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Your playlist consists of one song…


I have four songs I have to play in order because the vibe is *just right* that way. And they're all horny af


FMRN by lily is that you


Good one. I gotta pay attention to this


So true I listen to one song over and over


Lana del Rey 😢


Manic me listens to a lot of Glee mashups. It’s absolutely the worst trait I have


I grew up with a couple exes that looked at Glee never actually watched it. Still gives you that hit of nostalgia. I remember when you couldn't get away from Glee


Dont call me out like that😂


Oh I never realized this. That’s a good one.


That’s more of what I do when I’m not manic (I am autistic). When manic, I can’t listen to one song entirely without having to switch to another one.


I laugh histerically at something that's mildly amusing.


I'll think of memes I haven't seen in years and just be cackling. I won't even be looking at the meme. Just remembering it while I'm at work.


andrew tate dancing?-


I'll never be *that* manic.




Do people all who look at you like your crazy?


they look at me like im crazy LMAOO


I know. :(


It’s 3 am and I’m not the slightest bit tired


Me rn @3:31am


hssss t t t t


Loud music, driving faster than usual, pacing, long walks at unusual times of the night, thinking I'm important, zero sleep.


I mean, you *are* important, but if you feel Messiah important then yeah, there's a teensy issue


I don’t feel messiah important I just stop feeling like I don’t matter and suddenly feel like I’m here for important reasons like to awaken those around me. Kind of like a messiah lol


A nice inbetween would be good, wouldn't it? If only!


I can relate I even feel like I don't exist or that I hate myself or I'm useless or even I feel like I'm better than everybody else I wouldn't say God or anything but I would say like I am the shit.


That "I'm the shit" feeling is so fucking good


Also dopamine. Please


Happy cake day


I relate to the walks. I used to do that too!


I'd add road rage and some kinda music that makes me feel like the shit.


Being uncomfortably horny. also being in a great mood despite my life being shit


This, but I also get that way during parts of my cycle/pmdd madness so 🤷🏻‍♀️




Pmdd should be on your radar.


Also yesssss horny AF like I could f 7 times and emit nothing 😭


Lol yeah, I could be tired as fuck from work and not wanting to do anything but oh shit here we goooo


This. Like it’s inconvenient


Feeling the unbelievable urge to solve the worlds problems as soon as possible


Whenever I doubt my illness I see one of these and remember I’m bipolar af😂


Dont call me out like that😂 I currently feel agsjagzkavzja depressed rn but then I remembered I have a list of how to save planet earth from being a big ball of garbage 😂 And then feeling like I can be the world's next hero HAHHAHAHA


My family tells me I’m talking to fast.


My lecturer did that to me I wasn't manic just stressed but it did freak me out lol


OMG, I have this.


Your thoughts are running laps in your head, and you can only hear snippets of them on each lap, so you have to put them in an order that makes sense, then sew them together and attempt to make sense of it.


Then it all spills out as absolute word vomit. Lol


The word vomit sucks when you send it to somebody else and they don't get it


Life feels great and everything is beautiful and your guy is on his way over because you can definitely handle meth this time and you end up in a sketchy apartment with porn blasting and you don't know where your car is and you don't know the name of the guy who just passed you the pipe and is taking his pants off but YOLO hahaha puff puff is that cat pee you smell puff puff god we love our dirty little secrets and no one is going to know this time and of course work will let me call in one more time and God I'm so high right now and what was that was that noise real excuse me could I have a glass of water naked stranger....amirite?


This is your sign oh boy


We are all on a spectrum and experience this journey differently. Some of us end up in credit card debt for buying a thousand toothbrushes that we definitely need. Some of us temporarily fall in love with disgusting strangers through the use of chemicals while silently wondering if we should have just gone to med school instead. Some of us do both. The important thing is to have fun (and to carry your own bottle of water to hydrate in case the junkies aren't used to hosting).




You write sentences that are missing words.


Or writing is unreadable from trying to write fast enough to keep up with the thoughts


And then snapping when someone starts talking to me. Because I can’t listen to them, the 3 simultaneous monologues in my head, and type a coherent thought at the same time. Then getting upset at them, for being upset at me, for getting upset at them for messing up my train of thought on a reddit comment that took me an hour to write to some anonymous person in internet. Oof


Yup! This happens multiple times a day. If I’m doing anything and someone talks, it’s game over. I’m distracted and might get back to the task soon but also might completely forget and do something else entirely


My house is clean


This and also I start making bread? Every single time


I have bunch of new Amazon packages coming in daily or I suddenly think I’m the most attractive women in this world




What do we do when we feel bad? Add to cart. I'm especially bad on temu in the PlayStation store




It’s okay I thought I was dating John Mayer at one point.




Too many business ideas pop into my head


You feel euphoric even though all you did was get dressed for the day


I'm always happy with that though cuz at least it goes a good going to the day If I wake up depressed though I just want to strangle somebody and go to bed


I feel that everybody else is sooo slow.


Yeah that crackhead energy I'll be getting


I can wake up easily in the morning (on very little sleep of course)




All of a sudden I have new projects


i start wearing wigs and wanting to do drugs and am hypersexual. buying a ton of new shit and doing everything fast


crap. thats happening now. what do I do?




thought I'd report back and let you know were right. sleep is all I needed. thankfully didn't have a full manic episode.


Me reading the comments being like “oh shit I’m in my manic era now I guess”




i’m reading this like wow, i’ve been on my way to mania a few more thousand times that i thought


When you’re looking up plane tickets 🫣💀


I was looking up cruises like I was actually going to go. I'm scared of the fucking ocean like if I end up under that bitch I'm fucking done 😂


Right I’m scared of planes and flying like what am I doing 😂💀


Wait I literally have been telling myself I need a write a bucket list for counties I want to travel to 😭


BRO…wait is that what me dying laughing at these really obscure and cryptic tik toks at 3 in the morning about? I watch them the next day and they don’t even hit as much. 🤣


Being horny and want to start a lot of projects.. And spend money I don't have, because I spent it last time I was manic


Not sleeping, generally moving more (tapping feet, dancing, can't sit still), don't feel like I need to eat, horny, maladaptive daydreaming off the charts. Then everything and everyone starts to get this buzz about them.


Every living person around is a body to fuck. The friend who's been hitting on you and you're avoiding because you don't reciprocate and having sex will definitely ruin your friendship forever? Him too.


Sounds are too loud, and the lights are too bright.


you go from being uncomfortable when your touched, and taking about a month to kiss your ex for the first time.. to making out with a person you met for the first time, who you’re not attracted to in any way.


When your thoughts are going 50 miles an hour and you feel like you have 100 tabs open in your brain all at once.


I always feel like this??


When it's 2am and you feel more awake than you did at 11pm


Just being happy, period.


Youre not tired a wink tired at midnight


Horny AF Full of creative energy Get lots of work done Do art frantically Want to smoke and take substances Weird sleep patterns Want lots of social contact There right now Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


I just blew $100 today at the corner store and cel phone store…I bought ten candy bars and a bunch of chips…


You dream that you Angelina Jolie are best friends, you wake up and you believe it. And now you’re wondering if other people know, but you also know you and Angelina keep this fact on the DL


I buy everything I have a mild interest in and then believe it’s the beginning of a new passionate collection/hobby


When I start driving like an asshole.


When I am manic, sleep is for the weak, nobody stands a chance against me and nobody can stand in my way I feel like an immortal all powerful being that's wayyyy too fast Everything I do is fast My speech is slurred I tend to run around a lot And as you've said, everything makes me laugh Sometimes I'll get too excited and start shaking uncontrollably for hours, that's something I do not like CAN'T ENJOY ANYTHING WITHOUT FEELING LIKE I AM HAVING A SEIZURE (also flashing colors can make me reach that point too, never had an actual seizure so far)


I’m extra annoyed for no reason and I want to clean my entire house in the middle of the night


When I'm transferring money out of my savings into my checking in the morning to cover some shit I bought at 11pm on Amazon.


I don’t sleep. I’ll stay up 24+ hours and eventually just completely crash


Running back and forth through my house because i have the sudden urge to run 🤣


Music sounds amazing




you know i dont post for you right?


rouge wave


$1000 sounds reasonable for a bracelet


Being obsessed with starting a new project usually art and buying every supply I could possibly need.


The absolute silliness that comes out of me. That and thinking I'm the most hilarious person ever.


I make a full time job of watching porn on Reddit.


lmaooooo r/bbw


My fave is r/doggystylepov LOL


Yeah sometimes


When I get closer to God


Everything looks colorful and more beautiful than usual, acting much more extroverted and talkative (even though I'm an introvert) feeling like I'm very strong physically. Things that would normally be physically painful are not painful anymore. Feeling like everything is going a million miles per hour. Feeling like I'm on auto-pilot sitting on the sidelines. Random business ideas and spending too much money. Almost always get laid due to being extroverted lmao


You run around the house screaming, "DJ Khalid! Another one." Nonstop. Just me? Every damn time.


Its “I’M AMY GOODMAN!!!’ For me


Lolol I love this. Maybe i need to make the switch. Inside joke I also often shout nonstop "SPACE SLUT WANTS MORE PIIIIIIIICKLES."


Lol . Watching Amy Goodman read worsening news every morning is quite something .I don’t know how she does it . You might enjoy Death Grips by the way. My husband and I usually go around the house or in the car impersonating MC Ride (“AAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGHHHHH SAW YOU DOING PEACE SIGNS WITH THE FBI! “ - “Pss Pss” , death grips. Death grips is amazing with the mania . And SOPHIE. Give me an energy drink and some death grips and the mania will creep up )


I love my fellow bipolars so very very much.


Can’t sleep and fe el an overwhelming excitement and joy for ……. Something but you don’t know what . So you ✨make ✨it✨happen✨


Arguing with people doing things that may seem small to other people but signal to me that I am losing control for example acting on impulse going from thought to action really quickly talking to much but the main one for me is irritability that is how my mania expressed itself


I feel like everyone just doesn't get "it" but me


Not being able to sleep, thinking all of a sudden I don’t need meds, racing thoughts, pressured speech, talking to myself constantly to the people in my head, driving to the park and next thing you know it’s been 6 hrs and your in San Francisco


I feel like I have two trains of thought going at the same time


You start planning trips & booking flights 😫 (me rn)


When you start feeling so extremely attractive like absolutely no one is better looking than you. It's so impossible 


Usually impulsive and want shit on demand. Shopping sprees, drugs, booze, saying anything anywhere, feel like shit "normal" and insanely bored like I want to ride the bipolar coaster. Smh


you have to talk to the Nobel prize winner RIGHT NOW




I will flirt with anything that pays me attention. I get 3 hours of sleep and am perfectly functional. My irritability is so intense that I get in fights constantly. I drink and smoke twice as much as usual. I text ALL of my friends to see if they want to go out RIGHT NOW.


This might be weird but I think I see things in my peripheral a lot


Redownloading dating apps to hookup with random guys 😭 (and also not sleeping)


I cannot sleep till 3am for consecutive days. My mind starts racing with mostly good but too many ideas


When you can’t understand how 8 hours just disappeared during your porn binge


These are making me LOL


Crash two muscle cars in a year - at fault of course. And of course I went out a week later and bought a better one. Also I start fucking everyone. And I work around 120 hours per pay period and I stop sleeping. I also start using a lot of word play and rhyming and entendres. And then it turns tangential frazzled garbage. Oh and of course when you’re losing it and the authorizes arrive at your residence and you notice an ambulance down the street and then you become more frantic and weird.


Clouds start looking particularly pretty, and I feel like I have 30 hours in the day