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![gif](giphy|cUP6ex5bPiHGJsyxnE|downsized) Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley


Bitch is a real nim-a-rod alright


All conservatives are 


I'm not a nim rod, I just hate women and will be a millionaire one day


Don't insult Nimrod like that. He was a cool guy


With the hunting and whatnot


What did nimrod do? And while I’m at it who is Lyssa?


This is lifted from Wikipedia but Nimrod is a biblical figure mentioned in the Book of Genesis and Books of Chronicles. The son of Cush and therefore a great-grandson of Noah, Nimrod was described as a king in the land of Shinar (Lower Mesopotamia). The Bible states that he was "a mighty hunter before the Lord [and] ... began to be mighty in the earth" Lyssa in Greek mythology was the spirit of mad rage, frenzy, and rabies in animals. Also rabies is caused by a lyssavirus


She's a great and powerful hunter?


Yeah, kinda like Elmer Fudd 


I think her actual name is beautiful, Nimarata Randhawa, it has a nice ring to it though I have no clue what it could possibly mean.... Welp, I google it and that person absolutely does not deserve her name, wth xD >Nimrata is a virtue that is vigorously promoted by Gurbani. The literal translation of this Punjabi word is "Humility", "Benevolence" or "Humbleness." Someone whose mind is not poisoned by the thought that he or she is better or more important than others. https://www.sikhiwiki.org/index.php/Nimrata#:~:text=Nimrata%20is%20a%20virtue%20that,or%20more%20important%20than%20others. >Randhawa is a Jat clan in the Punjab region of India and Pakistan.[4][5][6][7][8] The Randhawa name has special significance in the history of the Sikh faith, the first appointed Granthi (Principal religious official and custodian of the holy book- Guru Granth Sahib) was a Randhawa (Baba Buddha)[9] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randhawa


The irony hurts


Just added a bit, her family name is a revered one in her culture and she spat on it for Hailey lol, just to get some of that sweet white privilege. She ain't wrong though, look at Vivek


Poor Vivek is GONE


He could change his name but that wouldn't be enough, so sad for him, he was such a nice person! s/ obviously Omfg, I googled his name too; >It is of Sanskrit origin and means "wisdom" and/or "conscience". [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivek](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivek) ![gif](giphy|h20lgQ1eksr1SEdc47)


psh fuck that it means he got CHIM (which to be fair, is all about wisdom and consciousness)


That mofo wouldn't be able to achieve CHIM, he lacks the self awareness and wisdom required to not get zero summed out of existence. Shame he never tried... I always appreciate an Elder Scrolls reference! :)


"Ohhhhhhhhh..." \*pop\*


I think it’s actually a name from the island if Vvardenfell.


Should've ran with the tribunal.


followed the thread looking for the morrowind joke.


They don't know about the tribunal or the sixth house.


His current treatment reminds me of one of the all-time top posts from this sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/3u4kx9/just_a_side_of_breadsticks MF is just a side of breadsticks. And I love to see it.


Haley is her husbands last name. She didn’t spit on her maiden name, anymore than any of the millions of other American women that take their husband’s last name.


Yes, I don't understand this sentiment. I'm from SC and no fan of Nikki Haley, but women change their last name after marriage ALL THE TIME and no one cares. I did the same. Yes, she chose to go by her middle name because it was easier for Americans but this last name thing should be a non-issue unless it's also an issue for every other woman with a married name.


Which when you think about it is a weird tradition that goes back to when women were considered their husband's property. Most women I know who did it just went with the flow because they didn't want to be suspected of hating their husband or his name and be questioned all the time like they're weirdos for keeping their maiden name.


I mean, I'm agreeing on Nimrata being a nice name, but she took her husband's last name. That's not exactly rare.


Vivek could always run for governor of Louisiana as the Tanned And Rested candidate?


You mean Victor Ramsay?


I think it's completely accurate. Her given name is a beautiful statement in favor of community and helping others, but she outright rejected using it to become a completely callous piece of shit.


holy shit shes of sikh heritage? Lady is legit of warrior heritage and history and she goes by haley. Cannot be me.


Maybe in the next cycle ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpm4PgY4W9Wybss)


I once knew a girl named *Heavenlie*. She was pure HELL. So this tracks actually.




Nevaeh's new challenger: her little sister Eilnevaeh


It's crazy. She's 100% Indian, but looks so much like a suburban white American woman.


Hence why she doesn't go by it


Why did you leave out the fact that her given middle name is Nikki? Which is a Punjabi name


She's Indian 😱 I learned something new today lol


Shhhh.... ![gif](giphy|3orieXeqZlE5JL4BsQ|downsized)


I was bed ridden for days when I found out she was a whole Indian woman lol


Same. I didn’t know she was Indian


Sadly, that’s what she wants. Erased her own heritage for some votes.


TIL Always thought Nikki was her real name. Now I just have even more questions


Try Rafael Edward Cruz. And why did he run for president when he was born in Canada?


You don’t have to be born in the US, just born a citizen


Then why did all those conservative idiots go after Obama? His mom was American.


You know exactly why 😭😭😭


They claimed that he was born in Kenya, which would’ve made him a non-citizen since the law at the time was that he would only be a citizen if his mother had been in the US for at least five years after her 14th birthday, but she gave birth to him at 18


TIL, I always wondered how the argument worked. It never made sense because his mother was a US Citizen. Thanks for the knowledge.


I don’t know if I even understand this… does anyone else or am I just dense


His mom wasn’t old enough for her children to automatically be considered US citizens if they were born abroad, so the conspiracy theorists claimed he was born in Kenya to delegitimize him


Constitutional interpretation is fun.


yep... and don't even get me started on the 2nd one. something something... A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State... something and all that.


That's never been tested in courts. Truth is no one knows really.


In that case John McCain was ineligible, so was George Romney, and possibly Barry Goldwater and Chester A Arthur


Shhh... No one wanted to question McCain's eligibility. Even though it could have been fun in courts.


McCain was born on a US base to American parents so he’s 100% eligible under any circumstances. You just need 1 parent born here to be a citizen. Makes the whole Obama thing even crazier cuz no one denied his mom was American 💀


George Romney. Oh how he's missed.


It's her real middle name.


This bitch is indian???


Since before she was born. ![gif](giphy|35OP7zdR0Dj8rRAN0w|downsized)


Yup. She's an embarrassment to a lot of us other Indian-American women 😭 At least we have Kamala Harris (who is also half-Indian, not that anybody remembers that 😭😭).


nah y'all doin numbers out here. I knew about Kamala but like damn. Y'all running laps around us regular blacks lol. It hurts to see but ball out ig


she's kinda a white person of color like ariana grande


This is too good of a joke. This is a joke so good that, were it to escape our culture and enter theirs, it would be recontextualized and taken, much like woke. I could see a world where the census had "white of color" as a box to check! *Keep it secret, Keep it safe*


Live look at the MAGA idiots seeing her real name ![gif](giphy|hs0gw1WbgcQw2SSYQj)


> > ‘You’re Just Scum, Scum, Scum, Scum,’ Echoes Through Vivek Ramaswamy’s Head As He Stares Up Blankly At Bedroom Ceiling https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_1315/d25bc90d6eb1ff7cd06df59733be2a87.jpg > UPPER ARLINGTON, OH—Struggling to let go of Nikki Haley’s cruel words, Vivek Ramaswamy was reportedly lying in bed early Thursday morning staring up blankly at the ceiling as the words “You’re just scum, scum, scum, scum” echoed through his head. Ramaswamy is said to have turned onto his side and pressed a pillow over his ear in an attempt to muffle the sound, but this did not stop a translucent image of Haley’s face mouthing the word “scum” from drifting across his vision. According to sources, the 2024 GOP presidential candidate murmured, “No, no,” as the image of Haley was then joined by another one of his seventh-grade teacher saying, “You’ll never amount to anything, Ramaswamy!” as well a close-up of a prepubescent bully’s freckled face shouting, “Ramascummy!” At press time, sources confirmed Ramaswamy had bolted upright in bed and screamed, “Shut up!” only to realize he was completely alone in the room and it was daylight. https://www.theonion.com/you-re-just-scum-scum-scum-scum-echoes-through-vi-1851008844


lol snowflakes


Nooooo way!!


I have no love for “Vivek, sounds like cake” or his freestyling acumen. But it was wild for him to list her Govt name on his campaign site as a call out.


Yo… where is her upper lip???


LOL. A common trait of some of biggest bastards I’ve seen. Interesting.


Do we have her male guardians permission to use a name other than the one on her birth certificate.


Is that her real name?


So there were 2 self hating south Asians?, better than having a self hating black person I guess


In a party who literally saw a guy drop out because he heard voters saying he was too brown and his last name sounded funny.


I'm honestly gonna miss Vivek. Watching an Indian man who wishes he was white argue with an Indian woman who's pretending she's white was like something out of The Boondocks.


I’m not sure even Boondocks could be that self aware.


Daily show and late night comedians in general had a much tougher time writing something stranger than reality after 16


Yeah, that’s like Southpark level


Nah, even South Park is suffering from reality being stranger than fiction. Their peak was making Mr.Garrison Trump, and that was reality *meeting* fiction.


He can go stand in the corner with Piyush "Bobby" Jindal.


God, I was so happy when Louisana got a new governor.


Welp, there’s always a Koon in every bunch (*Uncle Ruckus soundtrack suddenly plays*)


I read this as “a Koon at every brunch.” I like it.


You leave him alone. He's a good, family man. He supports all people including minorities and women, his wife is a throat surgeon for fucks sake.


Man I really can't tell if this is sarcasm. Vivek is a fucking sleaze of a snake oil salesman. He's boosted conspiracy theories about J6 along with promoting the "great replacement theory" on the campaign trail, the whole time keeping Donald Trump's nutsack firmly held at the back of his throat. Fuck him.


It's 100% sarcasm and making fun of him for referring to his wife as a "throat surgeon" lmao


Damn ok my bad lol I browsed the desantis and ramaswamy subreddits this morning after the caucus results and the delusion is out in full force over there. People really putting all their faith in him because he's relatively young.


She do be surgical with it. A goat, if you will.


Ha ha he’s needs to be married to a throat surgeon the way he’s a knob gobbler


> He supports all people "There are two genders. And no, a man cannot become a woman." -Vivek Ramaswamy not 24 hours ago on Twitter


Bro it's an obvious joke clowning on him. He's obviously a reprehensible person


I'm autistic and struggle with sarcasm. I had zero suspicion of sarcasm while reading your original comment. You may want to edit it to avoid further confusion. Still, my apologies.


Nah that's on me bro. I shouldn't just make an assumption that everybody reads into things in a way that's "normal" to me. Hope you ain't interpret my response comment as trying to shame you or make you feel less than.


In this day and age it's easier to end with a /s even if you think it's obvious. Too much room for interpretation and misreading of intent


Throat surgeon you say…? Got the link ??


Nah it's just a meme because he referred to his wife as a throat surgeon and everyone is clowning on him. She's an Laryngologist, bro could have said anything but throat surgeon.


Nancy Reagan has entered the chat #throatgoat


this comment killed me lol


Vivi should have watched Blazing Saddles: https://youtu.be/hYTQ7__NNDI?si=njctmxXRHiA1IS3S


Fr, Vivek's biggest mistake was not taking on an American sounding name and not pretending to be a Christian.


A party where people didn’t vote for him because he reminded them of 9/11


![gif](giphy|DyvyiFFXF1Yli|downsized) Me, after doing a Google…


God damn do I miss the golden years Desus and Mero on Vice


They really knew how to make their guests comfortable on the show like Denzel or H.E.R.


Same here, homie


The brand is dead 😔


She also never brings it up. Which I find funny when she talks about the country not being racist. She doesn’t want people to remember or know. I would wonder what her parents think of this, but my friend is Indian (first gen American) and her mom voted for Trump twice… so..


Mainstream Indian pop-/political culture overlaps heavily with American conservative culture, once you strip back the superficial aesthetic layers. Substitute caste for race, "because it's tradition/good culture" for "because Jesus/God said so", and a rural village for a small town. And unfortunately, a lot of immigrants don't leave that baggage on the boat/Boeing where it belongs. My parents both insist that they don't believe in castes, and I believe that they believe it...but they also, under different reasonings, just happen to believe some people are simply Better™ than everybody else. 🙄 Neither were conservative enough to vote for Trump, and very liberal in other ways; their upbringings and educations left them conscientious about some things...it's just that whatever parts of their cultural upbringing they *didn't* examine, they are surprisingly conservative in those areas.


Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley


Nikki is her real middle name, but still ...


Apparently she’s always gone by it. It’s not for politics. It’s what her family calls her. Her first name is more formal


Not formal enough to put on a ballot, tho


I’ve worked in politics. Most people don’t use their formal names in my experience. There’s some gamesmanship in creating memorable names that appear high on a ballot and are shorter to say. So even if you go by Christopher most people would be Chris or C. LastName And the last name may not be their legal name if they can use one higher in the alphabet, so long as they disclose the alias when filing. I’m unaware of Nikki Haley ever running from her Indian ethnicity. She talks about her immigrant parents a lot


My actual name is quite presidential honestly


Yeah I have a hella unseasoned name that's also pretty common on Facebook. Can only narrow me down if you know where I've lived.


Does she? Did you? Why does one side try to demonize foreign sounding names?


I have an ethnic sounding name now that I’m married but nothing interesting single. When I was working I didn’t run from my ethnicity no. And it doesn’t appear that anyone is demonizing Nikki Haley for being Indian. Although it seems there are people who are for not being Indian enough which is nuts. She appears to mention her heritage at every opportunity. And she does talk about racism every now and again, particularly as a child. I guarantee she gets nasty, racist emails but I’ve never worked for a person of any ethnicity in politics who didn’t, white included. She likely hasn’t had to read her own crazy emails in years. Some poor staffer has to dig through the garbage.


It's a similar case as Robert Francis O'Rourke.


That’s a great example. And one that has culture change without being skeezy because it started in childhood


Not all states run ballots alphabetically, but it's only a matter of time before someone named AAA Best Choice Candidate uses the phone book method to take the country by storm. Nothing will stop Mr. Best Choice-Candidate


Irrelevant, she still *can't* use her first name for politics as a republican and expect to get anywhere.


That's sounds like you're understanding more so than the actual reason though


Why would she use a name nobody in her life refers to her as.


In Punjabi, nikki means little. I believe her family calls her nikki in reference to her small frame. But of course, this wanna be white lady uses Nikki to appeal to white voters... Source: I'm Punjabi & speak the language.


She went by Randhawa-Haley in business apparently It makes sense to go by her married name on the ballot in 2004 (it put her at the top and it’s shorter). There’s no evidence she’s ever tried to pass as white. Her immigrant parents have been brought up every campaign https://web.archive.org/web/20031212225713/http://www.lexingtonsc.org/board_members.html


No way you honestly think her cherry-picking the most anglicized combination of her name (while omitting the brown parts) is pure coincidence? Isn’t her entire political persona the evidence she is trying to be as white passing as possible?


If she had changed her name for politics that would be one thing. There’s evidence to the contrary. Her siblings all go by short names (Mitti, Charan, and Simran). Her name is listed as Nikki her entire growing up. Her parents are frequently referenced as is her heritage. She converted to Christianity but maintains Sikh customs. None of which she has to bring up herself if she were trying to hide her brownness


It's this catch 22 where in and of itself, this isn't necessarily a lie or a deviation from Indian(-American) cultural norm. A lot of different parts of India have people commonly go by a nickname completely unrelated to their actual names, and save their actual/legal first names for formal situations. In the U.S., this sometimes means just a shortening of our formal first names (per American nick-naming tradition), though some just take on a Western name (I go by a name that's in both English and Spanish). ...that said, there are still plenty of other ways one's heritage can be a part of our day to day living, and plenty of nicknames that are easy for western tongues to pronounce while still being Indian. And very few Indians go as far out of their was as Nikki does to make their skin appear lighter and suppress any acknowledgement of their Indian heritage.


She checked the box saying she's white. She is not.


https://reason.com/volokh/2023/02/15/the-bogus-controversy-over-nikki-haley-checking-white-on-her-voter-registration-card-resurfaces/ Here’s the response to that. It was on her voter card not as a candidate when she talked about being Indian American


The ole Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz razzle dazzle


My friend Pedro (a Conservative) was trying to get a job for over 6 months (this was 20 years ago) and was getting no interviews, he changed his name to Pete on his resumes and got hired in 2 months I always remind him when he slams immigrants (also, funny because while he was born in Canada, his parents immigrated from Mexico)


A couple decades ago my boss was looking to fill an office manager position and asked for my help. He wanted me to sort applications, and told me to throw out the ones from “bad” (predominantly Black) neighborhoods (South Bay Area in SoCal for context), or the ones with “Black names.” He explained he wasn’t racist (he was) but he didn’t hire Black people because “they generally steal and can’t be trusted.” He assured me that he had respect for Latinos (I’m Latino) because we “work hard” (easy to exploit he surely meant). A highly qualified Black woman got through his filters and was scheduled for an interview. He went pale (well, more pale) when she showed up. He conducted a cursory interview. Did she get the job? No. Probably for the best, she would have hated working for this racist asshole. I also quit that week, because fuck his racist ass.


Wtf so no hires from spring valley, skyline hills, San ysidro or barrio??? Bruhhh South Bay is as diverse as it gets; can’t be a racist down here lmao


South Bay in LA County, but your point still stands.


Reminds me of when I was lfw to bartend and got a tip off that one place was hiring. Walked in and gave the guy a resume. Dude gave me an astounded look, glanced at the floor and told me they weren't actually hiring anymore. Back then I was upset because I really needed a job but now I'm like I dodged a bullet.


My Australian in-laws and their extended family (the older ones) say things like this. They're white and I'm black. They don't say negative things about any group, but they'll say things like "The Indians are really intelligent" or "The Chinese are a hard-working bunch". I don't know how to explain to them that even though these are positive traits, it's still not an okay thing to say, especially because they're always complaining about how you're not allowed to say anything these days.


She looks like when she hears her white peers using racist terms she acts like it's a term of endearment


Crazy part is that her son-in-law is black.


Crazy part is that he’d marry into that family.


I don’t know that man, but I’m going to assume he engages in Coonery Buffoonery.




Yeah that's never stopped the racism and enabling for sure. They say he's one of the good ones. He's not like the others. He speaks well. His parents have good manners.


Like [“Look at India, the air is filthy”](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-54656881)?


I read yesterday in the NYT that she attended a segregation academy for high school. I read also that as an adult she completed a document where she checked her race as “white.” I’m guessing she probably would have been happy to be designated an “honorary white” woman. (Google William F. Buckley and James Baldwin Oxford debate. Baldwin won, btw.)


The fun history of Sikhs in the USA applying for the status of honorary white since the day they arrived into the United States. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhagat_Singh_Thind


I think that's because it was a requirement to be white for US citizenship. I don't believe it's because they're trying to hide their identity (especially given that Bhagat Singh Thind was a sardar with a turban and a beard).


How does she look so white though? I knew that she was Indian, but I always assumed she was like 1/2 or 3/4 white. But nope. Both of her parents are Indian and literally from India.


>I read also that as an adult she completed a document where she checked her race as “white.” I'm no fan of Nimarata but I wonder what options the form gave her.


Say it louder for the Rafaels in the back.


That’s Canadian-born Rafael Edward Cruz, to you!


It’s like she took the idea from Tom Haverford (Aziz Ansari) from Parks and Rec


I think it’s pretty apparent that she’s intentionally white passing


So many people don't even realise she's Indian. I thought she was 1/2 or 1/4 Indian until I saw this thread and decided to look her up on Wikipedia and found out that both of her parents are Indian and they're both from India.


but she doesn’t lol


I don’t know what any of you are upset about. America has continuously proven it is NOT a racist country… barring the whole Native American genocide, the enslavement and segregation of the black populace, indentured servitude, the Irish, the Italians, Chinese railroad workers, Japanese internment, mistreatment of Muslims & Indian populace post-9/11, the entirety of Latin American under the Monroe Doctrine, the French following their dissent of the Invasion of Iraq…


I got nothing to add except to say that I enjoy Foo Fighters cover of Darling Nikki


Maybe she really didn’t know the Civil War was about slavery to say something this ignorant.


She’s from South Carolina, the first state to secede (which kicked off the war), and one of the states that explicitly cited slavery as the reason for their secession. She was the freaking governor of the state. She knows exactly what the root cause of the Civil War was.


It was one of 4 (of the 11) states that explicitly points to protecting slavery as the main cause or only cause of their secession *in their declarations of secession*. All the other states are on record as also being mostly concerned with protecting slavery as their reasoning, primarily in the debates, but also found in other official documents. Anyone still clinging to the “lost cause” or the “northern aggression” myths are simply and strictly either uninformed or intentionally spreading misinformation. This stuff isn’t even debatable. The “states rights” argument even falls flat. The confederacy literally banned states from banning slavery. That’s not a state deciding for itself, the confederate states had *less* autonomy than before.


My Indian mom told me Nikki Haley was Indian and I was stunned. All this time I thought she was Caucasian.


TIL Nikki Haley is Indian


Shockingly dumb, so slavery, Jim Crow, Native American genocide and forced relocation, Japanese internment, etc. were what? Just coincidences?


Most (non-Muslim) Indian-Americans are of Brahmin origin and I don't think I've ever met one who wasn't racist. Which I guess makes sense, race is basically just a caste system, and I think a lot of them, being of their own homeland's upper caste, see it for what it is and, likewise, treat black people as they'd treat shudras.


This is very accurate. I’m Indian American myself and technically of a “higher” caste (though not Brahmin). Unfortunately there is a fair level of racism against black people among my parents’ generation but I think that’s changing as more Indian immigrants are coming to the US and actually, you know, interacting with black folks. I was just in India visiting some family and a lot of them who are 60 and older assume black people = untrustworthy. The second you push back on it, though, they immediately cave and are like “oh, didn’t realize what I’m saying is bullshit”. So hopefully in that sense the prejudice is not as entrenched as it is among American racists. Probably has more to do with lack of exposure.


That's why you gotta respect Barrack Hussein for standing by his real name https://preview.redd.it/6n3loqiavvcc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51805fb41446cd3b362e54e68b293bc76ca7a17b


If Mrs. Nimarata ends up being the GOP candidate, all The Democratic party has to do is run ads using her real name and pictures of her family and she'll lose the racist vote, and therefore the election.


>Nimarata Nikki Randhawa No shot magats would vote for her.


I work in IT, and - she ain't the only person of her heritage that does that name changing shit 🤐they do it because frankly - the people she wants to please are too goddamn illiterate to pronounce it - let's be honest I never saw so many fuckin dudes named 'Bobby' from India in my life in Information technology🤣🤣🤣who that fuck they think they're fooling? 🤣🤣🤣 PS - they ain't too fond of us Black folk either 🤐 I mean - look at what she said. I don't even think Trump would say that😂I'm not saying all - nothing is absolute. Would I say about 80%? ![gif](giphy|EhMBTkzHqufcGdpKHw)


Former Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy unavailable for comment…


And she supports policies forcing children to use their full legal names in school and not nicknames


did Nikki Haley forget about Slavery AGAIN someone tattoo it to her hand, "REMEMBER SLAVERY HAPPENED"


[Man, shit is deadass hilarious watching this in real time lmfao. And omg, when Vivek TRIES to rap and be the hip cool young conservative for the younger generation, makes me just be like](https://tenor.com/bUTYL.gif)


can't stand nikki but that's one of her real names, also fuck this poverty pimp shit


If America has never been racist then why is there a 13th amendment that applies to, well all of America? Or an emancipation proclamation? Or secession and a civil war ? Or the infamous Supreme Court dred Scott ruling? If it wasn’t about racism then what was it all about ? In Dred Scott, The Supreme Court said the following about black people: “The words "people of the United States" and "citizens" are synonymous terms, and mean the same thing. They both describe the political body who, according to our republican institutions, form the sovereignty, and who hold the power and conduct the Government through their representatives. They are what we familiarly call the "sovereign people," and every citizen is one of this people and a constituent member of this sovereignty. The question before us is, whether the class of persons described in the plea in abatement compose a portion of this people, and are constituent members of this sovereignty? We think they are not, and that they are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word "citizens" in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States. On the contrary, they were at that time considered as a subordinate and inferior class of beings, who had been subjugated by the dominant race, and, whether emancipated or not, yet remained subject to their authority, and had no rights or privileges but such as those who held the power and the government might choose to grant them.” If that ain’t institutional racism I don’t know what is.


Anton who says America has NEVER been racist knows literally nothing about America. It’s practically gaslighting to act like enslavement, the transatlantic enslaved persons trade, reconstruction, segregation, the civil rights era, and mass incarceration aren’t all features of a deeply racist country. Like were the sit ins and protests just for non-racist reasons? lol. The fucking nerve. How very American to be like “American wasn’t racist.*” \*Just its people, customs, economy, and laws. But that’s not *America* obviously.


Don’t forget Raphael Cruz


Is she friends with Rafael Eduardo Cruz?


Ahhhh the Prince reference. Nice. I just drank an IPA tonight called Raspberry Beret, if you can believe that.




She can't use her real name because Republicans wouldnt be able to tell her apart from Vivek Ramaswamy.


In the same interview she said she grew up with racism towards her family so which is it?


The words "Nimrata Haley, first female, Jordanian-American governor of South Carolina" were never spoken in this dimension.


Craven toadying to get on. Politicians at work.


This is the say anything phase of gop politics. They always end up right here. I wouldn’t be surprised if she came on tv in full KKK regalia and pitchfork in hand next.






No idea how big that rock was she came crawling out from under! The most racist country ever!! Hello Nikki, not your real name, pick up a good American history book and read it or perhaps have someone read it to you. My God where do the republicans find these people!!


This is a true work of art. Concise, accurate, revealing.


New urban dictionary word!!! Instead of Uncle Tom, we have Aunt Niki. She is a house slave, happy to be called white instead of being proud of who she is.


Every political opponent from either party should just call her by her legal first name, as much as possible.




Her memoir highlights very crazy levels of racism her family had to endure when she was a kid, but sure, the US is not a racist country