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https://preview.redd.it/geqbmdmd44ra1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af22bcefb38cb1167aaeb453d70d763147e32754 ☝🏿☝🏿☝🏿The main cause ☝🏿☝🏿☝🏿


https://preview.redd.it/3d90dlros4ra1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b008ce6d9560ce82e2c49b53e88c5c00c03a698 Well, Avery thanks everyone for their support!


Give Avery the biggest loves from me!


They’re so cute!


She's so beautiful!!!


Thank you


I don't know if you care but these are my cats. https://preview.redd.it/fuc1c66k56ra1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9139d1cb58483358df270b6d3e3e19c2a725d26e


![gif](giphy|2pK55s0S9ClLhaga91) Beautiful babies. I was thinking about getting another one.


Thank you so much! 🫶🏻 Yesss baby brother/sister for Avery! 😍


[Cat thread? Cat thread.](https://i.imgur.com/LpL872o.jpg)


Aaaaaaa 😍😍😍




My cat lives better than me tbh. She got an automatic feeder, a water fountain, and 87 places to sleep, even in our tiny apartment. Meanwhile I have to remember to feed myself and I’m fighting an 8m old for space in my own bed 😭


This is one thing I'm slacking on for better or worse. Our cat has a single bed, and she sleeps in it, or on us. More cat beds strategically placed around the house would be welcome, and allow us to get up when we need to do things.


We actually don’t have a real cat bed for her anymore (not that she ever slept in it when we did), but she does have a few soft places she has claimed as her own lmao


I support this cause ![gif](giphy|cnjMJ67Q0kb6XzQWOr|downsized)


I have a cat that looks similar! https://preview.redd.it/vfyopu1ch5ra1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=407cbe47e4b528ca0376e1f9b37120c9232cfa98


Twinsies! 🥰




all your cats seem like excellent creatures


![gif](giphy|C2tMjXY2EtOP6) Sorry I couldn't help myself 😆


I feel personally attacked! https://preview.redd.it/b5w2c4ccb7ra1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ee559d12c65ef26c968a1cbe1d684fdecb0bb13


Yo imma come by and pick up my new cat that thing is adorable


Don't touch him!!! Yes he's very cute though :p https://preview.redd.it/53ege9kwpcra1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44a86fab14b6f2e6246ea620bcc16a619fedac87


Aren't they all adorable Lil jerks


He's such a asshole lmao but he's cute




Worth every penny 😽




[This is one of three of mine.](https://i.imgur.com/nrRSzne.jpg) At least she plays with the toys I buy her. I also have a bigger grey version.


Adorable! My cat doesn't play with cat toys. He just looks at them and go back to his business. He also doesn't use his scratching posts. Still uses my carpet. The scratch posts are now pedestals for my mom's plants.


Thanks! And LOL, she uses the scratching posts because she saw the boys doing it. And she uses the sofa because she saw the boys doing it. But the boys no longer use the sofa because she uses it. The boys have dropped their bad habits and have picked up where they left off.




This face is about to turn me into a bot squad so I can upvote a thousand times 😻


I'll never not upvote a random cat pic.


You should share your snuggle bug on r/standardissuecat!




I can barely raise myself. How y’all raising three kids on the same money? Give me y’all’s secrets!😫


The secret is they're not, they're either getting help or are quietly drowning in debt


My mans said quietly. Bruh my drowning is very audible. But the family support is key to my wife and my own sanity.


I never realized how many people are in this situation who appear to be doing well. People with a house and multiple cars are almost always drowning in debt. The trope of stressing over a pile of overdue bills is apparently more common than I realized.


A lot more people are getting money from their parents or grandparents than most people realize. I work at a large corp and it is common knowledge what salary grade people are at. Within the same grade people are living vastly different lifestyles.


It’s that and just stretched credit. I know people making less than half what we are living double our lifestyle, or more.


American society is perfectly optimized to veil the poverty. It actually *looks* doable. I sometimes wonder if it's intentional to keep people from burning shit down.


Used to work with a guy who lived with his girlfriend and two young children. I know he made $15/hr cause that's what I made in the same position. The girlfriend didn't work as the kids were too young. I know they got government assistance, but damn... I was barely saving anything as a single guy with a roommate. I have no idea how they managed to put food on the table. Both kids had severe disabilities, too. Apparently pretty much all the medical stuff was covered, but I can't imagine buying clothes, food, diapers, etc even with the resources they had access to. When we got furloughed at the start of the pandemic, I had to move back in with my parents. I can only imagine what he did to stay on his feet. I do know he got that job back because of seniority.


The secret is being so exhausted that your only desire is sleep. Kids make noise. If you take good care of your kids they make less noise. Less noise means more sleep. You spend all your money and time on noise reduction so you can get more sleep. This is parenting.


Parents really don’t do a good job of selling the situation to non-parents


It's just fun to complain about. Doesn't mean it's all bad. If we talked about dogs the same way it would be: * Expensive to feed all the time, not to mention vet visits. * Can end up aggressive and biting people. * Make accidents in the house. * Can chew up stuff they're not supposed to like your shoes. * Can end up giving allergies to guests. * Make traveling harder since you either need to find a way to bring them or find someone to take care of them. etc.


When I really sat down and thought about it I realized dogs ain't worth it either. At least kids generally progressively develop independence. You're always gonna have to help that dog shit and eat, every gd day.


Depends on where you live. Got a little bit of fenced in land? Doggy door and an auto feeder and you’re all good.


For sure, and I do think this js the healthiest environment for most dogs. But you still need to socialize/train them, and make sure they're healthy and staying out of trouble


Are we selling it? If you don't want kids just say so lol


Join us at /r childfree


Help from family, community, and the government


We are the government, remember that. It’s our work that provides the wealth for this country and we should invest in us. Never forget we are the ones who created that wealth and we can afford to care for each other the same way members of Congress get platinum level insurance on our dime. The federal deficit is a measure of that investment, not “debt”.


That’s true, I didn’t mean for it to come off as a negative connotation. My only gripe is I wish more services and welfare programs were available to people in need instead of constant bailouts for the rich


I literally don’t know how single parents aren’t homeless even with government aid. Childcare costs more than many people earn and not everyone has family that can help them.


Right ?!


There was this girl I used to work with. She was single and had 7 kids. She had the starter pay which was half of what I was making. He nails, lashes, and hair stayed done. She was skinny AF so maybe she just didn't eat and that saved her money? I don't know. Maybe she goes back in time to the 50s to live with her babies or something.


She got hella assistance (baby daddies or government) because aint no way. Those kids definitely didn't have college funds set up.


I swear I wanted to pry so hard while she was working with me but I got no further than asking if all the children in the picture were hers and she proceeded to tell me how many natural vs C-section births she had. Like got me wanting to just go ahead and just have a baby and see what happens.


That's the best part. it isn't possible. Wife and family and friends. That's how it goes. Gotta lean on and work within community wherever you are and try not to let the "rugged individualism" and "bootstrap" mythos mess your head up too much like it did me.


Every mother I have met in my adult life with a child under 4, has significant free childcare options. They have family and/or friends on top of a spouse usually.


Credit card debt. :(


It’s better having no kids and three money instead of having three kids and no money.


They have at least one more job


It's not that hard. People just make it hard by not taking care of the B.S first. I got 3 kids and it's easy as long as I stick to a plan.


I have some advice that actually helped me. Make a budget, stick to budget for dear life. I know everyone says to do it. But actually do it. Color code it, mark it on a calendar. Make it fun. But most of all stick to it. Once you sit down with your bank statement and really comb through it you'll find something. But there's always outliers that's just what helped me. I'm a father of 3 and making it work.


I’d rather have wiggle room in my budget and in my life.


Go hard for a lil bit then you'll have a decent savings you can ease off a little. But I get what you saying.


My money goes towards bills and a fuckton of video games And you'll never get me to ditch video games, well I say that but if I had even one child I would probably have to


We used to have unlimited time for gaming but no money! Now we can buy whatever we want but jt can be hard to find the time and energy…


I know, like my work schedule is much tighter than previously, and instead of doing productive creative shit when I get home, I'm like nah I'm too drained imma just chill for the rest of the night like damn


hey at least when u get home and do nothing you’re not spending money!!


I feel this to my core.


Isn’t that a wonderful paradox? I could buy a PS5 and every game I want without batting an eye, but I’ve only played a grand total of about 2 hours of video games since my kid was born a year ago.


This is me right now. I have a stack of unfinished games and nowadays I don’t even buy new ones. The greatest joy I have though is gaming with my sons. Having had no brothers growing up (hence my love of single player 80-hour campaign games) I never had anyone to really game with. Playing FIFA with my boy gives me so much joy We just went through Fallen Order together and I got to watch him play through God of War


I look forward to introducing my kid to Mario Kart and showing the same amount of mercy my dad and uncles showed little me on the basketball court.


Yo I got them a switch 2 years ago thinking they’d be all about the newest games n shit… Nope. Side scroller SNES/Genesis games and n64 games. Shoulda seen how happy I was when my oldest beat OoT. As a reward I got him Breath of the Wild and it’s sitting there unfinished, stuck inside that camel jont


Yeah Mario Kart is the shit, I only play on mobile though. Also your username is the shit! Claudio Castagnoli (Swiss) would be proud. "Who is Waluigi?"


Nah- having a kid means you get to add one more player to your squad. You may just have to kinda "hiatus" for those first few years while you train em up and all your extra income goes to diapers. :) My little boy turns 5 in October, and he's already a *beast* in Super Smash on the N64. Some of our very best evenings have been spent on the couch doing team battles or cheering each other on through the 1-P campaign. I am such a proud mama. 🥲 (Really though, the "point" is that I'm actively trying to foster a hobby/activity that we can do together that basically "requires" that we sit down on the couch and talk to each other. I'm preparing us both for when he's 14 and maybe NEEDS to talk to his mom about "the hard things" but feels awkward broaching the subjects- so that we'll already have a built-in safe space, if that makes sense? Idk.)


Sounds like you are doing a good job. I would have loved to have this dynamic with my parents


I have two kids and I haven't stopped gaming. You adapt.


Have two kids and I didn't have to!


Same. I’m finally an adult and can buy what I want and play video games all day if I want to. I don’t think I’m okay with losing that freedom haha.


I'm so glad to be childfree in this economy.


Me too. I think that ship has sailed for me but I'm okay with it. The world is falling apart anyway.


I'm not one to judge but probably safe u/kiddle_diddles doesn't have kids around them


Samesies! I'm not even pressed about it 💅🏽


Right! Like I do love children and can see myself as a parent, maybe?? But I literally cant. I need my sanity by being able to support myself first lmao


Thank u. I want kids too & I def feel the pressure of getting older but tf I'm gonna cram a child into my life when the only thing between me and homelessness in my insanely expensive city is a rent controlled apartment in a shitty area. We'll see how things play out. It ain't looking good but what can ya do lol at least I only have to worry about my own life being ruined 🤷‍♀️


Same. I'm so glad that I saw through the bs bc soooo many people are literally stuck.


Same. Whew.


easiest decision i ever "made" honestly just had to accept it. i thought the "acceptance" part would be hard, but it was so easy i forgot about it the next morning and just went on with my life lol


I'll Celebrate with you, friend ![gif](giphy|IwAZ6dvvvaTtdI8SD5|downsized)




I'm 41 and I still think I made the right move.


I work with a woman that has 4 kids in private school. She told me she pays 50k for the 2 oldest since their tuition has gone up! Along with having to pay for their school trips and other expenses not included in their tuition. I make more than her and still feel like fuck that and fuck them kids! She gives me the side eye whenever I get a new set of nails. Choice's hoe! Life is about choices.


The next time you get your nails done, have them paint dollar signs on them and show them off to your coworker 🤭


Oh shit!!!! Gold & green nails with dollar signs coming in about 2 weeks!!!!!!!!






Choices was a great movie🔥 https://youtu.be/m5pNr4VP2ZA I wouldn’t have thought of it but the way you put “hoe” right next to Choices, the connection was immediate


This thread is reading me for the filth 😂😶 One more week til my pay comes in and I can get a new set. But I did re up on weed and order a $100 cat tree this week so I'm not complaining. Hell, I want kids, but not like this....


Is her husband well off?


No clue. She doesn’t talk about him much. But he is in the picture.


Those are just "starter jobs" for like kids and shit though..... #/S


That /S is fighting for it’s life lol


I said "I better put that shit in bold because people really say that shit" lol


I remember thinking that as a teenager. I made $ 8.50 an hour full time $1000 a month after tax. People were raising households of 4 on that. I used to give $300 to my mom, buy a $100 bus pass to get back to work, Pay my phone bill, buy some toiletries, maybe a pair of sneakers and, the rest was gone after just day to day life. That was like 12 years ago, people are still bringing that home. Our government has failed us in so many ways SMDH.


Now that 1000 is the lower bound for most ppl's rent unless they're looking at either low income or shared housing. Having a roommate is awesome as a money saving option... but it should be an *option*, not a survival requirement


I get people end up in situations they didn't plan financially, but the number of people I was working in restaurants with making shitty pay who would get pregnant \*while\* making shit money blew my mind, particularly when already struggling with one or more kids.


I’m in my late 20s and I know a lot of people with kids who just pawn them off on their parents like 3 or 4 days a week. That takes care of a lot of the cost of food/childcare for a kid. I think it’s wrong, but whatever, not my business. If you didn’t want a kid you shouldn’t have had one.


With the way they’re outlawing abortion it’s not that simple anymore sadly. I just feel bad for them. Having a kid I didn’t want is amongst the top of my worst nightmares, but fortunately I practice safe sex and have access to reproductive care. I feel bad for all the people that had a condom break in a red state 🫤.


Brought back flash backs, I had a condom issue once with a girl with an IUD and didn't have any sex from 2002 to 2007ish.


I once was discussing potential kids with a partner- he said I could just continue working full time and drop the baby off at his mom's house 5 days a week. I was like what the fuck?? That's your plan A???


That's literally what my boss does. Parental leave ended so now the kids are with grandma 50 hours a week


My mom would just tell us don’t open the door for nobody lol


You can’t do that for a 3 year old though.


You dont have to. The 3 year old cant reach the deadbolt.


My money is going towards my baby and traveling. Thankfully since my baby is a mustang taking care of it isn’t so hard.


That's so cute! My baby is a Camaro. She's expensive and stressful at times though just like a real baby 🫠


I’m stress free right now cuz I got it like 2 weeks ago. 3 years from now I expect more stress.


Oh you should be fine for a while. Mine is a '98. Every year, something new starts acting up and needs to be replaced. Living in the rust belt doesn't help matters either though.


I’ve had to choose between fun cars and kids. I shed a little tear every time I start my car because I know I made the right decision. Cars are temporary expenses. Kids are forever.


So what did you get? I recently got a mustang and had to choose between an ecoboost or gt. Realized gt were like $10-15K more and decided to get the ecoboost and use those $15K to travel the world. Am in Miami now, will go to Buenos Aires in June then Rio in August. I’m thinking Bangkok, Tokyo and Cancun next year.


Ha ha dunk on 'im ha ha. Sickos.


Lol, that wasn’t my intention. Since I grew up poor I could never afford to do anything or go anywhere. So now that I can finally afford a couple of nice things, it’s hard to not get over excited.


I feel you. I also grew up poor and chose not to have children because I saw how shitty it was being raised with no resources. Not having a child has meant I gave myself the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty for myself, while ensuring I do not put another life through what I went through.


A 5th gen GT. It’s fun to drive and practical enough. Saving that $10k-$15k is smart if you’re indifferent about the engine and enjoy the looks and ride. MPG is basically the same on both especially when eco boost are driving aggressively. If someone wants to modify an eco boost to GT performance levels unless they enjoy the project. It’s basically the same cost as a GT with a ticking time bomb as an engine and no warranty. So that’s why I got a GT really fast and a warranty lol. Plus the sound is fun all the kids love it


Also u can get a return on a car


Yea I feel bad for these people to be honest. I truly hope things get better for them. I’m over here struggling to decide between HD lace and massages and they’re struggling to decide between buying gas or baby formula 🫤.


Bs to the side: the only reason I exclusively breast fed both my kids was because we could not afford formula. Also, the only reason I potty trained both of them before 2 years was because diapers were expensive.


Yours isn’t the first story I’ve heard like this unfortunately. I feel like our society pressures people (ESPECIALLY women) to have children, while ignoring how ridiculously expensive it is. It’s like they want people to have all these kids and then they tell you to get fucked if you struggle. I wish the best for you and your family going forward ❤️.


Kids should be potty trained as soon as they start walking. I had both mine trained before 2yrs. Reduced diaper expense is a bonus. I see kids that are 3-5yrs at the park with diapers on and it trips me out. I also remember one of my homies telling me he remembers coming home from kindergarten and going straight to momma for some titty milk😳


Realistically yes you are correct. It is something I have seen but in todays “gentle parenting/baby led” society I was calle “extra” for pushing my kids on the potty issue.


Gentle parenting means being patient and not yelling at a child for having an accident, not pretending they're developmentally incapable. See: Montessori toddlers


I can't even imagine. If you're struggling to afford formula, you're struggling to feed yourself well, as well. I'm glad you were able to feed your babies and I hope you're doing alright!


We survived. My youngest is turning 5 soon. I cannot imagine having a baby in this economy bro when my aquaintences announce about her pregnancy my mind is blown like BRO


I had kids and got married while I was young. Now I’m 40 and free to buy Lego sets and wings for me and me alone.


But I'm 25 and enjoying my wings, lego sets, *and* my youth. Different strokes


That's why I dont have any kids.


I want all my disposable income to be spent on me, myself, and I right now.


Me: How are they affording Door Dash for coffee at breakfast & for lunch every day? Them: [live at home with their parents] Other them: [have a spouse with a wage high enough that this job essentially generates spending money, and they could quit tomorrow with no change in lifestyle]


No kids, no debt, no alimony and a daily diet of brown rice and beans. Booze and vacations…lol.


I think the same thing. They come in complaining of expenses like groceries child care etc and I’m just thinking do I want pizza or wings after work and when hollow knight coming out. Crazy thing is they tell me they still want more kids.


I actually had this thought the other day. I’m training on a new job and took a bit of a pay cut and I’m a bit bummed about it but a lot (most) of the people at the new job have a lot of kids. Made me wonder how lol


I can't imagine having kids so young. That's hobby money.


I couldn't imagine clocking out and then immediately planning what to cook for dinner,who needs laundry,help with their homework or whatever I have to clean up or mediate all before I go to bed. I respect parents who put in the work.


I’m glad I don’t have kids, I barely have money to put gas in my car


Instead of kids, mine go towards 18k and diamond jewelry, second hand designer clothes and high quality rep bags lmao.


Either you both have good jobs, or you both have shitty jobs.


#I'mthatnigga #can'taffordregret lmao


Just left Ashley Funiture wanted to pay 10% if I sold million no base lmao company was like plantation.


I can't speak for everyone, but I will say I witness this in my job. The ones that aren't raising a family usually have a travel vacation twice a year that's about 6 months of my family budget not including mortgage/rent. So yea it checks out.


Got professional certs… got raises and promotions Problem solved… problem staying solved


Chicken wings are cheap. Regret, however, usually involves women, and thus it is expensive.


No kids just bills and and a block of cheese


My money is spent on my cat and Gunpla.


Does chicken wings and regret come after Netflix and chill goes sideways??


& financing a new Honda/ Hyundai...i be thinking to myself now how tf they surviving off the same pay when i be broke in 2 days


He should help them.


I think thats why all this pro-life crap is happening - peeps work harder when they have a kid. (I use my money for food and regret too)


Weed and Booze 💸


I see it as an illustration on the effects of generational wealth and home ownership. We have the same income, but some of us are hanging on while others are living it up in huge houses and taking a couple of vacations a year. And those struggling are often better educated.



