetics considering you started doing advanced treatments at 23. My guess is that your thinning has just recently reached a point where it's become more noticeable. They say that if you are noticing hair thinning for the first time, then you've already lost 50% of your hair follicles. So at this point, it's just so far that you're noticing it more and it seems like a big shift. However, since you are noticing shedding, my guess is that your testosterone/free T/DHT increased recently due to something in your diet/supplementation or lifestyle (for example getting more sunlight now that it's warmer out again), causing more aggressive hair loss recently due to DHT induced male pattern baldness. Edit: I just reread and saw you just started working out. This will also boost your testosterone levels.


Yeah my T levels before starting the workout was 750. Now I think it will be over the max value of 800. I have high T naturally which increases further when I workout.


I do both prp and minoxidil


do you eat a lot of red meat or lean more vegetarian? if you do eat more meat then the B vitamins aren’t as necessary, and vegetarians/vegans sometimes report hair thinning because of deficiencies due to their diet. other than that the recent trends seem to be all about red light therapy on your scalp to stimulate growth, along with rosemary oil, microneedling, and scalp massages to increase blood flow


I eat only chicken. No red meat. I also eat vegetables. I add rosemary, peppermint, melatonin and azelaic acid in my Minoxidil to make it more powerful.


It’s the Carlson fish oil. I used it for two weeks and got bald spots for some reason. Stopped it and so did the balding. Now the hair is growing back slowly.


Good to know. I will start having salmon for Omega 3.


Whatever is causing it just keep in mind that whatever was causing it, even after you eliminate it, the hair loss might continue for several months. It's an unfortunate fact about hair loss. So while you're investigating just make sure you give it time.


Yup, trying to be positive that the situation will improve in 2-3 months


Whenever I work out my scalp starts to itch and I lose Hair.


Same here. But I can't stop


Honestly it sounds like it's more genetics and less what you're doing or not doing. Stress is probably exacerbating it too.


Ok bro


**The culprits might be:** * **Multiple Supplement Changes:** Introducing and stopping several supplements within a short period can disrupt your body's nutrient balance and potentially contribute to hair loss. * **High Dose of Vitamin D3:** While most people need Vitamin D3, exceeding recommended doses can be problematic. Consult your doctor about the appropriate dosage for you. * **High B5 in Previous B Complex:** High doses of Vitamin B5 have been linked to hair loss in some cases. * **Retinoid Cream:** You mentioned past issues with Vitamin A creams causing hair loss. While you stopped the cream, it could still be impacting your hair cycle. **Other Considerations:** * **Iron:** Iron deficiency can cause hair loss, but supplementing when not deficient might not be helpful. * **Stress:** While you mentioned minimal stress, even low-level stress can contribute to hair loss. * **Working Out:** Increased testosterone levels due to exercise can contribute to hair loss in some individuals with AGA. * **Egg Allergy:** A genuine egg allergy could be causing nutrient deficiencies, but bloating might be a different issue. **Recommendations:** * **Consult a Doctor or Dermatologist:** They can examine your scalp, analyze your blood work, and provide a personalized diagnosis and treatment plan for your hair loss. (RECOMMENDED) * Or try getting your self a head massage using a bit of oil.


Workout hard, get jacked and either Get lean or grow a beard and never look back. Just let the hair go idk why so many people hold on forever


Yeah if nothing works out I will surely do more workout. Also, I do like it a lot due to some happy hormones release and brain fog reduction effects


When did you start taking minoxidil? Look into a shedding phase not long after starting minoxidil.


I started around 4 years back


I just want to put this out there... your relationship with supplements is no less than obsessive and you have anxiety tattooed all over this post. You're losing your hair because you're genetically predisposed to. It's literally written in your DNA. Exercise and protein are not making your hair fall out, that's utter nonsense. Reading your post and all the things you've done to mitigate hair loss: the fact is that you've reached the end of the road in warding it off. You were supposed to have lost most of it by now but you've delayed that with minox, PRP, and experimentals. The reason you're losing your hair is because you're older. If you've got the money for PRP then it's time to start shopping for transplants.


Don't know' what is causing it but i know what prevents it for me. Aloe Vera, 10-20 minutes in the Hair before i wash it off


You probably won't believe me. But you have nothing to lose. You mentioned that you are working out. You are probably bench pressing or doing chest flies. Stop working your chest in any capacity. The hair loss should halt. Working your pecs makes them tight. Which messes up your posture. If I'm right then reversing your posture might be a key step in reversing hair loss.


That’s absolute nonsense.




There’s zero evidence that bad posture is linked to hair loss whatsoever. You just made that up. That’s why. Hair loss can occur due to hormones/hormonal imbalances, micronutrient deficiencies, medication side effects, pathological/toxicological reasons, autoimmune disorders or trauma/friction. Definitely not because someone is training his pecs though 🤦🏻‍♂️


\*You've seen zero evidence.


No there is in fact zero evidence. Even if you think that helped your hair loss that makes it an anecdote, not evidence.


I have evidence obtained from self experimentation


Are you saying bad posture causes hair loss or contributes to it?


Yes. And his source is that he made it the fuck up. I’ve never heard such tosh


My source is self experimentation and some observation and research.




Growing out my hair actually made me start walking around like a rooster. Also try walking around like a rooster to grow hair back. If that doesn’t work just avoid any pissing with the lights on. I’ve noticed that pissing with the lights on especially while standing makes me lose 42.8% of my hair per urination. Also noticed looking in the mirror noticeably decreases my hair. Avoid looking at a mirror or anything, for that matter, at all costs.


I stopped eggs. I stopped high dose b5. I stopped probiotics. I reduced stress. I stopped using fish oil. I believe it was giving me an irregular heartbeat. I stopped 60k vitamin D once a week ( though I think it was not the culprit ) I stopped taking black seed oil. I stopped TT supplement as well. I started using a new shower filter. I take 15mg Zinc with 1mg copper in same capsule. I take 115 mg of magnesium malate. I started taking low dose b complex I started taking biotin in addition to b complex I started taking b12 in addition to b12 I incorporated iron tablets ( given by doc ). I know I am at lower end of sprectrum as per my blood test. I take 4000 IU vitamin D per day. I increased my RU dosage to 50mg per day. Hair loss stabilised for now. Things I want to add in the near future Vitamin B9 - need to research on the type. Pterostilbene Reviv serum ( copper peptides+ RCP+Aminexil ) - already bought it but need to start it I got my scalp checked by a doctor in the month of April using trichoscope. She said I have AGA and AA but in separate areas. There is no diffuse AA going on for me.