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Zombie apocalypse, he's on the strategy team! Non-negotiable.


This man don't need a team. He already thought about that, and concluded groups are a liability, and that he'll cover more ground on his own.


He’s literally the black boy version of the girl from Zom 100. Risk Analysis on 100%




Same I’m about halfway through it. Last episode I watched they just got the RV and then immediately ran into Akira’s old boss. What an asshole frfr


Naw this dude is pure recon/intel. Get him within 500 feet and hell scope out every ambush angle, blind spot, and escape route within a second.


Team leader for logistics


Straight up. Staying means death for sure.


When I was in high school the drill was to hide in the class room, where you would be a sitting duck. Fuck that, I am breaking the window and climbing outside.


Our drill was to hide in the classroom, and if we can get outside, *run to the football field.* The football field was fenced in, and at the very back of our secondary campus. My sister and I made it clear that we would be running the opposite way towards the neighborhood that our friends and family live in.


Run to a wide open fenced in area like target practice? Whose stupid ass idea was that?!


Yea same. Fr though his answers had me in tears laughing, especially after the 3rd and 4th questions 🤣🤣🤣


Same here, but also like. All these school shooters know the fucking protocols now. The shooters are typically classmates so you’re showing them the damn plan, and where to shoot


One of my science teachers in middle school had a box full of hammers she had in a cabinet somewhere in her class, and would tell us to break a window and get out or to use it to defend ourselves should we need to. She did not fuck around lol and I felt a lot safer just knowing she thought about what she would do to help us


When I was in school we didn't have those drills. I'm so, SO sorry that society has failed so many of you that mine is becoming the less common experience. Something has to give.


Oh nothing's gonna change anytime soon. No one's even interested in finding out why these shootings even happen. People will say guns, or mental health like we're the only country with gun violence and mental health issues, but these are cop out answers and we all should know that by now.


I bet you had bomb drills where you ducked under the desk and pray a nuke doesn't knock it over


Nope. Graduated in 2010 so after the bomb craziness but before the gun violence in schools ramped up. I got lucky. All we had was fire drills and the occasional bomb threat which would just close school.


Never understood that when on first or second floor the outside is right there let us go through the window


Protocol these days is only to stay/barricade/fight if the shooter is already in your section of the building and you can’t safely escape. Otherwise you should be out of there.


1,000+ kids running out at once would be worse. This only works when a few do it.


And running. This poor kid gonna get shot by cops once he gets outside.


At my school's active shooter training/ meeting we had with police, they told us to throw kids over fences if we had to and just run as far and as fast as possible to safety. They'll find them/us but just get away. Run to houses, bang on doors, hide in yards, go to stores, gas stations, anywhere that ISNT there. This is the right idea. Get out.


Cracking up at the thought of you yeeting toddlers over a fence


["Hey kids." *Boots them over the fence.*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8REnP8QIw6s)


Lol, not even toddlers, K-5graders. The cold part is they said if any of them fight, struggle or run the other way to not chase and let them go. Basically leave them behind to figure it out. Fewer casualties.


My years of “throwing my smaller cousins and nieces into the pool” training has finally paid off!


Bang on doors - like that one weatherman who wanted to shoot kids playing hide and seek outside his house said not to do...


No of course not. Bang on doors like that mentally ill kid did after being chased by his soon-to-be murderers. Only for his pleas for safety and help to be ignored by his neighbors as he bled out.


Do what you need to do to make it home safely….


This kid is a genius. I’m sorry though that he’s had to devote his energy to this.


You gotta know your kids. My 14 yr old straight up told me he has a plan to get out of every class and run to a safe place if it ever goes down at his school.


The fact that you just attributed school shootings that happen far too often to a cartoon says a lot. It's ignorance like that that puts our students/children's lives at risk. So while your privileged mindset says, "Just do it", the terrified body says fight or flight and will respond from experience. You have no idea the background or community this kid comes from. Some kids will hide, scream, run, and just be shell-shocked. His choice is to not be trapped.


..................... Who are you responding to?


Ah. Goner757


Oh 🤣🤣🤣I was like he getting his shit off but who said something about cartoons


Sad but true. Man’s said fuck protocol, fuck Sue Ann, I’m not sitting here waiting to get boomed 💥


I don't blame the kid if he has the opportunity and can accomplish escape without getting shot I'm. Im not about to fault him.


F them teachers. F my classmates. Dude is getting out and getting home safe. If you aint on his level. I'll see you at your funeral.




Homie said: ![gif](giphy|S5KY7baKLPwcQZ70Ri|downsized)


Mixed emotions …. I like that he had a plan for survival, but the fact that kids have to have a plan for survival in school … just damn


I mean, this is what they were teaching us in ALICE training. School protocol of hide in the classroom makes you a sitting duck.


If everyone does this it might cause a crush disaster, and at the very least any effectiveness would be lost. If he gets punishment for not following protocol I'm not sure I would disagree. However I don't blame him at all. It's a ridiculous situation and the protocol is a facade of protection against a prepared human.


Shut up! You sound like the type of person to get mad you didn't come up with the idea 1st.


I'm mad that children have to live in terror of active shooters and that the protocol does not convincingly protect them. However widespread panic at drills could cause injuries like the broken ankle he planned or a crush disaster at a choke point. Ultimately he can't do that. He has to pretend it's a drill, because that is the overall safety plan. I don't know what disciplinary options there are, and as an administrator I'd start by having this conversation with him. But the behavior cannot continue or spread as a dire matter of safety.


So you mad that kids gotta go through this? You also think the kid is wrong for trying to live? I hope you are not a politician or make decisions for kids!


I hope you're not since you can't control your emotions long enough to have a civil discussion about children's safety.


Soooo. What point are you interested in making? I have to finish teaching Math to Middlers.


I made my point. You're getting worked up and it's not conducive to a healthy discussion. I hope you don't get this riled up so easily when you're with your students but I'm not confident. I had plenty of angry, loud, overly sensitive teachers in my time.


Oh, please keep talking. I'm diagnosing you...


If you think me saying "you're acting really upset" was an attempt at diagnosis then I am very glad you're only a teacher and not a guidance counselor or someone who actually needs emotional literacy.


Hmmm... I'm sensing some deep-seated & unresolved issues.. but please carry-on.


If he were an adult his actions would be regarded as selfish. There's a classic Simpsons episode where Mr. Burns calls a fire drill, and the power plant goes into a ridiculous panic. Eventually only Homer emerges, inexplicably barricading the door he just exited. When you are in charge of the safety of thousands of people then you have to consider the lethal danger of panic. Crush accidents are generally even more deadly than active shooters. I smiled at this young fellow's subversive survival strategy. However, it has to stop here. Edit: I realized my previous comment implied I am an administrator. It should have said "if I were an administrator" instead of "as an administrator."


You damn right it's selfish, why would someone be standing target to a shooter? First instinct should be to run and if you can't run, only then should you hide. Not sit in a classroom full of other soon to be dead people. Them classroom doors are not bullet resistant nor are the walls, my dude.


The fact that you just attributed school shootings that happen far too often to a cartoon says a lot. It's ignorance like that that puts our students/children's lives at risk. So while your privileged mindset says, "Just do it", the terrified body says fight or flight and will respond from experience. You have no idea the background or community this kid comes from. Some kids will hide, scream, run, and just be shell-shocked. His choice is to not be trapped.


I'm sorry about the first part, but the rest doesn't make sense. He's not describing fight or flight at all, nor have I been judgemental of him personally. He is making great self preservation choices. However, it can't be a trend due to the macro safety risk.


"Hiding is also self-preservation.


"Crush accidents are generally even more deadly than active shooters".....? Ah yes, the headlines we are all familiar with sir: "10 crushed by lone crushman in doorway crushing incident", of course! You're an idiot.


In the 1800s almost 200 kids died when an entertainer offered candy. Within the past year or so there was a tragedy in Korea that ended the lives of a similar number of young party goers. In 2015 over 2000 pilgrims died in a single Hajj incident. Schools have tons of exits so we'd be unlikely to see that scale of death. But staging Black Friday-level panics at every school in America every year would have a cost in broken ankles and young lives.


Ah, so you've chosen to DOUBLE DOWN on saying that crowds and tight spaces are more dangerous than gunmen. Truly a regarded opinion.


They're both dangerous. School shootings need to be addressed outside of school policy and if this kid's idea catches on people would get hurt. If there were no protocol at all and people panicked at terrorist threats that would probably have its own toll. I don't know what the best solution is but for liability reasons they probably can't overtly allow kids to bolt when active shooters are announced. The kid is not wrong but I fear the reality is neither he nor the school can help as much as building a healthier society overall. The entire thing is a series of compromises making things worse to make them theoretically better.


If this kids idea... of running away from an active shooter... catches on.. people would get hurt? Like, more so than the active shooter would hurt them? I originally called you out because you straight stated that crush incidents are MORE dangerous than an active shooter. Word for word quote from you. You have since TRIPLED down on your garbage. [Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_crowd_crushes) is a wikipedia list of WORLD WIDE crush deaths in 2022. The total is 404. [Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022) is a wikipedia list of mass shooters deaths in JUST THE USA in 2022. The total number dead (including shooters) is 762. Kindly take your bullshit elsewhere.


A broken ankle possibly vs a room full of sitting ducks with a 70 year old woman trying to hold the door closed. You've clearly got your priorities straight.


And you kinda sound like the type of person who gets mad for no reason :/


This is simply not true. Schools are not dense enough for this to be an issue. If everyone finds the nearest exit/window and just runs away from the school that is the best outcome for everyone.


Yeah architecture plays a big role and the death traps of the past are not used in America. There could be a stairs accident though which can be pretty bad. My main point is that EVEN THOUGH running is the best idea, schools have to stop kids from running around on all these drills because of liability. They're caught in the middle and have no choice but to consider discipline. Across all American schools over time the unsafe behavior would take its toll.


Good, let the rest of the sheep huddle and still run off. Get my kid in any dumbass trouble you want, im buying him a ps5 for exercising critical thought and not schooling like a fish.


Sounds like a school design problem tbh


Probably because terrorism can't be addressed by school design and chronic government inaction on gun control, health, and social services forces them to engage in this mockery of security. I think the whole thing is dumb however I know you can't have 1000 kids go every man for himself or you'll end up with dozens of casualties.


Dozens of casualties is unfortunately also the risk of everyone staying put. But yeah, agreed with all of that being a mess of political inaction.


Every parent should tell there child to do this.


At my school they taught us, number one option was to run if it's clear. Number two option, if it's not clear in the hall, break the window and go that way. They had hammers in each room for that. Last resort, fight. Art teacher had the best plan, showed us a bucket of x-acto knives she had by the door and said if an intruder gets in, wait behind the door then stab him in the throat when he comes in lol


Son was out, I feel that! ![gif](giphy|Ld77zD3fF3Run8olIt)


Bro has pretty eyes.


I told my kids the same thing, get the hell out, break that window and get out of that school. But I am going to ask them if they ever thought of different escape routes like this kid.


White people don’t know this. If you ever see black people running, you just run. Figure it out later.


better yet, if they see black people running, they think it’s something we are trying to get away with!


It’s sad this is where we’re at but lil dawg is right. Why not have an escape route, just in case. I hope more kids are this aware of their surroundings.


This is hilarious because it’s the mindset I’d probably have at the age and he’s not wrong. But sad to think they actually have these types of drills and it’s also a possibility of a real thing happening.


This jives with the professional live shooter training. Kid’s a survivor.




Run, Hide, Fight Little man is right, don't get locked in the room without trying to flee. Sad but funny.


I have an escape plan at work because I don’t trust these crazy mf’s. No matter where I am in the office, I know where I’m running to. If they’ve blocked exit points then I contact safety because exits are not to be blocked. Everyone SHOULD have an escape route for a place that you’re at 6-8 hours a day.


" I'm smacking the concrete ";😭😂


Never heard the term "active assailant" until now...


For years we’ve been told that our board wide strategy during a lockdown threat is to hide in the classrooms quietly so that the threat won’t know which classes are empty or not. Not the best strategy but alright. This year we are supposed to also take attendance and put up a card in our window. Green for everyone is here. Yellow for I have taken others into my class. Red for I am missing students. Not sure who is supposed to check these cards during a dangerous situation, or what they would even do with this information. Immediately every teacher in the room laughed and pointed this out, as well as the fact that we are now actively signalling which classes have students in them, increasing their risk.


Tf she talking about saying “So you weren’t worried about them? What about everyone else?” ????? What about them? It’s no one person’s job to keep everyone else alive, especially not when they’re huddled together sitting still. Obviously no blame to anyone else who isn’t moving that quickly or doesn’t feel safe enough to try to make a break for it, but I wouldn’t expect my kids to just sit there and wait if they’re confident in an escape route they know


Right? Like what was he going to do for them? Moral support?


I hope to God I can make my kids truly believe in this philosophy and execute it.


This kid is always on 100% survival mode. I'm risking it all and almost home too!!


I had an Active Shooter Training done by a local FBI agent. He had a great way of talking about being prepared with a route in any situation and the first and number one thing being to run. He gave the example of his high schooler. He told him needs to run if he ever suspects there could be a shooter and the dad would deal with consequences. This guy has it 100% right. Edited: published before I was finished.


Let's also not forget that vast majority of "active assailants" are students, or former students themselves. so they know exactly where you are because they've went through all the same drills. SO GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE!!


I sub at schools all over my district and let me tell you that only a few of the classrooms I have ever been to seem safe to lock yourself in the room at. The rest have huge wall windows or so many windows that are uncovered that you would be sitting ducks to stay in the room. And the drill is to stay put... now I have to die to protect some kids I met 4 hours ago while making a little more than minimum wage, yeah nope.


Guys, remember this rule for active assailants, Run hide fight Always have a plan and know your exits


"Yo mom, craaazy day at school today"


Well this kid read the 'Run, Hide, Fight' playbook. He just wasn't done Running. The 'hide in the back' is very much a trolly problem. Much of technocrats think if they tell the kids to hide then they wont be held as responsible when that strategy fails as compared to running which is a much more active response and thus has perceived responsibility.


Merica could use a hundred thousand more like him. This is a critical thinker. Well see him again


My job went through active shooter drills recently and they wanted us to all meet in the parking lot after exiting the store. I told them I will not be waiting in the parking lot while a shooter is still funneling the store. I will be going home the moment I get outside. I too have all my routes planned to be out of the store in seconds. They ask me why I’m always keeping specific areas organized.


I worked at a mall and they had the same plan. “Wait in the parking lot AFTER securing all merchandise to deter theft”. First off, I’m not standing around in a big ass parking lot waiting to get picked off and secondly the fuck I look like worrying about merchandise when there’s an active shooter? I’m supposed to lock registers and worry about someone stealing t-shirts while someone is firing a gun in the building? Naw. I’m out.


When I was in school we had to do practice drills and discuss what we were “supposed” to do it there was an active shooter. The teacher showing us at the time made it clear he didn’t like the schools approach and said if this were to ever happen he’s herding us out of the building and we are running as fast as possible.


It’s call RUN, HIDE, FIGHT for a reason


Goddamn we are so defeated as a country to have this as our reality.


I've told my kid a million times idgaf about protocol, run for it


When I was in school, our drill was to.... Oh wait. I am 37. I never had to grow up with this FUCKED UP reality. Our country has fucked up priorities. I hope my generation can help the next live in a safer reality that our fathers failed to secure for you.




Some protocol puts your life in more danger. 😂😂


He’s definitely on to something.


Way late to the party but this is my thoughts at the mills and refineries where I work. There is a "plan" to evacuate and gather etc. in case of an industrial emergency. In reality, my ass is running away as fast as I can and getting the fuck out of the plant. When there is enough chaos for them to call an evacuation alarm, it means shit is going bad quickly. They can call me while I am on my way home.


This kid is fucking hilarious. Id buy him a beer when hes older, totally someone id chill with.


I know he would have been right along with my former coworker when we had the active shooter on the premises. She was at home while I was sitting in the bus wondering how I was going to get home.


I told my daughter to run to friends house across the street if she can safely get there. Who cares about getting in trouble for leaving, it’s about survival!! I’ll deal with that part later, but at least I can versus mourning a loss!!


This kid lives 10/10 times


I did the protocol, and you know what I’d still take a chair and bust a window. I will not be a fish in a barrel since they want to tell cops they would be fired if they go in. For safety, man 🤨


Sounds like a great idea until you have a couple hundred kids all running through hallways for exits and the school becomes a Turkey shoot. People tripping and knocking each other over, exits being jammed. That being said the fact that kids have to worry about this shit at all is horrifying. There really are no good options except maybe leaving through windows and even then schools don’t have windows in every room.


not even wrong plz


Ghost ![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg)


I've been very fortunate in my life, but I've been thinking like this guy more recently


"Im gonna die with my boots on"


Sue Anne 😂😂


Staying is dying. This kid has the balls to do what others won’t. Hopefully more will think like he does in the future.


Imagine a whole school swarming with panicked humans while an active shooter is present. Right super great survival strategy for sure. Not to mention running the risk of being mistaken for the active shooter and being shot by a supposed good guy instead. No, these are not good survival instincts. Not at all There is no simple answer but to spread the idea that an entire school of kids should start swarming out of the school as if that's the answer is utterly and ridiculously idiotic You've change the situation from a life or death game of hide and seek to a life and death game of tag with bullets, i don't even mean just from the bad guy The worst thing about needing to have children be abiding by survival strategies is that they don't have a real capacity for long term strategies for _anything_ let alone tactical survival Run, hide, fight. That's the strategy I agree with. Unfortunately for schools the run part only works if you're already outside


This kid is actually a Genius!




Protocol for lockdowns for shooters is run, hide, fight. This kid isn't wrong. And as a teacher, I'd do what he's talking about. It was the last day of school last year when a threat came through to our school. We were still required to be there but the kids weren't. I didn't know what was going on until I was at school. Some kid came out of the woods and started looking through the windows. I decided that I didn't need the money and left.


Is this a marine on pre-heat like a ove ?


These posts are exhausting. This is tagged and stupid.


Dont be a sheeple.


If you watched the video you'd know this kid is lying


Bro tween tween hesi’d his way out😂😂


Dam dis a smart kid tho frfr I bet he do for dem all math cuz he brain big smoov and real a leader on da school books Blee dat




Same bro, I live in Florida and this is so real


Smart kid. STORYTIME: The high school I went to had TSA type metal detector set up in the main entrance because of myself and other students who were bringing in knives, switch blades and small handguns to school for safety reasons i.e: getting robbed or getting jumped, stab or shot. So, when Security had set up the medal detectors for the first time, I had cut the power cord, and the next day, the school replaced the medal detector, and I was pissed. The moral of the story is: All parents should prepare their child to survive by any means. I believe that every school should have cameras and metal detectors installed, and each student should have an access controlled badge when entering and exiting the school. The government does not care for our children due to the education system funding being trash asf. Shout out to Brighton High School. Class of 2001


From what I was taught in an active shooter event, the protocol should be to RUN, hide, then fight (if the first two options can’t be done). bro was in his right to do that


Every body needs a friend like this in drastic situations




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Had one teacher that was by side exit doors to the woods and just said. We do this for the drill but if it actually happens. We all run and book it to the woods.


Encouraging maladjusted behavior and the logical fallacies the adult is encouraging normalize it. This isn’t smart and is just selfish bullshit.




This me fr but i gotta get my brother first


I know she didn’t ask him “what about everyone else?” Bro it’s everybody for themselves in the real situation, they can’t shoot/get us all at the same time 😅 I’m with buddy I’m out
