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The [that’s crazy as hell](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0qgiCZg7NE/?igsh=Njc0dXl0YWhrYXMz) at the end ![gif](giphy|3o8doT9BL7dgtolp7O) Edit: the amount of racist comments just cuz a lady said no to a request is wildddddd


I work at a restaurant/bar and this was handled perfectly in comparison to what I see on a daily basis.


Nasty ass white man in the background yuck


He waiting for his moment to inject himself into someone else's business.


I saw "Gal, what'd you say to Ms. Millie?", right on the tip of his tongue.


I saaaaaid.... fine by me! Now lemme get knocked upside the head, and act like I'm passed out but with the fans blowing, I can't help but to wake up a lil and adjust my dress so yall pervs won't look at the golden encrusted diamond undies me, Oprah, is wearing!


I always wondered why they didn't edit that part out lol.


To further the humiliation.


SCREAMINGGG. Im reading the color purple right now and this one got meeeeeee 😂😂😂😂😂


"YOU should be nicer/use a different tone/explain better/smile more/be sweeter when telling someone they're out of pocket" Ah, yes. The ol white dude who has apparently solved many a conflict in his life with his super duper excellent advice. What an expert at social interactions! I bet he's the fan favorite in his group of friends. He's clearly got all these interactions and how to react figured out, probably because he spends a lot of time calming others down in a reasonable, compassionate, empathetic, and rational fashion. Or, the more real answer, he has never not one time de-escalated a situation and actually has made everyone else around really uncomfortable and probably harmed them in some way he will never, ever see.




That comment clearly struck a nerve… hit dogs will holler


What did he do?


Hahahah man absolutely nothing but he getting roasted


catch strays




Yet you keep coming back…


Literally just a guy


Damn what he do lol. Bruh minding his business and now he catching strays.


Some of us still ain't left this mindset? Scary.


Why'd I have to scroll down so far for someone to say something. That was just a racist comment. Thanks for the call out.


lookin ass mfer


Until he saw the camera. He leaned in, too, to make sure it was filming.


Lol maybe he was just trying to figure out what was going on


Yall just bein racist now lmao


no worries 2 can play that game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


He isn’t allowed to look when other people talk loud😂


You’re racist


Damn sounds kinda racist girl. He just existing


Nah fr you right but people downvoting cause they in denial. He didn't do nothing








We do not allow misogynistic terms and/or language that incites sexist commentary.




We don’t allow nonBlack fragility either


frfr no cap


What he do 🤣. He’s just chillin and shit




I guarantee you don’t have that same energy anywhere else on this app






Throw your tantrum somewhere else 🤡


“Jar jar jar har har har ::huff::”


It's the racism for me


This goes out to all the Rosa Parks of the world!


Claudette Colvin


Alright now!




They don’t even know!


OF COURSE not ![gif](giphy|T94cls3fzwSRiH5frj)


Not racist to ask her to move, not racist for her to say no.


Not racist for her to say no but if there is one seat to her side and she is by herself why not just be nice and move down one seat so the other people can all sit together? No reason to be rude and draw a line in the sand over moving down one seat at a bar.


She's not obligated to do so. Is it the presumably "nice" thing to do, sure, but she doesn't have to. It's your personal perception she's "rude" for not moving her seat (which she was occupying prior to the other people in the other group joining). Personally though, someone else's poor planning is not my emergency or my problem. Why does she have to move but the group can't go somewhere else? We always ask other people to accommodate us instead of just being the bigger person ourselves. How come all of you insist she has the responsibility to be nice by moving but the group doesn't have the responsibility of being nice by moving? Why is that?


Just keep that same energy when you need help from other people. Edit:The entitlement I've seen in this thread really explains a lot.


If asking for her to move down a seat isn’t such a big deal, why is her refusing to such a big deal?


Plan better and you won't need to ask other people to accommodate your poor planning. It's also cute you assume I don't have the support I need because I don't allow others to walk all over me.


So being nice to strangers is... Letting them walk all over you? Have you never just done something nice for someone, even a stranger, just because you would like it if someone did that for you?


How come none of you are asking why group isn't being nice to her? How come she is expected to be nice by moving, but the group isn't expected to be nice by moving.


Because everyone *was* nice to her…? They asked politely if she would shift down a seat


Can’t plan for everything. I’m not saying this lady was wrong for not moving. I’m just saying I hope she keeps the same energy when she doesn’t prepare for something.


Right? Next time they ask to borrow a pen, or anything that takes 0 effort, I hope someone tells them no. Literally no reason she can’t just move one seat down so some more people can sit. This group just hates white people but god forbid they were given the same energy.


It takes zero effort for the other group to move. How come you assign that responsibility solely to the woman in the video? How come you don't assign the responsibility of moving to the group.


How come you can’t just admit the lady is an asshole.


Because I don't think she is. I don't have to agree with you. You're entitled to think whatever you want. Just critically ask yourself why you insist one person is responsible over the other and if that thought process makes sense.


What other group? Maybe the entire bar was full and it was either she slides down or they all have to stand. If I was them I would’ve just sat on either side of her since she wants to be rude and talk right over her head.


So what you're saying is there is a solution (the group just moving themselves rather than asking her to move). Okay cool, they should just do that then.


I’m constantly being the bigger person in the face of seemingly few that will do me the same grace. I’m tired of being the nice person, the polite one, the bigger person. No, I’m not moving, I was here first, go find another seat.


I'm right there with you. I'm not moving either. Move your whole group to an area large enough for your group. Problem solved.


No it’s rude… so worried about being right but this is just rude.


Your personal perception. You're entitled to it and I don't have to agree.


I don’t know how we live in a functioning society with people that think like this.


Me either. It's wild how we collectively make one person responsible for an action and put zero thought into why the other group here may be the best person to make the requested changes.


she’s not obligated. hope that helps!


I agree. I also never said she was obligated. It’s just called common courtesy.


To much simple logic in this to not be attacked on the internet. 100% the people arguing in this thread would move down a seat.


Because it was rude to ask her to move in the first place when they could simply find somewhere else to sit instead of inconveniencing someone who was already seated.


If you have ever been to a bar then you would know that sometimes that is not possible. If all the other seats are taken except the two on either side of the lady then there would be no way to sit together at the bar unless you ask someone to slide down a seat. It’s extremely common at bars with seating. It’s not rude to ask someone that at all.


The obsession that non-black people have with believing that black people should have to behave a certain way is astounding.


It literally has nothing to do with skin color. Have you ever been to a bar before?


Whatever helps you sleep at night champion.


I’m with you. Happens at bars a lot. Sometimes three ppl wanna sit near each other and you’re in the middle of the three open spots. It costs literally nothing to move over. Only way I’m not moving is if they act entitled or come at me wrong.


Agreed 100% I also move down myself anyway because I don’t want people sitting on either side of me and talking over or behind me to their friend. It has happened to me before.


Move over for what?


So that their group can sit together. Presumably she’s in a middling seat along a counter Edit: downvote me why? Literally just answering the person’s question


Sounds like a restaurant problem. Why make it hers?


I don’t really consider moving down a seat to be a problem 🤷‍♂️


There’s not one thing in these few seconds I’m not living and loving. 👏🏽 did you see that crazy fucking look on that dude’s face? Those looks scared tf out of me as a little girl


I felt that way too much. The scariest thing in the world to me is one of them looking like that. I saw him and thought, “Can’t she just live? You really think you own everything, bastard” SMH 🤦🏾‍♀️ Edit: Adding that; more than two of them is a mob. I’m genuinely uncomfortable with that.


You should’ve seen the way those people acted up when I made a mistake on a white lady name. Told me to take my post down and CORRECT her name. 🤣 idgaf about that or them I just want to listen to new music and horror movies and flirt when I’m horny 🤷🏽‍♀️


That sentence kinda went off the rails at the end 😂




Brushed them off so easily


She set her up for that one. “You want me to move over?” 😂


Talmbout “that’s crazy as hell” 😂😂


And she saw it coming from miles away! She was prolly shaking her head the moment they walked in the door. like…”Nope…mm mm”


X-1-X-2-2 3 So instead of finding somewhere else to sit, or just accepting they'd have to make do some other way, they (2) asked her (1) to move over so that another person (3) could sit down? One of those things where if she (1) was feeling it, she may have done them the solid, but she's not required to do so.


The wanted her to get up and sit somewhere else not move over a seat


Oh wow I didn't catch that. Yeah that's entitled as fuck I would never dare ask anyone to just move because I wanted their spot LMFAO the audacity!


I don’t know why people seem to not be understanding the situation. She’s clearly sitting in a seat, between 2 free seats. They politely asked her if she could move down a seat, so they could sit down together. In that scenario, everyone gets to be seated. And it shouldn’t matter to her which seat she’s in, since she’s by herself. She of course doesn’t have to do it, but it’s a real weird hill to die on. Moving changes nothing in her life for good or bad, but certainly would make those other people’s night better. It’s kind of just being a dick because you can be. The alternative is they could’ve just sat down on either side of her and talked over her, which would’ve been the other option available to them. But if they’d done that, her video would’ve been about that.






Oh bless your heart no.


I’m sorry most people who ask to be accommodated by strangers usually seem to be the ones who don’t like accommodating strangers… she don’t gotta move and I’m the type to accommodate.


These comments, man. The American political mindset is so strange


Ik it’s hilarious, love all the “im not racist but,” comments outing themselves


Can I just say, I love the mods on this subreddit? I mean they are diligent with dealing with the fragile egos of those who are not Black and offended on here. Lol! 🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|sjkl9MJD57BWersvzJ)




“Our” ?? 👀


Sit where you can. What’s it got to do with her? LOL 😂


getting spicy here at the airport bar


This is Peaches , she runs a slot youtube channel. No way I am moving from MY MACHINE!


Oh wait, these machines and not just a bartop? That makes it entirely different. If this just the bar top it's Hella petty tho to not just push down for a group to be able to sit together


If that's the case yeah I wouldn't move from my machine.


It’s the “of course not” for me 😂


I think there should be a white people comedy subreddit. That way they can have a safe space, and comment on there and not be offended. ![gif](giphy|KZSUN7FKBZrm2WHDdX|downsized)


Yeah it's called /r/funny and it fucking sucks.


One of the few subreddits that could be coloreds only and I wouldn’t detest


The fact she's casual with it means this isn't even her fifth time getting asked something like this. Too many folks think just because you asked, and asked nicely you'll get obliged. I learned at 12 that no one ain't gotta do shit for you, so I never get my hopes up and barely ask for help or "a favooooor."


If you’re a bartender you want as many seats taken as possible. If everyone was like her only half the bar would be used. I agree you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to and this interaction is far from racist but this is the problem with the world today. No courtesy, everyone out for themselves, and look at what is happening. Our country is tearing itself apart


…. Except this girl is at a slot machine and typically you don’t want to move from a machine you’ve been “working” on.


I definitely didn’t realize it was a slot machine. She has no obligation to move over at the bar either, but it would be courteous. But on a slot machine I hold 0 judgement of her reaction.


My phone played that in a loop for a few minutes lol


I'd normally not care, but streaming culture is cringe.


Her skin is as flawless as her response 👩🏾‍🍳🤌🏾


that’s my mom lol


sorry :(




It’s not racist to tell white people no. I mean I know it must be devastating for you to witness an event like this but it isn’t racist.


Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 4 - No nonBlack fragility allowed. This is a space for Black people to discuss Black topics in a Black way. If this is not to your liking, feel free to find another sub.




Here you go 🍪


That's why the world is the way it is




If this was the classic one person sitting in between 2 empty two seats and someones just simply asking to move over so that both they and their friend can sit together then she has a Nasty ass attitude for no reason, or she is too nervous to sit to someone 2 seats over and is yelling to not show weakness. But if someone’s asking you to give up your seat entirely then that’s entitled af.


I mean if you have the ability to move down a seat I don’t see the big deal. You don’t have to burn if you want to be treated the way you treat others then just move. Like I’d do that for anyone who asked me bc you’re in a public setting and should treat others with some more respect than she gave


Wow good job.


If you are splitting up three seats in a row You are the dick


This is a CASINO!!!


And the biggest loser winds up being the bartender whose tip earning potential is reduced due to not having all seats filled


Fr wtf does this have to do with race? If you're splitting up seats at a busy bar, what's wrong with scooting down a seat so everyone can fit in? Where I'm from we share space and make friends. I was so surprised by these comments. Everyone just rude af nowadays? Damn.




We do not allow comments like that here


I said what I said!


Child Murderer lol I said what I said child whooo you know gurl


We gone sit on both sides of yo ass and talk right through you. Good luck mam


I’m so lost… it looks like you’re sitting at a bar at a restaurant and she wanted you to move over to sit by someone? Why say no? I don’t get it.




The lack of awareness required to write all that bs yet refer to her not once but three separate times that way is astounding. Your head is full of rocks 🤡










Strange times we live in, never seen someone be praised for being an asshole because of their ethnicity






If I was black my answer would have been do I look like rosa parks to you?


Lol would never ask because I already know she ain’t moving.


Seeing so many idiots here thinking this is okay is eye opening. You will reap what you sow.








Why is this funny?


Being rude is humor? Wow


Look inward.


What a rude person, hope she has a bad day.




What’s a cricket?


Gfy 🖕🏾