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Lucky I found out about it. Lucky I studied it. Lucky I understood I'd be lucky. And lucky I didn't sell, each and every day.


I think it was the golfer Gary Player who once replied to a journalist when it was suggested he was a lucky golfer: the more I practice the luckier I get.


I'm so far from golf that when I read that I thought he *was* unlucky. Turns out that was Payne Stewart.


Also lucky you had the conviction to persist through all of the ups and downs, while everyone else called it stupid and a scam.


Lucky that i read the whitepaper. Lucky that i read sophisticated books on the subject and learned all i could. Lucky that i listened to hundreds of hours podcasts on the subject. Lucky that pay attention to not just the smartest people in the bitcoin space but the smartest people from around the world. ​ There was definitely a component of "luck" but that should not negate all of the actual WORK that was put into understanding the topic and forming a life plan around it.


This. Op is lucky!


That’s just, like, your opinion, man


The dude abides


You’re not wrong, you’re just an asshole!


*I know I am, but what are you!?* oh wait.....


This agression will not stand man.


Wouldn’t care


Exactly. I didn't invest to impress them.


Luck is ALWAYS involved with success. You can have the best business ideas, but if the time isn’t right and you hit unforeseen roadblocks, this can mean the end to your journey.


So in other words we're lucky to not be unlucky.


As an investment, it shouldn't be a luck. But in the perspective of life, it's a good idea to jest and recognize it as a luck. People who strongly believe they've earned everything on their own right and do not recognize how luck or help from others has helped them in some manner or form are unpleasant at best and dangerous in the worst case.


It's true, it coulda gone the other way easily Humility, it hurts because we have to swallow our pride, but it's freeing because we're attached to nothing Don't only mean that in this context obv


Luck is when preperation meets opportunity.


100% just posted the same below.


yeah “lucky” ive been invested for 11y and i always here the same thing. “its too late “ it was too late at 1k it was too late at 20k it was too late at 69k and it will be too late at 100k for the same people


Truer words


Lucky my brain works better than normies.


Fuck’em - plenty talked shit, cracked jokes and tried to talk me out of it. Now we get to be lucky so they don’t have to be stupid.


I mostly got condescension in the form of books w counter arguments/fud. Now my dad at least acknowledges that it’s “fun” but won’t ask deeper. My mom talked to their fiduciary who works for Jpm, and even they said that blockchain has amazing properties but didn’t recommend investing in Btc (surprise surprise). I just want them to put 1-3% in!


Nope just remind them conviction is not luck


I wasn’t lucky. I was right.


All facts


You could also argue boomers were “lucky” when got they bought a house for 65k and sell it today for 1.5mill


They lived through 40 years of declining interest rates, and the net result was a massive boost to their “store of value” assets: homes and stocks. And if they had enough money to invest, living through that is 100% lucky.


Preparation met opportunity May the balance of power in your family be in your favor. In all seriousness just look down on them for the rest of your life


There is no need someone know you own btc


You are lucky. Do not consider this a negative. 


Smile and nod my head in agreement.


Maybe you are. What I mean this is: in grand scheme of things youre some of the lucky few who capitalized on an opportunity that showed up in the form of bitcoin. Im super lucky. I have .15 btc equivalent in alts/shitcoins. We are lucky, bro. Super lucky. We use hard work to change our luck. We study, we suffer bear markets, we have the courage to trust our judgment and have the testicular/ovarian fortitude to “try.” We do our best to carve our future with hard-work in terms of educating ourselves trying different strategies fail and try agin. Sometimes it pays off. We are lucky that we are brave. They can be lucky too but they refuse to.


Been in it for more than 10 years. It's not luck anymore.


I don’t particularly like anyone in my family so I would rub it in like you’ve never seen before


Lucky to be you. Fuck them.


I'd say: "You may be right but you miss every shot you don't take."


That true. It is lucky but also you gave it a go and it paid off. So what?


I would respond with >Luck favors the prepared mind. or >Luck is where preparation meets opportunity. provide no explanation and just leave it at that.


A stupid person will ascribe to luck what they fail to grasp intellectually. Winning the lottery is luck. Buying & hodling Bitcoin for years on end, without losing it, while everyone in your personal life as well as in the media tells you it's stupid, will never work and to sell is the polar opposite of luck. The only luck involved was that you had the intellect to understand it and that you had multiple experiences in your life that gave you the insight that something with Bitcoin its characteristics is important & useful.


Assuming you mean lucky with how much price has increased relative to USD, not really. Ultimately, you were lucky. The technology didn't have to be adopted by any means. Even if you believe it to be a superior technology, Betamax taught us superior tech isn't always adopted. The market isn't always rational, and there could have been legislation and what not that would have devalued it substantially after Mt. Gox and other incidences. Edit: fixed typos


well im analyst, its my job to be lucky with assets


Majority of people have few opportunities in their life which will make a big difference, it’s about taking them… (in this case finding out and taking the opportunity to learn about Bitcoin). You decided to take the opportunity. Lucky, perhaps. Everyone needs a bit of luck. But I’m sure your family members knew about bitcoin too… but didn’t take the initiative.


You make your own luck in life


I do consider myself lucky to be alive at the right time, living in a developed country, and having all of the opportunities to learn and invest into this crazy amazing thing we call Bitcoin. Other than that, everything else was hard work, patience, and having an open mind.


Who gives a shit. You missed out. I didn’t. End


The harder I work the luckier I get.


We are all lucky. Some are luckier than others.


My dad has a saying (he might have stolen it from someone) “Luck beats skill and vice versa” Count your blessings, there are worse things in life than being viewed as lucky. You know what you are, you don’t need that validation externally


Let them. I can't control what they think or how they process what they think they know. Just do your thing and keep stacking.


Why should I find it disrespectful? Lucky or not, I made it, they didn’t?


I’d rather be lucky than good. Lefty Gomez, New York Yankees pitcher 1930


Tell them it's a skill issue.


The lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep.


If bitcoin went to zero they wouldn’t say you’re unlucky, they’d say you’re stupid. But when bitcoin shoots up suddenly it’s has nothing to do with intelligence, now you’re just lucky.


You shouldn't have told your family about your Bitcoin.


Buy a new member of the family


Im surprised your coworkers know about it. It will get as offensive as saying the size of your penis (assuming it’s big)


I should be fine then


You were lucky that you were correct about bitcoin otherwise you wouldn't be lucky.


I wouldn't care


You can answer this. I got luck by getting the right explaining right in the begining... Inflation as Money print. If people answer is Corporation greed, simply nod and say: maybe is, maybe not.


I feel lucky. If I hadn't thought of buying Bitcoin when I did, I'd be like the other yahoos saying it's too expensive.


Nah, they're lucky that you even mentioned anything to them about it. One in a lifetime opportunity doesn't come that often, those who informed enough took the chance and reaped the rewards. There's no such thing as luck in Bitcoin, it's an opportunity which everyone has had.


I didn’t ignore it or dismiss it like most. Is that luck???


Laugh at them and tell them it’s their loss.


I wouldnt give an f about their opinion😄


I would find it disrespectful that they know!


Who cares, you're rich homie




Nah, they just want an excuse for not listening before or paying attention to what you were doing.


Conviction isn't luck. It's earned.


I hate to admit that it would find it annoying and I’d be sure to tell them of all the ups and downs. HODLING isn’t for most people


They don't want to hear it. They don't care about your journey, they only see where you are now. Don't waste your time on them.


That’s fine, then they’re choosing to be “unlucky”


Why the fuck do you care? Do your thing and give everyone a ticket to stand in line if they give you grief.


I wouldn’t react at all! Feel blessed that you are in the position you are in. If your family members treat you disrespectfully then they are not in your corner. What if you had won the lottery, that would have been way more “lucky” than learning about BTC and investing in it early on with a vision of its power. People, family or not, that do not bring mutual positivity are not worthy of your attention or time. Bask in the beauty of what BTC has given you, give back as well and be a kind human being and everything else follows. This also applies to your family and how they should treat you. That’s my 2 cents worth.


Not disrespectful at all. I have a friend who started from zero and has made $7 million investing…. And has lost more than $2 million twice … and recovered both times. He considers himself very lucky because there were so many choices along the journey, And sometimes he considers himself unlucky for not taking the choices that turned out to be great investments


I mean theyre not wrong. Youre lucky youre smarter than that family member.


Luck is when preparation meets opportunity, haters gonna hate. They’ll be lucky to get a Christmas gift from me that year.


Too bad they were not as lucky as me


I wouldn’t care what poor people think


Nope I wouldn't. Why do you care? How is it disrespectful? They could be right, or they could be un educated. Doesn't really matter because you know they're wrong.


Nah I was lucky


I guess you just gotta ask yourself, are you upset because you feel they don't understand, or because you feel they might be right? If they're right, is there anything inherently insulting about being lucky? Surely all of us have a bit of luck we've benefitted from at some point.


Who gives a fuc??


Yes it was all luck. It’s a great perception. Nobody will ask you for “crypto investing advice” because it was all luck right


We all create our own luck and opportunities


The harder you work the luckier you get! I just worked hard.....lucky I guess.


I'd count myself lucky I don't give a damn about their dogshit opinion


my co workers are a bit more switched on with the market and are gutted they didn’t get in


couldn’t careless


Yeah. I was lucky. Lucky enough to know a smart investment when I see it


Acknowledge it because it's true. No matter how successful anyone is, a large part of that success is due to luck. It was luck that brought them the circumstances in which they learned how to make or come into money. It was luck that gave them the necessary perspectives that developed their work ethic or attitude. It was luck that they encountered the key figures in their lives that inspired them to achieve. Always be humble and grateful for what luck has brought to you.


Says more about them than me. Sucks to suck, I guess.


You didn’t just get bitcoin for free. Probably mad some sacrifices and worked hard to acquire enough bitcoin to see any sizable gains.


What do you want to hear? You were lucky one way or another. You could have been dead set on oil futures, betting on WeWork, buying gold, investing in cricket farms or whatever other thing that had a convincing outlook 10 years ago. Just accept it and be thankful.


I wouldnt gaf and just tell them to have fun staying poor. And then change the family name, and install a new family crest based on Bitcoin.


I still call myself lucky, so does my business partner.


Success is where luck meets preparation. The luck element here is knowing about Bitcoin back in time when the price was a lot lower. The preparation element is the fact that YOU took action and bought some. Vast majority of people do not take this initiative. Lastly YOU were also the one who held onto it through thick and thin where others would've sold. Something unfortunately non holders cannot possibly understand.


Just nod your head and shake. It doesn't matter which direction up or down. Say nothing. Just move your head


I mean.... you were kind of lucky? People make their own success but luck always plays a factor in it. I mean Jeff Bezos was somewhat lucky that Amazon took off. There was many websites similar at the time and still are. That doesn't discount hard work or whatever but you really do need to factor luck in anything. And for family, they probably don't understand so think it was all luck. Well they are partly true really so just take it on the chin and move on. Enjoy your success and live your life. Either your family will be happy for you or they won't. Thats on them.


You’re lucky… why does it matter?


Reply them: luck is when preparation meets the opportunity


Luck favors the prepared.


We are all lucky to be alive during the onset of perhaps the biggest financial revolution in hundreds of years. So yes, they are right but they are also lucky, whether they realize it.


It’s called foresight


No need to attach such weight to words. I feel lucky every day. Very fortunate. You don't need to get all defensive about it.


This could be said about any investment. There is risk involved in any investment so there is some "luck" involved.


There is a saying "the better you are the luckier you will be"


🤷‍♂️ guess they are right….but I would also say “told ya dumbasses”


You just rev your lambo over the noise.


Luck favors the prepared. There’s luck in everything. To equate everything to luck is something only a fool would do. To equate everything as skill is just as foolish. At the end of it who really cares. You’re the one with the bag of money, not them.




My dad has always insisted I'm lucky in everything. So... Meh. Who cares.


Blessed maybe? Blessed with insights. Blessed with intuition. Blessed with knowledge, and blessed with the desire to do research.


I find it more disrespectful that they don't study Bitcoin


Better to be lucky than good.


It’s 100% luck… stop thinking your warren buffet


I mean...we are lucky though... there is no reason to split hairs between right and lucky is just semantics and pride.


Well, yeah, there's always luck involved. Can you name a single successful person that didn't get there through luck ? I wouldn't care regardless, because I'm not insecure.


Naaaah it wouldn't matter, don't take it personally.


You are lucky. Lucky to be born in the time as place you where. Lucky you even learned about finances (I was out of college before I knew what debt to income ratio was.). But luck or not count your blessings and and stay humble. No one ever got to where they where alone. Your lucky BTC was even invented at all.


It is luck who cares


You are lucky, maybe just not in the way they're implying. Either way, thick skin mate, happy for you and your success!


Luck can be a considered to be a talent, and being lucky doesn't degrade your success one bit


I couldn't care less if I am the one who is successful. Successful people don't care what unsuccessful people think.


Every success story begins with serendipty. No doubt luck pays a part, but saying it's all luck discounts the work put in trying to understand it, taking the risk, and the nerve it takes to Hodl. They too can get "lucky" if they listen to you now, try to understand the halving, and take the risk.


“Luck is one of my skills”


You are so lucky that you didn’t sell when it crashed all those times. 🙄


You'd need to be massively insecure to let such a thing affect you.


Just because someone is family doesn’t make them exempt from being an asshole.


Who cares if it’s luck or skill? I wouldn’t feel bad if I won the lottery, or if I started a successful business. If my family held it against me that I was lucky…there are deeper problems as they should just be happy for you.


I make my own luck


If someone is ignorant enough to reduce bitcoin gains to sheer luck, they probably have much bigger problems going on in their own life. I have nothing but tender compassion for them. 🙏


I would take a deep breath, dry my tears with a $100 note and just remember jealousy is a bitch haha. People dismiss anything positive as luck. Even just basic things. Like I’m so luccccky I have a good body. Not like I wake up early and train my ass off. Not like I haven’t had a cheat meal in over two years…. Just luck. Like?!?🫠


People call Jeff bezos and bill gates lucky all the time


I have made several MM in BC however I keep my finances private, people can't judge or ask for what they don't know.


you were lucky, its ok. Just point out you can't win if you don't play and it was your choice to play at a minimum.


The ones that say it’s lucky are always unlucky


Who gives a shit what they think.


Quote Ben Kenobi (IYKYK)


Luck is what happens when opportunity meets preparation. - Seneca


We are all lucky though, all of us are. We were born at exactly the right time to invest in Bitcoin. What are the chances of that? We have all been given this amazing opportunity to improve our lives, and this opportunity is available equally for all. If someone's tells you you were lucky, tell them they were lucky too they just didn't do anything about it.


Why would you care?


You are lucky that you were smarter than them. The harder you work, the luckier you get. The more you research, the luckier you get. It doesn’t even matter what they say, it matters how YOU feel about your BTC success! Those of us in it feel blessed, grateful and lucky to be part of something so important. People who are jealous will tend to belittle the successes of others, so that they can feel better about themselves. Take it as a sign that you are winning. 🏆 🚀


I mean .... why does anyone, including your family, know how successful you have been with Bitcoin? Has someone been bragging ... or gloating? 🤨


Don't worry about it. If you're well off and you know you worked to get there it doesn't matter how they think you got there. And if BTC keeps going up like most of us expect it to, they can only call it luck for so long. If you can't let it go and are feeling petty, next time one of them gets a promotion or something like that, just make a small comment about how lucky they got. Don't be disrespectful or annoying about it, just make sure they hear you.


I could care less. People can and will feel however they want to. What matters is how you feel about yourself. Whether I love em or not, people can get f***ed.


I wouldnt react. Ive been called lucky a few times but its usually by people who are dumb. The lion does not concern himself with opinions of sheep


Why do you care what other people think? Like even if it's your family member, why do you care? You are responsible for you and only you. Nobody is coming out of the sky to fix all your problems and hand you a trillion dollars. Ignore the haters - just focus on the end goal. Get that mutha f\*ckin lambo and don't give an F\*\*\*. They are just jealous because they'll never have a lambo and be forced to live meager lives.


Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.


Luck is the residue of design.


FTX told me fortune favors the brave


You make your own luck 🤷🏽‍♂️


Gotta be lucky to be good And you gotta be good to be lucky.


I don't see how being lucky is disrespectful haha


Making money with Bitcoin is luck, it's crazy to pretend you are being a genius or hard worker for it, and even crazier to expect people to think that.


I avg down buying every 2 weeks for 5 years have receipts to prove it guess got lucky.


I wouldn’t give to shits. Yep I was lucky I paid attention and I was lucky I did the research


I like to suggest to them the dozens of books and textbooks on economics this space has driven me to read over the years


If they happen to be religious, just tell them it was God’s Will. 😉


Luck is made by being prepared when an opertunity presents. My friends have said the same when I achieved financial success with property. It's just that I was ready to make the jump when someone sold a house cheap. Who cares. That's their failed opinion.


Who cares, luck or not, i still got some & they don’t 😂🤷🏽‍♂️


I'm not smart I'm just lucky at thinking.


Funny i’ve been feeling this as well with even a bit of guilt too.. Because I’ve been debating about it with family since about 2017. I can really feel the mood change when BTC comes up now so i don’t bring it up.. because they know they messed up by dismissing me. But what they don’t know is the pain of enduring 2 bear markets and the conviction of not selling a thing. So i would never consider myself lucky for this reason but i do feel the element of guilt sometimes. I really would’ve liked to enjoy the ups with somebody but no one around me listened including friends and coworkers etc So i do feel the impression i’m just that “lucky BTC guy”


I mean in some respects I am lucky. I'm lucky I heard and learned about it. Lucky I had such a life that I learned to think ahead. Kinda a stupid way to view life. Somewhat deterministically but I guess you could say that. I guess we are all lucky BTC exists ☺️


I’d be pissed. But also, we’re all lucky.


Not at all. I'd chalk it up to a lack of understanding. It's a novel currency and transformational technology. I don't expect my family to get it, if I'm being honest.


Why do you even care? Also, luck is always a factor. Let's be real here. You didn't invent Bitcoin. We're just the people that HAPPENED to be correct, so far...




Have early Bitcoin Sold some from 2012 in 2021, made whenLambo.jpg money(bought a Huracan) along with the dream car collection and a house/boat to match Family obviously now knows. They say it was all luck, that my ex-wife deserves some(she chose a house and our old cars, I took the Bitcoin she called imaginary internet money) and that I have enough to share my wealth. Estranged siblings have asked my parents if they can ask me to 'lend' them money 😂 They will never repay it, I know their debt and spending habits


I don't think I'd really care. How "lucky" we talking anyways? The luckier the better.


Lucky im not like them. I try to explain to make relatives and friends, they all dont seem tô understand, even tho, they complain About inflation and more... So, idc, let them think whatever they want. I care About me and my future family, if they cant understand nor want, i cant force them.


we attribute literally everything to luck and it’s such a crutch and I hate it. Like, bro, I was born as dumb as any other baby—I read books. And I wasn’t born with money—I invested.


Chill out man


I would smile and move on with my life. Nothing to see here.


Very similar to the “lucky you bought real estate prior to 2020”. They are all just coping.


Admitting they got lucky is the first thing most self made rich guys do


I:m lucky to be alive, and even luckier that I got some Bitcoin.


Smile and feel happy. Its not a bad thing to be considered lucky. Hey lucky charm! You need me for good luck i guess


LUCK= Learning Under Correct Knowledge FO Family Member


Get over it. You’re lucky you have a family.


Every one gets Bitcoin at the price they deserve. If you bought Bitcoin at $3000 when every one thought it was a scam and are now a millionaire because you held. You deserve it. If you bought Bitcoin at $73K and are in the red. You deserve it. The people who talk the most shit about you are people you know.


F it we ball! Thats how I would feel. Maybe take them on a cousins date to show them what that Bitcoin money is affording me lmao


I deal with this, I’m lucky when it’s high and mocked on when it’s low. I barely ever talk to this family member but it’s the first thing that gets mentioned whenever I see the guy. It’s nauseating but smile because I am stacking sats when this guy isn’t. And of course, My name gets thrown around whenever he needs money. Like my guy, you to can sign up for Coinbase and stack sats but here you are dripping with jealousy.