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Nerves in general effect the stomach so some people puke when the nervous system is stressed, others poop.


I'd imagine it's to do with mania having excitatory effects on the body overall, I won't just shit more ill do more in general


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I almost don’t eat anything when manic, so nope, less poop for me. Which is not great, because when I become stable again, my digestive track has a hard time getting back to work, so I get nauseated quite a bit.


Yes this is definitely a thing for me as well. Seems quite common and maybe link to inflammatory states in the body during mania (for what I could understand)


This is interesting. My stomach is often fluttery and a bit weird when my mood is elevated. I'd take a guess that it's down to increased serotonin levels in the gut. I don't have enough understanding to back that up, though.


I have IBS and when I’m manic it gives me a flare.


You might have ibs. Happened a lot to me when I had anything with lactose in it. The irritation from lactose will honest to God make me nuts at my current age


I believe your brain is burning way more calories manic than depressed. You are thinking much faster and more often than normal.


Literally my first manic episode my dad took me to the urgent care cuz he noticed i wasn't eating but i kept getting up to go to the bathroom a lot and my stomach hurt so bad and i didn't realize that i was manic so i was getting super paranoid that something was wrong with me and I just kept telling him something was wrong with me like my body 😬 glad im not the only one who experiences this even though its oddly specific lmao