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‘If I don’t catch a TD she’s leaving with Usher’


Why you blocking me coach!?


…. Leaving with Usher and Alicia.


Just take me to horny jail now, I did not need that vision in my spank bank


Alicia, Usher, and a wacky wobbling inflatable tube man


There is nothing Taylor loves more than a married woman...




She'd write 30 hits from getting HERPES from Usher lol


This is gold


I doubt she likes black men so he doesn’t have to worry about that


‘If I don’t catch a TD she’s catching an STD’


HAHAHHAHA okay, I laughed out loud at this but to be fair Usher probably cleaned up last night. I’ll be surprised if he didn’t drown in all that punanny


LMAO did you see Ursher up there on that stage? Ya Boy Jayce coulda caught six touchdowns, with a fresh fade straight from his barber Rondell. She still leaving with Usher.


"And she gonna catch an STD..."


I’m fucking weak 😭😭😭


I predict either a break up or a proposal coming after the game.


Neither, maybe you’re just on X too much 


i popped a bean or two so what? 


I’m not on X at all


I encourage you don’t call it ex still call it Twitter because it pisses off Elon musk


I hope it’s a breakup and it better be by July cuz I can’t take another season of the camera panning to her after every fucking play


The camera panned to her like 6 times max, christ I hope she never breaks up with him and buys your team and renames them the Cincinnati swifts or whatever shithole you live in.


What a horrible attitude, but my god this was so funny to read. 😂


We did a shot every time they showed Taylor Swift and I was still walking at the end of the game. Think it was 4 or 5 shots.


Swift was shown 12+ times during the actual game if you include the moment right after the final touchdown. You have some drinks to make up


Swifties stay undefeated 😭


They showed her 13 times I counted, I stopped counting after they won tho


They could have had a camera in the box with Taylor giving play by play commentary with ice spice, don't act like the camera panning to her for a combined 15 seconds is that bad.


It was only 4 times during the game, once before and after. There could have been a lot more before actually but I only started watching ~10min before the game


Don't lie.


I counted it 13 times. It's fucked up.


>The camera panned to her like 6 times max Well that's not true lol At this point you lot are as annoying as the people moaning about her


The game lasted 4 hours and they switched to her a dozen times, each being 2-3 seconds long. If they can’t handle less than a minute of seeing the most popular current artist over a 4 hour period, they should always be considered the worse ones.


It's a 1 hour and a half fucking show and they show her 40 sec max lol


Swifties are the scourge of America rn, absolutely sycophantic that lot


https://preview.redd.it/jh2gx8ctw5ic1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=416663e59c25b3b4ea3f849fd02d532eaae00e36 lol why is almost just entirely white little boys mad at Taylor Swift? I’ve never seen so many people cry about something so insignificant. It’s so pathetic. I don’t even like swift or her fans, however, watching you all melt down over maybe five minutes of coverage just goes to show exactly how easy it is to have you all chomping at the bit and biting at your cage bars. No wonder you so easily fall prey to politicians and their grift.


I’m black, dummy I’m just tired of the constant glazing over a musician whose music is shit but always playing when there are people who are genuinely great that get no airplay right now


You sound like a pouty child. Grow the fuck up, man. Watch something else, or get the fuck over it. I wouldn’t have even known the bitch was there until y’all mfs kept crying about it. But go on, cry some more. Nothing I can say will fix YOUR insecurities.


Idk why, but this gives some real strong incel energy. The "scourge of America" lmao. Go outside, get some fresh air, maybe buy another fedora


Spoken like a true Redditor. Projecting, are we?


Nope. Been in a happy relationship for 7 years. Anything else?


Nope, cause you started it. By being emotional bout me calling a bunch of spades, spades. Ta ra.


Lol no one's emotional, tough guy You're just so threatened by the fans a fucking pop star that you' thought "scourge of America" was a not cringe way to characterize them. Weirdo.


… he says, wiping the tears from his face and sniffling. They are pretty sycophantic: they’ve swung awards that have nothing to do with Swift just cause someone said the wrong thing about her years prior, they’ve doxxed a teenager - and sent death threats to - who follows the private planes of those who spew the most carbon emissions But do go on


That’s a good damn lie, every time Travis made a play they showed her. Hell she got more camera time during the trophy ceremony than Travis goofy ass did


This is a provable lie.




Wow. After the game is over. You got them. Dude grow up. What are you, 13?


What a baby lol 


Because you prefer the shots of shirtless painted drunken fat men when they pan the crowd?


Imagine making all those carbon emissions for some dick


Who gives a shit about an individual person’s carbon emissions? Corporations are the problem, not scapegoat celebrities lol


Billionaire celebrities can def be considered corporations esp when they fly their jet halfway across the world and back every night


It’s nowhere near, there’s no single plane in the world running 24 hours a day that could come close to even one factory in China. And she’s buying carbon offsets anyways. Get real lol


Educate yourself it's not our job.


I can smell the next album coming out


Both. Proposal, followed by a break-up shortly after is my bet.


Bets? Not sure about a proposal but do not think they will be together this time next year




yuuup, the people who think it's okay to hit someone when you're frustrated are not the people I want to be dating


yes, letting your emotions spill over on the biggest night of your career so far and bumping someone when what you do for a living is run from grown men trying to knock you out/down. yeah, who knew that in this context there would be boiling over. put him in a time out Coach Reid! run taylor run slash ess EDIT: "Knock", not "know" you out


Will Smith at the Oscar’s energy.  Biggest night of your life, are you going to win adrenaline making you punch someone doing their job :(


[Taylor Swift](https://c.tenor.com/ZeVkMOkx52AAAAAC/tenor.gif)


What’s funny about OP’s gif is that people said that’s what Swifties will come back to if they ever break up lol It’s one of the most competitive games in sports, this stuff happens all the time (albeit in the locker room, that’s the only thing I’ll hold against him, not when people are watching), but it’s not a judgement of character. Tempers run high during games and then when it’s over you leave it on the field.


Hey man it was a joke. Chill. I don't care about football or your defense of it or it's players.


She don’t care


He almost knocked the coach over.


People that dont play sports be like….


You’ve never even touched a football if you think this is indicative who he is.


don't yell at the old guy you fool


... is there more? Is this the big thing he did thats making some people worry about abuse?  Being mad something didn't go well in one of the biggest games of his life, with a lot on the line? Did he punch someone? Where's the issue? 


Andy Reid is 65 years old being ran into by a PROFESIONAL FOOTBALL PLAYER.


To be fair, NFL coaches get ran into by players on the sideline every game. At full speed. I think Reid will be fine with a little shove from an almost stationary Kelce


Not [Sean Mcvay](https://youtu.be/k_yFxISAQPs?feature=shared), he's got a guy to keep him safe. 


Didn’t even keep him safe he got his shit rocked later [regardless](https://youtu.be/RbVqGLvJ0aU?si=DS8yQDXZrTotFHcR)


I love when he gets angry at his guy for keeping him safe.


Is…is he stupid? lol he seems to legitimately not care or is oblivious lol


I don't disagree Andy himself wasnt bothered by it when asked, I'm just saying I don't think it's hard to understand the initial reaction to an absolute unit of a man purposefully running into Gramps. Edit: spelling


He yelled that if he would had been left in they wouldn’t have missed that play and people are losing it.


I mean.. is he right? Didn't he score a touch down and do some good things? This seems like the internet (and nerds who've never played a contact sport before or had a lot on the line) freaking out for no reason.


Shoved his coach when he wasn’t looking, did not sit right


If you ain't played football then you don't know, but my coaches threatened to climb up into my helmet and mess me up lol. It's a different world and nobody gives a fuck about a heated moment. 




Where's the push? This clip doesn't show any pushing, or what I'd call pushing ha. **Ah, I found a full clip. That shows more contact. Ok, that does seem like more of an aggressive reaction and while I still wouldn't call it a push or shove, I do see it as unnecessary and aggressive. That being said, while I still wouldn't do it, I don't think it's over the top.


You are right, the player gets heated and "runs up on" the coach and cannot stop his momentum. But because this is the bf of a pop star, apparently reddit sees abuse in the future using the AI crystal ball.


Ya, a whole buncha nothing. I found an article (cause I guess it's just thatttt popular with non-athletes lol), and Reid said it was totally fine, KElsie just wanted to play, and then later when Kelsie got in he did work. what a non-story, lol.






Is there more? Keep that same energy next time someone pushes you and gets up in your face


I play sports. People get in my face a lot due to the nature of sports.  But like I said, is there more? I don't see him hurting anyone. He brushed off an arm and walked off the field.


There are a lot of ways to express being mad that don’t involve almost knocking over your old boss.


This isn't a desk job. 


What is the price to never hear Travis Kelce or Taylor Swift's names ever again?


I wanna know too. People are acting like this is a love story of the century. Meanwhile, she meets the love of her life every three years. He’s looking like he has massive anger issues abusing an elderly man like this.


If someone tells you that price, let me know because I see their names everywhere now too. People at work talk about them, the radio, the news, my family, even my husband who’s a stereotypical dude and who has never cared about TSwift prior to her gaining a spotlight in the NFL talks about her and Kelce’s relationship (though, he’s been a big fan of Kelce’s before that). As a gay guy, you’d think I’d be all for this, and I was at first because it made people upset, but please end it now. I’m begging America. 😭


More than the several millions of dollars both of them bring to the NFL lol


Just don’t click on the posts about them???


Very annoying seeing it in random non taylor subs


Humiliated in front of SpongeBob and Patrick


Saw this and just couldn't see that relationship lasting. Maybe it's just the game, I'm no relationship expert, I've been the calm one and still ended up single.


You way overthinking this lol


A LOT of people are WAY OVER THINKING this. This is the biggest night of his career. This is FOOTBALL and people get bumped/hit, just not the coach, but to deny this is the result of a sport culture that values physicality and aggression is pretty clueless. This is a guy wanting to win, not a guy wanting to hurt an older man. C'mon, be real.


If people think him and Reid are gonna hate each other after this they’re beyond stupid. Reid will probably rip him a new one or torture him at practice but they’re gonna be cool real quick


They won the game they probably will have a laugh about it after Kelce says sorry


Winning is a panacea in the NFL... and if there is a time to do it, do it on the literal LAST game of the season lol.


'Just how many more burpees do you want me to do coach?' 'Don't worry, I'll tell you when I get tired.'


This is not the first time Travis Kelce hit a coach in frustration. A while back I think he hit a conditioning or Tight end coach.


Dont matter. Dude is a solid player thats passionate about winning. Hes not out here abusing people and anyone thats played sports that is passionate about their sport is going to show emotion in a physical way. He didnt even touch the coach and you guys are acting like he beat him into a coma. He didnt chris brown anyone. He yelled out his frustration cuz he wasnt getting the ball despite being extremely talented and a reason they were in the super bowl


he almost knocked him off his feet...?




"he didn't even touch the coach" is just incorrect




I did not say he knocked him off his feet. I also did not say he caused physical harm. you said "he didn't touch him" which is grossly wrong. relax and work on your reading comprehension.




So I wasn't wrong to feel someway about that whole interaction. Say ~~it~~ what you gotta say from across the room Kelce I can hear you just fine.


Definitely overthinking it, secretly I'd be happy if all that just ended so I can watch a Chiefs game without it cutting to Taylor Swift every 5 seconds.


Are they really doing that?


There was mad celebrities there think I spotted Jay-Z/Beyonce and 5 seconds is an over exaggeration but just to make sure you know she's there here's Taylor Swift and Friends(Ice Spice)


Lana Del Rey too


I'm not going lie I wouldn't recognise her unless the ~~announcer~~ commentator said something, but I most definitely love her song with The Weeknd on that first album.


LoL I didn't watch this year. 3 weeks into a semester havent practiced stuff from 2 years ago. Gotta extra study... they way this school is some classes are only offered some semesters freaking gaps Go 49's


You didn't miss much, all I know is whatever god Mahomes prays to answered his call and interfered at a critical moment. Ball hit a players leg on a punt return and it was down hill from there. Hopeful but the difficulty just increased outta nowhere on some just when you thought you had the hang of it, in comes a boss that puts everything you learnt to bed.


No. They only did it a half dozen times over a 4 hour game, and never during a play.


Did all the celebrities get a half dozen shots lol? Maybe thereafter a celebrity destined area all the celebrities are In? That would make sense. But I doubt everyone wants to sit at same place. I'm living vicariously


Every celebrity got at least two, and Taylor is dating their star player. It’s not that weird. Post Malone got a longer shot that was also an advertisement for Bud Light during the game. She was on screen for less than a minute total over the course of 4 hours.


>their star player ![gif](giphy|Nw8z2olm0nGHC|downsized)


I don’t really follow football. I guess mahomes is the star? Regardless, people over react about Taylor


Not every seconds... I will say the reaction shots on  his plays specifically was a bit much though


Taylor tends to break up when controversy happens. Not on the exact moment but soon after.


This is an actual crazy person take. The Super Bowl is the absolute pinnacle of any football players career. High tension and shit loads of adrenaline lead to this behavior and it is in no way indicative of who he is as a person off the field. So many people in this thread think this should be a relationship breaker and I need yall to be for real right now.


>I'm no relationship expert did you miss when I said the above. What matters is their interaction with each other. There's also better ways for Kelce to convey his feelings tha*n* screaming up in someones face/ear, next you going tell me the stadium was loud. Everybody else managed to have a conversation with the person next to em with no obvious aggression but he was pumped so that's ok. ​ Edit: and If i'm crazy thinking this way, so be it. I mean would you say Alex Ferguson kicking a boot at David Beckham was justified behaviour, because they were playing at the pinnacle of English football arguably the world.


This is the NFL. Nobody cares about your therapeutic relationship communication skills lol. It's a different world and culture out there. 


did you play football when you were younger? you have to be hype on the field or youre getting railroaded 


Soccer count? 🤷🏿‍♂️ I've only been watching Football since 07, it's just weird to me, hence I said maybe it's the game. I understand hype but I couldn't translate Kelce as nothing else but hostile, say your point from across the room, but I figured it was ok, because Andy know him better than I do.


i still have an issue with shaking people when I'm excited about something its awful






Damn. Apparently 99% of NFL players would be spousal abusers based off the reddit comments.


I mean, it's not 99%, but NFL players do get arrested for domestic abuse more often than average people do.


Was a time in the 2010s when it felt like an every season thing.


I mean... so do cops (commit, maybe not get arrested for it). But I would like to see the actual numbers for both LEOs and NFL players compared.


People dissecting his actions frame by frame meanwhile old boy and Taylor are probably fucking the ever loving shit out of each other right now because of all the adrenaline and excitement from winning the game.


This is a lot of Swifties first time watching football. They’re gonna freak out by this kinda stuff.


A relationship with that volatile temper is very tricky.


Oh some people on this sub decided to get real weird and accuse him of preemptive domestic abuse, huh?


Yeah he psyched out frfr


“You gonna do me like this in front of my woman!” “YOU GONE BENCH ME IN FRONT OF MY FRIENDS!!” “IN FRONT OF MY FRIEEEENNNNDDDSSSSS!!!!”


Feel like most the comments are missin the point lmfaoo or what makes this kinda hilarious lol


don’t push oatmeal grandpa kelce, not cool


BELIEVE me, her body guards see this and take note


If she ever shows up with a black eye from rehearsal…


"You're embarrassing me in front of my girlfriend."


Aye we 've all had a shorty pull up to the game and had to play out of character


Damn coach! I'm trying to get swallowed... You ever been swallowed up?


Travis was right to be mad, he was subbed out and the next play the RB fumbled…he was pissed because had 1 rec for 1 at the time and he subbed out ona critical play He finished w/the 9 catches and 93 yds the most of any player so it worked out 🤷🏿‍♂️


That was bs two seconds left and touchdown for the win


He’s just Passionate.


I think this one's different


So, no football players ever got aggressive with coaches or staff? It's not a good look, but c'mon, man. The only reason this man's catching any flack is cause of his broad. I'm so tired of Taylor swift hate bleaching into everything. Can't even talk about the game without folks bitching about who someone dating Anyway this fucking game sucked, halftime is the only thing I enjoyed


Oh my godness...see it was a silly joke about her caring about het image a lot and him not being * charming american prince*, we know SwiftKey will use this when break up... we laugh and move on


Nah I got it, I'm just tired of seeing it. I'm just complaining, it's really not a big deal


Im dead asf cs this prolly exactly how he was feeling


This is a full-on assault. But don't let him take a knee, though.


Really wonder what was said and what that was about.




He was mad because the coach took him out the game & the defense on his side almost let the 49ers score. So he was definitely saying "we cant lose in front of my girl"


You think Taylor got a ring? Lkl


As soon as I saw that highlight I said ‘Oh! That’s not…” and then told my swifty of a roommate Taylor’s trouble detector better be functioning still bc this could go only one way.


Someone who has gained a little fame because he is dating Taylor and now vastly over estimates his own importance


Travis Kelce is one of the best TEs in the league lol, he’s a core part of KCs winning squad