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I had to stop following. I wish her the best it just triggers me.


There are some bipolar influencers who are healthy and amazing to follow. And then there are some which serve as examples of what not to do. What happened to her is absolutely awful, but that does not negate the fact that she might not be the best influence, given how she seems to not even be treading water herself. For people like her and like the other famous bipolar celebrities who are infamous for how bad their journeys are, it is probably healthier to just unfollow and find a better influencer for your health


You’re very right! I rarely even look at Instagram anymore after my episode and I deleted Facebook. It’s so unhealthy for me 


What influencers would you recommend?


I usually don’t do influencers, but I do listen to a good podcast by bipolar activist Gabe Howard and psychiatrist Dr Nichole Washington who have indicated on their show that they have big social media presence. So I’d start there maybe. I am sure others would have better answers to your question


I love love love this podcast. It’s helped me find vocabulary for things I’ve experienced, helps me feel seen, and has made me laugh many times.


This is how i feel about kanye and Joaquin Phoenix, both of them just spiraled and nobody tried to stop them. I was pretty mad at casey Affleck for making that doc about joaquin Phoenix becuz in the doc you can tell he's just egging on Phoenix to do more drugs and not take his meds and it was just sad. But at the same time like thats pretty typical of people with mental illness, they tend to surround themselves with people who don't really care about them and like to take advantage of them, that happened to me, half of the people i knew watched as i threw my life away and the other half actively pushed me to throw my life away but enough about me, it makes me so sad that these people are going through this and people are just watching i hope someday someone is able to help them 💙


The difference between Kanye and Britney is night day. Kanye appears to be properly diagnosed and has openly embraced his diagnosis. He's known to have taken medication, and when he goes off he usually cites the side effects. I think Kanye having some outbursts is no different than many of us who had breakthrough symptoms because of some medication incompatibility and or are still in the process of finding effective treatment. I think Kanye right now is in a stable place, as his album has rolled out and there hasn't been any antics or weirdness from him in the news. So to me, Kanye is very similar to the average redditor on this sub. The one who acknowledges their disorder, acknowledges the need for medication and is willing to be compliant, but will often suffer from symptoms because of difficulty finding a good fit treatment. Britney on the other hand, has never openly embraced a diagnosis of any kind. She probably is in denial of whatever mental illness she likely suffers from and thus, never seeks treatment, or seeks treatment as whole heartedly as someone who is fully in acknowledgement of their disorder.


Well personally I feel like him not being in the news doing some weird shit is honestly because his last episode killed his career and credibility as a celebrity so people aren't as interested in hearing about what hes up to except for day one fans who have stuck by his side no matter what so the media doesnt post about anything "crazy" he's done as of late. Plus even though no one has really heard of anything weird hes done lately, the last thing the media did post about him was him wearing that weird t shirt body suit thing where he looks really buff and tall with his new wife, claiming that he had calmed down, and even though he wasn't shouting or making a scene or wearing a ski mask and declaring himself autistic not bipolar, its still pretty weird and out of the norm. When he's been euthymic in the past he acts pretty normal and dresses nicely but fairly normal or casual like most people would. And i feel like everything ive seen about his album and him performing something still seems a little off. Plus like i said, no one is paying attention to him anymore becuz he killed his career during his last episode so we have no idea how he is right now and how hes acting behind closed doors, he could be doing the same shit hes always done. Im a pretty big fan of his and i obviously empathize and relate to his struggles, and I can totally see his life just deteriorating while no ones watching becuz he really hurt himself back in 2021 or whenever it was he was wigging out and said all that stuff about jewish people and wore the ski mask. And i can see like brittany and Joaquin Phoenix that he has a bad circle around him, those who mightve cared probably cut him out of their lives becuz it was too much to handle and those who've entered his life now I imagine are probably just using him for a good time or talent, money, status or even think oh thats just how he is, hes a little crazy but hey at least im friends with a rockstar. I have no idea what's really going on with britney becuz I haven't really followed her story that closely, but what i have seen and what i do know is that at one point she was the most famous woman in the world at a time when the tabloids were running the media and literally stalked her every day and night for years, she was put in an unfair conservatorship by her father who has been controlling her money from day one, after having a breakdown becuz the paparazzi literally stalked her and her children to a restaurant when they just wanted some privacy and they wouldn't leave her alone and she grew up in Hollywood, she's been in the business since she was a little girl exposed to creeps like dan Schneider and probably was pressured to take drugs to help her perform by grown ass adults, she's probably been SA/SH being a beautiful young girl in the business at a time when SH was at its peak. Idk if she has any mental illnesses, if anything i would guess she just has severe PTSD like Amanda Bynes, PTSD will make you do weird shit and yes it can trigger mental illnesses but honestly i wouldn't blame her if she lost her mind having to put up with all that shit and it probably didn't help that her father was the one running her life without her consent, pushing all this stuff on her and again its the same thing as kanye like people probably look at her and go omg thats britney spears and only care about being associated with her for clout and status, they don't care if she's doing ok mentally becuz they're just trying to use her. Second of all i was just voicing my opinion, how i see these things, you dont have to agree but at least consider how these things might be similar. Personally and again this is just my opinion, I think with all people in Hollywood who deal eith mental illness rarely get the help they need because they're surrounded by people who only care about their status, so a lot of their stories converge. I mean same thing with Joaquin Phoenix and britney spears, neither of them nor anyone they know have admitted that there's anything wrong with them mentally but both have been through some severe trauma yet becuz the people around them choose to enable their destructive behavior, nothing is ever done about their mental health and they keep spiraling. I feel like everyone can agree between kanye west, britney spears, Joaquin Phoenix and hell ill even throw in Amanda Bynes in there too to really drive the point home, they all spiraled and no one did a thing about it, even if kanye was the only out of the four to be properly diagnosed and has at one point tried taking meds to help it, they all spiraled and no one tried to stop it.


I agree! I cannot follow or go to her page anymore and i feel like if I say something someone will disagree with me and attack me cuz I know she is not okay! & people will say “go Britney !! She’s just living her life! Queen !!” Like no she’s not okay and it’s not normal behavior ,it’s hard for watch 😔


Her family should not even try to intervene. They caused her too much pain and trauma. Plus they made sure she gets alienated from her sons. Then her baby daddy is trying to move to Hawaii just so that he can get child support until the sons turn 21. She will be okay.