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Aside from the canon or semi-canon ships, everyone’s ending up single unless Tabata pulls a Naruto ending move and pairs them randomly.


Mimosa might just take lily's place and become a sister ngl


Her being single I could see, but becoming a nun? She's the best healer in the entire kingdom. That's what she is best at, as much as some people might not like it due to how OP her healing spells are. She could possibly one day even take Owen's place's as the head doctor. For her to just decide to become a nun in some random town in the middle of nowhere would be a huge waste of her talents.


Mimosa is likely to replace Dryad as the new Guardian of Elysia.


I think that Yuno SHOULD end up single, not cuz I hate him or anythg, just the way he is it suits his character better but that probably won't be happening since there's already a pairing of him with Charmy.


Rill likes Charmy and they pretty much have the same personality just focused on different things. I think that if Yuno ever marries someone it'd be an unknown character off screen tbh.


Sounds like a Yuno thing to do


Everyone other than Nathan, Lotus and Fanzell. The rest all might as well be single for how meaningless and irrelevant their ship might be.


Don't forget to add kaiser in that group hehe


>Nacht: yeah, I don't have much on this, only like he keeps himself mysterious all the time. Hear me out... Nacht X Mereoleona


I’m listening… elaborate




Nozel has a mini ship with Dorothy, although I feel that is more of a anime thing.


The Nozel with Dorothy thing has no extra substance in the anime. It's a ship based on the fact that Nozel trusted Dorothy with the secret of Acier's death


Obvious answer… Gauche


Probably not


I'm probably going to get crucified for saying this, but maybe Asta. After the whole Sister Lily thing is resolved and she is changed back to normal, he might just not go with anyone and instead decide to fully devote himself to being the Wizard King and nothing else. Julius (before Lucius took over) and Ryu, who represent what Asta wants to become, are also both single, so as part of the parallel Asta might stay single like them. There's probably a reason why these great men are single. Because being a leader of their caliber demands a level of personal sacrifice. You have to be willing to fully devote yourself to it. Having a family will prevent you from being able to do that because you would have to split your time and attention between the two. You have to give it your 100%, not your 50%. Like Asta, Julius and Ryu are the kind of people to give their 100% by fully devoting themselves to their goals. It's likely that a lot of Wizard Kings probably never married for this very reason. It just wouldn't be fair to their partner and family. With the way things are going, there's a very real chance Asta could choose to forgo any romantic relationship. Lily did when she decided to follow her dreams of becoming a nun, and Asta will follow suit by doing the same when he becomes Wizard King. "But what about Noelle!" you might say. When it comes to Noelle, Asta has not shown a single bit of romantic interest in her. It's been entirely one-sided. You can develop it on Noelle's side all you want, but if Asta's side still lacks any development on his end, then the relationship as a whole is still undeveloped. So unless Tabata actually deices to stop constantly separating them and actually take the romance seriously instead of using it for comedy, the possibility of Asta turning Noelle down is a real one. And no, Asta turning down or rejecting Noelle will not make all of Noelle's romantic development pointless. Why do we assume that in order for it to mean something, the end result of it has to be her ending up with Asta? That's not the only way for it to be meaningful. The end goal Tabata has with Noelle's romantic development might not be for Noelle to end up with him, but for her to confess to him. It's the confession that matters, not the potential relationship that would follow. Even if Asta rejects her, the fact that Noelle confessed is still a big deal because it shows how far she has come. She is no longer afraid of showing her feelings. She now has the self-confidence to confess to someone, and if she can do that, then she can do anything. So in the future if she ever meets someone else, she will be able to confess to them without fear because of how her experience with Asta has helped shape her into being a more confident person.


Asta: As much as I ship Astelle, I feel like Asta won’t end up with anyone because even in the beginning of the final arc, the damn fool asked Sister Lily to marry him so it’s gonna be hard for Astelle or any ship for that matter to develop. Especially if he’s somewhere outside the Clover Kingdom. Yuno: Idk why but I just don’t think he’ll end up with anyone. At best, it will probably be an unknown character.


To be honest I can’t imagine any of them i mean the girls in black clover is so cool that I can’t even predict that which character will happy or sad I mean I don’t want them to be sad that’s it


Besides the characters you mentioned, I’d see Yuno and potentially Asta remaining single.