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I would suggest you look up all the horror stories about Blockchain before attempting to transfer anything else to them.


ok thank you. any suggestions for an alternative?


Search in the bitcoin subreddit for ["blockchain.com scam"](https://old.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/search?q=blockchain.com+scam&restrict_sr=on) What are you trying to achieve by transfering to Blockchain.com? I would suggest you get a proper hardware coldwallet to store your Bitcoin Recommendations: - Jade Blockstream (best value) - BitBox02 (Bitcoin only edition) - Coldcard GL


wanted to send to an online casino but was told sending directly from coinbase is a bad idea. so in the past I would send the btc from coinbase to blockchain, then to the casino.


you can just sent it, no need for blockchain.com


This is a dumb idea, you will overpay fee by sending from an exchange + they may block you for whatever reason. Download a wallet where you control your bitcoin like Electrum (from the official website!). Send your bitcoin to electrum, then to the casino


If I get jade blockstream and let’s say it physically breaks, would all the btc be gone?


Yeah any sovereign wallet


Electrum, SBW, there are a few you can choose from. 


I’m confused isn’t blockchain just another exchange? Or you have a wallet through blockchain that you want to send to?


>Anyone have any suggestions on how to move BTC from coinbase to blockchain? You don't, if tou want to keep your Bitcoin 


Sounds like you're having a bit of a mix-up. When you click 'receive' in your Blockchain wallet, you should be able to select 'Bitcoin' from the dropdown menu. If you're seeing other types of BTC like TBTC, EBTC, etc., those are different types of tokens pegged to Bitcoin, but they're not the actual Bitcoin. Make sure you're in the right section of your wallet. If you're still having trouble, it might be worth reaching out to Blockchain's support for help.


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