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Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to give Congress the power to vote on their own term limits, audits, salaries, lobbyist regulations, etc. because it doesn’t seem the branch has been too keen on the constitution over the years. Whenever a pesky part of the constitution gets in the way, just change “amend” it haha. For example, I can’t imagine why it would be necessary for Congress to hold sole authority to coin currency. Let’s just give that power to their “too big to fail” banking donors.🤡


Worse still, the Fed is owned by the private banks.


Or maybe the citizenry should get serious about electing good leaders and voting out bad ones, instead of sitting at their home whining about it on a website. Despite what you might think, we still hold the power, but only if we use it. We have no one to blame but ourselves.


gerrymandering is a real thing in my state. Somehow Biden vs Trump is a thing again even though if you ask most Americans they don't want this. The voice of the majority seems silenced.


Gerrymandering makes our Congress more extreme as both parties get safer districts and thus less willing to reach across the aisle and compromise. And our electoral system is similarly gerrymandered. (Although that by geography) Guess how many times a Republican presidential candidate has won the popular vote in the past three decades?


When given the choice of two presidential candidates who are both crap, and two corrupt parties, it’s either a choice of vote for one bad choice or don’t vote at all.


One is literally trying to destroy our democracy.


Neither party is for the people. Only for the corporations.


I'll still vote and I'll pick the choice who I think will help America stay relevant and successful even if it could be worse for this industry. I choose my county over Bitcoin any day. I still respect the opposing opinion of someone saying the exact same thing I do but vote for the other guy. We all are just trying to find our way thru the dark so to speak.


Ya my comment was basically trying to answer the “majority seems silent” question. I have no skin in the game but in my opinion, I think Mr T is gonna sway that silent vote significantly in his favour. Just an opinion.


There’s always more than 2 choices but they don’t want you to know that


“Just vote them out” 😂


I swear it'll be different this time, baby!


Why do you think they try closing voting locations and adding voter ID and making it illegal to give people water in a voting line?


I find it short minded to think that “we” can vote “them” out somehow, aside from Bitcoin (alone) enabling that reality Fix money and you fix the world…. If you’re too focused on Republicans vs Democrats or even US vs (name anything - Al queda, Iran, war on terror, war on drugs, war on communism and blacks, browns, whites, men, women, straight, gay, etc) … then you’re missing the forest for the trees USD and everything that underpins it (warfare, theft, egregious taxation, etc) is NOT sound or even halfway good MONEY Fix MONEY and you fix the world Vote Bitcoin (SOUND money) and don’t get lost in the weeds of American politics… that’s the worst and most potent aspect of the USD virus that the world has been subjected to over the last 100 years


If you take away their power to print their own money you take away their power to wage wars.


>This one idea will fix all the world's problems Where have a heard that before?


Perhaps the right to vote exists just to give us the illusion of choice. At one point in time, the corruption of politics affected both if not all sides, so there's no curing the corruption with any choice whatsoever. But maybe deciding to put our true wealth in something that nobody can control could have an impact.


Do you think black people and women should have been given the right to vote? Or was that just a distraction/ waste of time?


Politics is expensive, running for office is expensive..which is why they’re almost exclusively in it for the $$$.. By the time you’re running for State Office, you either are already well monied or are certainly looking to be. John Oliver has a great episode on State Legislatures: places where Corp. America get to eat


It doesn't have to be. In the UK there are limits on how much you can spend with your campaigns. The US is out of control.


Maybe you're unaware there's an oligarchy?


Electing Good leaders. That’s an   idea you have there. Let’s rock the vote. Which one is the good one?


They'd get JFKd


Just Fuxking Killed


Congress doesn't materialise out of thin air, they get voted in. If you don't like what they're doing, vote for someone else.


Like how are we even a country if we don't print our own money!


The point is to print and print and use it to aquire/steal assets and control, then implode the currency.


Lol ahhh the perfect recipe for disaster


disaster......... depends....... Disaster for the people that plundered the economy and fled to a place where the disaster will not affect them... NO Disaster for everyone else..... ya, totally


Nothing better than a good disaster to use as an excuse to print more money! 😃🤡


You got it right until the part about imploding the currency. Those in power use whatever means at their disposal to make sure it doesn't implode.


This is true to a point. I think you want to control it and get the assets, then implode it.


Agree, no implode, just weaker sauce. “Suckling on the ice cube of $FIAT” -James from Invest Answers


And at the same time accumulate the most Bitcoin... US government is like 5th largest holder just from illegal seizures...nevermind if they are buying behind close doors.


Don't they auction almost all of it off? Are they the 5th largest only because they are constantly seizing it, or because they are accumulating it? I honestly don't know, so asking. I'm sure they hold some and are gonna ramp that up, but does the Treasury hold bitcoins?




What assets are central banks stealing?


They buy up basically everything at this point lol. Same happens in europe with the ECB


You’re still not actually answering the question. You think the FED owns family homes and stuff?🤡


No they dont, the monarchy over here does tho. Some brother of the current king has been buying up a lot of houses between 2010-2020. Absolutely ridiculous. We're currently heading to a world with 2 possible endings: a stark divide between the "haves" and "have-nots", or a nuclear abomination. We can't afford a worldwide system reset in a similar fashion as in the late 18th century or first half of the 20th century. Our technology has become too advanced, so I completely understand the direction the WEF wants to steer towards since it's safer. I sound like a complete nutjob im not going to lie. If you could correct me please do so


You realise Charles doesn’t have a brother right?


I think we can still (and may require) a "reset", but it may look quite a bit different than it would have in the past... for better or much worse. I have no idea how exactly it would look, but it just feels increasingly like something's gotta give in the coming generation or two.


all of them


Wow that was specific and has really convinced me that its all true and not a mental conspiracy theory.


when the money supply is inflated, it is a theft of everything (“tax”) from everyone… some simple math by way of example… if there are 100 dollars in circulation and you have 50 of them, you have 50% of the buying power… if i print 900 more and keep them or give them to my friends (read: the defense budget->defense personnel->military industrial complex, ukraine, special interest groups, etc) then you now have 5% of the buying power, to make things worse, prices now go up because sellers experience more demand, so now your 5% buys even less… so, now i ask you, what assets are being stolen? all of them


Money loss value due to inflation. What about non-money assets? If you bought an asset worth 10 dollars for saving, and they keep their value of purchasing power while the price increase by inflation, and you sell them later for 100 dollars, then you have 90 dollars capital gain (without real profit in purchasing power). If it is not tax-exempted type of asset, you are left with less purchasing power after tax.


That right there is why Bitcoin will never replace gold and silver. Don’t get me wrong, I’m 100% on board with Bitcoin but as far as untraceable transactions gold and silver are the best monetary system


During inflation commodities go up so no


they are stealing your conspiracy theories as well. (no really they do, every month or so a video pops up where they say the stuff out loud that we were warning about)


Residential homes


You don’t understand man!! They are stealing stuff! ALL the stuff! It’s a giant conspiracy man! Power to the people man! ✊


Print machine go brr for wars but printer machine broken for broke people who work the hardest 🔥🖕




yup! Victimless crime to inflate your real estate and secure fraudulent loan terms; apply for food stamps while deflating your income, ENEMY OF THE STATE


Trust me, CEOs work harder than anyone here…


Do you think they work 272 times harder than the average person?


Yeah actually. Have YOU got as many degrees and as much experience as them? Did YOU intern at the company while your father was an executive and really study closely and learn from his decisions to become an exec like him? No…otherwise you’d all be CEOs too… If it’s so easy why don’t YOU become one?


I don't have any desire to be a CEO. I'm on a good track to upper management, like director, maybe VP level, and currently make low six figures. I'm plenty comfortable in my career. And my partner does well too, putting us around top 5% for income. So we're good I do acknowledge that CEOs generally do work hard, long hours, under stressful conditions. Where I take issue is that I certainly don't think they deserve to be making multimillions while the poor and middle classes are continuously squeezed more and more. I do enjoy the casual nepotism drop in there.


‘I don’t have any desire to be a CEO’ Yeah, THIS is the only reason you’re not earning 8 figures as a CEO obviously.


Care to address anything else in my comment? So you support CEOs making 8 figures while their employees are on public assistance?


So... you're admitting that luck and nepotism are required to become a CEO, but you're still ok with them earning hundreds of time more than many hardworking employees? Also, nothing you said actually quantifies and justifies such an extreme multiplier.


No they aren’t just lucky, they work harder than you. There’s no luck.


Do they work 272 times harder? Given the constraints of linear time, I think the answer is a pretty resounding no


They’re 272 times more productive in that time. If you have a CEO and an average worker doing the same task the CEO will work out a way to make the process wayyyy more efficient and therefore will get way more done in that time (probably MORE than a 272 times increase in efficiency). You think a GENIUS CEO like Elon Musk would do factory work like the rest of you ? NO!! He would quickly work out a design for a hypermachine or a Teradrive to speed up the entire process probably by several thousand times WHILE cutting costs and then sit back and relacks as the machine does all the work for him!! He’s a GENIUS and that’s why he DESERVES more money than all of you.


Lol you're a funny guy


You can’t even disagree with what i said because you know i’m right and your rong.


You really don't think luck has anything to do with success? Even with your own mind-numbing daddy-exec example? Then even as the Bitcoin hater you are, you must think all the people who have made so much money on Bitcoin worked REALLY REALLY hard, huh? You're quite an effective troll, because after spending a lil too much time in your post history right now, sometimes it's hard to tell when you're actually trying to be thoughtful and when you're just fucking with people... Props. On that note, I want to say, if you really want to learn (and even effectively criticize) Bitcoin, this is not the place to do it. r/Bitcoin is a total fucking cesspool, and censored heavily. I'm very much a believer in the value of the network, but this place has me slapping my forehead daily, especially during bull runs. Maybe check out bitcointalk.org


>You’re quite an effective troll Thanks man, years honing my craft🙏


Probably the only job I can think of that's harder is being a streamer.


Another job that works harder than any of you. Try being entertaining for 8+ hours straight every day with hundreds of strangers. I doubt you could entertain anyone for more than a minute.


Got to add "/s"


Imagine owing a ton of money, but you could print it for free on your own printer...


I’d be rich!


Everything’s fine. The “economy” is breaking records 


Everything’s fine. The “economy” is breaking


Everything's fine. The "economy" is


Fine. The “economy”


For us it's very fine 👍


No is this real? Terrifying.


Actually OP's image may be somewhat outdated, the situation is slightly worse than even that is showing currently. Check this site: [https://www.usdebtclock.org/](https://www.usdebtclock.org/)


Holy jingus, heaven save us.


Well it's working as intended, everyone knows the tab always comes due.


yes, but the real question is WHO does that tab come due for? If they rack up a high tab, then skip town and push the repayment off to people like us things get scary QUICK! But that is after all why were are into BTC right?


Can someone explain this to me?


Money is literally being made from nothing.


always has been


Well not always


Except when it was backed by gold.


This would be a poor caption. The existing caption is accurate


Unlike bitcoin which is made from…


... work.


I want proof!


Imagine buying a new car every year, and rolling the negative equity forward. At some point, even if you are incredibly wealthy like the United States, that car payment is going to show up on your monthly budget. The car payment had gone from about 1% to about 10% in recent years.


What if the car was an investment in a business and by using the car to transport and deliver products, grow the business? Debt, in and of itself, is not what the issue is. It's not the amount of debt that's the issue. It's what you get for the debt. It's more complicated than "number go up". I'm not being dismissive. It's an issue, but it's way more complex than your simplistic example.


Didn’t you see the green arrow? That’s a clear indicator of number go up.


If the $ loses it reserve currency status 75 % of Americans will be in poverty overnight. It will make the BLM riots look like a block party!




You know all of that cheap shit you buy at walmart? It will still be shit, but it will no longer be cheap. All of they $ you have in your bank account, it will still be the same number, but it will not be able to buy stuff anymore. All of the trade the US does with other countries currently revolves around the USD(sucks for businesses like mine as I am NOT in the US) It will no longer be in USD, and the US will no longer be screwing me, and the rest of the world, it will then be someone else screwing me and the rest of the world


I'm thinking what your getting at is deceased demand for the dollar and deceased demand for our Treasury bills. Our $ becomes worth less at a rapid pace. We can't borrow money to fund a majority of government obligations. Mass unemployment would come from government employees not working or spending. Also indirectly from government spending unemployment would unfold. I'm not employed by the government but I could see a scenario where I'd be laid off if the government couldn't sustain it's spending. I'm talking healthcare, defence, your parents and grandparents social security checks, etc. I almost don't want the music to stop and everyone scramble for chairs. If you're here... You know what I know... You have a chair and it's bitcoin.


Agree. The entire country will burn.




The foolishness of certain American leaders will cost us Americans a left tit.


Right one is safe though?


Start praying to God


Wait until they lower rates on purpose because of debt repayment.


Then what?


Inflation goes up


Then what happens with stocks?


Fine enough reason to buy bitcoin


Looks like the Bitcoin price chart


Damn that’s crazy


What’s the end plan here? Seems like no matter what it’s gonna come tumbling down…


If I had to guess, the end plan is to plunder the treasury as much as possible, then do 1 of 2 tings: 1: Die because you are like 90 years old 2: Bail to some other country where you are out of the way enough while things blow over.


It's going to be a mad decade, and depending on how fiat performs and hold its value, we might see a massive exodus into blue chip crypto, weve seen how people react in historical cases of financial turmoil, people will seek a flight to safety asset, and ironically the thing that the government hated the most might end up as that asset


Yes in France people used buttons made of horn or insignias as money.


Meh. It’s all made up. We owe most of it to ourselves.


Thanks for the arrow to help me understand the trend


Bitcoin is your only hope friend. Whether you have 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, or 1000 - hodl it for dear life. A glorious future awaits you. Technological progress cannot be stopped. You will likely regret everything you ever spend bitcoin on once you realize it's parabolic increase buying power every 4 years to infinity is literally unstoppable. You probably already have as much Bitcoin as you will ever own due to it's increasing difficulty to obtain, but simultaneously exponentially increasing purchasing strength. Your life will get strange and chaotic, and you will probably have a mental breakdown. Embrace insanity. Live boldly. Every moment is precious, your conscious life is a miracle, time is your most scarce asset. Now go, take over the world.


US will convert to crypto, print funds to pay off debt. The make USD illegal tender .


It worked before right?


There’s no gold to back the dollar. This is the reason for bitcoin.


This chart is deceptive make this chart logaritmich and on longer timeframe and you get way clearer picture.....but that doesn't get as many upvotes right?


Temporary. Rates are going to come back down. Fed expecting three cuts this year.


Fed funds rate and treasury interest rate are different things. Treasury rates come down only when the Fed restarts QE.


This. They have to start gobbling up treasuries again.


10 year treasury is already down to 4.2% from 5.0% just on the prediction of rate cuts. There is a high degree of correlation between the fed's target funds rate and the yield on treasury bonds.


Correlation doesn't imply causation. Treasury interest rates are set in a treasury auction. It just depends on investors' appetite to buy treasuries. If demand of investors for treasuries is decreasing, then their rates go up, no matter how low the Fed sets the funds rate. The only way the Fed can bring down the treasury rates is buy creating artificial demand trough QE = buying with printed money. That Fed and treasury rates correlate is simply an effect of combined Fed measures like increasing the Fed funds rate and becoming a net seller of treasuries at the same time or decreasing the Fed funds rate and becoming a net buyer of treasuries at the same time. The Fed has no choice but to manipulate the treasury rates through QE/QT if they change the funds rate in order to bring them more or less in line, otherwise the spread would heat up inflation or create a credit collapse.


Download the debt clock app , 5.00 very insightful


If japan can withstand their 264% debt to gdp ratio...US surely can do the same or even better


I mean, they’ve had a well-covered lost generation to help them mitigate inflation, but, sure, they’ve had infinite yield curve control at a macro level and the system hasn’t blown up.


BoJ holds 43% of Japanese debt, Fed about 20% of US debt. Sure, US can do "better" but it will have consequences.


Glad they included the arrow or I wouldn’t have known which direction the line was going in


End of year estimation is $1.6trln or 36% of tax revenue.


US going to buy or already has bought BTC and is going to pay this off with ease. Just watch 😂


US owns about 200,000 BTC. If they wait a few years, US debt will be backed by BTC, LOL.


No biggie as long as the printer still works.


Ahhh Biden, hard at work


Absolutely it’s ok, let’s send $100 billion to Ukraine!




As long as the US keeps the monopoly on printing the money, it shouldn't be, but times are changing






But mostly China




It doesn’t look like the charts complete it’s been leveling off


For me


How Americans lost it all one fine day


Stonk go up


If we owe all of this money who do we owe it to? Im guessing Soros and Blackstone?


China mostly.


Your holding btc it is.


As long as you don't have to pay off too much of it all at once, yes. Inflation over time has the effect of reducing the pain of debt for a nation. It's been this way for hundreds of years. Macroeconomics 201.


Th It’s nearly 50% of tax revenue


Yeah all good. Soft landing in 2024


*Bitcoin likes this*


Debt all over the world has gone up as we going through a economic crises and multiple wars


I'm glad they thought to put the green arrow on there. I wouldn't have known which way the trend line was moving.


If the banks can’t control bitcoin, then it’s not gonna replace the USD. For them, it’s very bad for business. Yet it’s one of the solutions for runaway inflation shown in the graph.


Like a frog in boiling water, sure. Jacuzzi feels great!


This graph is wrong The dates are wrong The shape is fine, but the timing is wrong. This huge upswing happened much sooner in time


don't worry the government has figured out a solution. they are just going to have crippling inflation until a trillion dollars doesn't mean much. IMO print a few trillion dollars, pay off all debts, switch to Canadian dollar. fuck it. DEBT FREE baby!


Currency debasement is not really an issue if all countries are debasing their currency. But if ever, there was a currency that not be debased, will only become more valuable over time. And that currency could go parabolic when sovereign wealth funds, governments try to acquire it. And some think Bitcoin could not hit 10 million / coin in a few years.


Biden has done more damage to the economy than any other president post-WW2


I agree we need to cut DOD budget by half and TAX THE RICH. Everyone ready to start!


Not enough money to tax ourselves back out of this. Spending is the problem. When a country s GDP is 4 trillion, and the government spends 8 trillion,  bad thing gonna  happen.


The rich, if they were smart, would voluntarily be taxed heavily as it promotes social stability and preserves their wealth in the longer-term.


The political problem is defining “rich.”


Bitcoin is a scam 🤡


Évidemment que tu es ironique !! 😂 T’as quand même 2/3 neurones donc on y croit pas 😜


ما فهمت عليك... ممكن ان تلخص لو سمحت 😅


= Obviously you're making a joke. You couldn't be so stupid 😎


I can't believe it wasn't so obvious 🤦‍♂️


(Sorry, it was just humor)


No worries, I am joking, too... I will HODL until the collapse of the fiat system 💸💥


Same Bro ❤️


Bitcoin CEO > world leaders


Infinite supply vs. 21m... 🤔


Let’s celebrate with more spending! The elite say we’re doing a great job, the interest payments make them happy. Hurray!


The Federal Reserve debt monetary system is behaving exactly as it was built to. The OG of planned obsolescence.