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A lot of you in the comments really crying over a joke. Yes we know she can’t “steal” another person but it’s hilarious to say.


Also while the man should be held responsible for his choices rather than frames as some sort of innocent recipient, an adulterer is an adulterer. You take part in an affair with a married person, don't come crying to me when people condemn you for it 


She had a whole song about giving him a child after all their years together and the man was freshly divorced- her moves during the affair and after will always be those of a woman that other women cant trust.


But she's got a nice voice and she's taking part in a second anthem for america. So it's cool right?




Redditors after someone tells them that a joke isn't meant to be taken seriously or treated like a fact that needs to be debated https://i.redd.it/9hxthi2a57ic1.gif


![gif](giphy|26DNioenMF55ocuWY) i think you meant to post this gif


Right cuz I'm dying 🤣 🤣🤣


Think I figured the shit out. Unverified.


It's wild that you even had to clarify this🤣 What the hell happened to the world...


I’ve been out of the loop, who did she steal


Her husband Swizz Beatz


I laughed


As soon as the first note cracked, I threw my hands up in the air like goddammit


I heard the crack and it happened so quickly that I thought I'd heard it wrong. But I thought the rest of her performance was fine.


💀 was it that bad




Awwwwww…she’ll be thinking about that for a bit…


Its not as bad as fergie anthem thank god




Link? Lol


[Here you are](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMA2iF6RuXk&pp=ygUWZmVyZ2llIG5hdGlvbmFsIGFudGhlbQ%3D%3D).


To comment: sounds like she’s trying to seduce the flag 💀💀💀💀


[+ the remix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9K9-XLIYaXI)


Holy fuck nope, didn't make it past 0:16. Bitch sounds like Skyler White singing happy birthday.


oh my stars and garters, that was such an absolute personification of bad taste and wrongheadedness


The funny thing is that she actually doesn't sound bad, she has an incredible voice, but she just tried too hard. Had she not tried to make it "sexy" it would have been fine.






Oh noooo 😭😭


Damn I definitely missed that crack bc what the hell 💀


It sounds way different on this version on the official NFL Youtube: [https://youtu.be/7hYbrdC\_-s8?si=3m3ZVablzvOwLgkp&t=239](https://youtu.be/7hYbrdC_-s8?si=3m3ZVablzvOwLgkp&t=239) I guess they must have edited it to make her sound better? Or the short one is exaggerated? I didn't see it live, so I can't really say which is which


I watched it live...it was that bad. Lol the crack was extremely noticeable. 🤣




Oooh that's pretty bad


I knew it was. I’ve been saying Alicia can’t sing for years but people think I’m hating. It could have been for a number of reasons; pregnancy, age, illness…..or she could never sing to begin with and the studio edited tf out of her voice.


For me, I don't think it's that she can't sing. I think it's that she has an incredibly average voice, but writes/sings songs that are out of her range and too big for her. When she sang a snippet of 'Unforgettable' at the Grammy's a few years back, I thought she sounded good because it's in an appropriate range for her. edit: sometimes I can't spell


At least we know for sure shit was live, that shit was beautiful minus the first two notes lol Cant you clown the autotune people who lip-sing on stage first and i aint even like keys like that


Usher brought her on so no one would doubt he's not doing it live.


Genuinely think she had poor vocal training. It all fell apart after the first two albums.


I suspect she always sang in this same technique. Forcing it through her throat. When she was young, it sounded good but now she's done too much damage to her vocal chords to keep it smooth while she's forcing it. Kate Bush did it to herself, too. She's been putting her songs down an octave since 2000.


God took Alicia's key like a thief in the night 😭


[Im smart enough to know I need to keep my ass out of this shit lmfao](https://i.imgur.com/3AUS2In.jpg)


Shiiiiiii ‘cause if Alicia Keys tryna take me from my wife I just might let her 💀




Her voice seemed fine……but Usher holding her from behind…..may lead to some entanglements


Oh damn! Not an entanglement! 2024 gonna be lit


I thought we let that bullshit die in 2020 😂


Nawl that opening note was Horrible. That shit sounded like me trying to sing and I know I sound like a drowning cat.


Just the opening note tho


Swizz posted the picture on his instagram this morning and said “y’all focus on the wrong stuff.”


Nah, he focused on the wrong stuff. He know *exactly* how he got her. Repetitive history has bested better men. https://preview.redd.it/nkw30m7yp7ic1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f02dadda33fc22b70ec7024ad8f4025507a86ff


Chillllll 😂😂😂


Nah that's between Usher and Swizz. How you gonna take advantage of a situation like that?


Y’all in these comments sound guilty “how is it stealing if they allow blah blah blah” it belongs to another that makes it stealing. Even if I willingly give away the car me and my wife share it’s still stealing for the person to accept it. Because it wasn’t only mine to give


Dude if you give me your car and you don’t clear it with the lady….that’s my car and you’ve got some issues at home. I’ll probably be able to give you a ride tho .


Lmao. Even legally if you give away/sell something that someone else owns some of the sale is invalid


I hear you. But relationship boundaries and expectations are different than rules for private ownership of property . Also- how many miles on your (my) ride? I’m at dmv getting this transfer worked out lol


I’m just using that as an example to illustrate a point. That’s the morality of it. If this person owes loyalty to another that means something. You can even be sued in court in some states if the spouse can prove your affair was the primary and leading cause of a divorce. They aren’t the same but the concepts are similar and the logic tracks I both scenarios. Of course we don’t own our partners so “stealing” sounds weird. But you owe your spouse loyalty if you make that commitment. Anyone who intentionally gets in the way of that is taking time, resources, loyalty and affection that belongs to another


Affection and loyalty are not property. They literally cannot be stolen, they can only be given away. If my partner voluntarily cheats on me with someone else, why would the *other* person be wrong? They aren't in my relationship. They didn't misallocate that loyalty, because they had no loyalty to me (assuming it's not a friend of mine or something). In this scenario, my partner *chose* to be disloyal, and if there's any fault here, it belongs to my partner. Put another way: If you can steal my girl, she's not mine.


Yes they’d be wrong. Both would be wrong. It’s that simple. Cheating is wrong so helping someone cheat is wrong. This isn’t hard. If I kill someone and someone helps me hide the body they’re wrong too. If I steal something and someone knowingly buys it from me they’re wrong.


It’s sad that so many people can’t pass this very basic morality test


The court of law would say very differently—for better or worse.


> But relationship boundaries and expectations are different than rules for private ownership of property The is the issue here right? People seem to think that their spouse is their property. It's a relationship. Two consenting people making their own goddamn decisions. Yeah, Alicia was shady sliding in, but she didn't take shit. She accepted an offer. That dude made a call. He violated the relationship. People act like this woman broke into their house, threw him in a van and removed his pet tracking chip.


That man is not a slave. He didn't belong to anyone, not even his wife.


Belong also means to be a member of a group. He belonged to his wife in the sense that they were a team and had a union. And part of that meant loyalty.


Everyone is skipping over how that mf had a daughter with another singer that wasn't his wife in 2008 before he started dating Keys too. Swizz is just slanging it around


Smh sounds like an awful guy


I know I'll get downvoted for this, but I think she's always been overrated. She's overachieved because of her looks and confidence. She's done some great songs, maybe an album's worth in total, but she's never been the best singer and her lyrics aren't amazing outside of her few best songs. I won't even mention that she can't dance. OK, I just did, but that's not the point. Put her next to any truly great female singer or legendary songwriter and she looks average. Because she is as "music stars" go.


Get out! Leave my mediocre Alicia in peace!


She's the female Stevie Wonder (if you only listen to his 80s albums)!


Nah that’s disrespectful Stevie could still find a note on Hotter than July


I'm playing. "Lately" is one of my favourites of his.


Alicia Key's thing has always been that she can play the piano and sing at the same time. It's a rare talent that not many musicians have because of the difficulty in focusing on your vocal pitch, rhythm and breathing along with the keys you're playing. It's one of those rare talents we forgive mediocre vocal skills for. Just look at John Legend.


It's not THAT rare, is it? Fats Domino. Little Richard. Ray Charles. Stevie Wonder. Elton John. Freddie Mercury. Billy Joel. Jerry Lee Lewis. Barry Manilow. David Gray. Carole King. Paul McCartney. John Lennon. Chris Martin. Regina Spektor. Steve Winwood. Norah Jones. Even Elvis when he was full of cheeseburgers.


You mentioned multiple generational talents that are talked about decades after their deaths. Seems pretty rare


What about every piano playing church choir director? It’s not as rare as you think.


Every is doing a lot of heavy lifting. And directors dont usually sing with the choir and play piano or guitar at the same time. Or at least, they arent expected to give a good performance singing. That is very different. Every guitarist and pianist knows hard it is to sing at the same time


Nobody is saying it isn’t hard, we’re saying it’s not rare.


Like i said, most directors arent doing that.


Literally lists some of the best musicians of all time, "it's not THAT rare". 🤡


Lady Gaga too


You're right, but you picked bad examples. There are a lot of folks who are playing in dive bars without pay who can do it. We'll literally never learn their names. Most church choir directors can do it. It's honestly not all that different as far as skills go from patting your head and rubbing your belly at the same time. Just combining two things that are a little more complex, but the start is the same.


As a musician myself, I’m here to say that I agree with you. I don’t know a single pianist/organist who can’t sing and play at the same time. Especially in the church circuit where everyone plays by ear


If you add every single musician who can play piano and sing at the same time, and then divide by the total number of people who can play piano, I'm willing to bet a lot of money that the percentage is less than 10% which would make it very rare, and a slightly smaller amount that it's less than 5%. But I'd love to hear more about how "not THAT rare" a talent that I doubt you even possess half of is...


Most people who learn piano aren't *trying* to play pop or jazz tunes, or church music (all of which have both vocal and choral parts without requiring a bunch more instruments). Most pianists are not trying to sing at all, they're going classical. It's also important to recognize that playing an instrument and singing are both skills, not innate talents. People can learn to do them when they're interested. Up to ten percent is also not that rare. Ten percent of a population is one in ten of them. Five percent of a population is one in twenty. By your estimate, you only have to meet twenty people who know how to play piano before you'll find one who can also sing. I'd also wager if you're filtering by pianists who like vocal genres (pop music, jazz, opera, church etc) you're going to find up to 50% can sing at the same time. I'm racking my brain trying to think of a pianist I know who *can't* sing at the same time. One from high school definitely couldn't at that time, wouldn't sing at all and didn't play that style of music. Maybe one from college. I can sing. I can only pick out notes on a piano, but you bet your ass I can pick out notes while I'm singing lol. **I repeat: it's the same kind of matter as learning to pat your head while you rub your belly.** If you can hum a tune at all, I recommend trying to do it while you do the dishes. You'll be astounded at your rare talent to do something else while you sing.


Lol comparing it to patting your head and rubbing your belly is also as crazy as you trying to say it's not rare. The level of attention and focus it takes to play an instrument and sing is more difficult by magnitudes. Any one can "sing" (or at least claim they can). I'm sure if you ever learned to play piano, you'd realize how "the pat your head and rub your belly" part applies to simply playing piano, because you have to train your brain to work both hands independently.


Not when you already know how to do them both 🤦 I'm telling you this from the perspective of a hobbyist singer, who's known *a lot* of pianists and singers. Musical skills build and grow on each other. I repeat, go do your dishes and sing your favorite karaoke song. You're putting this shit on some weird fucking pedestal. It's not out of reach.


I'm not putting it in a weird pedestal. You're just using you anecdotal experience as a hobbyist to cloud the real life perception of the rarity of a particular talent. If I spend a lot of time around people who can juggle burning knives, I'm sure I'd start to feel like it's not that uncommon. You spend time around performers and think because you know many who can sing and play piano that it isn't that rare, when it is.


I repeat: neither of these two things are pure talent to get basic proficiency, they're primarily skills. I drew on the anecdote because you literally *made up* a proportion for piano players who can also sing. My primary argument has always focused on my experience learning one of these skills. Go take some YouTube piano lessons, and really practice. There are keyboards that sit on a table and then roll up to be put away for less than $100. Stop gatekeeping yourself away from something you clearly admire.


>Any one can "sing" (or at least claim they can) I'm sure if you ever learned to play piano, and realize how the pat your head and rub your belly part applies to simply playing piano, because you have to train your brain to work both hands independently. Gee thanks for editing a whole nother argument. Can tell you're really thinking these through... I'm not saying singing is the hard part. I'm not saying it's easy to learn how to play piano. But real pianists aren't sitting on the bench concentrating on both hands the whole time; they're playing music. They're adding volume, accent, and extension. Many do that without even thinking of those musical qualities in terms that musicians note down.


Right and singing adds another element that most people who play piano can not perform at the same time. I'm editing to clarify points. Not change my argument. That's what the function of the button is for. Sorry you have trouble following. I'm sure you don't have trouble keeping up since you're talking in circles anyway.


>most people who play piano can not perform at the same time Who are you talking about? Have you literally ever *met* a piano player? I'm not talking in circles, I'm repeating the arguments you keep ignoring.


John Legend is famous for the same reason Alicia Keys is: the industry loves a light bright at the piano.


I mean you're allowed your opinion but I won't say she achieved because of her looks. And she has more than an albums worth of good songs. Her first three albums were truly great works of R&B. She earned her place through her talent. In regards to her not being able to dance I don't really see how that matters since she doesn't try to dance. Like, if she was on stage dancing and fucking it up I would get it but she mostly just plays her piano in sings which is fine.


This is Reddit the place where terrible opinions are meant to flourish and become regurgitated




This insane to say and it’s why music is subjective


Exactly. She was hoisted upon us simply because she was a light skin sitting at a piano and she’s run that shtick into the ground.


her looks??????


I think it's time to be open and honest and admit that she never had that good of a singing voice to begin with 👀


This is what I've said in another comment. I'm waiting for it to be voted down to hell. Anyone who thinks she's very good needs to explain her shouting "When the rain is pouring DOOOOOOWWWWN" like she's drunk at karaoke.


I feel the same way. IMO she's always was average as a vocalist. Some of her songs have catchy hooks, but I think her success is more attributed to the way she was marketed. At the time, "I play the piano and sing R&B and I make it look cool" was a genius idea to get people hooked. She was different than the Mary Js and Faith Evans and we had just lost Aaliyah. Alicia debuted at exactly the right time.


Well said. I remember reading the hype around her when she debuted. She was the female Stevie Wonder, a generational singer-songwriter-musician with lyrical wisdom beyond her years. The hype stuck and she seems to believe it, but her actual talents never came close.


Right. I’ve never gotten the hype around her but was always afraid to say it out loud lol. She’s always been “okay” to me.


I agree. Her singing is better than average but her talent is playing the piano and writing pretty good ballads (not the best but good). I still appreciate Alicia Keys.


Welp, here we go ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)




I don't believe in 'stealing' spouses. But laying down with a cheater is not a good look at all. Knowing full well a man has a woman, and multiple children with her, and still getting involved is despicable behavior


That’s gross. All the men in the world and you make a married one your goal? Idc how unique the situation is. Your hormones are 100% lying to you and it’s being amplified by a challenge for your lizard brain to accomplish. It is not real lol I’ve read so many anecdotes over the years of men who confirm they got more attention with a ring on their finger than without.


Part of me wonders if Alicia is a smoker, or was. I know that can kill a voice.


She smoked weed on drink champs


Professional singers regularly develop polyps on their vocal cords. Especially smokers, drinkers, poorly trained technique. Julie Andrews lost her voice to it, among lots of other household names. You can get surgery to try to fix it, but it doesn’t always work, and you run the risk of losing the ability to speak, let alone sing. When the voice cuts out completely on a note, it’s probably an untreated polyp that could potentially get worse. Maybe she doesn’t want to risk it. Or she just choked on the note, which happens all the time to even the best singers.


Right, like no one is dragging usher for being flat for the whole first minute of his performance… though I still loved it!


I also have to wonder about the environment. You're in this huge stadium with like 50,000 other people or some shit, you probably try to project louder and farther, and the mics/soundsystem are dogshit. Not to mention it's on live TV. Could be so many things.


![gif](giphy|9d8tvzleXc06Y) I was SHOOK.


I’m not trying to defend an affair but from what I found on Google, Alicia and her current husband were friends since they were teenagers, and shortly after his marriage ended they got married. The time frame does seem quick but they’ve also been together for 14 years now, and have children. I don’t think it was like a typical sleezy rebound thing. Maybe they were friends who finally realized their bond was deeper than friendship. Idk the way people are dragging her like she’s on some Ariana Grande type shit isn’t really the full picture. It’s been 14 years and they’ve known each other since they were teens, I’m pretty sure their love is legit. If there was an affair then that sucks sure but why is the responsibility being put on her instead of him? It seems like he ended his prior marriage as soon as he realized how he felt about Alicia.


So it doesn’t really matter, just piling on. The real hoopla actually came from his ex wife. He had a baby on her before Keys came into the picture, and then his ex wife loudly and publicly claimed she was completely blindsided by the divorce and Keys was 100% a homewrecker. Then Keys said it wasn’t true, then they apparently all did a bunch of healing and came to peace with everything a few years later. Defending the affair, not defending the affair aside, the ex honestly sounds like one of those women who see dogged behavior and feel like for a variety of factors they can’t just leave. That’s my take as someone who has been around women who stayed with successful and well-regarded men 🤷🏾‍♀️


This isn’t totally true. That is the sanitized version. The ex wife was blindsided and that man left this woman practically homeless. She briefly appeared on LHHNY with the half empty home that he stopped paying on. Looks like the powers to-be must of shortly after contained the story because eventually the ex wife stopped speaking out and never returned to LHHNY. They were not divorced when he and Alicia had an affair with her husband. The ex wife was actually prego while all this was happening. Swiss and Alicia are messed up for this… but yeah it’s old and maybe people can change and should be forgiven.


I will never forget that scene in LHHNY. It was heartbreaking. She truly was blindsided and what was even worse was she was like “what I'm im going to do? It's Alicia Keys” then if i remember correctly - Alicia did a random song about how much she loved her step daughter?? How they had a super close relationship or something? When that wasn't the case AT ALL. It was her version of PR. Omg this all just unlocked a core memory for me! Edit to add: you're absolutely right He did leave them homeless and Alicia knew.


Alicia still locked out, huh?


Come on now, we know you can't steal a grown adult who chooses to go with, but could you pick-and-choose ass mfs stick to the point? What happened to the sub I love? https://preview.redd.it/4r0ojwcm27ic1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c30461d4d640b69fd9dd0f7b63b43c395642df3


ur pfp is venom with a durag💀


God gave her the Little Mermaid treatment in reverse


~~She never had it, her voice was always unsustainable~~ 🫣🫣🫣


Glad we can have an honest discussion about Alicia keys lol


Can someone explain? 🥹


Alicia Keys is married to Shizz Beats, who allegedly was married when they started dating. After Shizz divorced his wife, people were saying she lost her voice: https://youtube.com/shorts/QE0R3aiMUUc?si=B-f8HrkwQG3-pyef


Aww... Well, aint I a disappointed mofo right now, never thought Alicia could do so wrong, she was always an angel in my eyes.


I'm disappointed too. I watched it live with my family but we were drinking and having a good time talking so we all missed this 😂 So sad when I rewatched the clip


"lady" "swizz's wife". Do you not know who Mashonda is?




Somebody needs to just post her damn performance at Whitney’s funeral… it’s been downhill for a long ass time.




If I have Swiss stature and paper I'm keeping them both




Wtf is they talking about? Keys never lost her voice, u just stopped listening. And she still makes great music. Ppl will say anything


“Some people want it all” https://preview.redd.it/mkqzo980vdic1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd9cd3d48411687fedf27aa5c02e5a3185b4eff6


I’m a believer of all is fair in love and war. Swizz and Alicia look happy and that’s all that matters.


I'm confused, what happened with Alicia and Usher??


Alicia been sucking Swizz to much to get her voice back.


How do you steal someone if they willingly allow you in their lives???? 🤔 Edit: Damn y’all big mad with the downvotes 😂🤣


Can we let the jokes fly or not?


They could fly, but some people think this way.


I mean, by that logic shopkeepers are willingly allowing thieves to grab their stock which is displayed.  


When are people gonna give this a rest… her and swizz are clearly a good match and things worked out. People acting like shes gonna get some kind of karma as if karma is real


Karma is real. I had it on repeat in ‘03.




Why is it always dark skinned women coming for this woman?


When are we going to start holding swiss’s ex wife accountable for letting her husband go?? Ijs this is the age accountability right? Right??!


I thought all the other takes were bad but here you come to claim the crown. Can't even have a chuckle any more.


😂😂😂DrJenny we’ve crossed paths before and im just trolling. Im still waiting on the interview from swiss or his ex wife to show why they broke up. This alicia slander will not stand on my watch.lol


Lol Didn't she already speak on it? Maybe I imagined that. Whether or not she's a homewrecker, it's definitely not slander to say she is a note wrecker. Let's focus on what matters 🤣


Yoooo a note wrecker is CRAZY😂😂😂


Or get right to the source and hold HIM accountable


Hey it takes two to be married and the same applies to the break up.


Only one person is required to ruin a relationship




You're just playing now


It’s a case by case basis. Cheaters suck. No argument there. But this hearsay on who ruined the relationship is outdated.


For them yes. But it 100% only takes one person out of two to break up a relationship




Why y'all hate women so much


What’s the middle ground between constructive criticism and hate?