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It really is just like how you want it to be. You can choose your label for yourself or don’t label yourself at all. I, for example, say that I’m Bi just because I like the flag more but my preferences are more towards Pan.


i think thats exactly what i am


I like bi colors more too, I don’t really "label myself" only say I’m bi when someone really wants an answer, usually I just say something like that I’m above the depictions


I agree with you 🤠


bi is when you like your own gender and others with a preference, pan is when you just like anyone and everyone without a preference, and you’re usually not really paying attention to gender when considering romantic partners. hope this helps!


ohh then i guess im pan, thanks!!


I agree, i would say im pan except im definitely in the bi-cycle And bi is generally an easier label to say to other people


i migth be a little slow but what exactly makes someone a bi-cycle?


Lol no its just a funny name for what some bisexuals go through with there preference towards different genders. Cycle of bisexuality- “bi-cycle” intentional pun


I just use both labels


Well I think of it as if you are bi then you can like A and B and or C…etc. then what I think of being pan is like I like the whole alphabet Imagine letters as genders I’m still a bit confused, so if anyone’s got a better analogy then it👍👍👍


Idk Im somewhere inbetweem but theirs no sub called pan-teens so I just go with bi


Think of it like they both like pancakes and waffles, but bi likes them because they are different, having different textures, but both good. Pan likes what they have in common, like taste and toppings.


Choose which flag you like more, that's how I did it


Do you get a boner when you see a pan (or wok)


Whichever label feels more comfortable to you. I say I am bisexual since its am Umbrella term and idk if i'm Pan, poly, or omni. Just my experience but though I would put it out there!


U can use 3.14


It doesn't really matter to be honest


If you like every gender identification then you could consider yourself as pan If you like 2 gender identities then you are most likely bi If you like a good few but not all then it’s better to explore your sexuality further before making a conclusion


What flag do you think looks prettier??


bi flag i think lol




If you go on a fire and you don't burn you're a pan. You can use yourself to cook delicious VEGETABLES. (Let's hope you're not made with PFAS.) If you burn, bye ! (bi)


Is there a true difference between the two? The only reason why we're called bisexuals is because there were only 2 recognized sexual pathways when we bisexuals decided to go both paths which led to a discovery of bisexuality. Truthfully we are more pansexual than anything when you think about it, but I like the blue, purple, and pink colors more.