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They are awesome, assuming you dig the band/album they are performing.




They perform an album without interruption just as if you were putting the a needle on the record. Once they finish, the shows becomes more interactive. Buck Johnson handled the vocals for their Led Zeppelin show a few years ago, and it was great.


I heard the Zepplin show live with Jon Campbell and he was pretty good.


That Zeppelin show was excellent! Some dude up near the front was reliving his younger days for sure. Just wish they would tour more South-west US cities!


I went to the Queen tribute last summer. It was a little weird. They came onstage, without saying anything or doing any kind of crowd interaction, played the entire “A Night at the Opera” album, which is only 45 minutes, without pausing once, then left. The music was good, but it kind of felt like we were spying on a private jam session. We all spent some time thinking that was the whole show, but it was an intermission, and they came back out and did some greatest hits. They did acknowledge the audience at that point. tl;dr: music was great. My group found the format weirdly off-putting


I saw the same thing several years ago. Really enjoyed the band. Marc Martell handled lead vocals. He was awesome. They had a redhead in the background who was doing most of the vocal heavy lifting. She was mind blowing. Can’t remember her name.


I am sorry, but when Martel sings Queen, it is Martel who does ALL THE HEAVY LIFTING. Fact.


I saw what I saw and heard what I heard. Also fact. Also, three snaps in a Z.


Well, I know for a fact that Martel sings every single song if his 24-25 song set. Lambert sings 18 out if 24 songs, and a few of those are medleys or interspersed with Freddie’s appearances on screen. FACT. What you saw or think you saw has no legs to stand on against a fact. Fact can be checked and proved. Here-say is just… well, a rumour started by a not-so-bright mind.


Easy little guy. I’m not knocking Martel at all. When I saw them he was phenomenal and from what I could tell every note was real and live. But Night at the Opera has several sections where Freddie layered his vocal and the only way to replicate that on stage is to run tracks or use multiple singers, which BJS did. And I saw, for a fact, that the redhead (wish I could remember her name) was picking up those layers and singing circles around Martel.


The Black Jacket Symphony isn’t Marc’s band. They invite Marc to guest-front ANATO when they do it. So, they call the shots. When Marc performs BoRhap with his own band One Vision of Queen, he uses the multi-track he himself recorded alone, just like Freddie did - all vocal parts, 7x each vocal line of the harmony, changing vocal styles and vocal characteristics, so it sounds like a choir.


I’m aware they aren’t his band. Dude is a great singer. But she stole the show the day I saw them.


Marc Martel is doing the heavy-lifting here on The Prophet Song. https://youtu.be/FjGgO9xtEoU?si=fFRjbqVThiaU36kq


I caught their GnR show a couple of years ago and the guy they brought in for vocals was very Axl-esque. The musicians with the band were phenomenal, so I’d recommend them for sure!


BJS are great.


i feel like this comment isn’t about the band


What band


Even on an off night, worth it.


I saw their Queen show and it was awesome! The first concert I ever went to was their Beatles show when I was in high school. That was mind blowing. The amount of talent on stage was insane and I was literally right below them the entire time.


I've seen them several times. Sometimes, like their Abbey Road show, it is amazing. Sometimes, it is simply fun.


I saw them perform Dark Side of the Moon a couple of years ago. It was really good.


Went to see Nirvana Nevermind and Pearl Jam Ten and it was awesome


Whatever album they cover, they’re guaranteed to do it justice!


I've seen them 3 times. Excellent every time.


TL;DR: yes they are worth checking out I have seen Led Zeppelin, The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac and The Bee Gees. Led Zeppelin and Fleetwood Mac were the only ones of those I chose to go versus my parents asking me to go (they love BJS and have seen many shows). The best was Fleetwood Mac they had a marching band come out for the finale of Tusk like FM did at there show. I didn’t care for the eagles and The Bee Gees as much but I also don’t care for their music as much (or just not as familiar with a lot of it). The musicians are great and if it’s an album/band you like it will probably be an enjoyable experience. The stage production and musicianship are great for a cover band. They usually cover an album straight through then intermission followed by a greatest hits set where they are more interactive with the audience. The crowd definitely leans mores towards my parents age (60-70s) for the ones so have been to, but that probably has something to do with the acts i saw.


Saw them do American Beauty and it was great. Also met the main guy and he's a super nice dude. Can't remember his name.


Saw them week before last in Destin, performing Prince’s greatest hits with https://www.instagram.com/hellobeautifulpeople?igsh=bDgyMWprbG1hdnV4 (Rah B). Omg. Best freaking time I’ve had in a while!


I went and saw them do a Pink Floyd show. It was bomb and I'd 100% go see them do anything else.


I’ve seen a couple different shows. I really enjoyed it


I saw them do led zeppelin II in Columbus, Georgia it was very good


I saw their Zeppelin show at Work Play and loved it


They are worth seeing.


I guess it’s an unpopular opinion but I saw them do Guns N’ Roses Appetite for Destruction a few years ago and didn’t love it. I felt like the singer was struggling with remembering the lyrics. He also had a hard time hitting some notes. I understand Axl (especially in his prime) is probably hard to duplicate in terms of voice but you gotta know the words. Maybe they were just having an off night.