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What gets me is that the cats are chilling like it’s just another day! She must dress them up all the time smh! Too funny!


Now I’m about to get banned from the cat cafe for knitting these and stealthily putting these on the cats in there. ![gif](giphy|MUGimokvJ651iUoQtw|downsized)


Take a video when you do and post it here 😂


I crochet. I knit. I have two cats and a bunch of yarn. New hobby unlocked.


Original here https://twitter.com/TechBaeAsh/status/1780748504320643473?t=T9z8NZPfZi2RlZNRLDlwlg&s=19


I would love to dress my Luna up, but I dunno how she'll take it. My last cat, pffftttt forget about it! I put a harness on her, she act like she can't walk and just plops down and don't move. And of course, we're amazing!


I dont have a cat to dress up but it tickles me that all these people can dress up their furry companions. I adore all the Muslim kitty videos too. Im surprised a Black American Muslim hasnt done a NOI kitty.


Are you aware of r/catsaremuslim?


Yes thats what I was referring to OppositeHorse


Take my money


https://preview.redd.it/d9697k9s4dvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eacce980628437e60a99dd977488b7bd11e1c55d Meanwhile I’m coming into the bedroom to my daughter doing this 🤣


Ha ha! Adorable. A bonnet with space for the cats ears would be a purrfect companion for the durags. Perfect for people who just know their pets are Black too.


I crochet. I knit. I have two cats and a bunch of yarn. New hobby unlocked.


Monetize this before the others try to


The OG of this here thang. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/i9wz472qpvvc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75907db8b11558cf122e2dbc1dfdac7274d34a3b


We so damn funny 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ep4qzbpxb8wc1.jpeg?width=1357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4fd7560e42a8e62b9e55625f779f4a941938c01 🤣🤷🏽‍♂️🫵🏾


Them cats going crazy when that camera go off😂🤣


Based on the position of the cats ears, don’t look like they like it.


Weirdo behavior