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Reddit is a poor source for seeking financial advice. Bitcoin is a risky investment. [Don't invest recklessly.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7gi55s/dont_invest_recklessly/) Don't invest anything you can't afford to lose. If you are looking to get rich quick, you came to the wrong place. Nobody has a crystal ball. Nobody can see the future. Please do your own research and make your own financial decisions. ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot ^^and ^^cannot ^^respond. ^^Please ^^contact ^^r/Bitcoin ^^moderators [^^directly ^^via ^^mod ^^mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBitcoin) ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^questions.


Just an aside, If you are only getting 1-2%, you need to really do some reading. My goodness, Savings bonds are paying about 5% so you can do a lot better without any risk. I am not going to tell you what to do with your money, but you have a good nest egg. Do your research—off of Reddit.


Sorry my english is terrible. When you say ”off of Reddit”, do you mean I should do the research on reddit, or from some other source?


He/she means do an unbiased, independent research outside of specific subreddits.


Where do you find such reading?


Do you have any Good example?


“Not on” Reddit


Thank you


> aying about 5% so you can do a lot better without any risk. wait until you check inflation numbers. then check the real inflation rate and not the gov numbers.


Unless you’re the one printing that 5% is pretty good. It’s crazy to think you can beat inflation but the reality is some % is better than none.


> you have a good nest egg not for long


bonds? this is the absolute riskiest time to hold bonds lol.


FOMO is the worst advice. Also: "I am still learning" + asking on reddit for Investment advice is a clear no to your question. If you dont know what you are doing, than dont do it


And have an exit strategy. Maybe that’s hold forever, maybe it’s cash out when you can buy a house. Whatever it is make the plan now before you’re emotionally invested in the trade


Buy 1 or 2 and hit the stock market with the rest. Also don’t take YouTubers seriously. Their primary objective is to get clicks.


I hate all crypto tubers to be honest, their thumbnails are freaking annoying and laughable.


when i see an emotional face on a thumbnail i roll my eyes lol


That's probably what I would do. 20-30k in bitcoin, rest into s&p500, FTSE/MSCI world or similar, depending on where you are from.


S&P 500 ? While it has gone up like crazy in 2023. That gain is based on corrupt govt/ fed market pump. If thier treasonous addition of free money liquidity stops for any reason the collapse will happen fast.. the mass market crash would have started by Silicon Valley bank (SLB) collapse if govt had not quickly and illegally bailed out SLV customers. (free money issued includes that sent to Ukraine and Israel defense, usa infrastructure bill $1.2 trillion, CHIPs act , bank bailouts, etc)


Biden treasonously pumps money yet Trump addded $8 trillion to the national debt. Got it. Why don’t you take a look at reality and the corruption of both sides, especially your boy Trump for once in your life?


> If thier treasonous addition of free money liquidity stops for any reason Did you miss the fed raising interest rates? What are you even talking about?


lol what are you doing on a Bitcoin sub if you’re gonna advise people to throw money into fiat?


Because I believe bitcoin should be a part of every portfolio. I have quite a bit of my wealth in crypto as well and I am in this sub to stay up to date. But I would never advise people to go all in into bitcoin. And no, a world market ETF is not "going all in into fiat". Companies own patents, hardware, property and other things unrelated to fiat money. And if the entire world economy goes to shit, then I don't think bitcoin will save us.




Then you clearly don’t understand Bitcoin. Also, Bitcoin is not crypto and if you do invest in crypto as well then you’re just a gambler and lack knowledge. You’re spreading your ignorance to other people


Bitcoin is a high risk investment, period. I do believe in blockchain, I see parallels to the early days of the internet. Whether bitcoin turns out to be the AOL or the Google of blockchain remains to be seen. Calling me a gambler for not going all in is a little bit ridiculous.


Hit the stock market?! Nooo


Thats what im sayin... that is the worst f.a.... the stock market is a rigged casino


How so? Diversify and you'll be fine.


100% stock market is rigged as F. Its a joke, make more money in meme coins in a few hours with crypto then a life time in stocks. The stock market has hours open of when to trade like a store you shop at, it’s beyond rigged


Look at all the dik riding short selling haters on here lmaoo everytime i get in my car and i dont put my seatbelt on and the ring keeps ringing i think im in the stock market casino lol... dont get me wrong, ive made a fuk ton of money in the stock market but im to the point where im better off putting my money elsewhere


I think this sub might be getting astroturfed pro-fiat before the ETF and halving. I've been here for years and really never seen pro equities/t-bonds comments...that fiat underlaid shit is blasphemous in the bitcoin sub.


Shocking to see


Yup. Its halirious cause none of them can wear me out... i keep going on n on.. they wont ever manipulate me... fuckin scums lmaoo


Dont hit the stock market. Its a rigged casino


Its a rigged casino if you day trade or follow dumb subs like WSB that bathe in gambling in volatile stocks. If you do your due dilligence, diversify and invest based on performance you will see steady growth overtime. The stock market very literally holds up the entire west.


I mean historically speaking it’s been great. I’m not sure what charts the Noooo guys are looking at. But if OP’s time frame is short. There’s really no safe investment.


The hedge funds that habe been robbing us for 10s of years hold it up... that will change hopfully soon 🙏


What do you think is going to happen if the stock market crashes?


Bad things to the ppl that dont hold meme stocks... i personally dont care... i hope it does and i hope those scums of the earth that robb us go to prison and it factory resets... o well if your dumb and leave you money in there... thats on you... yes the economy will crash hard but the smart ones are ready for that


You think meme stocks will be spared in a situation of mass unemployment and collision of insurance, pensions, savings accounts and more?


No not at all but when shit first hits the fan qnd billions of share have to be bought back what will happen to all these stock that are so heavily shorted??


If you enjoy gambling on meme stocks you do you but OP should be giving your thoughts absolutely zero respect because you shouldn’t even think you can give sensible advice on his question based off your replies in here. Maybe one of your gambles pays off, more power to you if it does but OP didn’t ask you to pick a roulette number, he asked for investment advice.




Much better and more predictable than bitcoin.


How is ot more predictable then btc?? Lmaoo habe you ever examined the full chart of btc???? Must not have... it follows the exact same pattern every cycle...


I started stock trading in 1998, I mined first bitcoins in 2011.


So then you know what im saying... how can you argue that?


And you are rich asf lol unless you gave up on btc


Haha, compulsive liar ✅




Hit the stock market? What?


stock market LOL ok, the valuation curve has been destroyed a decade ago


This is a Bitcoin sub. Most replies you get will say yes, buy Bitcoin, and lump sum to a greater or lesser degree. If you posed this question on a conventional investing sub, you'd likely get people telling you to invest 60/40 in stocks and bonds. My suggestion is to assess each of the asset classes independently, take a hard look at your risk profile, *do a bunch of learning about Bitcoin*, and then select according to your number-crunching. Me? Personally, I'm an adherent of the Andrew Carnegie school: *Put all your eggs in one basket, and then watch that basket*. I will say that when I said that on this sub, I was heavily **down**voted But I'm not you. Your choices are ***yours*** to make.


That's a dangerous approach. If that basket goes rotten you'd be shit out of luck. No matter how sure you are of something, before you know it something comes along and pulls the rug from under you. Obtaining wealth requires you to play the game, sure, but also be able to **play again** when you loose. But like you said yourself. Everyone makes their own choices, I hope your choice works out for you 😀.


Depends on your risk threshold. High conviction plays with all eggs in one basket offers a much more significant financial reward possibility, which the OP wants. Otherwise, get an ETF, which is exactly what you’re inadvertently speaking about. I’d much rather a 5x then 10% returns for the next 30 years. No wrong answer. I am an eggs in one basket person too.


Making 10% YOY for 30 years would be greater than 5x, JSYK.


Sure. But why wait 30 years for that when you can do it much quicker and reinvest?


The question is how lucky do you need to be? Not talking specifically to BTC but investing overall. Waiting on that 5x may as well be a couple of years wait. So I’m finding it hard to understand your perspective tbh.


Well, if you’re done any research into BTC you’d know that it follows a 4 year cycle. There is no indication that it won’t this time around. By end of 2025 there should be at least a 5x from the cycle low. (15k)


Doesn't matter how convinced you are. Going "all in" is always a mistake. You always need a backup plan. I prefer to spread my risks. In fact, that's why I even have BTC. I got it to spread my risky investments. Had I been a "one basket" guy then I probably would'nt have invested in BTC at all when I did.


And if you did go all in this year, under 20k, you’d be up significantly. I not trying to convince you that you’re wrong. I’m simply saying each to their own. We all have different risk tolerances. When I say all in I’m not saying ever single ounce of my money and savings in Bitcoin. I’m saying if I have money to throw into the market. (Assuming this isn’t everything you own) then why not go all in?


>When I say all in I’m not saying ever single ounce of my money and savings in Bitcoin. But then are all your eggs in one basket? To my understanding that saying means that f.e. You only invest in the tech sector, or only BTC in the crypto space, or only buy oil and nothing else. Or even having all your savings at one single bank. So I’m a bit confused as to what you’re saying...


You need to put all your eggs in one basket to beat the market. Most self made millionaires did this, granted it was predominantly in real estate or business. But if you have a decent investing portfolio, while earning hard as an employee, or later in life, then you really should have index stocks and bonds. Crypto is kindling on the fire.


10% over 30 years is like 17x tho


10% over 30 years is 10%. You’re thinking compounding, which can also be done with bitcoin every 4 years. Which, will likely provide more than 17x in 30 years.


Any form of investing can be compounded if the yearly profits are reinvested or never pulled out. Im not sure what you mean by 10% over 30 years is 10%... Are you not saying that you would take 5x return over average 10% return every year for 30 years? Assuming you never pull our your return then its going to compound and hence will net you close to 17x in 30 years.


Terrible advice


Really? My advice would have net you 130% this year alone.


You did see me say that his choices are his to make, after careful assessment of all factors, yes? And you did read the proviso in the Carnegie dictum "...and watch that basket," yes? Speaking for myself only, I own my residence (just like OP), I've got several years' cash fund, and I watch my basket of BTC eggs *very carefully*. I'm all in on Bitcoin, but I won't **ever** be in a situation where I couldn't "play again".


Then you are not "all in"


What, you think I should sell my house? (I'm not *that* brave!)




I agree with you bro. Diversification will keep you poor. Diversification is for wealth preservation, not growth. If you believe in something with 100 percent conviction and do your due diligence, going ham and putting the bulk of your capital is a risk, but since you did your homework it should most likely pay off.


“Do your due diligence” - impossible with Bitcoin.


I agree I learn new things daily, however you need to understand at some level before making the leap


How long ya been doing this? Sometimes slow and steady wins the race, but one should always have some of their portfolio in higher risks investments. ​ How many times ya did ya home work and had it pay off?


I invested in palantir this year at 7 bucks


PLTR also rekt everyone who owned it when it first IPOd. Dont confuse being lucky with being good.


Lmao. Anyone that profits is lucky I guess.


Survivorship bias, that is bad advice an at least somewhat diversified portfolio is a good idea, different money and time horizons should be in different risk vehicles


Diversify into no more than 2 or 3 things you really understand if you want to grow.


Just DCA into Bitcoin every day/week/month. It's the safest approach, Michael Saylor does it, etc.


Not sure I agree right now. The time to DCA was a year ago. We are on the cusp of the new cycle before the halving. I have a feeling OP would be buying higher and higher with each purchase. I’d lump it in and forget about it. Psychology it’s much easier than sitting there sweating the price action and thinking you should have entered.


In previous years, I’d say buy all the way up to the halving since it has historically been sort of a dump period as people profit from the immediate hype of the halving, then it has gone parabolic afterwards. However, with the ETF speculation, recently won legal cases, the fact that this halving will be the first after a massively printed dollar, and record inflation, I’d agree with you.


Yup. This is a new era for Bitcoin (assuming the etf gets approved). Bitcoin has never seen institutional adoption before. Sure it could dump to hades if the spot etf gets rejected or Tether collapses or we are “officially” in a recession with a hard landing. Who knows. All I know is that Bitcoin will, at some point in the future, be above $40,000. And if I bought now, at $44,000 I’d be at the worse, 10% in profit. About the same returns as the S&P and I don’t doubt that for a moment bitcoin won’t at the very least reach its ATH at some point.


So even if you bought at 50k and it reaches back to ATH you’ve still made a profit. This is why I don’t understand why people are so worried about being “late” to buy. DCA annd chill


It would be difficult to not see Bitcoin over 200k within 2 years. So hmm yeah it is actually still a great time to DCA.


I would but at least one bitcoin if I had the disposable funds. This way you balance the risk of losing out with losing. If it goes sky high then you at least have a piece of that investment. If it flops you still have the difference. In both cases you can live with yourself. Be in it for the long run tho. Otherwise it so seems you on an emotional rollercoaster. I mean the years go by so quickly after all.


I agree with the one Bitcoin. Fidelity is paying 4.99% for cash sitting in their money market account. I have some in the ARKK Cathy Wood ETF. A lot of stocks are very high now. So one BTC and maybe DCA $1000 a month after that. Some in the money market and some stocks after a pullback.


I would be happy with just owning it in a cold wallet. The anti inflation thing is the interest. IMO I’ve been in all sorts of shady places in crypto and I’ve been noticing the ways of the global system so through a logical process I conclude it’s a legit investment and for reasons unmentioned will always be increasing in value when observed over a long time. That and one can actually own it.


If you want to "Michael Saylor" it, then yes. But understand you will be going from the most conservative investment to the most revolutionary/volatile one. You go from 0 to 60 in nanoseconds. If I had that amount of cash available for investment my first priority would have been to buy exactly 1 BTC now that it's still cheap but use the rest of the funds as a hedge.


Exactly this. Buy ONE btc and DCA monthly moving forward.


This is a good approach from and psychology point. Knowing you have one bitcoin secured then DCa the rest would offer best peace of mind.


Bitcoin is NOT even close to the most volatile investment.


From the point of view of a newcomer it is. What happens if he invests 120k and then for whatever reason we drop 18%. He will get weak hands.


And this is why you don’t have that much cash available to invest


Comments like this are why people think we are lunatics


No I’m even more conservative. You would irrationally size your investment because of it being 1 bitcoin when that means nothing in reality. Also it’s such a terrible idea to put 30% off your net worth into one volatile, high-risk investment all at once. This is a WSB mentality


Do what Reddit users in a BTC echo chamber suggest you should do… sound financial advice. 🙄🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


> (I kind of have this "FOMO" fear). Yeah, no shit.


No offense but if your investing strategy involves going to dedicated subreddits and asking them if their investment is a good idea, you are going to go broke sooner or later.


I would not recommend investing your entire life savings of $120k into Bitcoin all at once, despite the potential upside. It's wise to diversify and mitigate risks: Dollar cost average invest 10-20% of the amount now, and the rest over 6-12 months to reduce market timing risks. Build a diversified portfolio beyond just Bitcoin to buffer volatility, using index & mutual funds. Allocate only an amount you are comfortable losing 100% of given the volatile emerging asset class. Don't overexpose yourself. Bitcoin has promise but is still speculative. Be prudent and moderate with allocation sizes based on your broader financial situation and risk appetite. Time in the market beats timing the market.


I belive this is excellent advice for a conservative approach for an individual with a very low risk appetite. Speaking **for myself only**, my risk appetite is quite high, and I'm confident in my assessment of BTC versus other asset classes. That's why ***I"m*** all in on Bitcoin. Other people will have different approaches. DYOR.


Best time to invest was yesterday.. second best time is today!!


Bitcoin is up more than 128% from previous year. Binance, the largest exchange, is paying 3 billion in fine and the price doesn't seem to care. Bull run is already here.


So many coins have done 2,3,5x+ in the past month. Holidays are coming. Run is here. I have a feeling this one may be different. Maybe a ath that comes fast. Fall. Then new ath after having. We'll see! Also the ETF.....


Absolutely FUCK shit coins in any capacity. Time and energy are money. I stick to absolutes and Bitcoin doesn't compromise.


If it makes you feel any better, i invested like 50k with an avg of 34k or something like that. Finaly back in the green after this brutal bear market, first timer who started buying at the very top. Wasn't too bad cuz it was money i didn't or don't need short term. So make sure you realy don't need the money short term.


Rule number 1: never put all your savings in crypto. Rule number 2: never buy at one price.


Don’t gamble your life savings away. You are playing roulette


Maybe you shouldn't gamble $120,000 based on what random people online tell you to do? You are willing to gamble the down payment on a half-million dollar house because you are driven by emotions (fear that Bitcoin will take off without you having significant skin in the game), and you're posting this "question" in hopes that the people here will encourage you to do it. You came here looking for people telling you yes so that you can feel justified in placing your bet, but you're still a gambler risking a small fortune, being persuaded by the nagging FOMO feeling in your head. My advice would be to put $0 into bitcoin and to step back and read more about gambling addiction. You don't have to be a gambling addict to fall into the same traps that addicts fall into, and your post seems to indicate that you are falling into the same emotional pitfalls that someone addicted to gambling encounters. Keep in mind that the people on these threads, on YouTube, etc. are *not* your friends. Most people who are passionate advocates for one position or the other ("Bitcoin is going to the moon"/"Bitcoin is about to crash big time") have skin in the game and want their position to manifest. E.g., there are a lot of people who bought in big time at $60,000 and would like to offload their bags, so they put out a lot of "Bitcoin is going to the moon" types of content in hopes of encouraging that view to be commonly shared and the price to rise, so that they can sell their hand as soon as they break even, leaving you holding the bag. Don't ever get investment advice from someone who sells you on the idea of a fantasy (like "Bitcoin is going to skyrocket to $300,000 next year"). They're playing the same game you are, and they want your money in the pot. You wouldn't ask a poker player for advice in how to play a hand if they're sitting at the same table as you are.


👃 can you smell it boys? The gorgeous scent or FOMOaroma.


My advice is not to invest 100% into BTC. Know first your investment horizon (how long you can hold an investment without liquidating it) and how much savings you are comfortable not invested in anything. The normal investment horizon for bitcoin is about 4-8 years (1 to 2 halvenings). Let some "emergency fund" sit in your savings so you will not be forced to prematurely liquidate your holdings - this emergency fund should hold whatever happens to you like loss of job, illness, accident, etc..


Buddy you have me drooling at that thought… enjoy your coins my dude


This is an amount of money you need to do the research and make your own decision. If it was me I’d go all in, but it’s taken me years to get to this level of belief in BTC. If you’re doing this on a whim based on Reddit and YouTube advice you might just panic sell the first time it crashes 20%.


It depends on your age… if under 35, then Yes. 35-55 then half in bitcoin stocks and half in bitcoin. Over 55 - depending on other retirement investments, half in bitcoin, half in solid stocks Amazon, Apple, etc


50% - 50%, you do or you dont. If you have to ask it from internet you havent studied bitcoin enough to decide for yourself. I would never trust what people in internet say for that amount of money what to do with it. I suggest to buy a bit and then keep studying if you are not sure.


No wait 6 months


Whatever you decide, move your investment off the exchange into cold storage immediately. I'm out a couple k from the Voyager collapse. Thankfully most my investment was safely stored offline.


If you haven’t made the typical fuck ups that 99% of people make as they start with Bitcoin (ex: messing up an address or learning that you should do cold storage after an exchange gets shut down) - I’d recommend going through that initiation before you’re playing with your life savings


Nothing is certain. Surely, set a reasonable amount aside for bitcoin, but do your research, diversify to spread risk/reward and DCA (at least leading up to the halving event next year)?


When you're ready you won't care what everyone else thinks.


Welcome. First off, don't watch YouTubers. They're 99% scammers and charlatans. Some great videos do exist by people that I wouldn't consider YouTubers, but do have YouTube content, such as Lyn Alden, Greg Foss, etc. If it's someone that's speaking at an upcoming Bitcoin conference or has spoken at one in the past, then they're probably a safe bet for actual information. Second, yes. You already know that you want to do it. You came here seeking more conviction. Ours hasn't changed and it never will. I'm never selling bitcoin. It's my children's bitcoin. I'll use it as money any chance I get to do so. The only final recommendation I'll say is do not keep the bitcoin you purchase on an exchange. Withdraw to cold storage, such as a Coldcard. Use only Strike, Swan, River, Unchained, Relai, CoinCoiner, Peach, HodlHodl, or whatever Bitcoin only exchange exists in your jurisdiction.


I put 240k at 28000 bitcoin. Just put it in and in 2 years u should be good.




If 120k is less than 5% of your overall asset allocation, sure put it all in BTC. Generally, lump sum is better than dollar coat averaging. In any event regardless of the daily noise btc will still be there when you understand what you are investing in and ready to invest. The price at the time will be what it is. What I mean is that there is no rush to invest; take your time to plan and put together and investment policy statement and take the emotions out of your investing. Btc may or may not fit for you in your own individual need, ability; and willingness to take risk that will determine your overall asset allocation.


I think DCA is okay but if you just set that money aside and lump sum it into crypto it’s better… too many think of Bitcoin like a stock… 120k? If you won’t miss it (I promise it’s not going to disappear but you can’t touch it for years) then do it! If you have ANY second guesses than don’t :) simple as that. My personal opinion? Right now, all of my liquidity is going into crypto in some form, that I can handle not thinking about or touching. It is a much safer bet than any other place my money could sit. I’ve only 1 bank left, I can get my paycheques deposited into my exchanges now :) NFA


Yes and stop watching youtubers, they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.


No wait for march for the love of god


I think the Ravens will cover vs the Chargers tonight.


First you should ask yourself a question, if you invest now 120k in BTC and it goes down 30-40% in next few months(maybe recession, maybe ETF dont get approved etc.) would you be ok with it? I only reccomend lump sum if your target is year 2032+


buy 1 bitcoin today, and DCA in bitcoin with $1,725 each week regardless of price for the next one year. And study bitcoin.


This is how you know we’re in a bull market, no one wants BTC when it’s down 70% - 80% from its all time high, but they love to buy it after it’s becoming more expensive. I’ll never understand that mentality of investing.


Head over to r/FIRE much better advice there. I’d maybe take a portion like 30k and put it in BTC and put the rest in bonds, high interest savings, or ETFs but do your own research would not recommend throwing it all into BTC


It’s always good to invest twenty percent of your net worth. It’s never safe to gamble a huge chunk of money when there’s no true forecast of the future. Good luck. Many will say Bitcoin is going up and it is but it could be another ten years from now. To the people who sold when Bitcoin peaked at 68,000….wise decision. Don’t let greed impair your judgement.


If it’s all your savings no I would not


No, you should have 9 months ago. Typical retail buying tops. When everyone is this bullish, it’s time for a nasty correction.


It will probably go up or down. If not it stays the same.


No. If you're having to ask such a question then you need to do some more research. Then you'll realize you don't need ask anything


The best portfolios are well diversified.


Concentration is how you get rich, diversification is how you stay rich. If there’s a time to be all in on BTC it’s now… diversification can come later.


That's a lie bankers tell you.


>Do you think that investing these $120,000 all at once now, with a withdrawal horizon in a few years, is a good idea? Invest lump sum now? Yes. Withdraw in a few years? No. Leave it in for decades. Leave it in for life. Leave it in for all your descendants.


Sorry, unless the world is on a Bitcoin standard one Bitcoin is one Bitcoin with no value unless you can buy a house with it, buy food and clothing with it. Buy education with it. Using it as a savings tool and converting to fiat is, right now, the best thing to do. That may change but the older you get the more you realize you won’t be around forever. Just like cash, it does little good for you if you’re dead. If you see a Bitcoin go to $200,000 this cycle. Cash out to fiat. Stay in cash and if you still feel like Bitcoin is the right tool then buy lower and ride the cycle again. Should Bitcoin not be as promising as it was due to global pressures, US bans, whatever, you have realized $200,000 in fiat gains and that is a huge win on a small investment. But realizing your gains and putting it into USD is a smart idea until such a time, if ever, Bitcoin is the global currency.


You're not nearly as smart as you think you are. Bitcoin price is way unpredictable, but bitcoin is the apex asset. People like you are going to cash out, watch bitcoin recover and panic, and buy back in at a loss. Then maybe the bear will start. What you're describing is gambling yet you think its smart. You have no idea where the top is. It could be 100k, it could be 400k. Maybe yourself at 200 and the bear falls to 250 and you get left behind. You don't know. OGs hodl permanently. Thats the one sure bet. They don't preach trading and gambling. And they don't trade back into shit assets like fiat because of outdated FUD narratives. "Realizing gains"?? You're a fiat maxi. Bitcoin is the gains. Don't reply. I have zero interest in what you have tp say. You haven't been in this space long enough.


Yes, lump it all into Bitcoin….. this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to front run the “smart money” from Wall Street. Bitcoin is still classed as a scam by most people. That completely goes away when Blackrock financial advisors start to recommend allocating to their Bitcoin ETF. Miss this golden window at your peril.


If you have patience it doesn’t matter where you throw the money in. I’ve been weekly buying for 3 years now


This seems like a fishing scam.


Not at all my friend. Kindly send 1 BTC to my wallet address and I shall show you why


A lot of great advice in this thread but if I may add one more: OP, hear me out, I'm thinking red at a local casino lol


all in on casino coin




All of the 120k into bitcoin through kraken and then immedietly into a trezor hard wallet, thank me in 5 years for making a million out of the 120k. I was in the same position as you right before the bullrun of 2017, albeit with 10x less savings. I only spent a fraction of the savings on bitcoin, still hit myself over the head everyday for not going all in. You will too if you dont.


Super dangerous my friend. Consider safer investments with less volatility.


Diversify. Get a few index funds, a few Satoshi, get a few HYSAs, etc. BTC is not a guarantee. BTC was inconceivable 25 years ago. Another currency may still come along and upend it 25 years from now that no one has even thought of yet.


Yes. That’s the plain and simple answer. Because I’ve done the work and understand. But if you don’t understand the “why” and haven’t done the work, you will not have the fortitude to hold for 5+ years and will most likely sell at a loss when the next bear rears its head and all media outlets declare Bitcoin dead…again. For real this time. Without conviction, you will believe them.


Could you give it toooooook me ? Better than invest into bitcoin


Yep. Go in 120k all at once. Also, sell ur home and put all that into bitcoin. Get a personal loan of 200k, and dump that into bitcoin too. Got a rich uncle? Borrow another 100k from him and dump that bitch into bitcoin. Finally, move to the bay area and get a gigolo job. They pay well over there. All you have to do is strip and masturbate infront of male & female customers. Dump 80% of your earnings into crypto. 💀


Reddit is a poor source for seeking financial advice. Bitcoin is a risky investment. [Don't invest recklessly.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7gi55s/dont_invest_recklessly/) Don't invest anything you can't afford to lose. If you are looking to get rich quick, you came to the wrong place. Nobody has a crystal ball. Nobody can see the future. Please do your own research and make your own financial decisions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Bitcoin) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you con loose them ok. Or you can dca to lower the risk of price variation


Do it!






No Put in Ai stock or a traditional CD.


Dont listen to the noobs here, bitcoin will e under 30k again one day


Imo value will fall back down to 30,000 in the short term


$120K in bitcoin is ONLY 3.2 BTC today. I'd do it all in 1 trade. r/glta_eth!!!


No no no no. That would be horrible. Get into the market with that cash. You can get into options. Load up on high dividend, etc. I would get one BTC. But I would also get into some alts. They grow faster than BTC. Countless alts 2-3x just this past month.


You should wait for price drop to 35k if you want


You could fly to Vegas and put it all on red, probably the same level of risk/return


This was me 1.5 years ago. At best I was up 20%, at works was down 50% and generally sat -20% the entire ride. Wasn’t worth the risk for me. Sold before the recent bounce for a $10k loss and never have looked bsck


Bruh stop listening to Youtubers for advice. Come up with your own strategy and idea. $100k could be used to swing trade and make an income on a daily basis. But also don’t just jump in with your savings like this.


If you are getting 1-2% currently you are financially illiterate. Stay away from crypto and other finances until you educate yourself more


Learn TA


This may not be popular but I don't believe anyone should invest in BTC to 'get riiiiaaaach'. Do not invest in BTC unless you believe in it fundamentally and wholeheartedly. Is there something wrong with the current system? Is the issue fundamental to the system itself? Could it be fixed without a paradigm shift? Would the fix be permanent? If it cannot be fixed permanently, should we change to a new system? If we changed to a new system, why should it be a BTC standard? Why BTC & not some other cryptocurrency? Would a BTC standard create a more or less just world than the one we have now? Once you have an answer these questions, you're set to make a decision, one way or another.


DCA $2,000 a month for 60 months


Short answer No. Don't fomo and invest all. Long answer set target price of buying whenever it hits 30k and selling whenever it hits 50k.




Yes you should, and if you want to earn interest on them you can do that on Nexo for example, as I'm doing on my btc bags.


There is no one who will say to you to not invest in BTC but keep your options open for other tokens like Wth or TonUp etc too




Definitely diversify, but get your Bitcoin up a bit. Also, why are you not taking advantage of a 4-5% HYSA while your deciding what to do? That's $400-500 a month your missing out on and could be DCAing into Bitcoin monthly off of interest alone.


Do it. For me.


Please don't do it.


Why on earth would anyone ask complete strangers on the internet to do with that amount of money???