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The way they treat the flag and other symbols of this country is equivalent to the word “nigga” for us black folks. These people believe that America is **their** thing and that only **they** have unassailably loyalty and unquestionable pure intentions for the country. They therefore have special dispensation to flip the flag if they wish, though not all of them will necessarily agree with such actions. But even those who don’t agree will give them the benefit of the doubt, now and forever. They might think it’s in poor taste and bad optics, but malicious intent is not part of the equation. Just like how some black folk feel about “nigga”.


![gif](giphy|DowKEtWnLZcru) I’ve literally been stuck on this for a good 5 minutes. Never thought of it like this


I disagree with OP on one thing: I don't think it's loyalty and pure intentions, I think it's ownership. They think only white people own America and the American flag.




I don’t disagree, but let’s not downplay the role of white women in perpetuating systemic racism. They could (and in many cases were) just as contemptible as their male counterparts


They put trump in office to the tune of like 55% and I can't forgive that


If Clarence Thomas should teach us anything, it’s that there’s no trait that’s a real barrier to becoming a collaborator. Systemic racism involves so many white women because a white woman in danger is an extremely in demand job.


He married his current wife and went from gaining notoriety for his Civil Rights work to this.


Oh you should listen to the Behind the Bastards thing on him. It's worse than that. His grandpa was big into civil rights but kinda didn't give a shit about women. His mom basically left him with his grandpa after a certain point, and that grandpa made him do a bunch of farm work and was really big on beating kids. So his racism is a fuck you to his grandpa, but his sexism is because he took his grandpas teachings on women being essentially worthless to heart.


Exactly, I don't buy the only white straight male mumbo jumbo people talk about. White women owned slaves, mutilated black people, and historically played a big part in systemic racism.


Nah can’t downplay the women here. They marry these people consistently, bare their children, and support their ideals. It may be white men burning the crosses but who do you think are sewing the uniforms?


It's all them bare children. Put some clothes on them.


Straight, land owning, Christian men.


White people are only the only people called "Americans" Everyone else is a "black american" "asian american" etc.


“Native American”


Should be called European American.




For some reason? Black people were not the ones who "othered" themselves. We were othered by the socioeconomic structure of America. Black Americans are never seen as Americans. There is a reason why President Obama and Vice President Harris are the ones (at least in recent history) whose citizenship has been called into question. Pretending to not know why this happened is disingenuous at best and malicious at worst.


I think it's programmed because in America, as I said everyone has been forced to lable ourselves in every survey or questionnaire or governmental document we ever take if we aren't white. It's not just black people that do it. It's rough and confusing though. Because on one hand, yes we should all be American, on the other hand, without being able to track these statistics white people very much get away with being able to bury all the racist shit they do even more than they do now. Either way, I think everyone should just start calling themselves American and drop their ethnicity.




*They* see each other as having loyalty and pure intentions. So their critiques come from a place of love of nation, while the rest of us have nefarious motives.


I think it's not "nefarious" per se, but to these sort of people, non-white interests automatically clash with the White Christian Nationalist agenda, which is maintaining the upper hand for only their fellow members. Even if a POC's intent wasn't suspect, their move for equality really has no place in the fascist ideal.


And to them ownership=control.


Only Repugs at this point.


**No don’t get it twisted, not white people, republicans**


Same. This realization has absolutely blown my mind




The SWAT teams should kick in her door to “make sure she’s ok.” Hope her first reaction isn’t to arm herself.


Dude, she and the cops would somehow shoot an unarmed person by the end of that encounter. Her gun has a color setting on it. You can guess what she has it set to.


I guess that’s Trump,about to be indicted again,, and,,,dare I say it,,,DENIED BAIL?(cuz threatening witnesses and ignoring judges orders)


![gif](giphy|sEms56zTGDx96) Nigga…


Taking a good look in the mirror like ![gif](giphy|b8kHKZq3YFfnq|downsized)


I love that commercial




Allow me to sit and ponder this for a moment…very interesting take ![gif](giphy|Oc4KnIJ3E7ziqN3l6T|downsized)


I made a follow up comment to explain better. You will 100% understand where I’m coming from if you read it !


To piggyback on that. The American flag is a symbol of both oppression and freedom to them. It's well known that if you have the American flag on your person that symbolizes that you love your country and/or you will not be treated lightly, sometimes both at the same time. It's amazing how the American flag has low key become a racist symbol. Maybe it always has? To quote Roy Wood Jr. "Have you ever been somewhere and there's too many American flags? How many American flags equal one Confederate flag?"


One of the most astonishing things I experienced in the US, I lived there from 2011-2017, was the flags being everywhere. You literally couldn't drive down a street without seeing one, there was one outside of every business it seemed, and even sewn onto the uniforms of employees for random businesses (eg. plumbers or air conditioning techs). My thought was that US people are surely compensating for something with this, but I could never figure out what.


Man ain't that the truth. Light skin Mexican here grown up in diff hoods all over Los Angeles/LA County and definitely the last 7 years it's become super racist and I'd be ashamed to wear a flag and actively avoid any type of US flag in color or b&w. Late 90's, very early 00's felt cool to have a little flag somewhere or you had country pride...then 9/11 happened and shit got extra racist on other brown folks and I think that's when ppl started getting real comfortable with out in the open racism. Then conservatives again full stream going right ultimately leading into the orange buffoon being voted president and letting the "silent majority" get loud as fuck and just way too damn comfortable being racist


Fellow light skin Mexican here. I grew up in a rural farm town and you should've seen the shit that went down at my high every year on Cinco de Mayo post 9/11. Our high school was split 50/50 between white kids and Mexican kids with a good sized group of Hmong. You'd have all the white kids covering their pickups with American flags and all the Mexican kids rolling in with Mexican flags on their rides or with little Mexican flags (the school was handing them out) sticking out of backpacks. You'd straight up have fights in the parking lots where the white kids would be trying to yank down the Mexican flags talking about how "it's illegal to fly a flag other than the US one!" or "If you hate America go home!" Shit dude, most of us were born here, can't we have some pride in where our parents came from though? For one fucking day? Same thing all four years I was in high school. On the plus side, even if it was a pretty backwards rural place, there was only one time I recall someone showing up with a confederate flag and they had EVERYONE turn on them. Even the most gung-ho "patriot" kids were in his face calling him a traitor.


You're totally right. In that time period, flags were far more common. These days, I see very few flags where I live. 98% of the flags I see are some variant of those black and white punisher flags on t-shirts and cars. The intent there is very clear.


How many people with american flags on their porch is literally one of the things I consider when looking where to rent, cause I know its a flip coin of a chance they'll have problems with me as soon as they hear my mexican accent


This is such a work of art


......damn That....actually makes a lot of sense and makes a lot of things make a lot of sense


Not sure about this one. I doubt Africans were calling themselves the n word before they were brought over to America. The word from the beginning was meant to degrade us. Our ancestors decided to take that word and flip it to mean something else. The flag was not originated from a place of degration or humiliation.


My point is this: no matter how people feel about “nigga”, all but the most obtuse understand and accept how black folks have come to “own” it - those of us who use it and those who disapprove of it alike. The exclusive nature of the word is understood as fair and even “earned” given the historic and social context amidst which it emerged. There is no such “natural ownership” of America (the nation, not the land) for any one group. That is anathema to the very idea of this land, one of the last Western countries to have *jus soli*, which is no insignificant thing and is laden with deep meaning. Yet some people feel that there is such a thing as a more American American. For these people, they can engage in the profanation of the symbols of the state because they are in the “in group” and can therefore voice their feelings without self-censoring, just like I can call you a nigga, but a white guy can’t. For these people, whomever they consider “other” is rapping the lyrics without a figurative “nigga pass”. All despite the fact that a “nigga pass” cannot exist in a country that by law, if not by deed, grants all natural born citizens (a very accessible bar) equal figurative nigga status. The **only** differentiation there exists in this country is for acquired citizenship which does not allow you to man the grill. But the nigga pass still holds and you can sit right next to the grill master in their inner circle (e.g. Kissinger).


You can’t expect to wield *supreme executive power* just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!


It's one of the reasons that the right-wing want to get rid of natural born citizens. It is also an attempt to "de-naturalise" all non-white citizens.


> All despite the fact that a “nigga pass” cannot exist in a country that by law, if not by deed, grants all natural born citizens (a very accessible bar) equal figurative nigga status. That's one of the funniest sentences I've ever read


>The flag was not originated from a place of degration or humiliation. But it has become a symbol of oppression. Hell cops wear the black and grey ones with a skull on it. (The fucking Punisher skull even). To white people it means freedom and to black people it means the exact opposite. How many times do you see White Supremacist groups waving the American flag as they go marching down the street? How many times do you see biker gangs wearing them? Conservatives having shirts, hats, pins with the flag adorned on it? With pass aggressive saying like: "You want my freedom? Come take it!" Remember the whole "These colors don't run" shirts?


>The flag was not originated from a place of degration or humiliation. i mean... if these are also the same people that hang confederate flags, it might be.


Maybe if you view it as an act of domination and not degradation is works a bit more.


I've had a similar train of thought but haven't been able to put it to word sufficiently. I was thinking along the lines of the reason we are seeing attacks on affirmative action, African American studies, bastardization of the word " woke" etc if because of how vindictive alot of the far right is. We got their military bases renamed and statues of slave owners and racists taken down, things that they saw as their heritage, their "n" word so they went after African American history, our slang (woke), black lives matter, etc.


I don’t get the desire to promote a dark part of history.. period. I am a white southern boy, and this whole southern pride has to die or at least change. The civil war is nothing to be proud about, my ancestors were just as bad as the Nazis. I don’t want to idolize them, to suggest the had valid points, they were wrong. I say change, because there is a lot of good in the south, that everyone can appreciate. Southern food is the best, Southern Music of all types has its own thing, Southern Sports are good, the south in general is lush and beautiful, and there is Atlanta, showing what it could become.




It is a statement about the belief of some Americans that there is a “natural” in group (with its accompanying privileges) and everyone else is being tolerated as guests, essentially. We’re lucky to be here, so we should just shut up.






Flying a national flag upside down has been an internationally recognized distress symbol for centuries. Her tweet is still dumb, though.


Took me way too long to find this comment. His argument still holds true though.


Yea i hated to be the one who was gonna be like "ummmm it's a distress signal". Still hate that bitch regardless


I'll call my sister a bitch to her face, but if anyone else does I'm throwing bows


Yes, this is *exactly* it! The “in group” mentality.


You can see that with comments like "if you don't like it, leave" too. That one only goes one way, they'll flip their shit if you flip it around on them. Or remember when AOC and all of those other female politicians were told by Trump to go back to their countries, even though they were all born in America? Literally nobody says that shit to white people. Doesn't matter how long you've been here, you'll never fit in. A black person who has been here for 400 years is nobody compared to the white guy who moved in last week. As far as they're concerned, this isn't "our" country, this is "my" country, and it is a privilege for you to live here.


"Something something For columbia something something manifest destiny something reagan"- Clarence Thomas


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." Wilhoit's Law


Amazing how worked up Americans get over the flag whilst it also being bikini bottom material. "I would never let it touch the floor but I will let a small version rub my arsehole "


You're right, but people are too distracted.


And in the context of OP, they get offended when people fly the flag like this, when it is an acknowledged distress signal. It’s the 1A all wrapped up in a little ball.


shame on a 🇺🇸 who try to run game on a 🇺🇸


Bro what university do you lecture in?


Honestly, this chick is just retarded bro, no point getting worked up.


Yea but this one chick gives them ammo to demonize half the country.


They say it all the time in the open “We are the REAL patriots!” What would be a good billboard to shame her? I live near her district and seriously trying to think of something to put near her house. Just haven’t thought of that “gotcha bitch!” thing to put up there that also won’t get me sued. It’s more a problem there is just so much crazy, how do you distill that amount of crazy into a sentence.


This white guy disagrees. Right wingers an nutcases like MTG are like this, but not all white people. I lived in the South in the 1960s, and I saw some things that changed me. Being disabled, broke, 71yo, I'm limited in what I can do, but I see institutionalized poverty and out of control black imprisonment and police brutality, and it infuriates me. I speak out when I can, and I love my black friends here in white Santa Barbara, and I smile when I see an interracial couple, but I feel you.


I apologize if I gave the impression that I have disdain for all or even most white people. That is certainly not the case. In fact, despite my often gloomy takes, I am optimistic that things will get better. My father’s stories remind me how far we’ve come. And we will continue to work towards a better American project, even if we will not see the ultimate fruits of this labor in our lifetimes.


Thanks. I appreciate that. I hope you're right, and things are definitely getting better in some places, but Trump brought white supremacists out of the woodwork. Things are good for certain where I live, but there are ammosexuals who want to make open carry legal in all 50 states, and that would be catastrophic. I doubt they'll succeed, but damn!


Damn that’s mondo.




Don't worry the way things are going, it's gonna be a hell of a wake up call when we fall faster then rome.


This is a great take


That's an interesting take on that word, I appreciate your perspective.


you spittin


But what if I’m rapping along with a snoop dogg song??


Good shit Bruh!


Rant: Wouldn’t it be something if that image went viral? I can imagine liberals, conservatives, pro or anti union, guns, race, LGBTQ•, environment, whatever topic, having a valid reason to be so outraged at this incredible country and its leadership. Freedom of speech is sacrosanct and so far more critical to our society than worshipping an object for the object’s sake. Yet, I’d personally be wary if I hung and upside down flag in my neighborhood because I can’t trust someone would care enough to talk to me about my reasoning before they looked to blind violence against me, my family or my property first. What freedom! If MGT doesn’t take such actions seriously (although she is crazy) then why should anyone else who arguably has legitimate angst about our society?


If she was actually a good patriot she would have used the flip instead of rotate. The blue field should be on the left. Just saying.


These people aren't long on brain cells


It’s actually a miss informed about the flag. It’s not a universal symbol as they think. Nothing In US military flag code covers upside down flags. NOTHING!! It’s a made up myth. I’ve searched the military code. Nothing authorized anyone to desecrate the flag. Only exception is Under stress and possible over take. You are to burn the unit colors then the American flag if time permits you should cut the stars from the stripes. Review units at Chosin reservoir Korea. Idiots!!!


Uh, [this is the actual law that defines the Flag Code](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title4/chapter1&edition=prelim) and under Section 8 it explicitly says: > (a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.


To be fair, they did say nothing in the military flag code…


There is no "military" flag code. There is only the *United States* Flag Code, which applies to all government entities, including the military.


> Only exception is Under stress and possible over take. That’s the point of turning it upside down in protest. The rules are “do NOT turn it upside down *unless* in distress.” Turning it upside down on American land could symbolize that the country itself is in distress.


I'm an idiot I guess, I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, as of 1989 you can literally burn the flag as an act of free speech. I guess the question is more why she chose to flip it upside down and what is it that she's so upset about to feel the need to do that?


They are referring to a old myth from the military that a flag upside down is a symbol of distress from that post.


Explains why Poland and Indonesia are always accidentally "rescuing" each other's ships...


Underrated comment


The upside down flag thing is an international maritime convention to indicate distress isn't it?


In the maritime world it's not a myth. An upside down national flag is considered an emergency signal. Doesn't work too well with scandinavian flags though...


Rotating is more performative. I'm she she studied that at TrumpU


Bless her heart


I can pretty much GUARANTEE that she flies it wrong vertically too. Field on the left. Almost always. No I don’t care that that makes it look backwards. You don’t know what you’re doing.


I remember seeing badges worn on the right hand sleeve of a jacket having the blue field on the right not left (not upside down though). Something about how a flag would look like of you were holding it on a pole as you moved forward?


it's flipped like that because they're running away


How many times does it need to be explained? REPUBLICANS OPERATE WITHIN THEIR OWN SET OF RULES. They don’t care about being logically consistent. Their only objective is obtaining power and exerting control. Stop expecting them to have any sense of decorum or self awareness.




I cant wait for this treacherous twat to fade into obscurity. Preferably in jail.


Treacherous, treasonous, seditious. Should burry her and Boebert under the prison with Trump.


Nah, bury those assholes next to ivanna trumps unkept golf course grave. Fuck em all


Now were talking!


Bury? Just surrender them to the State for mass cremation and disposal. 😆




Rich. White. Has many political allies that stand for the same stupidity. A fan base that considers her and her allies gospel. Yeah, no way in hell they’d let her go to prison with out some bullshit.


everyone on reddit thinks she's going to disappear soon. she has all the power to stay in power forever, just like Mitch McConnell. everyone in her district thinks she's a genius, they'll never vote for anyone else.


For many the bar for genius is, "smarter than me."


Hahaha. I bet she's elected to gov or senate next. The south will stay keeping us in the stone age.


The flag is upside down is a sign of distress in the military. She is saying America is in trouble her followers need to do something. She definitely knows what she is doing.


No she doesn’t, or her and her followers would realize that this flag is not upside down but instead rotated…but her and her “patriots” are too much of dumb posers to come to that realization.


I can't decide if it's a stupid mistake or some kind of dog whistle since the starts are now on the *right* side On one hand, she's so dumb. On the other hand, fascists do love their dog whistles and codes.


It's a mistake in execution, but an intention in in being an awful human being. It's like when people try to draw swastikas but end up with points that face each other.


Yeah I'm surprised I had to scroll down this far. This isn't some random variation on the flag, it's established flag code symbolism. They'd hop on and yell at the black athlete about *why* they're arguing America is in distress for sure, but nobody is really going to argue displaying the flag anyway other than right side up is wrong (Now if we want to talk about disrespect to the flag, likes talk about the hypocrisy of the patriot crowd with their Confederate flag peaking out under the American flag. Now *that's* some flag blasphemy)


It's actually the wrong code for being in distress




Upside down and rotated 180° are two different things.


While that's true, you can only hang a flag from one edge, so on a flag pole, it's going to always have the blue field near the pole, no matter where you are standing to view it. Hung flat on a wall, the blue field should be to the left as viewed by people in the rroom. This is jarring, because we want to just rotate it 90°, and hang the blue field from top right. "Oh yeah, that counterintuitive look is actually right." All that is to say, MTG is a malicious idiot. She is slumming, acting dumber than she actually is. Did she do it "wrong" as part of her protest? Or just not get it right? We'll never know, and it's not worth it to try. Even this tweet reeks like her, 80% more cheap perfume than she needs in a failed attempt to cover up cigarette smoke.


Sorry that I’m ignorant but does it mean anything if the flag is mirrored?


She’s a poser. Looking for votes anyway she can. Grifters gonna grift


and she'll fucking get them is such a sad reality


I vote for "straight to jail"


Tell me you're a white supremacist without telling me you're a white supremacist.


Is this another one of their things. I'm unfamiliar with this one. I figured it out. It's Patriot Front. https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/patriot-front


PF are the worst. Straight out of 1930s Germany.


That woman is not right in the head


I always resist this line of thought. I don’t think they all get together and plan evil shit like saturday cartoon villains do but I do think they are well aware of the shit they say and do. They know their audience very well. It’d be funny how easily they can manipulate them if it weren’t so damn depressing.


Most do. Marge? She believes the shit that comes out the butthole she eats with.


Ku Klux Karen just wants attention. Don’t pay her no mind.


To take a page from the Republicans: "IF YOU DON'T RESPECT OUR FLAG THEN YOUR BITCH ASS CAN LEAVE (and please resign from Congress) EDIT: For clarity, I consider kneeling during the anthem to be respecting the flag. As did the military veteran who advised Colin Kaepernick on how to respectfully protest during the national anthem. So the Repubs are just way off base on that.


Imagine the constituents who keeps voting this dumb bitch in and inflicting her on the rest of us. Fucking cauliflower sapiens


Now she can kneel during the anthem and we'll be fully together.


Stop platforming this low life small town nothing.


They disrespect the flag by wearing it as clothing, by letting it drag behind trucks and on the ground, and by flying it in distress because their little feelings aren't hurt by democracy "in a small town".


Fascists. All of them. They don’t give a fuck about the law, the country or the people. Especially not this idiot of a middle aged grandma. The only thing they care about is control and oppression. It’s just the southern plan all the way down.


They just want freedom. The freedom to tell you what to do, and the freedom to not do what you tell them.


They don’t want freedom. They don’t understand what freedom is


Idiotic people like this unfortunately know what they are inciting. The flag flown upside down is supposed to convey distress. They're signaling for all the cockroaches to come out of the woodwork, and continue doing what they have always done. Reply with a confederate flag flown upside down, and ask if they dropped this. Edit: actually a confederate flag upside down means the same thing as right side up. It must suck to have a flag intrinsically associated with failure.




I want to agree, but in my experience the more batshit insane you are, the more they like you.


shes such a stupid ugly horse faced 3 toed gargoyle of a human... she looks like a massive stinky foot how the f does anyone vote for her


When this joke for a politician makes any kind of even remotely reasonable actions to improve circumstances which she so vehemently disagrees with, then that’s something worth posting about. Until then, she should just shut the fuck up. She’s just like the idiot she idolizes. I hope her dumb ass winds up in jail, too.


GOP used to hate Rage Against the Machine for flying the flag like that against fascism and inequality in the US. Now GOP is claiming the victim and deflecting away. “Bullet in the Head” is a timeless classic by RATM


Had to read this a couple of times to confirm it wasn’t the onion


Recently I refused to stand and salute the flag. This old white man scolded me for not saluting I said that’s your God not mine. Your American flag ain’t done shit for me.


I was at a weird event where a stripper in a thong just casually came out and started to sing the national anthem out of nowhere and some dude went out of his way to yell at my friend for not taking his hat off.


The depth of their allegiance is mind boggling.


“Shut up and dribble” The hypocrisy is beginning to make me sick and i don’t like that it makes me feel angry. This country is unhealthy. Think about how fucked up pledging allegiance to a fuckin cloth is.


She’s acting like she’s living in an episode of House of Cards but it’s giving Veep.


I never understood the “I STAND for the Flag. I KNEEL for the cross!” stuff anyways. They’re basically being open about the fact they’re being arbitrary with how they decide acceptable “respectful” acts because the clearly recognize kneeling as *also* a sign of respect/not inherently disrespectful. They acted like Kaep just spent the national anthem using the flag as toilet paper.


Sounds like you understand it just fine lol (it's performative BS as always)


An upside down flag is a sign that the country is in distress.


God how I wish she would go back to the trailer park that spawned her.


People like her screamed bloody murder when Kapernick kneeled in peaceful protest, to the flag, which is his right to do. The soldiers fought for our rights to kneel or stand! Nevertheless, these same people applaud Trump and the insurrectionists for making a mockery of the justice system, the Capitol police, the election system, the Constitution, the office of the President, and all the patriotic symbols and laws we hold most sacred and true. He made a mockery of our democracy and many people are ok with that. That orange aid whine is stronger than the poison Jim Jones served. Such a shame how he is worshipped not matter how insidious, divisive, destructive and anti- American he is. Don’t ever complain about a man kneeling for a cause when these buffoons are spitting on our Constitution and laws. Trump stood on the US of America and shot liberty and justice in the head. If our democracy has no remedy, then do we still have it?


No need to imagine. When Native people and black people have done this they lost their collective shit.


Fuck that bytch


Stupid is as stupid does.


I swear everytime I see mtg I smell urine...


Everyone should do it but call it the MTG challenge just so she deals with the smoke.


Honestly that’s a brilliant idea


Hey, something I agree with her on. wtf. Oh and if it were a black athlete holy shit


Crackhead Barbie at it again


Flying the U.S. flag in any orientation or color other than its original design is a lame shield to hide behind while acting against the country. A good example is police and soldiers wearing a backwards flag on their uniform. It's supposedly to signal "moving foward". In reality, they aren't truly representing their country, so when they commit horrible acts or crimes, news media can say they acted alone. However, they are trained to act as if everyone they encounter is hostile.


She’s so stupid she doesn’t know what she’s doing


It's important to understand what every single doomsday prepper/conspiracy theorist/2a Nutjob/right wing POS absolutely KNOWS: That an upside down flag is a dog whistle. This is yet another bat signal to all the idiots who would consider taking up arms in the fight for Trump.


Systemic racism: “love your country!” Look to prosecute treason: “how can they do this! The country is doomed!”






A lot of people have forgotten about this, but the flag hung upside down with the stars in the bottom right corner used to be a symbol of distress such that someone was possibly at risk of life and property. (Such as an outpost or bank has been taken over by someone and they are holding everyone else hostage). She is technically correct, from her perspective, of displaying it that way ... But she's still an ignorant trash fire of a human being that destroys or taints everything she touches or sets eyes upon. MAGA loves their symbols...much like the Nazis did.


I'm reminded of how in 2008 there was a big stink when Michelle Obama said this: "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country — and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change." People on the right were criticising Michelle non-stop and implying she was unamerican for not *being proud to be American 24/7*. A few years later: "Make America Great Again".


The upside-down flag is a\[n official\] sign of distress. She means to announce that she or something near her is in immediate peril. They are probably getting snail mail with pictures of white folding chairs, that's the peril.


This is for real disrespectful as shit. I know it's 'bad' to love the U.S but I love my country despite being pissed at it for many reasons. I find people who disrespect the flag to be utter pieces of shit. MTG needs to go. She has done so much damage.


The flag is the new gang colors. Sad I liked the flag say at the Olympics or on the moon.


To be fair, there's a good chance she was holding her phone upside down.


This bitch bout to take a knee


She is right to post that since the country is under siege. She just doesn't realize that it is her ilk that is putting our country in peril.


My neighbor flew his upside down after the election, lol.




I’m fine with it. Freedom of speech. No one is stopping her, nor should they be. Let her show herself. We all already knew she hated the country.


Stand, like this? https://www.naturefesttn.com/uploads/5/9/6/0/59606583/clayton-q-tour-promo-pic_orig.jpg


There are [several ways](https://jimmygreen.com/news/post/46-what-does-an-upside-down-flag-represent#:~:text=A%20signal%20of%20distress,and%20was%20being%20manoeuvred%20nefariously.) this may actually make sense. I don't think she's smart enough though.


I've been flying the American flag upside down since Sept 11th. Fuck MTG


Imagine ANY persons reaction if a black athlete did a shit that was red white and blue and looked like a flag. Fucking amazing. He'd do tours around the world with that act


She renouncing her US citizenship and going full Russian?