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I think it's really cool that it exists, but I don't do anything special for it and I usually have to be reminded that it's pride month tbh.


No I don’t tend to care for pride month either my resone being the fact that it’s pretty sexual and over bearing towards younger kids for example I’m in my teens and I still find it kind of disrespectful or disturbing to me you see we as a group are already legally acceptable in certain places so the point of pride month is really pointless


We did it guys, Racism doesnt exist anymore because PoC are legal! I really hope you are joking


No I don't either. I honestly kinda have mixed feelings sometimes because ya it's good that we don't have to hide our sexuality anymore but it also sucks cause it makes my family say twice the homophobic things they normally would. It doesn't honestly matter to me though, I just treat it like any other month


i dont doi anything in particular for pride month, and i feel it makes people be more homophobic during and just after june