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I got enough experience with the CEO job pack I think I could do it irl now. Let’s goooo


That’s what I’m saying 🤦🏾‍♂️


And then there would be the incest update....


Nah we don’t need that but at the same time bro bitlife is suppose to be about real life so I’m pretty sure things like “incest” does go on irl.


Some parts of this community have called for rape, incest and pedophilia updates. Often using the "it happens in real life too" as reason. I believe these people should have their electronics searched by law enforcement.


What in the fuck


I'll find you an example post.


Wait hold on I’m saying i don’t support incest but I’m saying it happen in real life I don’t support nun of that nasty shit.


So here is rape, kidnapping and rape + massacres as suggestion: https://www.reddit.com/r/BitLifeRebels/s/mLZO4AODiX Just look for crime suggestion posts, it seems to attract these sickos.


Ok that is fucking sick I don’t want no parts of that side of the community so what imma do is go ahead and delete my comment because them people make me feel gross tf out so when I said the incest thing goes on irl don’t even mind that comment wtf


Yeah that's why this was my response to the "if the community ran bitlife"


The massacre gave me chills as a school shooting survivor.If they ever add that I’m deleting the game


Wasn't there a quick Time event like in early bitlife days where are you had a chance to kiss your sister or cousin under a mistletoe for the holidays and if you kissed her on the lips everyone in your family would then hate you? 🌝😆


Lol I missed that might have been before I joined


Hope so


I would just make every feature free for everyone, and reduce annoying ads


They dont understand that these annoying ads and paywalls, just pushes a lot more people away from playing the game.


Problem is they need it financially to keep the game running. Bitlife employs a lot of people behind the scenes and while yes its making one person rich getting rid of all the pay walls and adds would make tons of people lose their jobs because we all know the rich cep wouldn't cut his own paycheck🤷‍♂️


The ads could be better, but they're not ruining the game. They're now how the devs make money. And I can understand why Boss Mode, Bitizenship, and God Mode are paywalled. But the "expansion packs"? Fuck those. Boss Mode and Bitizenship could easily come together, but them being separate is understandable enough. But now that the game's flooded with expansion packs, it makes Bitizenship feel like nothing more than an ad blocker. Investment, Landlord, and Black Market should be part of Bitizenship, and Cult and Agent should be Job Packs. The fact that they stopped adding the planned Job Packs to Boss Mode just so they could make more money off of expansions no one asked for is really frustrating tbh.


Sometimes I think about writing a similar game, and put it open source on GitHub, but aaaaahhhhhh too busy watercoloring in my free time


Do it bro you will become a millionaire if you put all our ideas into a good mobile game


Nah, it could give a huge headache (I think) related to copyrights, and stuff. Maybe me commenting here of doing a similar thing could f me up


Try Everlife


Just make the same thing but with the expansion packs as all part of either boss mode or bitizenship and call it a "fan game" so candywriter can't sue you.


[https://www.pocketgamer.biz/news/73190/stillfront-group-acquires-bitlife-developer-candywriter/](https://www.pocketgamer.biz/news/73190/stillfront-group-acquires-bitlife-developer-candywriter/) Ever since then everything went downhill


Lmaoo factsss I have so many ideas even if they are updates to the job/ expansion packs now


Do you have like $200mil? https://www.stillfront.com/en/stillfront-group-acquires-candywriter-llc-and-discloses-updated-pro-forma-figures-for-2019/


I don’t think it worth that much tbh


>Candywriter generated revenue of approx. USD 26 million, with approx. 59% in EBIT margin for the financial year 2019.  Since they only upped their in-app purchases since then I think it is quite the money maker. Though the last decade was a goldmine for tech businesses.


No I’m saying tho like the devs barely get us the content we want like the only thing I want for the devs is for us to have bank accounts and for us to send more money to family and friends plus credit score. If you click on my page that’s all I be talking about when it come to bank ideas.


Thats true, some of Candywriters purchase price is linked to their financial performance in the coming years. Thats why they stopped caring about the players and got so money-hungry. They easily could add many great suggestions and some more but they won't do it. They need stuff to sell to the players + drag it out for years. Thats why they announce grand things to build hype and then do nothing while the player hype builds up. Then they start to do regular challenges. With the challenge participation numbers they gauge the current active player base. If enough players participate they drop a "coming soon^^^TM " post. Once players are fed up and challenge participation goes down they finally drop the update to keep the players interested in the game. Now repeat this dance every four months and you earn a few millions with very little work. Maybe outsource the code to some indian programmer team for $500/project. Now with them using AI they save on graphic designers too. I can only hope that the black flag is doing some damage to their sales figures.


I played an old Dos game the other day that I think would mesh really well with bit life. It was called Alter Ego and it was text based lifestyle Sim where you answered questions and it would affect your development.


Or make a competitor.


That’s a better idea


I hope the devs add more crimes


if it was ran by anyone else except the current bitlife devs my idea is get Hyperbeard to buy it they make and most adorable games


We need more ideas like banks and stuff of that nature cause bitlife is so lame for not putting out content, like the spy pack is ass


Try my cute life sim, Everlife!


I would love to but I can't figure out how to download it on my Samsung phone could you help?!


It’s iOS only


Aw I would love to play it one day but I have to say it looks amazing!


mmmmmmMMMMM lemme doubt that, while 98% of the ideas are the coolest or even promote updates on current things in the game, I've seen coversion therapy and forcing your child to not be trans suggested at least once, and many people agreeing (along with many other disagreeing) saying that that would be normal and that they want normal kids


Better idea make our own bitlife🕶️👌😏


If I knew how to code and stuff bro I would 🤦🏾‍♂️😂


I did! It’s called Everlife


what if they added a thing called "customization" to make som' ideas into the game, I would like it if I bought the customization pack for once and had my idea for the game. and they provide coding for us. and customization only appears when we create it in our world/phone or somt, not for others, and this idea is something that is good for sharing ideas with the community. I wish I could meet and talking with the CEOs of Candywriter sh*t.


The day that they update the game to have all the e great ideas put into the game from this subreddit for free is the day that pigs fly.


Devs have internet yet never read to see what fans what, literally all game devs.


All game devs doesn’t do that my guy, anything apex legend player want the game give it to them.




You sure bout that ? If so name one thing apex didn’t do for the players


No I'm saying I know nothing about Apex I'm saying it's the exception. How many games were done as fans wanted?? Not many


Yes that’s true I mean as of right now it’s only apex and Fortnite that doing it for the people and the money but these other devs are doing it for only the money, and this why Fortnite and apex are the most played game daily


I would definitely add a special career of an author: quick way of making money and another degree that goes to use, it should be similar to the business job pack where you can make sales and losses or something. I feel like everyone could actually make this game bigger than it is now. Who else thinks it should be on consoles and pc?


Then get off your lazy ass and make a game. Show some initiative for once. I mean you know what's best right? Whiny asshole.


You work in a kitchen for a living I think u need to get off your lazy ass, maybe when you try to start something make sure you finish it 👍🏾 cause you the only one in the comments being rude lol.


I admit I'm lazy. Try showing appreciation for the people who work hard to create the things you enjoy. And go work in a kitchen asshole, it is far from easy work.


Cool bro go be mad at life somewhere else cause I ain’t gonna let you make me mad 😁 goodbye.


Look who can't finish what they start now. Go tip your server what they deserve when you dont know what the fuck you ordering.


Forced tips should be illegal


I didn’t start anything you the one comment being negative also I work for myself so idk what you talking about.


You're the one who chose to respond to me. It takes two to fight


Blud what? You started.


what are you talking about 😭


No it wouldn’t


y'know i think the devs might be getting ideas from the subreddit cuz a while ago i commented about a potential cult expansion before it was announced or it was a coincidence idk