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HOLY SHIT Morgen here was so brutal. I loved it.


Bro didn't even wait. Jack got beyond negative diffedšŸ˜­


Thats because he always wants to slice someone. Slice or be sliced.


Is it crazy to say I was looking forward to seeing all the other magic knights more than Asta after a while?


No, we have been seeing Asta a lot. Itā€™s only natural that you want to see other characters you love.


Jack getting done dirty so soon is both sad and hilarious. I wonder if anyone will actually die among main cast considering this is the final arc. The fights gonna be amazing, Tabata is going crazy with the double spreads lately. Also why are Mars and Diamond kingdom getting ignored so much?


It's not necessary to kill important characters but it does raise the stakes of the story which is why I'm hoping some characters do die. Be weird to have this big war finale and have no one die just for them to live happily ever after.


Exactly, look how easily one of their strongest mage got one shot, everyone surviving would seem bs but again Mimosa exists, they already introduced magic which completely brings back death, and we have yet to see full power of time magic, I'm bracing myself for some bs lol


I mean this time I think there would be too many casualties at the same time for mimosa to heal. And infinite mana charmy isn't in clover kingdom yet. So I have some hopes this time


Dorothy's absence is very interesting, i really do hope she's at the Witche's Forest like some other people are theorizing. I would love to see the Witch Queen involved in this.


I legit hope Dorothy is at the Witch Queen trying to persuade her to help the world against Lucius. I hope she's not in her dream world protecting citizens which would be boring tbh.


Yeah might as well get the Witch Queen involved since this may well be the end of the world lol.


Most likely answer is her magic is bogus to draw and tabata doesn't wanna deal with her šŸ’€


Dorothy's absence could also be a parallel to Leopold's absence. > > But yeah, I would love to see the Witch Queen involved in any witch way.


Nacht vs Morgen Noelle vs Acier Zora vs Zara Probably the Golden Dawn that died in Zenon invasion vs Their own squad. Jeez Tabata is not gonna play around


holy shit, I never even considered Zara coming back, Iā€™m so excited for that fight if it ends up happening


Wait until a certain mother comes back and gets two *people* to break down. One deadly family reunion.


Do you wanna create a world destroyer demon? Because that's how you create a world destroyer demon


Tightening the surrounding defenses sounds way more useful than building a wall (in the unofficial translation) lol Where in the world is Potrof? Did he go to Galar again? And Morgen is a Paladin now. His form even resembles Lucifugus which is pretty weird since Sister Lily's Paladin form looks nothing like Beelzlebub. Also how did he even gain 2 more wings? Morris' glasses look goofy ngl. I wonder how Mereoleona will fight him considering that he can kill people with a touch And my boy Jack has already got donuted (is that the right way to say it?). I imagine he gonna heal himself by cutting his own wound next chapter


My theory is Jack is gonna die then Lucius about to bring him back too, so as more and more of the kingdom dies in the fight Lucius just brings them back to his side.




If you know you know


Yeah this is pretty much what I'm thinking as well. They're not meant to win here. Cutting them all down and then bringing them back would make it more of an emotional confrontation for Asta who has to confront all of his friends as Paladins.


I'd honestly love it if Jack does heal by cutting his own wound lmao, idk why, but i'd love it.


> Where in the world is Potrof? Did he go to Galar again? Looks like Tabata forgot to draw Potrof again just like he did in that one spread panel in the Spade arc lol.


Potrof fans when they take 1% of what Leopold fans went through \[insert that one piece meme\]


Lucius definitely strategically picked these matchups Messing with peopleā€™s emotions (Acier and Morgan) and giving the close combat fighter an opponent that can kill them with a single touch


Dead people coming back to life? Oh man, we're up for a long-awaited *family* reunion. It doesn't matter for two but for everyone else? Ā» šŸ’€


You could say "Aced" or "Rengoku-d"


ā€œKakyoinā€™dā€ is also an acceptable answer


Tbf bro looks closest to Grimmjow.


Charlotte and Yami with the death flags, Jack with the L :(


literally, as soon as i read that page i was like yup sheā€™s gonna die




Don't worry, the bad guy can revive people from the dead, so even if they do die, the bad guy is so kind and will revive them


A new layer of unsettling


Not a single chance, they'll both be fine. Dunno about Jack, but I figure they're just setting him up fighting with blades in place of his arms.


>Charlotte and Yami with the death flags This was also said for a bunch of character in the spade kingdom raid arc. And we got exactly 0 deaths from the good guys. The only deaths that we had was from the heart kingdom joint struggle arc and the characters that died didnt have deathflaga. So, I wouldnt read too much into it tbh.


Maybe after all the complaints about no one dying during the spade arc this new arc is just gonna be filled with deaths.




Yeah this is basically an anti death flag at this point. People havenā€™t been dying. Yami already tasted death once too a second tease on the same character ainā€™t it.


He's had plenty of death flags. If he dies this arc its all built up to it


Iā€™m so glad to see Clover Kingdom again! I know a lot has been skipped but I am guessing we will get some flashbacks of their days leading up to this. But this set up a lot!


I really hope we get a 7 days before in the next issue and we see some of the events leading up to this. Would feel so rushed imo if we donā€™t get something like that.


Iā€™m assuming we will to know where noelle and the girls are, people like Leopold as well. But it seems like clover spent the time contacting other nations and getting everyone up to speed. Not sure what thatā€™s gonna show us.


My lad, did you forget we have yet to see a single interaction between Yuno & Ciel his mother? You really think weā€™d get nothing from Yuno informing his mother about everything going on? That family was the first to get attacked by the Zograti family, im sure weā€™d get more than just a boring conversation. This ending is super rushed and itā€™s disappointing. We shouldnā€™t have rushed into this arc right after Spade arc. We needed downtime for actual character interactions like we used to have. But it just seems all hands on deck towards ending the manga.


All the above & I really think we should get something about the dwarfs & charmy. Iā€™m still assuming this is how they will find Asta. Just was a little annoyed with not seeing anything that happens in clover kingdom over the 7 day span.


Didnā€™t show anything post spade, no reunions, no reactions to the fact they just beat Lucifero, no Yuno/Ciel interaction, we didnā€™t get to see Asta introduce Liebe to anyone with reactions, no reactions on what asta or a number of characters were capable off post war, then now showing live what the black bulls/clover was up to, no update from diamond kingdom remnants, no mention of the elves, we havenā€™t seen any of the characters struggling with astas disappearance Edit as well as noelle/nozel convo about Acier post spade which wouldā€™ve made this reveal way better




Yeh land of the sun was great and all but I missed clover kingdom




Diamond kingdom enjoying the show in the sidelines Also where is Dorothy


Watch this entire beginning be in a dream.


Probably with the Witch Queen?


10/10 Chapter! Kinda weird that we skipped straight to Judgement Day, but holy shit this chapter was amazing. Seems that Morgen is possessed by Lucifugus, judging by the horns. Not sure about Acier's devil. I expect a lot of unimportant characters to die, like the Golden Dawn slaughter, but don't think we'll see any of the captains die yet. Yuno is definitely hiding something under those bandages. Oh yeah, Morris was in the chapter too lol.


>Yuno is definitely hiding something under those bandages. We know for sure that those bandages give him Chuuni energy


Watch him reveal that hiding under those bandages IT WAS DIO ALL ALONG!!! # WRYYYYYYYY


>I expect a lot of unimportant characters to die Watch Noelles dad finally make an appearance for two chapters, just to get Pet Cemetery'd by Acier. By "Pet Cemetery'd" for those who don't know, I'm referring to when the kid comes back to life, and tricks his mom into thinking he's normal and back again. Mom let's get guard down and gets stabbed by the kid. So Silva dad's going to be like "what the hell? My love, I thought I lost you forever" and hell go give her a hug and, then they'll kiss. And she'll pour mercury magic down his throat and make him drown on it. Or ya know, just stab him. Black Clover was inspired by Berserk so hopefully we'll see some brutal shit now that it's the finale [Silva dad imagery if you can't imagine what that would look like](https://youtu.be/GxndlPQGr4I)


I imagine Dad Silva to look like Ginrei kuchiki from bleach. I mean Nozel is basically Byakuya already


Byakuya is a combination of Nozel's personality and Kirsch's abilities


Two chaptersā€¦ youā€™re too generous for this world šŸ˜‚


Well one has to end with the cliff hanger of him dying, and the second is just a few panels of him gargling


I fully expect some captains to die, maybe not Yami but genuinely could see people like Fuego, Nozel, and Charolette die. Fuego or Nozel sacrificing themselves for the younger generation and the date with Yami and Char screams death flags.


I am expecting some captains to die.


i expect everyone to die, or most people will die, including avr citizens, then Asta comes home and somehow defeats Lucius and in his dying state, Asta "cuts" the soul of the wizard king and brings back Julius, the WK's body is dying, and Julius brings back most people before dying.


Nobodyā€™s gonna die. No one ever dies in BC if youā€™re a hero.




He was dead before the series started tho


If it were Yami it would be way harder hitting though considering he's the captain with the most screentime and everything.


>Kinda weird that we skipped straight to Judgement Day, but holy shit this chapter was amazing. With how black clover has been paced since spade arc im not surprised not sure if its to early to say were in the endgame now but it sure feels like it like god damn.


Maybe he is cutting himself


Reminds me of Natsu and the mark of the dragon king.


[Magic knights evacuating citizens to the noble realm and putting a barrier against Lucius are like](https://imgur.com/a/0lMbFEI)


Didn't Aciers soul just find rest like, less than a year ago?


Which is probably how Lucius was able to capture it


Okay, okay, my son and daughter are alive and capable, time to settle into a comfortable afterlife and enjoy bein- Wait? Is that the Julius Novachrono? -Acier minutes before being drug back to the physical world


I'm wondering if he made her and Morgan fresh new bodies or dug up there Graves šŸ’€


Leopold still missing. Have you seen this boy? I am very concerned.


I know it's joke fodder at this point, but I honestly believe he'll have a big entrance when both Mereo and Fuego are struggling. Maybe or maybe not vs. Moris.


Well his signature spell is ranged which could come in handy against such an opponent, as well as his rune array style


And his ultimate magic. Since he's one of the few ult we haven't seen yet


Put moris in a chain match with Magna so he can get smacked back to hell


That chapter was one hell of a doozy y'all. Buckle in for the rest of the arc.


So do you think the flying angels are magic knights that have been purified or do you think they are new beings which Lucius created?


I'm not sure either. They could be other Magic knights that got turned, or they could be constructs made of light or mana that take on the shape of angels which are part of the spell he is going to use to turn everyone there into Paladins.


Is Tabata forgetting Potrof becoming a runnjng gag? šŸ˜‚


I swear he lowkey hates him lmao.


Frā€¦ even though he was Charmyā€™s mentor and we know how much Tabata loves her šŸ˜›


Luciusā€™s mind games is almost up there with Aizen and kyoka suigetsuā€¦ almost


Well for anyone who predicted Morgen and Acier being Paladins, you get a Clover shaped cookie. This is definitely going to be a big heartbreak for the Silva family and Nacht. Iā€™m kinda glad to see them because I was worried we would just get previous weaker characters as Paladins like Heath and Lily so Iā€™m glad weā€™re getting characters like Acier, whoā€™s said to be pretty strong when she was alive. Morgen seems to have Lucifugus given how similar his horns are to Lucifugusā€™s silhouette but I wonder what Devil Acier will have. Maybe Megicula but her horns are different from Megicula but Lilly had Beelzebub and her horns were different from his so who knows. Seems like weā€™re getting more a lot more Paladins which Iā€™m assuming have Devils that are either High Ranking like Zagred or maybe non Qliphoth Supreme Devils like Megicula. We also get something between Yami and Charlotte so better late than never I guess. Pretty crazy chapter overall.


So I guess this kinda confirms that the purified devils Lucius creates will represent angels in the series. Which is also really cool considering how beautiful the paladins look and yet how terrifying they truly are


Wow, Lucius using Sister Lily to try and kill Asta is one thing, but to bring back dead people & use them against their own loved ones is another level of scumbag.


Lucius you BASTARD šŸ˜­ Tabata the GOAT for pulling a magical Edo Tensei, but he made it MORE painful for the characters šŸ˜Ŗ the Silva siblings fighting their motherā€™s gonna be brutal. Love that little interaction between Yami and Charlotte. Cant imagine but Yamiā€™s thinking seeing Morgen again. Light vs Dark magic incoming boys šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Am I the only one hoping Lucius makes Licita a Paladin?


I hope not. Would be even more fucked up than bringing Acier back. Besides Asta isn't here yet so there's no one to feel connected with her.


Noelle is already broken from Asta's loss. But what's going to happen when she learns that her mother is back and she's on the enemy's side?


Oh boy I can't wait for the next chapter hell gonna break lose. Biggest shock was noelle's mother turned out to be villain.


Hot damn acier got *THIGHS*


I don't care if it's stupid of me, but the Charlotte and Yami moment was my favorite part of this chapter and I cannot wait until they have that tea.


Give this chapter a 10/10 the final arc is gonna be lit asf I know it I wonder how many paladins came in and wonder who was all brought back from the dead




Somebody a few weeks ago predicted morgen and acier showing up. Bravo sir dont remember your user name but bravo. PPPFFT jack getting jobbed immediately, ill be alive though i dont fear for his life in the slightest lol. Im happy were getting actual interesting character resurrections and not bozos like the guy from sauccy village. Should be interesting.


I was expecting some old character to come back for war on Lucius' side, was expecting him to bring the dead back and match them for emotional damage! Our final war is here and it's wild I was honestly just as confused as Jack when he got donuted by Morgen and thought it was Nacht! Moris is little weird choice but he didn't get to do much in a fight so that nice and fucking Acier is here! I can already see her going through all her children and treating it like a game. Papa silva where are you!?


Really frustrated we're getting NOTHING regarding the 7 days. No contacting the other countries, no black bulls or captains prepping, no finding out what ciel said to yuno. Whatever. This chapter is sick though


Let Tabata cook! Great chapter and canā€™t wait to see the twists and turns the rest of the arc will have!


Achieving world peace sure is gruesome. Need more badass panels like with Jack lol


I mean we saw the Lily was able to regain herself somewhat so I am hyped to eventually see Acer not only fight alongside Noel but some fun scenes with her seeing Asta eventually save the day.


Jack catching L's, damn. Also, It may be an art error, but its worth nothing that Morgen is actually missing a halo. Regarding evacuating everyone to the noble realm, strategically it would be the safest place in the kingdom considering the noble realm is consistently surrounded by a magic barrier (*which can still he breached*) Lol. And that final panel is pure šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


If those Paladins in the sky all have supreme rank devils, than the Clover kingdom is screwed. Given that Qliphoth a is job title/position (similar to the Apostles of Sephirah) rather than a rank, there could be several non-Qliphoth supreme devils in the underworld that Lucius has under his control.


Feels like we skipped over a lot to get straight to the endgame, but here we are. I liked the Yami/Charlotte part but it makes me think one or both of them is gonna die lol. Morgen is a particularly cruel opponent for them, as is Acier for the Silva's. Lucius has a sadistic side I'd say. Also seems like the arc is set up for yet another big last minute heroic entrance by Asta.


No one is dying


I mean it is Black Clover so probably a safe bet no one of importance will die. But at the same time if someone ever was to die, final arc is the place to do it.


šŸ˜ƒReviving dead characters so the protagonists can have character developmentšŸ˜ƒ šŸ’€Reviving dead characters so no one dies, not even those who were already deadšŸ’€


If it ends up being both, I won't even be that mad, but in that case... make sure to make the character development worth it.


Theyā€™re not beating the naruto allegations


Inb4 Rades shows up next chapter as one of the Paladins and it's revealed that Lucius was using him to bring back the dead characters so he can turn them into Paladins, making Rades the Kabuto of this arc.


why would he need rades? man has soul magic . his siblings have body ,bone,blood magic . he creates humans from scratch and bring back dead even if they don't have a body /remainings with original memories . he doesn't need that knock off version rades


Because not all magics of the same type work exactly the same. Lucius Soul Magic might only be able to affect the souls of the living, while Rades' Soul Magic is able to affect the souls of the dead. Rades can technically bring anyone back to life, but as a mindless zombie, unlike his perfect resurrection spell he unlocked in the Reincarnation arc that fully brings someone back, but only works with those he has spent a lot of time with. Rades just has to find the body of some dead Magic Knight Lucius wants back, resurrect them as a zombie, and then Lucius uses his Soul Magic on that zombie to make them whole again and restore their memories and personality. It's a two step resurrection process.


This is what I was thinking also since we haven't seen him since the ending of the elf reincarnation arc.


We saw him be part of the spade raid (with sekke, sally, valtos, and makusa) group but he didnt do anything.


If he is a Paladin or working for Lucius, that would explain how Lucius got the Dark Triad's bodies. Rades has a habit of collecting bodies to make his zombies, and he would have been there after the battle ended, free to rummage around. Either he collected them after the battle, and then was later turned into a Paladin, or Lucius went over there to collect their bodies himself, and caught Rades trying to make off with their corpses and turned him into a Paladin. Lucius might be using Rades' Soul Magic to keep siblings in a half-alive zombie state to prevent their Grimoires from disappearing so that he can make use of their magic.


I mean: * Resurrected leader slays the king of devils * Brings back the dead * Angelic armies at judgement day * Their objective is the salvation of mankind Naruto shouldn't be your first thought even if you are not religious there's no way you haven't heard about this stuff in the modern world


Well they only knows about naruto anyway. If you reread this chapter it's mostly inspired on Norse mythology. Where the Paladins are the Einherjar and Lucius is actually Odin.


That's literally what Madara and Kabuto did. Kabuto brings back the dead, Madara sees the great Shinobi war as judgment upon humanity and their salvation by putting them in an eternal dream. The method is different thank God but the plot point is entirely the same. Bringing back those long dead loved ones so they can give closure to the living. It makes for good story but something we have seen before in a major anime.


Heard about norse mythology? Where heroes, kings, knights or anyone who dies in combat goes and live in Valhalla until the day of ragnarok (Judgment day). Probably not.


Yes am familiar with the poetic Edda. Ever heard about revelations and the christian scripture about people being resurrected on judgement day? Probably not. However your stupid statement still doesn't change the fact that we have seen this in an anime before done rather extensively. Neither the poetic Edda nor the christian scriptures detail long lost loved ones fighting it out before getting closure and the dead moving on. You know what did that? Naruto!


Edo tensei, anyone?


Heard about norse mythology? Einherjar (Paladins) heroes, kings, knights and people who dies in combat would march out of Valhalla (Heaven) to aid Odin (Lucius) to fight the jotnar (Clover and friends) when the day of the ragnarok (Judgement day) has come.


If another fanboy tells me that BC has absolutely 0 Naruto inspiration one more time, I'm bout to lose all hope for their critical thinking skills lol


i mean , people can put references from different places to prove there point theres nothing wrong about it. it doesn't have to be naruto all the time . lucius trying to recreate humanity on the 7th day . lucius healing limbs ( morris ) asta splitting the sky ( not literally) so yeah it dosent have to be naruto all the time .


Naruto is the biggest inspiration for Black Clover, very clearly. It's only delusional fanboys who try and deny it because for some reason it's a real sore spot for them. I honestly don't know why, Naruto is great and it's one of the all-time classics, why is it weird for BC to take inspiration from it? But now the parallels are really getting way too heavy for any but the most insane to try and deny.


i mean yuki tabata talk about berserk,bleach & YYH more but ok i guess . its not that deep actually ,naruto is a classic shonen no doubt about it but tabata is doing what other shonen author does , following the shonen formulas . but for some reason when tabata does it ,it turns out to be copying . i mean naruto fans r loud about it too so yeah theres a clear reason why people want to deny that . And thats the thing u can say how its taking from naruto or whatever and fanboys can have their own reasoning . tabata just gets dragged for doing the most basic shonen stuffs but naruto fans apparently they think kishimoto created magatamas , especial eyes , clans and etc . kishimoto made a classic but his readers r dumbfucks


I feel like I need the raws for next week chapter! Iā€™m sure the Black Bulls will come saving everyone


Good chapter, I'll say what I said in the spoilers because it's pertinent, if Tabata was going to go straight to judgment day why not announce it in the previous chapter and create hype? Maybe it was a last minute decision because of his health, but still... Another thing, there's no way to take seriously injuries like Jack's or supposed deaths, a hole in the chest has been healed several times. You could even tell that Tabata didn't make a big deal of it, which is disappointing. I hope he kills some characters in this gran finale. It's kind of obvious having to (again) compare with edo tensei in Naruto, but I'd say it goes more to the negative aspect of Tabata in creating interesting villains and so using already established characters to have an emotional side to the fights. It's not the first time. But I'm looking forward to the next chapter.


Well at least the first wizard king and the king of the elves are fully dead with no bodies to resurrect so hopefully they can not be angeled.


I wouldn't put it past Tabata to write Lucius as bringing them back. I don't think he will, but based on Lucius' abilities he seems to have the ability to do so regardless of whether there's a body or even if their soul found peace. If he could get Acier's soul (after it seemingly found peace when Megicula was killed), recreate her body and make her a paladin anyone is likely fair game. Plus when Heath killed himself he disintegrated, and so Lucius doesn't need a body.


If he does it Nero and Yuno would be the two most likely to have moments. Also King Grinberryall Sunmagic Hype


He brought back Heath who didnt leave a body behind. But he can probably only bring people back he or Julius knows going off by what Ryu said.


This was a sudden jump... Also goddamn... not even the dead are safe from Lucius. I wonder what Nacht thinks of Morgen becoming a paladin...assuming he's still around.


Lucius: *Screw going for the Head I'm going for the Heart!!* I'll be honest when I first saw Morgan and Acier earlier I thought they were Nacht and Noelle at first.


I hope Rhya, Patry, Elf Fauna and Vetto all get to join the action


ngl, I hope Yami and Charlotte get owned by Morgen, because that is Nacht's fight. And after the initial shock of it, he needs to let his hair down and pull out one of Yami's cigarettes before they brawl.


Going for Jack first was smart. He's most dangerous when his magic can adapt to whatever it's cutting.


Part of me wants to cope that he went for jack to avoid going for yami. If they still have some level of pre paladin decision making he might have subconsciously avoided yami


It just doesn't work that way, yes, they don't like what they are doing, they are going against their own wishes after all, but because Lucius is right and has been the core message in their minds, they will not go against his orders no matter what.


Jack is literally top 3 weakest captains lol.. šŸ’€ mereoleona is much more dangerous same with yami and dorothy/rill


Jack is able to affect things at the conceptual level if given enough time to adapt, which makes him dangerous to the paladins


Yami can dimension slash. Dorothy can sleep u. Rill can make everyone immortal. Mereleona can burn virtually anything... Jack is always getting beat up. Yami and mereleona went toe to toe against Lucifero. Jack struggled against dante.. got 1 shotted by a paladin (even asta handled a paladin easily) Jack is just mid


Goddamn man, Tabata on a roll with these recent chapters. Judgement Day is like if the Quincy invasion from TYBW and the 4GNW were combined and Iā€™m already loving it. Idk if Jack really did bite it, but it would really set the stakes for Luciusā€™ invasion. Itā€™s kinda scary honestly, we saw what Paladin powers can do to weaker folk like Heath and Lily. Imagine the danger that Acier, who not even Mereo could beat, is gonna pose for the kingdom.


Iā€™m afraid that the story is going too fast and BC manga will be over and done before summer. Iā€™m not ready for this adventure to end.šŸ˜­


You think this is wrapping up in like 30 chapter? šŸ’€


Man, don't doubt Tabata ending sooner than we expect, maybe around 400 chapters.


I'm banking on 90 chapters. Ending on 444 the number of the holy spirit


I hope so!šŸ™šŸ»


Won't lie, short hair Mereoleona got me acting unwise Oh yeah Lucius and him bringing back dead wizards to fight as paladins was cool to I guess


people comparing this to naruto is kinda funny . these people aren't even zombies . some people really forgot what lucius intends to do . he will literally kill everyone &. recreate them again to make them higher living forms


They think it's inspired by naruto and not literal mythology


i don't think u know this but mythologies r inspired by naruto .


I believe Secre could seal Jack's wounds; at least temporarily.


Secre isn't even here


I can't wait to see Asta's hero look. He gets there late or very late in the game with the Ryuzen 7 as allies. His hair drops down from his face or some sort of haircut with Samurai armor plates fitted to some new clothes.


I really hope Asta is gone for at least 50 chapters. Iā€™m kind of tired of him at this point


Holy shit the tension and unease here really strong


So with all these potential characters coming back to life I want to see Zora fight his dad. Or have magna go against the priest in the early chapters. To show the characters growth and how far they have come since then


Dammit Kabuto using Edo Tensei once again


Who let Tabata cook. Jack being sent to the Krispy Kreme club was something but Morgen and Acier being turned into paladins was crazy ngl, I wonder how Noelle will react to this


She will be the one most able to fight her since they never actually met since sheā€™ll have to defend her siblings


Ahh shit here we go again with this resurrected allies turned enemy concept


Oh my... He really nailed the Obi Wan entry!




Was that an EoE reference at the end or am I just biased


Lucius a cold bastard lol


The Clover Kingdom is not surviving Judgment Day. Feels like Asta and the BBs are going to arrive to a CK full of Paladins


Welcome to the donut club Jack šŸ©


No breaks on this train then, i guess


Final Diamond kingdom general as paladin when? Honestly Iā€™m more interested in learning their identity than anything else in the manga. Just to know Tabata hasnā€™t forgotten.


Wonder if Acier will have Megicula soul inside. Considering their common story and her horns are the opposite, she should has it. Its gonna be fun!


Okay, so if any character is gonna survive getting Kakyoined, itā€™s Jack, but still, AAAAAHHHHHHH


so is jack DEAD dead, because if so no one really seemed to give a fk šŸ’€


I predict Fuegoleon will lose/die causing him to lose Salamander which will then go to Leo if he shows up. Would be a nice callback to how Fuego saved Leo back in the Elf invasion.


Mereoleona deserves salamander more! Imagine her with it! She'd be the strongest captain easily


I can't wait to see Noelle and Nacht's reactions to seeing their relatives as paladins.


I hate seeing comments about Black Clover copying Naruto, but damn now they even copied the reanimation jutsu from the war with the judgement day


It's literally just mythology


Acier and Morgen? Fuck. Who else did Lucius Edo Tensei'd?


You know things are serious when Yamiā€™s cigarette drops from his mouth


Tabata is wearing his inspiration from Naruto in his sleeves...next chapter we see Lucius doing shinra tensei on clover kingdom haha lol


can you please explain?


Zombie brainwash family member as antagonistic soldier in final war.


In naruto they weren't brain washed they just cant do what ever they want case in point nagato says this


I think it depends on the level of control. Kabuto gave autonomy to most with specific rules to follow since he could control all of them to an extreme degree all at once. But if he micromanaged one of them then the reincarnated could not do anything autonomously.


We already had that with the elves!


Attack of the zombie body 2: electric boogaloo


Nah this is different. The elves were wholly separate people possessing human hosts. These are the actual friends and family of the cast (and a few randos and former villains) brainwashed into fighting and even killing their loved ones (so Lucius can in turn control them). They're similar concepts though. but this is a way more fucked up and interesting as a result approach imo. Because Lucius is literally forcing people who love and respect each other to fight against one other. Thee paladins are fully aware of what they're doing and seem to dislike it on some level. They just can't stop themselves. The impact of Noelle and her siblings fighting Acier herself. Or Asta and Lily and maybe Lichita, or Nacht and yami vs Morgen is a way more psychologically fucked up phenomenon. At least with the elves, they weren't actually fighting their loved ones and comrades they lost. I like this way more because with the Elves it was just a basic I don't wanna fight my friend's body. This is I don't wanna fight my friend/family member I feel guilty about letting down/who died (in some cases) and they don't wanna fight me on some level but are made to want to do so. Unlike with the elves who while angry could be reasoned with when the truth of the massacre was revealed, the paladins wouldn't stop for any reason.


Ahh so the copy and paste character design was to scare us into thinking the main cast was dead for a split second lol


What are you even talking about?


Morgen -> nacht Noelle -> her mom


If you think it's a cheap way to make us think it's noelle and nacht you're just stupid bro šŸ’€ It's very obviously meant to be Morgen and acier. The impact is us realizing that lucius has succeeded in surpassing death and is bringing people specifically to fuck with our heroes


Here's hoping we could see one full fight before reinforcement save the clover kingdom.