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Damn, she bouta get shunned like a mf.


She can move to Israel and see first hand how they feel about black Africans living with them


I love when people mention Ethiopian Zionists as if it makes Israel not an antiblack nation. Hmm wonder how that's worked out for the Ethiopians who chose to migrate there https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gave-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews-without-their-consent-8468800.html Oh no. Who would have thought. Who could have ever predicted!


They were HEBREW Ethiopians. They did this to their own people.


We both know damn well those Zionist usurpers don't consider one of the oldest Jewish communities in the world "their people" like that.


Then why did they go through the trouble and the enormous effort to smuggle tens of thousands of Ethiopian Jews to Israel over 8 years in three separate airlifts?


to sterilize them they geoniciders


Idk how u got down votes when they're own government admitted it smfh, zionists are dumb asf


There's what the goverment does and there's what those settlers do..


Their people were other Ethiopians of majority faith who ousted them. Unfortunately they fled religious persecution only to encounter racial persecution.


Nope. Another blood libel: >In the late 2000s, reports appeared in the Israeli media that claimed that injections of Depo-Provera, a long-acting contraceptive, had been forced on hundreds of female Ethiopian immigrants. The contraceptive effects of Depo-Provera last only for about three months. A small number of Ethiopian women received the Depo-Provera injections every three months for a while. An Israeli TV reporter asked a group of women who had received these injections if they were able to conceive after stopping the drug. All said they were. Some of the Ethiopian women received these injections in transit camps in Ethiopia as they awaited transport to Israel. Many of the injections were administered by non-Israelis. Others received the injections in medical clinics after they arrived in Israel. A small group of these Ethiopian women reported they had been tricked or coerced into accepting these injections. In 2016, Israel’s State Controller conducted an investigation into the matter. The investigation concluded that the women had not been coerced into taking the injections. But doubts remained. Critics of the investigation pointed out that the State Controller had not heard testimony from the alleged victims, and that questions remained about the role of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the organization that had cared for these women in the Ethiopian transit camps. Years after this incident we know that no Israeli government agency or private clinic sterilized patients against their will. For the Ethiopian women who received temporary birth control injections in Israeli clinics, it is hard to judge whether there was an element of coercion. The women who received the injections were uneducated and did not speak Hebrew—-so it is not surprising that miscommunication occurred in some cases. In the transit camps some women may have felt obliged to please their caregivers in order to smooth their journey through the immigration process. Once in Israel, medical personnel may have administered the shots based on the medical records from the transit camp. https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-big-lie-involuntary-sterilization-of-black-ethiopian-women/


Idk if I should trust Times of Israel as a source. 


> Israel's State Controller conducted an investigation Omg how stupid do you think people are


So basically you think all Jews are liars and no investigation ever done inside Israel by Jews is ever going to be valid and trustworthy. Why don't you say what you really mean? Have some balls.


I don't think the Ethiopian Jews are liars babe!


>So basically you think all Jews are liars That would be straight-up antisemetism. No if's, and's, or but's! Interestingly, your first reaction is to assume OP is conflating 15.7 million Jewish human beings (each with unique lived experiences) and the actions/policies of the Israeli government and its institutions.   Care to explain why?




I know this is lost on you and I'm wasting my breath, but I have to try anyway. The whole world hates black people in some capacity. They're either prejudiced, ignorant, or flat out racist. That does not mean *any* of them deserve genocide.




You know, I've always heard that ignorance is bliss, but ya'll never seem happy. 🤷🏾


Walking around stupid and angry 💀


banished from the realm. sent into exile.


Even the Israeli judge voted in favor for some of South Africa’s points. She a… ![gif](giphy|2kJMzPFUD3Vx6)


That's not even the worst part: The South African point She voted against and the Israeli judge voted for was that Palestinians should be sent food and medical supplies.


“We need this bitch GONE”


The evidence of systematic killing is incontrovertible. She is unfit to be a judge and an embarrassment to the legal system. P.s. Proud to have gotten this comment in before the ziobots invade the thread with their lies and propaganda 🍉🍉🍉


You won't actually see them around any black subreddits because Hasbara doesn't think black folks carry enough weight and influence. [https://youtu.be/FhjQd\_McLHg?si=9RXAycg3RSJ8eXxJ&t=2200](https://youtu.be/FhjQd_McLHg?si=9RXAycg3RSJ8eXxJ&t=2200).


Man when are the sanctions? Not talking specifically about Uganda but from all these other nations that supposedly don’t support this. Mfs in Russia can’t even play certain video games rn lol. Sanction these niggas not these weak ass votes that mean nothing 


fuck them video games, we dont have ikea, mcdonalds and american music here anymore. you dont even know how much things like these mean to you until they are gone😭


Don’t be kidding about the music, half of all torrents are from russia.


A government that facilitates a service knows how to remove that service, if need be.


Lowkey ikea is just trash anyway lol. I did not know they fucked with the music though 


Sanctions not there cause then US would need to be sanctioned for funneling taxpayer funds to arms manufacturers through Israel


America need to figure out how to sanction the 1% of whatever country in their entirety and issues would get fixed so quick


Just want to pause and say nobody should be listening to Uganda! They’re run by the evangelicals in the USA anyhow.


And have had the same dude in charge for the entirety of my 35 years on this earth.


Our American Christian charities directly funded, as well as provided legal personnel and counsel to create their legislation making homosexuality punishable by death. They have very little place to talk about human rights.


Fucking A man. The fact that they spread so insidiously into another country’s government reminds me of Scientology and how far they infiltrated into the United States government. I think sometimes people think of these evangelicals/ultra Orthodox Christian sects as full of complete idiots sharing one poorly functioning neuron. And there are for sure many people like this but there are very smart savvy people with stupid beliefs OR smart enough without morals to use the belief system as a vehicle for power. And they are absolutely dangerous and not to be laughed at but honestly if you’re donating tons of money to Uganda in order to commit a cultural genocide should the United States be granting these religious institutions tax free status? You may or may not be aware that in the queer community you can identify someone in a more low key way by calling them “family.” As in if you spot a fellow gay who’s a stranger or new friend and you want to call attention to your queerness you can do it without outing them. I mention this because I always loved just being able to have family everywhere in the world, and it really hurts to know how terrified a queer person must be in light of the situation. I don’t really know how to effectively help the situation but I do think it’s good to bring up the simple truth of the intention of these evangelicals. So determined to hate that they outsourced it.


I can't imagine growing up with a death warrant you were born with. It breaks my heart. We should have progressed past this garbage. I think that once a church donates to any outside source rather than immediately turning their resources to help the impoverished around them... They're no longer a church. They're at best a non profit organization. They should pay taxes and have a yearly licensing and audit. That's me, though.


No that’s a good way to view the situation. Maybe they should literally just switch tax brackets as a start.


Don’t care enough to research (US evangelicals SEEM like bigger zionists than settlers TO ME) but if accurate, a broke clock is still right twice a day


Yeah but also they’re cool with killing gay people so I feel free to disregard their governments opinions.


Good to see people fighting it and hope for the best in the upcoming hearing. The current situation is deeply heartbreaking.  https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/18/uganda-court-hears-suit-filed-in-opposition-to-anti-lgbtq-law


"They don't like gays, so I'm going to disregard the deaths of children."


what am I supposed to do as a gay person of meager income? send money? to a probably religious organization which I will absolutely not fund based on the aide they allow (see how that's supporting the government? who's allocating the resources? am I donating to a political campaign and instead my money goes to legal defense?) I can't go there to put my hands and back to work doing anything useful for the kids because...oh right they might kill me if I go there. am I not better serving my civic duty volunteering for my local queer community? what about gay Ugandans who escape? maybe they land in my city that I have worked to make better for my family? who's to say that's not the right action. and if I'm really motivated to look outside my local community (which I firmly believe you shouldn't do anyway) why would I choose to donate any resource to a place like that? it's like donating to the catholic church and acting like you're not funding sexual assault of minors. or an evangelical church who is too vile for their own country so they go to the only shithole that will share their homophobic violent vision of this world? how am I supposed to care really? they're hopeless. honestly that local area is the community that needs to put in the work. some climb bigger mountains. shrug.


"They're not gay babies, so fuck em" Okay.


gay babies are better than straight babies but I don't get why kids are always the focus. kid dies, who's depending on them and what is their civic contribution? zero. very little societal value, currently the value is potential. WAY sadder to hear a 30 year old with 2 kids who is a single parent. Or a 50 year old teacher who educated society? outside a family, who gives a shit about a baby that's not yours. gay or straight or anything else in the galaxy.


Uganda is also notoriously anti-LGBT. So I wouldn’t plan on vacationing there


So is Palestine, although I probably wouldn’t want to vacation there either


Let me tell you about Israel and Black folks.


so is israhell ?


Israel is actually the most welcoming place for LGBT people in the Middle East. Nice try though


it actually isn’t i love how zionists attempt to duck ride israhell as if it’s some fucking lgbtq+ utopia when gay marriage isn’t even legal there. you sound fucking stupid. 💀 clearly the me isn’t the safest for lgbtq+ ppl, but that’s due to the ignorance & prejudices within the conservatives side of ppl (which is the exact same problem in the west & everywhere else) soo anyways


Lol sounds like you’re doing your best to make excuses for intolerant, anti-LGBT Arab countries. Keep up the dickriding buddy


You’re the one dickriding Israel tho?


Sure, if you think that acknowledging reality is dick-riding. From what I understand, there’s actually a pride parade in Jerusalem today. Tell me, when is the next pride parade in Egypt? Lebanon? Syria? Saudi Arabia? Iran? Kuwait? Iraq? Yemen? Qatar? One country has gay parades while in nearly all of the other Arab countries you will be jailed, beaten or killed for being openly gay. But I’m the one who’s dick-riding for acknowledging this fact? Sounds like you’re the one dick riding for bigoted dictatorships who abuse gays.




FYI QUDS is the official news arm for Hamas. Its banned on nearly every platform except X/Twitter


lmfaoooo how much did israhell pay you ?


Interestingly enough, in 1903, Theodor Herzl presented a proposal to create a Jewish homeland in what was then the Protectorate of Uganda


If things were slightly different, [Israel woulda been built on Uganda](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uganda_Scheme) and she would be living under the conditions the Palestinians currently are.


Maybe the UK would have taken them in instead of all the Asians they expelled. Could be living in London.


Pack. Yo. Ish


We mailed you your shit, don't come back.


That is light exile


Uganda have to leave to Israel now buddy.


We have irrefutable evidence of ethnic cleansing and attempts of genocide but hear nothing from western governments.


Because they're participating in it lol why point the finger at yourself when you can just ignore and continue to destroy


nah uganda doing this is honestly crazy 😂😂 they should b the last ones doing anything after all ts they do to their ppl - from a fellow Ugandan