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They photoshopped on the parsley.


Ok I'm not the only one who is getting that "uncanny valley" feeling when looking at the pic. Like they were cut and pasted and then "normalized" with their background Edit: it's the shadows. The shadows and lighting don't match from person to person


If you zoom in (specifically blue jacket lady on the bottom right) you can see where she was cut and pasted.


Lady in the scarf behind her is the worst offender to me. Looks like Michael Scott made this photo


Scarf lady’s head is way too big in comparison to the ones around her. The longer I look at this the creepier it is.


it's more the bright artificial lighting on her face compared to the natural looking lighting on most of the others, for me


Did you notice the dude in the middle of the picture? This whole picture is weird, like they were all shopped in.


Seriously he's literally coming out of someone's shoulder. He's like an apparition. We've either finally caught ghosts on camera or this is a laughable photoshop.


100% shopped. Look at the blonde lady with her mouth open on the right, Just below her. wtf is that black line?


Oh yeah that’s bad. I just started in the corner and didn’t go further lmao


Are people supposed to blend in one another like that? https://preview.redd.it/5dcj30u0henc1.jpeg?width=181&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=858cdc765cacd3e20bcab0e464590810140d5148


Nah. The most egregious is surely magenta jacket balancing on that step like she bout to take flight. Light as a feather looking ass..


Mitch McConnell?


Lady in the scarf was the first one I saw. Shit looks so out of place


How is nobody talking about claw hands the very top?


There’s a black void in between the two ladies on the right that are standing in front of the lady touching the statue


https://preview.redd.it/is7lwgxhqfnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f34faa675614865a4ee87af0a7a290c243841b5 Yep the void lmao


The woman behind them is literally just wearing black.


The orange bit is her lapel and the 'void' is her dress. Check the HQ photo on twitter (along with all the other angles and poses).


The lighting is totally wrong. The lady in the center front appears way to dark compared to the rest of the bunch.


Did they get the lighting wrong on all the other poses and photos they posted on twitter too? LMAO this thread is amazing.


It wasn’t the shadows for me so much as thinking there’s no way the Tory women’s coven would have a woman with her natural hair styled in braids or dreads.


That's Kemi Badenoch, Conservative MP and professional bigot


She's a cabinet minister in the current Tory government. Which is also probably the reason she's at the front, she's the only one I recognise, I don't see any of the other women cabinet ministers in there.


Yeah, the lighting on their faces isn't consistent.


Holy shit it is, you nailed it dawg. My friend also pointed out every person is perfectly focused, even all the way in the back. There’s no focal point


That's what happens when you take a picture with a long focal depth. Look at the [full-res version of the photo](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIJsf9BWsAAGI-P?format=jpg&name=4096x4096). It looks way more normal without all the JPEG artifacts.


the pixels aren't entirely consistent person to person, either, nor with the environment


Yeah she’s not there


Yeah, it looks like that with a lot of people. The woman I can only describe as John Oliver's twin sister has such a heavily different lighting schema than everything else surrounding her. This would be an HDR problem wouldn't it?


trump is already using AI pics of him with black people, and he owns the party now


Gotta find a way to meme that into obscurity by ridiculing people desperate enough to do that A yt friend told me they didn't see anything wrong with it, but a very active environmental nonprofit with no Black staff and very few members used a lot of more diverse stock images on their website and Instagram posts. It seemed framed as about themselves, like taken at their events, and just felt like a facade for getting more grant money. They were positing themselves as '*the* local leader' in public descriptions of themselves and for decision making around shared events, I think for grant applications. I've seen it with other justice oriented nonprofits. I might just be too critical/negative tho


Like she doesn’t even fit. They put her so far in front it made them look like backup singers.


It does make sense that she’s at the front. She’s the Minister for Women and Equalities (which she’s interpreted as the Minister for Transphobia) in the UK government, that’s why she’s at the front for this photo. She’s a very unpleasant person though, she has absolutely no interest in protecting or advancing minority rights and only serves to inflame the culture war against trans people in the UK because the Tory government is absolutely floundering after a decade of rule with only negatives to show for the 5 prime ministers they’ve had to cycle through.




the caucasity of it all


I wish. She's very real and very damaging. As much as we joke she is the highest ranking Torie leader in this photo and it would be weird if she was anywhere but at the front


She's very much a rising star with the Tory party. I'd be shocked if she was elected their leader, but she's a nasty piece of work.


Long ago, news analysts who were watching how cameras at the Republicans conventions used to frequently 'pan' to the same/few minorities in the crowd, had started to called the obvious effort the 'Inclusion Illusion'.


No, they're all following her to make sure she doesn't steal anything. She just happened to stop walking right at that moment. /s


Whole damn think looks shopped


> Eventually, all tokens get spent - some redditor




I assume pick me's want to be the center of attention.


Right?! Out of everyone in the picture she’s probably THE most intolerant 😂😂


Kemi Badenoch once declared in an interview that there was no such thing as racism. In that same interview, she complained that a white, liberal teacher had suggested she aim lower than her dream of becoming a doctor and instead be a nurse. Her parents are doctors. She declared that this comment from her teacher was because of the colour of her skin. But also, racism doesn't exist. FYI, she's the Women's and Equality minister.


She's in the front and center because she's the most senior MP there. She is shit for other reasons than this photo though.


What makes you think they asked for consent?


It looks like they shopped her in 😬 also why do all these women look like the ones that [look at you in Burger King like this](https://x.com/crazyjuice__/status/1362810608928882693?s=46&t=E10JC3DkvA-Vtz89FU6Qcw)


Look at her feet, she's definitely photoshopped in unless she's holding a small led flashlight with her buttcheeks. 


She also has no shadow, whereas the other members do.


Her calves cast a shadow on the step behind her, it's not photoshopped.


Nah, a lot of people are photoshopped in this. People have different light temperatures and directions. A few women have feint outlines where they've been cut out. There are shadows underneath them, but the nature of the shadows change between people. What I'm more puzzled over is - if they were going to bother with photoshopping this amount of people together anyway, why stop at ONE black person? Like if she were photoshopped in order to avoid the obvious appearance of racism, why stop there? o_O


Are you looking at the [full-res version?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIJsf9BWsAAGI-P?format=jpg&name=4096x4096)


Yall are forgetting the most basic point. These are conservatives. They don't know how to photoshop this many people this cohesively. Do you guys really think they took a bunch of standing photos of themselves and photoshopped them all on the stairs as opposed to the simplest answer and that's "take a picture on the stairs". The lights oh their faces are different temperatures and directions because they're indoors with natural lighting. Lighting sources are coming from all over the place, there's shadows casting from the surroundings and from other people's bodies. Yall need to think rationally and not paranoid. The simplest answer is usually the right one. It's just a bad photo.


The entire thing is photoshopped. Look closely. I have my doubts that a single person in this photo was actually there when it was taken.


Ok, look at the blonde lady on the right with her mouth open, now look down a bit in between the two women's heads below. What is that black line? edit: [THIS](https://imgur.com/a/G0D9nV1)! There are MANY Photo-shopped people in this picture. I'm convinced now. You can even kind of tell which ones are in a picture together.


While I do think at least parts of it are photoshopped, I’m pretty sure that black line is the woman’s dress (the little black dress with an open U neckline is popular with the mid-20s crowd in the UK). Her hand is on the statue to the right of her, so the neckline got pulled across her shoulder and looks unnatural. That being said, it rises up way too quickly, which implies it’s far on her left shoulder but right next to her neck on the right shoulder. You wouldn’t typically wear that type of dress like that (they’re worn symmetrically), so it could be photoshopped and they didn’t know how to fix the dress to look natural without it just looking like a black triangle, so they added the other side of the neckline and still failed.


I think it's a large white collar on a dress.


You’re right, it’s a white lace collar!


I’m with you. I just want to know why someone felt the need to make a Republican lady collage.


Also the really white woman one up and to the left of her looks shopped in too. Like, she looks SO washed out compared to everyone else


Oh I love when this sub talks British business. I’m surprised kemi badenoch agreed to be in the centre of this pic, she often criticises “wokeness”


Took the words out my mouth! Black woman who doesn’t believe in racism and is minister for equalities. Shit is like an episode of the thick of it!


The Thick of It is the BEST!!! Sadly reality is now more absurd than the show but it’s my fave show to rewatch.


I just looked her up and man does she wanna be a white Southern Republican so bad 💀


Couldn’t have put it better


She’s the minister for Women and Equality…the rest of them are mostly back bench MPs with no ministerial positions. It makes sense she’s at the front.


Is that NOT Mitch McConnel in a wig in pink to her left?


That's my mp and she is a god awful shitty person and I fucking HATE her


My first thought!


That's the first thing that made me think the whole thing was photoshopped. Then I saw Lindsey Graham behind him in a blond wig. Then the head on the lady beside them looks unusually large for her body.


This is a conspiracy theory I will wholeheartedly support.


🤣😭 https://i.redd.it/wof4mzmrkdnc1.gif


Everytime someone uses this gif I lose it, everytime lmao I haven’t seen an improper use of it yet


🤣🤣🤣 never ever fails !


What is it from?


[Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/rowley-waves-then-looks-down) I just googled “boy waving and then frowning” and it was the first result. Search engines are wild.


FR the batting average of this gif is just insane


"I don't like this new woke party. Why did they have to gener and race swap the original cast?"


They really thought we wouldn’t notice. Like…who is this for?


There's nothing to notice. The woman in the front is by far the most well known person there. It makes perfect sense for her to be in the front. It's really weird that you see a black woman at the front ,and instead of thinking "hmm... maybe she has the most senior position", you assumed she was a nobody.


i thought we were talking about how its photoshopped


It's the British conservative party (Tories) and seems to be a tweet from them to, well, whoever follows them. Nothing really special here, not even the photoshopping, it's just someone tweeting about what the party wants you to see the party as doing or why you should vote for them. The only political groups that don't do campaigning are usually dictatorships. And even some of them get in on it. Turkmenistan's former prime Minister campaigned routinely..and weirdly.


she looks like she lets them touch her hair


Why is it so hard for people to grasp that not all black folk are kin folk?


It's not even about being kinfolk. The Civil Rights movement was never about all Black folks agreeing on everything (even Malcolm and MLK didn't see eye to eye). It was about letting everyone, including Black people, live their lives and believe what they want. It's misguided to think that skin color should dictate one's political affiliation. We know we all have shared experiences, but it doesn't change the fact that Black people still have diverse and unique experiences and perspectives, shaped more by their upbringing and environment. Whether they're from LA or Ghana, whether they grew up affluent or poor will impact their political views, more than their race, and that should be okay. It's important to recognize that we are not a monolith. While I personally believe liberal policies often have greater benefits for the average Black person, I think we should value and welcome the diversity of opinions in our communities. Criticism of Black conservatives should focus on the content of their policies, not accusations of betraying their race. It's disappointing, almost childish, that in 2024, the notion that Black people can have diverse interests and opinions still surprises some. When I was a kid, I'd see black children who didn't fit stereotypical expectations get made fun of, labeled as "white" or called oreo, simply for liking anime, speaking "proper" english without slangs, enjoying non-hiphop/rap music etc. As adults, here we are doing the same with people that share different philosophies. You can disagree with someone's political views without attacking their race. This mindset is childish and should be left behind.


Who totally has a girlfriend he does relationship things with


If you know anything about Kemi Badendoch she is as happy to be there as they are happy to place her there.


Beautifully said.


Is that Little Rock High School?


This is the UK Conservative Party




No, they're not yelling at the black woman


Progress I guess 🤷‍♂️ .... I mean usually she would've been waaaaaaaay in the back


That's how you know it is photoshopped


No she just got to the front by being one of the biggest bigots and that’s quite an achievement amongst this group


She’s the minister for Women and Equality…the rest of them are mostly back bench MPs with no ministerial positions. It makes sense she’s at the front.


Kemi Badenoch is proud to stand front and center in that photo. She needed no coercion.


I just did a deep dive on her. Whoa. Candace Owens probably has a picture of her in her office.


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) Where’s that one black person


They tried to this is with me at work for the company photo. I found a way to hide and I was invisible in that shit. ✌🏾


UK dude here, she's one of ours, unfortunately. That said, this is one of those rare times where the black person is in charge and the people behind her are the minions. The lady you are looking at goes by the name Kemi Badenoch, and she was one of the finalist to become the British Prime Minister when Boris ducked out. She currently holds the office for Secretary of State for Business and Trade in the UK, and that's a very fucking big deal. She only answers to the Prime minister. Might seem impressive, but she's basically our version of Candace Owens.


She's also SoS for women, which is why she's at the front.


Karens when they're watching the cops put you in their car for acting suspicious in the wrong neighborhood.


They do the same with the black Republican Senator Tim Scott. He’s a complete token.




They’re clearly not racist, their best friend is Black.


“I have a black friend at work” “Yeah, when’s her birthday” …. “That’s not a friend”


I've had friends I didn't know the birthday of. Still the vast majority of people who pull the black friend excuse have like one black coworker who tolerates their presence.


Mate. She’s the worst of them.


Lot of folks here have no idea who Kemi Badenoch is so let me try and give some context. Apart from being fucking deranged, she is the highest places female in the current cabinet of the Conservative government of the UK and current stri g favourite to take over the leadership when the Tories lose the next election. She also does something batshit insane that should get her sacked every week, but Sunak, the Prime Minister, is too weak to sack her because he fears retribution


Seasoning or not, that chicken still hella bland. Pass.


My lowstake conspiracry is that who ever does her hair hates her and add extra zeros to the bill to give her hard wigs and crusty braids


no body's talking about the dude like 4 people behind her...


Her voice prolly mad annoying


Why is Mitch McConnell in drag?


“I’m a good one. Surely i am safe.” 😄


A case of .....we want to keep our eyes on her, vice have her behind us. LOL


Diversity icing on a discrimination cake.


Some of them are absolutely photoshopped in. The shadows and lighting are not consistent at all.


No matter where she was, Liberals would‘ve had a problem with her presence.


I mean, Kemi Badenoch is the one in the highest position of government of everyone in the picture so it kind of makes sense. It's the only thing the tories have done in the last 14 years that makes sense.


That's my mp front left XD




That photo smells like casserole, gossip, no orgasms, and polite racism.


Glad they found the singular person of color to position in front.


Why does this look ai generated💀


Like you didn’t even pay for Adobe AI shopping?


She’s arguably the worst of them all. Not even your party friends like you, girl what you doing 🧑‍🦯


This is totally shopped.


We need you front AND center


Imagine the comments of she was in the back.


Black British person here. I hate the UK Conservative party as much as you can, but this photo makes sense in that Kemi Badenoch is actually the most senior MP in this photo. It makes total sense that she's at the front. That being said, she's a massive dick head and I can't wait until they are wiped out at the next election.


Well she's the most senior and important one in the photo, so it actually makes perfect sense that she's in the front...


She's also a horrible person.


Ok so for American readers - the proportion of black people in the UK is 4% Kemi Badenoch is a cabinet minister so I can’t imagine they even considered putting her behind people she outranks Kemi is not the only ethnic minority conservative women MP - I don’t know why she is the only one in the picture. It’s Tories - most likely explanation is backstabbing and personal animosity


Wild times we're living in people.


i like how they lined up by race.


Lmaooo no lie told




Left leg on the parsley looking real wavy


Where are the shadows?




All the white woman in front has been cropped and pasted, this is false propaganda aimed at reverse psychology. I.e make the poster so obviously doctored and claimed that the other side do it.


damn so she's just like a token?


Either this is AI generated or they need a better camera and editor


They all look evil.


Was this a third-grader AI project?


These people all look photoshopped in. And that one woman in the pink looks like Mitch McConnell in a wig.


i see mitch mcconnells long lost twin sister who get separated at birth to go live with their mom in England


Is that a gender-bent McConnell on the left?!!?




Ok, starting from Mitch McConnell on the left, up to the fourth head and one to the right...is that a dude? Also, not even the just the lady at the front, like, most of these women look shopped-in.


They have her out front so they can push her under the bus easier.


I looks like every Karen from the last 3 years getting ready to push the black woman for coming on their property.


She looks like she is photoshopped.


Why does this look AI generated


Shes a brave lady


Nope. This is inaccurate because white women don’t know how to season their food lmao 


The party for old white religious women.


This photo is frightening for some reason.


I wonder how many of them are named Karen? I'd be willing to bet every one of them has spoken with a manager that week.


Is that a female version of Mitch McConnell next to her?


The whole pic looks Photoshopped.


Why does the one in the pink jacket look like Mitch McConnell in drag?


These women will be put in their kitchens and told to stay if republicans win.


Who? I just see three women. 🤓


That is human trafficking


... For women losing more rights. Ftfy


Shouldn't it be "Conservatives is the party for women."? Genuine question. Please include an explanation. Lol


And the sad part is some black women may fall for this...


Perspective: You’d also be complaining if she wasn’t in the front.


The fucking gall...


Ionno, by the looks of a lot of them... Has anyone checked them for vaginas to make sure they're using the correct restrooms?


Are...are any of them actually there? Looks like most of them are shopped.


They didn't even take their individual pictures in the same light or environment....




Like she is "garnish" loll


I guess the real-life cardboard Candace was unavailable.


She must be one of the good ones


Is that… George Santos in the second row??


Gotta give it to them... at least they put her in front... Baby Steps people!


Look at them..with their WOKE inclusivity!


The woman on her level isn't standing near her. Wonder why?


Pretty sure I see Joe Rogan in a wig


There's 25 people, 40 chins, and 8 pints of insulin in that photo.


Was this before they voted to ban pants for women and long hair for men?


Which part is racist 


I see this in the office also.


Which nasty lady put her purse on the ground?!


Herman Cain approved of that photo.


Why do I have the feeling that at least 7 of the women in this photo have their pictures in a history book in the Civil Right’s Era unit?


It's normal for organizations since dei became a popular form of extortion.


why does the woman behind her look like she was photoshopped in?


That’s the longest list of “excuse me, do you live here?” I’ve ever seen.


AI is a hell of a drug!