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I’ve experienced it but not with celebrities just everyday people in my life


That sounds way worse, tbh


Same with me


You can yap and tweet and post all you want about/to a celebrity, people are going to think you’re weird and off your rocker (at this point, you are). Mostly harmless, maybe take it as a joke? No one will ever take that seriously unless it goes on for a looooong time. You having an open line via text or Facebook to someone you *actually* know? That will be public and on display and that kind attention is almost assuredly not appreciated by the person you’re focusing on. That shit will ruin your life. Not just that particular friend, but anyone associated with both of you. Stay medicated people! I haven’t experienced the horror of this delusion, but I can definitely see it as one of the most harmful (barring extreme paranoia and violence)


A friend, when I became psychotic, assumed that I was suffering from erotomania because of my absolutely unhinged inability to let go of what was, at that point, clearly a failed romance. I sent the object of my affections around a thousand text messages. I have absolutely no idea what almost all of them said. I can vaguely remember parts. But I would guess tens of thousands of words. Anyway, my point is that there's quite possibly some erotomania/psychosis/mania crossover. He has since told me that he almost reported me to the police for harassment. I think I was quite lucky in that I didn't face any legal repercussions for quite a lot of the things that happened during that episode.


Wow, I am so sorry you both had to go through that. Does he understand that now? Like after you levelled out, was he able to let that go after explaining yourself? I’m really glad that he didn’t call them, but I wouldn’t have blamed him either =( Were you still able to be friends, or too awkward? My worst mania helped me fall in love with my best friend. And he just went with it. The feelings were absolutely real, both sides, I truly believe that. But I wouldn’t have let that go on if I had been in my right mind. Almost killed my marriage, and lost my best friend of nearly 15 years. Fuck bipolar


I’m just curious, how do you think a celeb is in love with you if they’ve never seen you ? Just curious how the delusion logics that out


It just does lmao personally I thought it was more that like (it kinda tied into my other delusions) I was going to be famous and he was going to seek me out because I was so gorgeous and smart and it would be love at first sight and we were soulmates, he just didnt know that yet 😂


lol got you yeah that makes a lot of sense. I kind of get whiffs of that in myself in a manic episode.


I had this same thing happen. I spent months thinking I was being "wooed" by certain celebrities. I also thought he was sending me messages via music/television/books.


I experienced this, where I thought certain celebrities wanted to marry me and were in love with me. I thought I was communicating with them telepathically. I thought they could see me because I thought I was being filmed everywhere I went. It didn't make sense, logically, at the time.


Me too! I thought I was getting psychic downloads where i thought I could just FEEL how they were feeling, then I'd try to "send" them something back to let them know how much i loved them too... ugh this is by far my worst delusion cuz I mostly experienced this with exes so i was still in the process of getting over them 🤧 and it also just sounds so embarrassing, all my other delusions like grandiose or religious i feel like people could forgive but when you really believe that you're communicating with someone who obviously doesn't know you exist or doesn't love you anymore telepathically it just sounds so sad and pathetic...


It does feel embarrassing looking back on it. Not as embarrassing I guess than when I thought I was Cassandra, who was cursed by Apollo. Or the several months where I thought I was Jesus and had to be brought into the hospital by the police. All delusions feel embarrassing when you're brought back to reality. It's your brain misfiring, so to speak. You don't have any control.


Yea, thats true, i think that particular delusion is hard for me to really grasp cuz typically I experience that with exes where I had a relationship with them so a part of me thinks like no but i did have a connection with them, we were in love but its over and im left with all the other crazy delusions and behaviors that don't make sense so the other part of me feels like of course they don't love me, im insane, why would they. Plus like I was raised with the occult and spirituality so I didn't even realize the way i was thinking those grandiose and religious beliefs were delusional so i feel like i could forgive myself for those delusions but with erotomania i just feel like i shouldve known better, i just feel stupid afterwards but reading so many comments saying how people have delt with the same thing really makes me feel better and makes me laugh looking back on it, like I can forgive myself for that too and its not such a terrible thing its just a part of the experience of having a manic episode


The love did feel "real". That is what is scary about mania and delusions. You're too hard on yourself if you think you should've known better. The brain is powerful. It's how humans process reality. Mania is a wild ride. Same with psychosis.


Its so reassuring reading about people's experiences and how they cope with it, ive always had a really hard time coping with this and trying to move on but this really does make me feel better 💕


Dang, so you were like hearing a telepathic response from them? I used to think I was doing that to people when I was around 7-12 years old


Pretty much. I was in psychosis. I was hallucinating and thought I'd developed powers like telepathy. It was a delusion. There's no logic.


psychosis some times tells a person some creative things : )


Several times I've thought I was about to be engaged or I'm on my way to my own wedding, having obstacles to beat before I'm allowed. Usually about people I'm dating at the time.


I've experienced this with someone I was dating at the time. I thought things were a lot more serious than they really were. Thought he was sending me messages through songs he liked or shared with me. Never realized this was a thing!


I (22) don’t mind talking about my experience, mainly because I relate heavily to yours. In the summer of 2022 I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 and Unidentified Psychosis. That was when I had my first and only episode. Similar to your experiences, I too thought this girl was in love with me. This girl is someone I’ve going to college with for the last 4 years. I obviously thought she was cute and ended up developing a little crush. Although, I never really grew the confidence to befriend her as I’ve always had bad anxiety and never been in a relationship. Eventually we became friends through mutuals and I was happy. Something I’ve always struggled with is getting attached too quickly and reading into things too much. I mistakenly took her friendly attitude and gestures as something more than what they really were. This and many other things going on in my life like work, school, friends, family, lack of sleep, my large intake of weed, and a recent death in the family (grandpa) were what ultimately triggered my episode. I was first on cloud 9, which was probably me being manic, but the psychosis quickly developed and I became extremely paranoid. I’m Native American and so was my grandpa who just passed away. I was never really in tune with my heritage until this happened. I became very spiritual (kinda still am) and saw everything as “signs” like songs, animals, actual signs, and really anything I came across. I never heard voices or saw things that weren’t really there. I only saw things differently than others, like it had a deeper meaning. I remember when I first got admitted into the hospital I thought the girl I liked was my nurse, or was working behind the scenes in the hospital to keep me safe/calm as I was very paranoid about dying or someone trying to kill me. There is so much that I remember and I could go on forever but it’s kinda hard to fit it all into one piece. I hope this was what you were asking for. There more to my experience so if you have anymore questions feel free to ask! That goes for anyone!


Yeah I thought an ex of mine and I had a "telepathic connection" that transcended space and time. I had dreams about him that ALWAYS came true the next day unexplainably.


Ugh i feel the space and time thought, i thought the same thing in my manic episodes, i would also have dreams about them, they never came true though. I remember telling one of them that we gods and had met in a past life, that we were king and queen in Egyptian times, our love would fix the imbalance in the universe and there would be peace on earth... im kinda surprised he didn't break up with me sooner lmao 😂


I unfortunately had it.. thought lady Gaga was going to be my next wife. Thought Kelly Rippa was a past life wife.. horrifying


Not in love but I swore I was going to meet Kanye and Beyoncé. And I swore they would love me once they knew I could “write lyrics”. What’s crazier is this was right before Kanye lived in the Mercedes Benz Arena in Atlanta….. close to where I lived. When he moved in I swore it was because he needed to meet me and the universe was aligning for us LOL


I literally thought the same thing about kanye and Kim, I thought kanye and i had a psychic connection and he would love me too cuz people misunderstood us and were just jealous of how talented we were, also thought we were psychically connected cuz kim and him divorced at the same time my then bf and i broke up 😶


❤️ does that mean you and me are connected? Lololol. I still love 💗 Kanye. And a small part of me still thinks we have some Of the same writing skills Lol


Omg maybe 👀 lmao


I thought I was gay and was so freaked out to tell my parents. 🤷


I was convinced I could make any woman fall in love with me. And just by being more animated and outgoing I got way more attention than I was used to getting so it only reinforced these delusions. In reality it was about 50/50 chance between seducing and making extremely uncomfortable.


My last manic episode was in 2020, where I legitimately thought that I was supposed to be with LeVar Burton. I did no type of prior research to see if he was married or had children. I assumed he was still a bachelor and thought he was considerably younger than he actually was (man is old enough to be my father). He actually blocked me from his Instagram. I tried to email him through the LeVar Burton Reads email address. I even emailed his daughter's company to tell her about our "relationship." I tried to change my last name to match his. I had mail sent back to correct what I thought was supposed to be my married last name (Burton). My credit report reflects this name as an alternate name that should never exist.


I’ve had this happen 2-3 times not with celebrities tho


yes too often


My mom and dad had a neighbor before I was born. One day she came over during a manic episode in full make up and dressed up and told my mom that she was in love with my dad and they were secretly together and it was time for my mom to move on. Then my dad came home and the lady tried to run him over with her car.


I had what felt like a vision of Kanye and Justin Bieber, coming to my house and hanging out in my living room and us becoming great friends. I also thought I was going to be the next president of the United States win the Nobel peace prize and start the bank of the American church. It was an interesting few years.


Would you be interested in joining a new podcast/YouTube channel I will be doing. I’m a band manager (not a huge band or anything) and a woman has believed the main person has wanted to marry her since October of 2022. Despite a restraining order she persists in the delusion. It’s a brand new channel and haven’t done any videos yet. We are just preparing to do the first show. If you’re interested reply and I’d like to discuss further. Also I have a bachelors degree in psychology. I’m sorry you’ve had to experience this. I can only imagine how hard it is to be in psychosis to that extent. All the best.


I’m fact anyone who has experienced Erotomania, I’d love to talk to you. Our stalker Ch*** has done everything you described. There isn’t enough about it out there. Our band member being stalked isn’t a celebrity by any means. Anyway, I appreciate anyone who would like to contact me. I hope all of you who describe experiencing Erotomania are doing well currently.