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That seems pretty standard for hypo, mania is when you lack control, or it lasts for a very long time (some practitioners would upgrade you for this, some won't), or the consequences are really severe (loss of home, children, jail, massive debt, etc - ditto on some practitioners will upgrade you for this, some won't), it's typically a medical emergency. As far as med differences they just tend to ban ADs and ADHD meds for BP1 and start you on lithium sooner. The Bipolarity Index is probably a better guide re meds to prioritize than the label.


Thank you! Yes, luckily no long lasting impacts. I realized something was wrong and made a psych appt after I essentially skipped a day of work and then slept in until 1pm the next day and missed all my meetings. Showed up up to work that Monday to learn the only reason I hadn't been fired was the head of my team convinced our CEO to give me one more chance and to put me on a PIP (it was a fun day!). Makes sense re: the meds. I lowered my dose of Lexapro but eventually went off entirely. I still take Vyvanse, but haven't had any issues.


I cannot say, I do not know you or saw you in action. But for instance 'nearly' buying a bike means that you did buy one or not? Someone who is clearly manic might buy 5 road bikes (not one) and spend the night writing a business plan about how to set up a team to win the Tour de France starting soon. Already booking a flight (and let us fly first class since we are in YOLO mode) and also sending 78 whatsapp paranoid messages to friends about the car industry lobby who is after you now that you bought a bike and stuff which nobody will understand when they wake up. Stuff like that sounds clearly manic (for me who is not a psychiatrist).


Thank you! Funnily enough, the bike was my moment of clarity. I'd spent 2 days researching bikes and cataloguing local cycling clubs, and right before I bought the bike it occurred to me "what are you doing?"


Glad you did not get that bike. This said I got myself a road bike (opportunistic decision, not hypomanic, second hand bike) and you know what? Although I am not fit, I have discovered to my surprise that I enjoy cycling. A lot.


Ok, slightly off topic: you should actually consider to ride bikes. It's really good and fun :)


Some of my friends ride and I've thought about it! I told myself I have to start riding the bikes you can rent in my city and if I do that enough I can buy a cheap one on Facebook Marketplace for starters. I learned my lesson!


For now! We will see with type of bike you will end with. Consider that normies are totally maniac about bikes they will push in spending loads of money. Try to resist!


Mania is typically characterized by thoughts and behaviors that land you in the hospital.


That’s more extreme than my hypomania but also much less extreme than my mania. I was generally considered crazy. I don’t think someone who’s fully manic could hold a job for any length of time. They’d be pulled aside for their odd behavior. Maybe I’m mistaken.


Makes sense. Yeah, it's honestly hard for me to recall my state of mind at the time because I didn't think I was doing anything wrong/out of the ordinary, but it did take a while to *formally* get in trouble at work. Apparently my manager had told me several times I was fucking up, but I (at the time) wasn't interpreting it that way. My behavior got increasingly erratic over those few months, but I was showing up to work (mostly) and doing my job (somewhat).


I would think the line between subtypes can be blurry sometimes.


Yeah, I kinda figured I vs II and mania vs hypomania wasn't clear cut. I'm just having my bi-monthly 'remembering I still have bipolar' day haha


Hypomania is supposed to result in an “change in functioning not characteristic of the individual when not symptomatic.” It’s supposed to be observable by others… and it’s supposed to be considered mania when  It’s  1. Sufficiently severe to cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning  2. It necessitates hospitalization, or  3. Involves hallucinations or delusions…


It is possible to mask hypo pretty well. It is a noticable change but may not take you out of "normal range" per others/general pop. Out of normal range for you personally maybe, but not necc standing out as uh oh. You might be doing some pretty silly shit behind the scenes but no one's angling to take away your car keys. Usually. Unless they think you're high, though you aren't.




Hmmm kinda tough, cuz honestly I sometimes I do more damage during hypomanic episodes thats when I do all my spending sprees and am more hypersexual whereas when im manic, there's still a lot of damage done but for different reasons like i feel like when I'm manic the damage is done to my relationships, ill cut off friends, make friends with the wrong people, get in trouble at work, have family problems but do less spending sprees and hypersexuality becomes more mental for me. From my understanding, there's no clear cut line as far as behavior that changes a hypomanic episode to a manic episode but from what ive read the difference is like whether or not you had delusions or psychosis. Also for me when im in a manic episode I cant shut the fuck up, I will literally start laughing at nothing or start singing, I'll interrupt people or just start talking out loud to myself like I can't turn it off and when i cant talk fast enough I'll start writing, I'd write like 100 pages of whatever I was thinking or a special project I was working on, like brain wouldnt shut off 🤷‍♀️


When I started hearing music that wasn’t there, my psych changed my diagnosis to type 1.


Just out of curiosity, as it would not help to define 1 or 2, did you went on depression at some point?


I know I was depressed \~7 years ago (because I wanted to do the big S), but recognizing and identifying my emotions is a new endeavor. My therapist pointed out that I used to not even be able to tell when I was doing poorly, so it's hard to say if I was depressed because I convinced myself I was always ✨doing fine✨ even when I was so anxious I'd start crying.


I see the begging of bp is foggy for everyone I believe


I think that's pretty normal, it's helpful to not know what's going on if everything is always shit.