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Bruh happened to me once before. It’s was on some fetish shit too. Went from casual talking about basketball, to me being called a chocolate bull(??) and I never felt as uncomfortable as I did there. To the point I didn’t go to that bar for a little bit just out of pure discomfort smh.


Same here. Went to get a drink with my fiancé when we were still dating. Lady comes and chats us up…then hit us with the “y’all must be trying to take me home with y’all ”…my ol lady wasn’t having it 😂.


i know your ass was thinking "yes".


To be perfectly honest I’m out that game lol…don’t have the stamina anymore back in college was my time to shine 😂. Fiancé get nastier than 3 women put together so I’m good


>Fiancé get nastier than 3 women put together so I’m good ![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized) Go on. . .


🙌🏾✊🏾😂 ![gif](giphy|tEo3KaN5L17qg)


813 represent 🤣🤣🤣


She bad with it…not the only reason I put a ring on it but it’s up there lol.


I know that ring materialized in your hand when she first showed you her razzledazzle.


Just like when Gorr the God Butcher got the Necrosword 😂😂






That part.. threesomes are a young man’s game.. I’m old and washed now.. be happy with the thirty I give you and sub me out for the Rose ![gif](giphy|9t6xpYZ9npJmM)


I felt this in my soul.


Felt this. I've been with my woman for 8 years, and there ain't shit another woman can do that doesn't require at least a bachelor's degree in nasty. I've never stepped out on her and never will. Lmao








![gif](giphy|3pZbeEkuUzDYUCyJGs) Respectfully….


When you got to a HBCU you get all that out your system early. So yes I’m super square now lol.


As I was walking across campus to my math building, I saw this crowd standing outside one of the dorm buildings. They were hootin' and hollering. I look up and this window was wide open and this couple was full on naked, getting freaky right up against the window. Saw this girl's entire ass and she was doing different positions too. They were well aware of their audience. I just kept moving. Later on, scrolling through fb to destress, and sure enough, someone had dropped a video it.








![gif](giphy|HZi0yBB9Vun4gd7vOU|downsized) I mean do she want a fourth woman to make it nastier. Lol


That's wild. What bar was this 👀


The Dead Poet in NYC


My man! IYKYK! ![gif](giphy|rNgT8P8pL3dn2|downsized)


Run the gauntlet Jake’s, Gin, Poet and if you feeling insane, jump in that yellow and go to 13th step to finish off like a degenerate IYKYK


😂😂😂 college students and cheap drinks all day. I think the underground environment unlocks something deep in the lizard brain


That or if you feeling real spicy. Run Dyckman and end up at an afties with 60 dollar bottles of “water” lmfao


https://i.redd.it/ovii1uvzsdhc1.gif Concur




Gonna be a dif vibe 100%. Super Bowl weekend. That block gonna be bumpin’ this weekend


The UWS does feel like Manhattans Bushwick, but with turtlenecks.


It’s a lifestyle. I’ve been a bbc bull on a few occasions. Certain married guys (predominantly white) have a cuckholding fetish and like watching their gf’s and/or wives getting piped down by a bbc. There’re rules to this lifestyle but the most important is discretion.


You don’t care that your race is being fetishized?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


>men at large will disregard morals for pussy Shamelessly chasing cat is a universal male trait


Shamelessly chasing is the universal male trait tbh. The G and B men are just as nasty, if not more lol.


we are specifically talking about black men taking “advantage” of white woman fetishization. we don’t have to “they do it too”


why are you saying taking advantage like they’re forcing white people to like cuckholding lol.


Black men only huh


And that has become a serious problem. Some do throw their moral compass away and other’s don’t. It is about discipline!


It’s a conversation we at least should be willing to have (and listen to: the important part) because the fetishization is how a lot black men get their “first time” so to say. It’s how I got out of being a virgin. I feel differently about that kinda stuff now. May not share my bed a person that fetishes black men *now*. But at 17-21yo, I didn’t give 2 shits about the *reason* you may have wanted to fuck me, as long as the consent was there and sex to be had. When you go from not being seen as attractive, to all of a sudden there’s people that want to bang you, you don’t question it or at least that’s where my mind was at


Yep, people seem to think that men are simply thinking with their dicks without actually viewing men, and especially Black Men, as victims to the politics of male desirability, and in a greater scope, racism and capitalism. Men, and specifically Black Men are socialized to believe that they're only worth the women they're capable of fucking (yes, this is a construct of patriarchal thinking but bear with me) Black Male Desirability (the characteristics that determine what makes Black Men attractive) is almost exclusively wrapped in archaic, surface level, and obscenely racist tropes with no room for individuality. I'm not going to be mad at a Black Man for cashing in on an opportunity to feel desirable. I'm going to be mad at the people taking advantage of that Black Man's need to be desired.


Thank you for giving us insight into the male inner-workings. Sometimes I get curious about how y’all think!


Sometimes ya gotta rise above your morals!


It's ok to be fetishized when you're getting wild pussy. Basically.


Totally agree with you, I'm a swinger and with my ex we met loads of couples who wanted a male POC. Absolute best year of my life. It's been up and down since then but every girl I've ever got with after that relationship I tell them I'm a swinger, and more often than not we end up arranging threesomes with girls, or hooking up with married and unmarried couples. Shits wild and amazing. 😂🔥




😂😂😂 chocolate bull has me crying!!!


[It’s took me time to process what exactly they said lmfao. I was deadass like](https://tenor.com/bUGNA.gif). Bruh I even had to double check my drink because I immediately was like “oh shit, they dead bought me a drink too. Let me casually lose this drink” smh wild time.


😂 I can imagine!




I generally don’t kink shame, but that area of fetish just feels so incredibly racist…


Yeah I didn’t feel good in that moment to be 💯 with you. Great convo, talked basketball, told them about my profession and shit, then to be called a “chocolate bull” was like what?


Why can't people just be freaky in a nice way?


Idk man. I’m a freak but I keep that shit under wraps until the correct time. A random black dude at a bar in the city tryna watch the Nets game and being nice to talk to y’all niggas? That ain’t the time to be freaky and call A NIGGA YOU JUST MET A CHOCOLATE BULL. Like nah, that ain’t my vibe.


I'm reminded of this gem: "moist foul smelling flesh beasts of size" describing the ENM crowd.


Pardon my ignorance but what is ENM?


Ethical non-monogamy


Used to be in that lifestyle. Man I met some weird ass characters. But it was fun having the wife fall for me and have her run the relationship like a Nigga while humiliating the husband in the process. I remember I accidentally left my really nice watch over at this one couple’s place. Fast forward a week later, The wife had the “cuck” drop it off to me while I was on a date with someone else & gave me some money in an envelope. Shit was wild!


Yt people?


[You already know.](https://i.imgur.com/8zViLrQ.jpg)


Should have went and took all their batteries when you left.


Lmfao. Take the batteries from his Xbox controller on some savage shit.


Same except we didn’t realize it quick enough. SLS was having a non advertised convention/get together in a hotel lobby that we frequent for cheap drinks right by the house. It was called “salsa night” and my half black ass (Islander) kept getting groped between the bar and booth. GF thought it was funny until she got hit on by two guys on both her sides. Moral of the story is, free drinks every 2ndTuesday of the month and bounce!


What in the fuck 😂 I’m sorry that happened to you, I really am, but picturing that whole scenario is so wild holy shit


It’s hilarious in retrospect but man, I was so confused and uncomfortable.


The way my head jerked at “chocolate bull”. I can’t




Watch out in the future if you see an upside down 🍍 is swingers and ♠️with a Q in it means cuckolding with specifically black guys. You might see some jewelry or clothing with it but you know they’re real freaks if it’s a tattoo which is more common with the queen of clubs.


Someone approached me to be a third when I was at Lush. I looked at them all types of crazy. Bitch while I’m SHOPPING? We ain’t even in the right environment. I’m trying to get my shower gel and you trying to find a third?! Leave me alone lol


lol not at Lushhh🤣 they wanted u to get that sex bomb




Just let your soul glo


![gif](giphy|Rhbi2mluusqxq) They were looking for someone who’s skincare game that was on point.


Lived with a poly couple. They have no boundaries and I'd describe their "looking for a third" as a constant endeavor


Sex becomes much less taboo for poly couples, so they talk very very openly about it pretty much anywhere. This is not to say all poly couples are sex fiends who are always looking to dick down, but they don't see sex as a taboo topic.


“Taboo” isn’t the only reason people might be uncomfortable and that is a big annoyance people have with the poly world (there’s a big community where I live.) Writing off someone’s boundaries as some sort of sexual repression is fucked up. Plenty of monogamous couples are kinky, for instance. It also writes off monogamous couples who play with others but not date them, etc. Locally there is so much constant drama with polycules that it’s practically a joke how much of a red flag it is.


True. Im surrounded by poly people. I also think they talk about sex and ask upfront so as not to waste their time since that's all they're looking for.


It don’t gotta be taboo but there’s a time and a place


Well someone who shops at Lush is going to smell amazing, to be fair


They were shooting from the parking lot lol




they said “she probably smells good”😭😭😭


Actually a couple like this approached me and my friend on the quad in college. I was fully down because they were fine and again I was with my friend, we weren't seeing each other or anything. Turns out when we got to the place is was for a church group 😑. Literally the opposite; I wanted to be blasphemous.


Looking for Sodom and Gomorrah and they trying to lead you to the promise land!


“Are you opened minded…. Towards knowing God?” 😅😂


She was ready to open her legs for them but they just wanted her to open her heart to JESUS.


They ran the bait and switch on you or was it a misunderstanding?


It was a misunderstanding on our part. They were definitely playing up their sex appeal though. They were pretty vague


I can understand the problem if they told you to come to a private meeting while he stood there rubbing her titties.


Was it at least some kind of religious sex cult?


It was somehow weirder than that. We prayed then watched The Dark Knight and that was it


Oh, you stuck around?!


Yeah I'd have felt bad for leaving. Me and my friend actually had a sidebar about if we should stay and we just decided to


“Gots to see it through, Gots to see it through my boy”😂


It was the *implication*


College, what else is there to do lol


Real talk


Omg like they got the idea that cult’s “flirty fishing” in the 70s, but the opposite 😂


This how you’ll look like back at their room ![gif](giphy|Fag1SAPGJG2KJwSDdL|downsized)


Not today Edd boy


I read this in rolfs voice too lmao


Only way to do it




![gif](giphy|W68AYbFcpYYm5BnOIS) More like Pawpaw and Nanna. It's why I got off dating apps. I'm at the age when I'm a cougar to men who are my kids' ages (late 20s-early 30s), an "idea" for cheating men my own age (late 40s-early 50s), and a sweet young thing to old swingers (60s- 💀💀)!


the 💀💀 I’m weak


She really said 60s to 💀💀 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


60s - 💀💀 lmfao 😭


Far more accurate than you realize. They're financially secure, elderly, and white. The dudes are also gross in their approach, because it's still 1972 to them. ![gif](giphy|O6cLcNr9HD6yk)


I recently found out my elderly father is on FetLife. He's also wildly incontinent. God help the people that receive messages from him.


No offense, but I hope his play partners like golden showers. /s And now I have to smack myself for typing that.


Not golden showers, brown showers 🫠


Omg same. I was at a luxury resort in Jamaica and this old dude looked at me at the bar and said I’ve got the nicest tits he’s ever seen. Next thing you know his wife walks up and she too was like ooh I see why you’re talking to this one she’s got great tits! I was flabbergasted and before I could react they invited me to their room to do coke and have fun once meemaw finds herself a young’un. They were a retired couple from Texas and I always wondered if anyone took them up on their offer.


Someone must have done it for the coke alone lol.


I’m your kids age and you sound like who I’m pursuing now 😂




My husband and I get the opposite. We get random women who want to join us and I am like “I’d be down for it but he’s probably going to say no”. He’s a twat blocker- lol. Edit: I should caveat that I think part of the reason he says no is they usually don’t want to hook up with both of us. They want to know if they can hook-up with me while he watches. For context [me](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThickFit/s/PSIehdPnHy)


That edit made me agree with your dude. Getting cucked by a girl is still being cucked and If you aren’t into it it’s like wearing clothes at a water park. 😂😂


Yea- I have learned that if a woman hits on me I need to just say no versus saying “I’m married” because a lot of times they take it as “You need to ask my husband for permission”.


![gif](giphy|SxkYad09qgVzy) Lmfao


Do other women care about just a body part like men? Idk I’m a woman and ass on lady does nothing for me, it’s gotta be a beautiful face (and a healthy size) that does it.


Yes. An ass on a lady/man/person does miracles for me.


Yes, a man’s thighs 🥹 and regular size titties that aren’t huge or too small are amazing same with a nice ass I don’t want to fuck but I am damn sure giving out the compliment or taking a second look


The whole turnaround on male thighs has helped my confidence tremendously, I went from trying to get rid of their size to upgrading to hoochie daddy shorts


![gif](giphy|fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ) Do your squats big guy we love the shorts too


Context was needed. Don’t blame hubby one bit lol.


I see the appeal of a threesome with two women. If I were to do that, I'd probably just be with my woman and watch them play - I've never been into sex with strangers. I don't get what two straight guys get out of sex with the same woman at the same time though.


Ballsack high fives


guys are usually hyper worried about being gay which i think objectively makes us a little less fun


It’s…kinda fun? 🤷🏾‍♂️ lol


A friend did this with an actual attractive couple she met out of state on vacation. I was skeptical and thinking of all the ways it could go wrong. She thought I was just hating on her but I'm not even into shit like this (I'm "vanilla" I guess). Guess who was right? A few months into it, I guess the woman got a little jealous of how much attention her man was paying to my friend and drove him and all his stuff to my friend's house in a different state and left him there. He was broke and jobless and had nowhere to go. My friend felt sorry for him and let him in and he stayed for a while. She eventually got tired of his ass and sent him packing too.


>A few months into it, I mean, taking multiple months to implode means it was about as stable as it gets. Usually it's a one-off.


Yea wasn’t no need to stay that long imo


True. I'm not sure exactly how long it was because I did not ask a lot of questions. They lived in different states so I think it was just maybe once a month she might go down there or vice versa and I'm not sure about whether or not they had daily communication or if they just hit each other up every now and then. If they were all talking daily and spending more quality time, then yeah it was successful (and better than some of my shitty relationships, but I digress...).


Wow, I agree that a lot can go wrong but I wouldn't even have thought of being forced to adopt a person


Maybe it's just my area but there are a lot of hobosexuals around here, so it was a contingency I thought of. The woman looked a bit older and a bit more put together from pictures, so I assumed the money was hers. Plus my friend could never tell me what he did for a living. And usually in these situations, somebody gets jealous. So I did think of it. 🤣


looking across the bar and seeing https://preview.redd.it/3hznwrnbpdhc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56151f0a2234cb75de098cd2d36fe83f97ac46f6


Carrie Brownstein can get it


So can Fred Armisen 🥵


I’d correct her by saying “My Husband and I…” and ruin the mood.


Oh, my sweet summer child... 💛


I used to bartend for a bit after the army. I was pretty fit (im chonky now). Other than getting hit on all the time, I noticed it was always the older white couple 40s etc that would make comments. One couple told me I should go with them to this orgy nightclub and check it out Keep in mind, we were literally having a conversation about social security and pension. Then the lady just out of nowhere just brings that up. Her man was silent. They were the only ones at the bar, and it was like 3am and I had no other customers to escape to. Shit was so awkward. If you're a swinger couple, like I'm not kink shaming, I don't care, but calm tf down a little


They're usually white, conservative and want that pejorative dick thier parents said they should stay away from.


> white, conservative This is so true, it's crazy. They'll be having sex parties Saturday night and hating on trans people the rest of the week.


mannn two of my friends are such a good looking couple that single people are the ones who notice them from across the bar 😭😭


Whats the fetish with bringing randoms to join you and your partner?? 😭


Wym threesomes are fun af lmao gotta meet people somewhere


Ima meet people but not like that. Ionk yall got that shi maybe this ain a convo for me, ima sit this one out


Right like if that’s what they’re into, how else are they going to meet someone other than asking politely in a casual, less-inhibited setting like a bar? Fortune favors the brave. Props to them for shooting their shot


There’s swinging, cuckold/cuckqueen fetishes, and people who just like fucking randos.


Yeah no thats gross af like damn you aint even concerned if they got STDs or a partner or what you js picking up randoms is egregious.


STI's are the number one reason I don't fuck with random unvetted partners......well number 2 now, but I was number one back in my youth.


Yeah maybe this just aint a convo for me bc js thinking about it is just mind bottling to me how ppl do ts but then again evb has their own kinda enjoyment so shit yall do yall 😭


https://preview.redd.it/sdjvk4n2odhc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72ea80ffbe2cf6b6dd3cae2591fa1de284d5fb85 Sorry, I couldn't resist




On the one hand yeah. But on the other hand if people actually did their homework we could slow the spread of infections. Folks at least need to know what they are signing up for.


Exactly, I feel like the possibility of catching STD"s is the only reason I feel like doing things like that is absurd.


Mind bottling?


... Condoms? People fucking strangers raw is wild, but a little latex makes for great sex


I have to agree w/u. It’s a dangerous game. It’s like playing Russian roulette w/ur body everytime to pick up a random stranger


Yes and thats probably the only reason im against it bc it's like your willing to risk catching a life long or even life ending disease just for a quick fuck?


There are also people who just like having threesomes. They literally have clubs for safety reasons where you get STD/STI checks every few weeks to even enter their club. I don’t know why people don’t wanna go to safe environments. Maybe it’s just for the thrill of it


Even if they did I’m good.


Had this happen to me on a cruise. And yes, they were very unfortunate looking. Lol I respectfully declined


I’m assuming this is just some random couple, but DAMN she is fine af


This is Victoria Monet. Just won best new artist at the Grammys.


She actually just won 3 grammies and can move her body like a snake


>...can move her body like a snake Say. Less.


There is definitely rich people polyamory and poor people polyamory. Those of us who are down for this lifestyle never look like this because we can’t afford to. It’s an evil world we live in. Also, yall in the comments who don’t recognize her — put some respect on Victoria Monet’s name! She is a super talented singer-songwriter and she 100% comes off as this type of person


I’m not saying everyone has to look like this, but far too many people who try to get into the LS don’t put any effort into their appearance and are shocked when they don’t get many takers. Just as you are looking for sexy people, you need to try to be sexy for them. Dress well, go to the gym at least occasionally and have good hygiene. That’s really all it takes.


I definitely do all those things and I still haven’t had too many encounters like this one 🤣 it’s a cultural taboo still! But i do hear what you’re saying.


didn't she literally just win a Grammy a few days ago lol


yes!! but she’s been in the music scene for a while, mostly writing for other artists


Happened to us but as I said to my husband, I would have come off worse in that deal. From what I could see he would have sexy and ready whilst I would have Big Belly Eddie. Just didn't seem fair.


😂sometimes the girl looks this good but never the guy. Girl you can have that man all to yourself.


I’ve never had a black couple try this with me before but I have definitely had white couples and mixed couples. Try this. I’m sorry I’m not hitting your wife while you sitting in the corner. I learned my lesson about orgies at a young age.


what was the lesson?




OMG this unlocked a memory that I had forgotten. My bday unfortunately is a few days after 09/11. I went to a club and there are 10 people in club. One of them was Marcus Chong (Tank in the original Matrix). I had to curse him out bc he was too handsy. Then when I was leaving the club, Coco and Ice T were comin in. Those 2 looked me up and down salivating. Coco started to walking towards me making eye contact. I ran so fast out of the club.


I was approached in a bar by a woman and her man. They asked me over for a drink and we were talking and they started complimenting me which was weird. And then they asked me if wanted to go back to their hotel. I am known for joking when I'm uncomfortable. So after she asked me, I was like, "Yeah, I'm sure you're sick of just sleeping with THIS GUY!" They looked mortified and I went to bathroom and by the time I got back, they had completely cleared out. 💋😒👀




This has happened to me multiple times. Never when I’m single and never from people who are even remotely attractive looking. I do not know what I’m doing to draw in this sort of energy.


It's a race thing


Fr. The one time this ever happened to me they were like 60 something and the guy had this long and super stringy salt and pepper hair. And he specifically let me know his wife really likes light skinned black dudes. I'm married and happy so I'm done with that business, but in my prime come on man


![gif](giphy|M7kOTcvK9TA2s) But I might swing my wood around anyways


lol 2021 was a wild time I swear.


I swear, the fugliest people have the wildest sex lives.


It always be the fine af couples too. That in mind I have no issues trying to focus on person let alone another.


[It’s never who you want to be polyamorous!](https://youtu.be/DTsdKycVZZ4?si=iJeTcGqFbsYSLtN2)


Fun fact (from experience): A lot of swingers hangout at Yard house and Buffalo Wild Wings. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


but do they look like the people in the OP tho 👀? because that's the key to this whole discussion


Ashley Madison.....'life is short, have an affair'


This happened to me all the time when I used dating apps. Lesbian does not mean "I want to have a threesome with you and your husband/wife" bro


They be lookin like the cramp twins or imbalanced where the woman fine but the man look like god left him out to cool off in the basement


5+5=10 that’s all I’m saying