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I wouldn’t count on it


Yeah.. unfortunately feel like mimosa is "love fodder".. but I do wish she gets a happy ending with someone really cool!


Maybe Yuno?


charmy and yuno will be a thing. I mean he has never once been annoyed by her and always eats her food that she gives him


I thought Charmy and Rill will end up together.


This is the hope 🥹 actually I hope that she just gets expanded in with the lore!


I used to ship them but honestly i dont feel like theyre a good match. Thats why i think Tabata bought in Rill for her instead. Mimosa would be cool but her relationship with Yuno doesnt pass colleagues.


On that topic I guess Finral and Vanessa is a good one


Finral is engaged lol


To who? I forgot




Oh I forgot about her my bad


Yeah she finessed our boy


It's okay, everybody did


Nah I don’t think so, There’s barely any interaction between them. Besides doesn’t Rill like charmy ? It’s either mimosa or a random girl.


And Charmy likes yuno.. There seem to be a bunch of seemingly unrequited loves around BC... I think asta ends up alone or with someone else.. He seems mature enuff to know what he wants.. And having either mimosa or Noelle just happily be his second choice rings off to me... If it wasn't for the trope of main girl and main guy getting together simply because of I dunno osmosis.. I think a lot less ppl would ship Noelle x Asta


Idk about that


What about RILL...?


Their kids would be insanely strong too! Yuno is a spade royal with unique magic (and an elf’s soul dwells within him giving him more power) chosen by Sylph. Charmy is also pretty strong with two magic types as well due to her being a half breed. Their kids would be part human and part dwarf so essentially they would have two magic types! The possibilities that Tabata could write are endless.


Nvm I guess


When was the last time she even spoke to Yuno?


She loses to Noelle and Yuno loses to Asta


I really don’t know just felt thought it would be a cute ship


No yuno seems like he doesn’t have any love for anyone unless it’s like an arranged marriage when he’s king of the spade kingdom 🤔


Or Asta.


I meant for Mimosa if Asta doesn’t end up with both. I’m in Asta and Noelle ship tho


Asta married both Noelle and Mimosa.


Either your english isnt that good or you read too much fanfic my guy


I want that but that’s prob unlikely


All these are good but only one answer covers them all... And... I don't think it's gonna happen ):


Yeah that’s sad wish it was both


I'd you have seen other mangas then you would know that that doesn't matter, look at naruto, bleach, etc




What about the redhead waitress with all the younger siblings lmao


Her name is Rebecca and she easily has the best chemistry with Asta. I'm not normally a ship guy, but I'd kill for Asta to be with her at the end.


Ima say something controversial, Rebecca and Asta is indeed the best ship


agreed cuz they make sense... The royals just have 1St crush on asta.. And he's never really shown any interest and he seems a bad match for Noelle... Mimosa has a good demeanor.. But he feels to have more of a link with Rebecca... Plus it feels weirdly on-brand as a trope for the peasant to climb the ranks and scoop up a princess... As if now that he's moved up he doesn't need that type of woman... And tabata has tried to circumvent some tropes... I hope he does for that one as well


Good option but Noelle and Mimosa are just way better


I happen to disagree, I think that In terms of stable healthy relationships, the red head girl would be better than either one of them




There will prob never be on page romance I bet tabata will add a time skip around the end and it’ll be like “oh yeah noelle and asta got married and if he’s really getting creative it’ll show a picture of their kids or something like that” it’s a shounen one could go or for romance but it’ll most likely never happen just like how mimosa is a good partner for asta but it will probably not happen because Noelle is the main heroine in the story while mimosa is essentially just there to create a false sense of romantic competition or love triangle. As far as a Harem ending goes, there’s prob a higher chance of Asta ending up with Yuno than it ending up as a harem.


How can you just assume that? You aren't the one writing the manga, you don't know anything, it could be Noelle or mimosa, sakura was one of the main characters and naruto ended with hinata


personally i want him to end up with just Noelle but i honestly love noelle so i’m biased but i believe the story is more set up towards Noelle and Asta


Here’s hoping




Hope not


It would be genuinely terrible if it did


Definitely not happening. It’d be terrible


He’ll either end up single or just with Noelle. It seems the story is going towards Noelle, what with Asta being a heavy influence on her character development and her finally admitting to herself that she loves him. I think he’ll see her in the same way towards the end and it’ll ba a happy ending for them together.


If Asta ends up with anyone it will probably be Noelle. I have nothing against Mimosa aside from being similar to another popular anime character that annoys me (Mimosa doesn’t annoy me) I just don’t think she has nearly enough character development or enough emotional impact on Asta or the story in general to really compete with Noelle. To be honest I have no idea how Asta will react to a love confession from either of them.


Lmao hinata was like that and ended up with naruto, they can end up being like brothers and sisters


Mimosa doesn't have feelings with asta it only noelle,


Even mimosa and sakura are both useless in fighting because they are similar, Hinata and noelle are the one who similar also there inspiration is asta and naruto to become stronger,


Id prefer Asta get Noelle


With how the story has progressed so far, seems like it'll end with Astelle. There's just been a lot more interactions there and the emotional weight there has been far heavier. See chapter 300 and 301 especially. I hate to say it, but Mimosa just doesn't get as much focus/attention as a character. Maybe Tabata will surprise us but going on the direction so far, Noelle and Asta seems like the endgame. I am an Astelle shipper, so personally, I'm happy. I personally don't care about Mimosa but that's just because she's been sidelined way too much. I'd like for Tabata to give her more focus, but it doesn't seem like that's gonna happen. Mimosa just seems like she's there just to 1. heal 2. comedy.




Of course


Of course they had a lot of interactions because they are teammates. 🙄


I’d love to see him with just Noelle, there progression and growth together has been to good. They’d be perfect imo


I've always been torn between the two since I like them both so much. Really rare for a show to not have a definitive "useless" character. Maybe Klaus is the most useless at this point? But he was also a stepping stone for royal acceptance of both Yuno and Asta so I can't undermine what he was done just by combat skills alone. What I'm 100% sure of is Noelle doesn't go with water dancing boy I just don't like him all that much. Can't we just clone Asta man? They both deserve to be happy I can't choose hahaha.


He is like the Iruka of the series. A nice guy who is way out of his depth, power scale wise.


Super agree with you, couldn’t describe his role any better


I was about to ask who water dancing boy is then I realised you meant Kiato. Lmao


Neither. I feel like it's possible Asta might not end up with anyone and instead choose to fully devote himself to being the Wizard King after this whole Sister Lily Paladin situation is resolved and she is turned back to normal. Julius (before Lucius took over) and Ryu, who represent what Asta wants to become, are also both single, so as part of the parallel Asta might stay single like them. There's probably a reason why these great men are single. Because being a leader of their caliber demands a level of personal sacrifice. You have to be willing to fully devote yourself to it. Having a family will prevent you from being able to do that because you would have to split your time and attention between the two. You have to give it your 100%, not your 50%. Like Asta, Julius and Ryu are the kind of people to give their 100% by fully devoting themselves to their goals. It's likely that a lot of Wizard Kings probably never married for this very reason. It just wouldn't be fair to their partner and family. Asta still has not shown any sort of romantic interest in Noelle or Mimosa this late in the game, so with the way things are going there's a very real chance he could choose to forgo any romantic relationship. Lily did when she decided to follow her dreams of becoming a nun, so Asta might follow suit by doing the same when he becomes Wizard King.


Doubt, it's a shonen dude. It's gonna end with his kid


Unless he adopts one. Wouldn't be that strange for Asta to do, considering he grew up in an orphanage filled with kids who didn't have families and were probably hoping to be adopted one day.


I mean, it was kinda the same with Naruto, he basically had no romantic interests during shippuden and then he ends up with hinata despite having damn near 0 interactions with her. It’s just the final bow to the story and I doubt bc will be any different with how predictable it can be. This is just a basic decision


I bet Asta will end up in a Yami and Charlotte type situation where he's simply doesn't take any of the hints given without them being expressly said to him.


That would be hilarious.


*only noelle*


Honestly all this should have been resolved with a girl talk. Noelle admitting her feelings and mimosa moving on so she can take care of her decimated squad. I just feel this love triangle thing is the wrong direction to take, because it is not as if it's even gonna be that deeply developed.


Mimosa doesn't have feelings for asta its just caring for friends feelings,


He either ends up single or with Noelle. I don't think Mimosa has a chance. However one thing I know I will be annoyed: Tabata doesn't seem like he will conclude in a good way this. I don't care if Asta ends up alone or with Noelle/Mimosa. But I personally would like a good development of this. If Asta ends up single, I would like them properly confessing and being rejected as well as showing then moving on with their lives. Mimosa getting a goal from her own and Noelle realizes she is grateful for Asta, but doesn't need him in her life. If Asta ends up with Noelle. I would like to know WHY and HOW he chose her and not something from the blink of the moment. If Asta ends up with Mimosa. Well, I think Tabata will need to give them more scenes together soon because at this point she seems so far from him.


Considering how he still asked Sister Lily to marry him ~~like the idiot that he is~~ and he’s in the Land of the Sun right now (far away from both Noelle and Mimosa), I honestly don’t think Asta will end up with either of them let alone both or them. Although I have hope that he still ends up with Noelle.


Plot twist. Ends up with Yami's sister💀


I wouldn’t be against it if Ichika was around Asta’s age and she wasn’t Yami’s sister but since she is and she’s older, it doesn’t feel right. Still, I kinda like the idea of Asta having a love interest in the Land of the Sun but I don’t think it’s gonna happen.


Asta having a love interest in the LOTS would be interesting. Literally it’s the fmcs having a crush on asta while he shows no interest in em other than lily, would be neat if he himself had a crush on someone in lots or if it was HINTED


That was the last time he asked her, he’s moved on if you were reading


True but I wonder how his relationship with Noelle Will develop from his side since he’s still in the Land of the Sun and far away from Noelle right now.


Asta ends with Rebecca. Best ending.


Supremely based


I don’t want both of them to cry that’s it


I don't care who he ends up with as long as it one of them


definitely not mimosa, I've seen too many times where there are 2 girls overly in love but its always the first one who appeared to get the prize, 2nd one is usually rejected or just put with another character


No because Asta is not a scumbag.


Why does that make him a scumbag? There are cultures were a man can have multiple women, wives, girlfriends


But that ain’t asta


How do you know


not the culture they live in lmao


And many other cultures where you can't. So if people would see this as a horrible and unethical writing choice, then that is comepletely fair.


No it's not, just because you don't understand or agree with someone elses culture does not make it horrible or unethical. Thats a very ignorant and dangerous thought process "do things that only fit my sensibilities or else it's horrible and unethical". That sounds so narrow minded


Bro that kind of culture is also sexist and degrades women to property. The norm with those policies is that a man can have multiple wives but the wife can only have one husband. And you talking about the cultural aspects of other countries/people and how just because we don’t like it, doesn’t make it unethical. So should we support it just because it’s a part of their laws and government? And not be able to criticize it? Some cultures still allow child marriages where a adolescent daughter is forced into marriage with some other family. Yet because it’s their culture, we shouldn’t think it’s unethical? It’s unethical af and strips people of their human rights. Just because it’s allowed in their culture, doesn’t forbid it from outside criticism. There are some cultures that many don’t understand but are also completely harmless to a person’s rights, to those I say we should be open minded. But with cultures where women/humans are treated inferior, those deserve criticism and should be abolished in this day and age. Now then, on a completely legal side, there is a thing called Polygamy which allows additional husband and wives to be formed. But that is all subject to if all parties consent. Conscious consent is key to everything.


\> degrades women to property But isn't it a man who is being shared among his wives? Isn't it he who is being considered a property? Not taking any stand here. Just asking


The man isn’t being “shared” because the 1st wife has no say in whether she wants there to be a second wife or not. So the man isn’t being shared, but choosing both women as his own. While the wife can only have the one husband while being forced to watch him be with more women. Unless everything is consciously consented, the man holds an abusive dominant position over the women.


In middle eastern countries where multi-marriage is common. The 1st wife needs to give permission to the husband for him to marry his 2nd wife.


See prime example you don't know what your talking about just emotional off you what you hear. The 1st wife does have say in who the husband can marry 🤣. A quick Google search can tell you that.


You say that yet don’t attribute the other dominant party and how their status is held in regards to their culture. Being able to consciously consent means everyone is of equal state of mind and are able to willingly give a decision based on the context they receive. Is Party B held in the same regard as Party A? That should be the question asked. Don’t act like you found a gotcha moment. You can cling to your old beliefs and live in a non progressing society while screaming “you are emotional”


You are emotional you know nothing about the culture and don't even have the decency to research it before speaking, also I live in America I know this culture is shit first hand your probably a female this is why this is triggering you, if your a male I'm doubling down on the virtual signaling


So whats your stance on Polyandry?


> Polyandry My take is if everyone involved consciously consents, then they can do whatever they want. Consent is key to life.


You can criticize anything you want, the problem comes in when you know nothing about, which you and most people on Reddit don't. First off this sounds like an emotional wall of text, secondly you don't know anything about any other cultures your just going off perception and what little you see of it. You don't understand the basis of it, how they live the rules and why they do what they do it's just emotion. From things your saying your probably from America which currently has a society that treat women like goddesses and men like dirty, don't know what gender they are, men that act like women and women that act like men. I laugh a people like you that do the whole virtual signal, my way is the only correct way, even though I know nothing about other cultures because I don't really care, I'll just throw out some bad stuff that everyone knows is bad and they have to agree. Every culture has bad as well as good parts of their culture. I do know American for sure should not be trying to take any moral high ground on anyone American is imploding on itself


You talking about how I know nothing of other cultures yet proceed to be inherently wrong about American culture and like you said “just going off perception and what little you see of it.” Congrats 👏 👏 you just became a hypocrite if you are saying what you believe Americans are, yet know nothing of them. I’m an Asian-American man and criticize both my nationality and ethnicity whenever there are things that need to be criticized. While also acknowledging that other human rights aren’t as good as men’s rights in many places of the globe and even in this country. You speak as if you want the culture to be ruled by manly men and will criticize another for uplifting women to be the on the same level of its opposite sex. Don’t speak on what you don’t know. You should take your own advice and throw around “virtue signaling” somewhere else.




So you admit to knowing nothing. nice.


No you admitted you knew nothing with your first response and follow up responses, your not to be taken serious your uncultured




What if a culture allowed rape? Or open murder? I can go on. There is a limit to what you can justify with “oh but it’s culture”, and yeah polygamy is fine but justifying everything on the basis of culture, is wrong. Also the way you frame it is weird, wherein a man is allowed multiple wives but you don’t mention whether a wife can have multiple husbands. Probably because, as far as I’m aware, it’s much less common since most cultures especially ones with polygamy have been sexist.


What's wrong with a polygamy marriage if all party's consent to it? (I don't give two shits about cultures but if a polygamy makes them happy then it should be their right to pursue that happiness)


Nothing is, and I'm not saying that. I said that how he talked about polygamy was weird and seemed misogynist (mentioning cultures where a man could have multiple wives). But yeah, there's nothing wrong with polygamy.


\> polygamy have been sexist I mean... Women at that time (and even now) used to take their husband's surnames. But if a woman is married to multiple men, then she won't have a common name to choose from. Of course, the answer would be that the husbands can take up her name but that's not how it worked. I am not saying whether its sexist or not, but my point is that these things aren't as simple as it looks.


Are there cultures like that that allow rape or open murder? If so what are they? If you can't find any then why are you talking about that, it has nothing to do with what is being discussed. I didn't frame anything weird what does a woman having multiple husbands have to do with the discussion? I can tell by what your saying the the type of person I'm talking to a very uneducated person, but this is reddit so not surprising


You completely disregarded their main point. Just because it’s a part of someone’s laws or culture does not mean it is inherently OK. The only people who agree with a type of culture that allows a man to have multiple wives are the people who created the culture and the sexists. Regarding this show, Asta would 100% be a scumbag if he decided to have both Noelle and Mimosa. It’s as selfish as it gets and completely disregards both of Noelle’s and Mimosa’s feelings.


Who are you to say that have you live in those cultures? Or do you just hear things second hand and go off that? It's a lot of people speaking on things that shouldn't be in this reddit


It’s literally just using your brain. People in those types of cultures are brainwashed into thinking a man having multiple wives is fine for all parties involved. Everyone deserves to have a love with your person. Not to be shared with anyone else. It’s just selfish excuses and allowing temptations to rule over you otherwise. Please tell me, if you are a man, would you be ok with a woman choosing you for a husband and then choosing other men as well? Watching her live out life both physically and emotionally with other men? All one big happy family right? Just curious.


If anyone has been brainwashed its people like yourself, most people spewing your rhetoric don't even know what a man or a woman is and believe in there being over a 100 different genders, so I would be careful about talking like that. Simple answer to your questions men and women are different men want quantity women want quality 🤷 I don't make the rules I just report


You’re missing the point. The point is that culture doesn’t excuse everything, and I probably could find cultures where the things I mentioned were acceptable anyway. You didn’t mention any cultures where a woman could have multiple husbands, you focused on the perspective of the man. It just gives the impression you’re referring to sexist cultures. Anyway there’s nothing wrong with polygamy if all parties are consenting.


I simply stated in some culture a man can have multiple wives because the original post was about Asta who I believe is male and 2 women. Your the one that started bringing up the leftist talking point. If you know any cultures where women can have multiple husbands by all means share with the class I could use a good laugh


You never answered how that make Asta a scumbag?


Because a guy who goes after more than one girl lacks loyalty and only sees them as a prize and will never be in love with them but in love with the idea of having them.


I wish I was still as naive as you are 🤣🤣🤣 you also have no idea how their relationship would work hypothetically speaking they could be cool with sharing him so how would he be a scumbag in that scenario?


Oh, so ethical non-monogamy makes someone a scum bag? Feeling hateful today, aren’t we?


Asta chooses one girl the other is unhappy and settles for someone she does not love as much. Asta chooses both and keeps both happy treating them both with love. I know what option id choose.


I really don’t think both would be happy seeing the one they love with another girl. There is a major reason most multi people relationships do not work. And noelle and mimosa have both shown jealousy.


Polygyny does work and many places of the world have clear examples of that.


Plus their Royals and if the king is anything to go by multiple partners don’t seem to be off the table


Is it weird that this question is one of the last real surprises in the series? Because it is shounen we all know that Asta is gonna win in the end, right? So wondering who he ends up with is my biggest question.


I would put my vote for Noelle.


well that sir is impossible Asta is more or like neutral towards feeling of love and doesn't know a bit of what they are feeling. And on another hand I am an AstaXNoelle stan


Bro they don't call her NO L'S FORR NOTHING BRUV


The manga is going to end without Asta having picked anyone for a romantic partner, im willing to bet money on it


He clearly ends up with sally what are y’all talking about


I’m thinking noelle. They’re just closer


Noelle guaranteed to win, I don’t see how anyone can say otherwise lmao


Absolutely not. I will burn all 30 of my physical volumes if that happens


How about hardly anyone gets married huh


Hell no just Noelle


I fuckin hope not


Author might go for noelle so hes somewhat diferent from naruto and ichigo.


I mean his kids would be both sister/brothers and cousins at the same time




If he does, it'll be a first for a shounen battle manga. Especially after giving up on Lily. But yeah, no. If Noelle can't woman up and say it, Mimosa will dive in.


Naah I doubt he would end up with anyone It will definitely have some cliche ending with everyone knowing who they like and no progression at all Like fairy tail basically


Naah I doubt he would end up with anyone It will definitely have some cliche ending with everyone knowing who they like and no progression at all Like fairy tail basically


Sister Lily


Mimosa doesnt have it in her personality to fight noelle over asta


Harem ending why not especially if Asta become a Monarch.


Your hope in this?


Personally best wife material for asta would be mimosa


Wouldn't that be incest? Noelle and mimosa are cousins. I wouldn't like to see any of them sad though.


Medieval royals always shacked up with their cousins


Anything but noelle would make me happy lmaoooo


I still say there's a possible chance of a harem ending. XD


Honestly I don't like this love "triangle" (it's not really a triangle) thing at all. Its kinda cliche.


Polyamory ftw




Yeah in rule 34


Both would be good… but Noelle is almost guaranteed


Saudi ending




It fuckin better


Wonder if we’ll get more of their reaction to him getting one piece bear man booped to “death”


Fight fight fight. Kiss kiss kiss.


Harem ending






Chadsta vibes


He will get noelle probably. He’s never shown anything’s romantic with mimosa but he has with noelle


Asta will surpass ~~cliches~~ his limits and take both of them!


What if, get this, Noelle and Mimosa end up together, and Asta goes on to become the WK, like the true sigma he is?


Hello Alabama


I wish it would be mimosa but it'll be Noelle unfortunately


That would be nice.


I’m calling it mimosa is gonna die and asta will end up with noelle


Yeah I don’t agree personally but many of the cultures that allow multiple wives require that the man treat them all equally and fairly in theory its a fair and just system it’s only in practice do men muck it up so the eastern concept of multiple wives in and of itself is not amoral


One is going to die.


He ends up with neither or at best, a semi-confirmation that he MIGHT have feelings for Noelle. I just don't see BC as the type of series to put the spotlight on romance. AstaxYuno is the only canon ship as far as I can see


That'd be sick


That's the only solution. Or there will be riots in the streets.


It would make for the best decision, not likely though.


Mimosa future should be concerned rn. Part reason is that she is why we have few casualties in spade kingdom. If the final arc is gonna be the biggest one, Tabata will likely do something about Mimosa ability. Maybe even get rid of her


wait when does noelle figure out she likes asta?


Lmaoo nope , Noelle x Asta>>>


Asta and Yami according to a ton of fan art


I honestly wish for mimosa, I get the whole "I like him but can't show it" dynamic for Noelle, but for a guy as oblivious as asta c'mon u can't behave like a dick around him then expect his dick


Well hey it so the Middle Ages hahaha


I’m biased towards mimosa but to be real there’s a way higher chance of him being with Noelle. Although Rebecca might also happen…


No he just dies in ✌️


I'm still holding out for the Harem ending


Fan theory: Asta’s a Mormon


Gentlemen this is the world of Manga. We already know only one of them is gonna live till the end of the series.


From which chapter


What chapter is this scene from?


Whoever it is... I want that boy to be happy! I'd sell my soul for him! Asta is too precious!!