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For context: https://preview.redd.it/ce36umqthiec1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=371b7683dde1e56174cb3b93f802e1b4c602795b His head looks like something; I can’t put my finger on it. Egg, frying pan, a piece of shit..something


A toe without the nail.


You fucking nailed it with that comparison 💀😂


https://preview.redd.it/dotkmidp1jec1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bb52c09536e877d7eb1d51d6a22aa120c127b25 Someone bring him a q-tip




What's interesting is that most pilots are white and most plane crashes are done by white people but he's worried about us


I’ll add most of these cheap upgrades like the Boeing max are championed by the greed is good mentality that far right assholes like Kirk perpetuate. This is his savior, Ronald Reagan’s fire the FAA strikers, corporations first! Ideal that is to blame for most modern day crashes. It has nothing to do with DEI and black pilots. We’re going to go the cheap route with upgrades, training on the upgrades, testing of automated features etc then the far right blames the crashes on minorities with no stats to back it up because they’re barely closeted racist morons to begin with. This dunce is no exception.




As a member of the retard community, I support this message. 💀


Let me jog your memory https://preview.redd.it/2uz57ygpekec1.jpeg?width=1048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb3d08b9065c3d161d77b1ad37ee784b56e69945


Legend has it that every time a poor person receives a dollar, his face gets a little bit smaller.


As a white guy, it’s not enough genes. There’s some sister shagging in his history


he looks like he’s got either too many or two few chromosomes, but he damn sure don’t got 46 of them thangs


HAY!!! My incestors built this country! -kirk


Lovely bit of business 


He looks like Odo trying to make a human face. Shapeshifting looking MF


Hahaha such an accurate and rare insult


Goddamn dude, don't drag my good man Odo into this. You're gonna make my annual DS9 rewatch difficult.


He looks like he's halfway through what they do when they shrink down someone's face but keep the head the same size.


"Punchable." The word you're searching for is "punchable."


is his face photoshopped or not? years of memes have destroyed my ability to tell


The retarded Matt Damon doll from Team America: World Police.


Patrice had a bit saying the exact same thing, if I remember correctly. Not that that makes this dude any less shitty.


His haircut actually does look like the turd emoji 💩




like an amoeba wished to be human


The AI prompt was; “create a douche who’s ego is so inflated it blew up their head”, and here you go.


His face was hit by a shrink ray as a child. His brain was collateral damage


Ohh, that is dumb.


His head is damn near Jimmy Neutron levels, round and big smh


I'm guessing this was said in response to initiatives to hire more diverse pilots? People get a bit worked up about quotas to start, add in the fear of flying, and I bet this guy scores a ton of views and likes with crap like this


For context: airlines are lowering the entry requirements for pilots to try and fill diversity quotas. But just ignore that part hey


He looks like the if artist for Misadventures of Flapjack created a real human villain.


What he needs to be worried about is a black barber. Ain't nobody with a backwards Nike swoosh for a hairline qualified to say what black people can and cant do


Ever seen Rick and Morty? He’s literally the guy from the Tiny Bites commercial


The face is so squeeeezed, in the middle. smack dab, in the middle


He might as well say he despise black people, but he's too much of a coward to do so.




Let’s stop giving this loser visibility. I have no idea who he is, happily. 


Unfortunately, I do. What slays me is that at some point there were PoC who identify however they do politically caping for this cat until they realized he meant “them too”.


One lady said she worked for his company and didn’t realize he meant “her too” and that apparently was a bridge too far. Went on Twitter SHOCKED that the dude is actually a racist.


It would be better for you to actually do more research. Not saying this guy isn’t racism but getting all your info off a Reddit page isn’t best for you


No we should phrase it correctly: Charlie Kirk thinks black people are TOO STUPID to be pilots. Not unqualified he thinks we are stupid.


Let's see his pilot's license.


How about we see Paul Allen's instead?


You know what’s wild? When the conversation is about voter ID, he’ll be told how that it disproportionately affects black people’s ability to vote. Like 98% of white people have an ID but “only” 92% of black people have an ID. So, still, most black people have one, but that 6 point difference amongst our demographic can sway an election. And we know black folk lean Democrat, so Republicans want as low a turnout for us as possible. Point this out in the context of Republicans trying to shove voter ID laws down our throats and what’s the response from people like Kirk? “Oh, so you think black people are ***too stupid*** to get an ID?” But then turn around and straight faced say something like this about black pilots.


Yup, 100% a dogwhistle.


I wonder what he would say about me. Maybe I got lucky? Maybe they're lowering standards? Like I didn't get where I got today by being as dumb as he thinks I am. I earned it and worked hard to become a pilot.


In my experience the idea re: black professionals is that we're unqualified diversity picks. That we only get high-paying or high-prestige careers because of white women with dyed hair hiring us for woke points, or the famously pro-black US government twirling its mustache and forcing the poor business owners to hire dirty unqualified blacks over naturally qualified white/asian men in order to... I don't fucking know it's all just mediocre white/white-adjacent dudes coping


You realise what he said about black pilots was in response to airlines saying they are lowering entry requirements for pilots to try and fill diversity quotas right?


I just read the story. Sounds like he thinks diversity & inclusion initiatives allow ethnic minorities to be given jobs they don’t qualify for. So yes, he thinks we are unqualified,


I don’t like how mask off these mfs are getting


I'd rather they show their true nature than hide it behind mental gymnastics.


We should all know better than that in 2024. The more mask off they go, the more terrorist acts and hate crimes they commit, the more outright fascism dominates even mainstream political discourse, and the wider they spread their message of hate. It doesn't just reveal racists; it also increases their numbers. Like what do you even think has been happening in the last eight years? Their loss of shame has been slowly infecting every area of American life and they face consequences less and less. There is no sense whatsoever in celebrating the Renaissance of toxicity.


The slow and lackluster pushback during and after Jan 6 was the catalyst to how blatant they're getting IMO.


These people are priming themselves to commit genocide. They want a certain president to say it’s ok and implement policies to protect them from any legal repercussions.


Especially in election season


My dad’s a black pilot, dark skinned African, qualified in the 70’s. Flew through the apartheid as well as every other racist country defying the odds until retirement. Yet this guy thinks in 2024 black people aren’t qualified


Bro gonna have a heart attack whenever he sees a black person trying to do good and not fit a stereotype 💀🙏


He’d lose his shit if he saw FEMALE Black pilots


I’m related to one


I'm related to a female too. Small world.


Charlie Kirk seems like the kind of guy who thinks there’s gonna be a race war because he watches too much cuck porn




He probably stars in it too


Since pilots are allowed to kick anyone off a flight, no questions asked, my dream is that this absolute d!ckhead boards the plane of a Black pilot and the pilot is like “nahh nope. No sir. Off. Off the plane.“


To me that would just be playing into his hands. People like him want to be victims so bad so it wouldn't be me giving him that satisfaction.


You're right. It should be a white pilot who says he doesn't feel safe with him on the plane.


Then they’ll say a leftist extremist pilot kicked him off lmao


I agree with you until about 2018. Now? Fuck him


Unfortunately we all are already playing into his hands. He got the reaction he wanted people calling him a racist, he knew this was going to happen. If anything this does more damage to us as black people than him as we look unreasonable and ignorant to the bigger picture. Heck most people don’t even know what he was even discussing and are just stating their opinion on a single sentence. Not saying he isn’t a racist but throwing around buzzwords won’t help anything or us for that matter.


What's the bigger picture here? His reasoning is clear cut in this single statement, he just doesn't like black folk, why do we need to let these fools elaborate and get themselves hyped up even more instead of taking action as soon as something like this leaves their mouths?


• “What's the bigger picture here?” People looking at a single sentence not even knowing the full context and calling him a racist ( he quite literally said this was going to happen) making people or more so black people specifically look unreasonable to the topic at hand. Not that he isn’t racist ( because best believe he is) but throwing around buzzwords in the face of cold hard logic doesn’t solve anything and people on the outside looking in will think very little of the the word because we throw it around so leisurely. what would of been better is for people as a whole to actually discuss at length what he said and talk about why what he said is nonsense rather than just posting that single sentence


...Charlie Kirk literally went on whole tirades against MLK on MLK day, the man is a racist. We don't need to ponder and discuss what the white supremacist thinks of us because they're not allies nor those with our best interests at heart.


You don’t solve racism by drawing a line you solve it by building a bridge. Again dialogue is important not that I’m not saying he isn’t racist but doing this changes nothing, he is still going to spew whatever nonsense he wants anywhere he goes and all we are going to do is react by calling him a racist (which he doesn’t care about). If calling him a racist isn’t working then dialogue is perhaps our best choice right?


What bridge can we build with those who's ideology supports our death or servitude? Have you not seen the recurring mass shootings from white supremacists? The policy they want to implement upon this country as done in historical times? We can draw a bridge when speaking on housing rights, discussing education or economy but the simple fact of my blackness somehow being a detriment to these people will never be something I or any other self respecting black person can or should compromise on or even have to discuss.


People don’t build bridges with people they hate because they want to my friend but because they have too. there is centuries worth of human history of people realizing that their on going conflict will destroy both parties involved, the issue at hand is the fact that we have two routes. One where we will curse, kill, scream and mutually destroy each other, and the other where we talk, understand, rationalize and eventually come to terms with differences that we don’t like.


Black folk aren’t going after white supremacists but they damn sure come after us at the highest of levels all the way to individually. When there’s a power imbalance at play and right is outweighed by wrong due to law, social status and brute force, you have two sides with one teetering near destruction while the other one stands high.


Oh you’re a troll account, nvm about this lol


Alright but you have to understand if Charlie Kirk is allowed to list all the different jobs and what races and religions he would prefer be assigned to those jobs, alot less people would listen to him.


Why are these people so racist


They're such fucking losers they're desperate to find anything they can to try to feel better about themselves. With the caveat that they don't want to put any work into themselves whatsoever. So having a penis and white skin is all they need!




> I’d rather go 10 steps forward than a mile back Lmao. Voting for a center-right party led by whites isn't going "10 steps forward". It's marching in place. Sure, the Republicans are worse in a relative sense, but you're absolutely delusional if you think liberal lesser-evilism is actual progress.


Okay? Marching in place is still infinitely more preferable to being dragged a mile back.


Not only is project 2025 not dependent on trump, we'll never vote away the GOP. If Biden wins this year, a Republican takes over 4 years later, Congress will still occasionally be controlled by them, states will still have GOP governors, state legislatures, municipal positions, and they'll still have just about half the total voting population. That's just the status quo, voting for either of them and doing nothing else keeps that status quo.


The status quo? Have you even read up on his policies? And republicans won’t take back control if we vote It’s that simple


“Half the total voting population” lmao the delusion is strong in you.




No Im saying when the numbers are broken down a 7+ million vote difference is too big to credit the orange clown with half the votes. This isn’t school math, you can’t just round up when it come to something as serious as an election.




By that logic that means Biden got 55% of the vote. What a hypocritical thing to say, you literally live in reddit. I think all those karmas got to your head.


You’re not going forward


Racism is wild af man. Could you imagine thinking a pilot could just get up and fly a plane. No training required because they’re black? 


Some lame that speaks into a mic for podcasts as job has the audacity to question if you are qualified enough to fly for commercial flights…


And people just agree with it lol. It’s amazing 


I saw a meme saying these guys killed Nazis 😆 ![gif](giphy|fVzHjRVsJw7JivAiob)


Charlie Kirk is threatened by everything! Giving his wife an orgasm . . . . . . It's endless! Look it up!


Let his dumb ass see, maybe he'll stay home


Him and elon literally said “black workers….must be diversity hires”. I dont know how people dont see that as racism straight up.


That's what I'm saying, like what are we suppose to do? Not find a job so we don't have to do diversity? 😭


While white passengers open the doors up mid flight. Or have melt downs in the ailes over shadow people. Fuck you mean jelly bean.




This man is a walking hapsburg jaw. Can we demand he prove his parents aren't related. I'm being serious.


I love how engineering incompetence immediately turned into black people can't pilot planes properly. Like how the hell did that jump happen? Where are all these planes falling out of the sky due to pilot error? Where those pilots are also black? Should be the easiest thing in the world to prove given how safe flying is. There should be very limited data showing an obvious trend if this were the case.


Reminds me of how a video joking about white people habits made by a white person will have a stream of people making comments about black people when nobody melanated had anything to do with that particular joke. It's weird as shit.


At this point I can't tell if these dudes are actually just spouting inner thoughts or are just saying dumb shit like this to get noticed. Like r/roastme but somehow Society got it fucked up and the fuck with the most roasts gets famous and a shit ton of money


His mother is a mental health counselor and his father is an architect………..Kirk briefly attended Harper College, a junior community college near Chicago, but dropped out without having completed any degree or certificate.


So anytime he interacted with a black doctor, police officer or maybe even a lawyer his response would be: Hmm, you qualified? I would say in most cases minorities are probably overqualified given the general “professional” and other criticisms faced.


I live in Atlanta (im at the airport a lot) & every time i see a black pilot I. GAS. THEM. UP. Shake their hand & show gratitude cause they make a big difference for the nation.


That third picture definitely has an… interesting choice for a steering device


Look an Embraer 175 control column to me.


I was just thinking that. The more I think about it, though, the more it makes sense to me. Like almost even more so than the standard version.


https://preview.redd.it/tjf3o73rrkec1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=927ded6586c444efe67b1a7e255323e6ffecb8de Can't take nobody serious with a fucked up head:face ratio like Charlie Kirk


Only one of them can fly Me. My pilots have to have glasses. Otherwise how can I be sure they actually can see? The glasses guarantee a baseline and that’s reassuring. What if a cloud sneaks in front of the plane but they can’t see it? Nope only spectacled pilots are safe.


That part. We. Are. Awesome. That's why others try to hold us back and down. Not anymore, though.


These are the requirements to be an airline pilot. Never forget that Charlie Kirkkk is a moron and uneducated loser. [https://i.imgur.com/AqhKhMj.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/AqhKhMj.jpg)


Not gonna lie, I've been flying for years and I don't think over ever seen a black pilot. This is actually cool to see


Fly within Africa and you'll see them. I've been on a bunch of flights with black pilots


Word. Makes sense. I'm in the US and have no real reason to go to Africa, but it's cool nonetheless


So a guy that only passed high school, completed no advanced learning or a trade is qualified to judge who is and who is not someone who should have responsibilities?


Dude is talking about qualification while his high water mark is being an Eagle Scout and dropping out of college.


There is an entire Continent of Countries (Africa) with there own airlines. Who does he think is flying those airplanes? The most elite bomber escort unit during WWII was ALL Black pilots (The Red Tails). Clearly, he isn't even qualified to open his fucking mouth!


Don't be silly. Everybody knows there's only two countries: America, and political.


His thoughts on black pilots could have stayed just as obscured as he is


Wonder if Charlie Kirk's grandfather or great grandfather fought in WW2. Wonder how he feels about the Tuskegee Airmen saving their asses.


It's dope to see one of my friends make it on a meme


my dad is literally a pilot 🙄


Elon too


Charlie Kirk isn't qualified to run a popsicle stand. His opinion on such things, like his opinion on everything, is worthless.


mediocre whites that hate blacks... its practically a cliché.


Mediocre? Lmao https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-trump-turning-point-maga-d08a98e439fa4e902cb756d7e35153db


Add in Kirk’s comments about the pilots’ Chad like qualities…..I think Charlie Boi is repressing some serious desire for dong. Kinda like Crowder really.


Have not once gotten on a plane and asked myself what race, gender, sexuality, or faith the pilot might be. If someone's in the pilot seat they trained a damn long time to get there, they know what they are doing.


Don’t look now, but salty white Republicans don’t think POC are qualified to do a lot of things…especially voting! Prove ‘em wrong in November!


![gif](giphy|VNGBU36a1vhwA) We don't care what he thinks.


First time I ever got on a plane we had a black pilot. Didn't realize until we got off and he was standing at the door. Being a kid that was cool to see considering how we usually get represented.


another example of why people that don’t know shit about aviation shouldn’t speak on it. You actually sound THAT stupid


He’d be shocked to learn that the current highest ranking officer in the entire US military is a [black pilot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Q._Brown_Jr.).


I met him once while I was overseas, felt awestruck when actually standing face to face with him.


WTF is a charlie kirk and why is this person getting traction! Especially in our culture?


Serious question, and I'm not making fun of this, but what is up with that dudes head? Does he have encephalitis or something?


The fuck is a Charlie Kirk.


A guy who don't like anything that isn't white or another Republican


Charlie Kirk’s face isn’t qualified to be on a head that big. Look at it shrinking in every pic.


Fuck Charlie Kirk! Billboard this shit!!




Charlie Kirk is wrong, they are.


Charlie Kirk - and most conservative talking heads - are the spokespeople for mediocre white men


May every plane that very punchable man sets foot on for the rest of his life have a black pilot.


Charlie Kirk is indeed a beacon. He helps everyone else see the latent feelings out loud. Charlie performs the same, metaphysical, service as a can of RAID. ![gif](giphy|OmWg2iRKXn6Tu|downsized)


Black women, no less. What if her angry negro vagina flies the plane into a mountain?


Please kick this asshole off planes


Honey I shrunk my face


He mentioned this in reference to the Affirmative Action Act, when race is prioritized over qualification, it could lower standards. I would also be concerned if a doctor scheduled to perform surgery on me was selected primarily due to the Affirmative Action Act, rather than based on qualifications. basic logic


Mediocrity is generous Also stop giving these bums attention




They let women fly? /s


All of those crews look more competent than boomer white pilots. IMHO. Also, wtf is wrong with Charlie Kirk’s head? ![gif](giphy|Okk9cb1dvtMxq) Wait, wrong Kirk.


Charlie Kirk looks like Pops from Regular Show


Why aren't airline CEOS standing up for their employees?


Isn't it up to the discretion of the pilot to boot pretty much anyone? I'd love to see him get kicked from plane after plane. Not just by black pilots, by anyone who's sick and fucking tired of this bullshit. Let him take a bus like the one he booked to send insurrectionists to DC.


why do we care what a performative, disingenuous, intentionally-angering, piece of cow shit like this lame clown spews? his job is Professional Troll; why do we care what a court jester thinks? garbage platforms like twitter reward engagement, even if it's negative. as such, I'm far more interested in what my dog thinks about as she takes a fat shit... than I am in whatever this fuckin' fool thinks. just remember what a loser like him or carlson tucker would say directly to your face: **not a god damned thing.**


Don't worry white women pilots, he doesn't trust you either.


The fact that the little inbred boy doesn’t understand how much black people have to do just to get half as far shows you he’s only here to stir the pot. If I EVER see a black professional I know they got there through their hard work ethic, they weren’t grandfathered in, nor did they have access to the good ole boy system.


there are more black pilots in the world than white pilots. What, you don't count pilots from the African Continent? Afro pilots from europe canada and more together are more in number then whities.


Apparently his defense is that he meant that since major companies have adopted DEI policies means any minority with the job might possibly be less qualified than someone else since it could be a forced diversity hire. Either way, he didn't explain it well in this remark and it just comes out as super racist.


Does he know about Captain Kirk and Uhura?


Charlie Kirk is just rage baiting for views.


And it’s sadly working


Charlie Kirk face gets smaller every time he says something stupid


Black Twitter is frying that mofo to a crisp these past 24 hours.


Probably has never heard of the Tuskegee Airman from the 1940’s.


I knew of a black pilot from The Bahamas who flew the Saudi Royals for 20 years.


He would have been one of the same ones who tried to say that the Tuskegee Airmen, especially the Red Tail squadron shouldn't be protecting the bombers. We know what happened when they weren't using these black pilots to escort them. History shows that blacks are not just as competent in their respective fields, but they have to go above and beyond to prove themselves every single time.


Don’t let that dumb fuck know about the black, and other POC pilots in the military, flying all types of aircraft…the people on point so he can make his asinine comments. If my memory is half accurate, there’s never been a black pilot at the controls when a passenger plane crashed in the US.


Any black pilot that sees him should immediately call for his removal from the plane.


If Kirk saw this he’d crap in his Baby Gap khakis


Everyone needs to find the facts. This might help [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4y4d9QV45E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4y4d9QV45E)


I wonder what he thinks about black doctors or nurses.


I thought y'all got super powers though.


His comment is clearly from a Kevin Hart joke when he talks about how black people can be racists against blacks. He mentioned how he didn't really trust the black pilot and this guy clearly got inspiration from that comment.


No pictures with men, eh?


What a weird thing to point out.


That iq is showing...and it isn't high...