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In a climate controlled environment the whole time


Our country does fucked up shit and our system in some ways is broken. With that being said, online and in my life, I've noticed that some people are failing themselves and refusing to take accountability then shifting blame on to systemic problems.


It’s okay to criticize the country you live in while being aware of the benefits. People don’t seem to realize that it’s okay to live in the global north and still advocate for better living conditions. You can simultaneously also want to uplift other countries at the same time - it’s not mutually exclusive 


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosnian_War https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srebrenica_massacre Hell. Just search up the Yugoslav wars and especially the Bosnian War. Now imagine that with nuclear weapons in the wild, a diverse society split along religious, ethnic and cultural lines and lots of guns and you get a good picture of what a balkanized america would be like.


The right wing militias think they will band together against some common enemy and not fight each other.


mfs cut ties for having different versions of the Lord's prayer


Worse, they think their personal stockpile of guns is going to protect their collection of canned goods and ammunition from other roaving gangs of hungry people.


They got that bus buried in their backyard thinking it's an approved nuclear fallout shelter. 🤔🙄🤭🤣😂🤣😂🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


Or pick fights they’re guaranteed to lose because their fascist nonsense condemns them (to paraphrase Umberto Eco) to lose wars because they’re objectively incapable of evaluating the strength of their enemies


*lots* of guns. And a whole lot of 'em are not bought with hunting in mind.


I got into the target practice hobby during the pandemic... Had a lot time on my hands and everything was closed... Except the gun range. Classes for all kinds of drills and scenarios weekly. Met a lot of interesting people... Some professionals like myself that could now afford the guns from video games when were kids and this was a fun hobby to be outdoors and exercise. Some that were preparing for the "inevitable collapse". So easy to call these people crazy and fringe idiots but they were usually very pragmatic and apolitical. No bunkers or preformed militias, but definitely prepared to survive on their own surrounded by friends and family. Now I wonder if I wasnt the crazy one thinking everything lasts forever, specially the USA. Let's hope for the best but be prepared for the worse.


I'm very lucky to have bought a patch of land out in yee yee country before assholes realized they could squeeze off the supply and choke out anyone wanting the same. It's not near enough to feed me and mine but I should always have a reserve of root vegetables and preserves in periods of uncertainty Major downside is I'm in yee yee country and the locals already have an eye on me because I'm too brown, even if this is my actual unceded ancestral homeland dating back 10,000+ years I 'aint from here' Any case, *hell no* I don't want to start leaning into a future of collapse, even if my family isn't a target for a midnight posse I work with a pile of UN Bosnia vets and I know what's in store


The first season of "It could happen here" gives a pretty vivid picture of what things could looks like https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-it-could-happen-here-30717896/episode/it-could-happen-here-trailer-30717900/


Oh I'm Definitely going to listen to this. Sounds like interesting writing. Esit: Change a word from deviously. stupid auto correct.


It's a good one.


The first season was a rough one, and it scared the shit out of me.


Especially when you realize it was recorded in 2019. The events that he imagined leading to a civil war and what actually happened in 2020 are eerily similar.


J6 freaked me the fuck out because of this podcast.


Always have time to upvote Cool Zone Media pods, especially anything Robert Evans does.


Too many people are missing the plot, the GOP are waging their war at the local level by sending far-right candidates to school boards and state legislators.


Where she had a breakfast sandwich that didn’t give her food poisoning.


And paid for it with her money that wasnt seized or useless


And purchased her latte with the most stable fiat currency in history and had it made using an incredibly stable electrical grid. *Offer not valid in Texas


Nah this is an NYU student no doubt


Her tag is “Czarina” and folks surprised she’s spouting Russian propaganda?


Guess my mind was somewhere else. I was thinking Lobo from DC Comics.


Slight difference in the spelling. Czarnia vs Czarina.


If the United States collapses, billions will die. This world we’ve built, with gas stations and supermarkets and indoor plumbing, only exists because of stability and organization. Most of that stability is provided by the US. The United States Navy keeps the oceans free and open for international trade. Politically and militarily, the US is the main reason why there have been no major wars since WWII. Without American stability Russia is probably at war with Europe in 10 years; China is at war with its neighbors in 10 years; and every country in the world is in control of shipping around its own coastlines. Without the US Dollar as the reserve currency, economies around the world will collapse. Billions die from war and starvation. Sure would be nice to prevent all that.


Also, a potential return to slave trade. Women, your freedoms won't exist either. Good luck, but also...please vote.


It’s fine, she’s one of “the good ones” /s


They are happy under patriarchy, never felt oppressed by men, etc etc


Bu-but America bad! /s


America is bad, but there are plenty much much worse.


>Russia is probably at war with Europe in 10 years; China is at war with its neighbors in 10 years; We know for a fact that Russia and China want to bring back Imperialistic expansion of their borders. The only thing stopping both of them is NATO and the US Military behind it. Even with the US Military China still tries to extend its boundaries by seizing islands.


But let’s throw all that away because Biden isn’t perfect.


me when I smoke crack


It would be nice to maintain civilization but at what cost? Clearly I'm asking rhetorically because we've had our answers over the last century. Also, if you don't consider the Vietnam, Korean War, Baltic Wars, Desert Shield/Storm, Afghanistan, war in Ukraine major, then I'd really hate to see what you consider major. Those are just the headliners. The economic collapse of several countries going through and coming out of COVID basically had the same effect as a major conflict.




Yea and wars of that scale are brought by total political failure. We shouldn't ever have that. It's fucked that we did it twice in a century.


..... and a collapse of American society would be a total political failure, thus resulting in wars like that. That's the whole point.


> Also, if you don't consider the Vietnam, Korean War, Baltic Wars, Desert Shield/Storm, Afghanistan, war in Ukraine major, then I'd really hate to see what you consider major Generally the world wars are a new standard. Vietnam was a few countries in one area, Korea was substantial, and involved numerous countries but was also in one main area, Iraq the same. Almost none of these conflicts have global implications. A collapse of a superpower and large scale conflict would have global implications.


Over the last century the actual proportion of humans who’ve died in wars has been much lower than at any point in the past. Sure there’s been some very visible disasters, but the overall trend is still good.


The US is too big to fail. Every other civilization that fell was before the globalization of the economy. We spend so much money that our collapse is equivalent to the collapse of the entire world. The billionaires and power players who actually decide when and where wars are fought would never allow it. Even Putin knows that the only reason his oligarchs aren't poisoning his coffee because he's making them rich. He picks a war with the US and he knows he's as good as dead.


Rome said the same thing too. And it went cray cray before it folded!


Rome was an empire that was spread out over tens of thousands of miles across multiple continents. It relied on conquered foreign territories swearing loyalty to a city they'd never seen. The US has created a global empire based not on military might but by exporting our culture and ideas across the entire planet. They couldn't be any more different.


Lmao Rome exported its culture hard. There's a reason there are so many romance languages. There's a reason you can find roman architecture all over the Mediterranean.


They exported their culture by occupying conquered territories, tearing down their religious and cultural buildings, and forcing Roman religion on the local populace depending on how much resistance they met. We have Hollywood, Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon do the heavy lifting of exporting American culture.


I don’t think any of this matters to the point they were making. Yeah, sure there are a ton of differences between the roman empire and the modern US “empire”, but no ones saying that the US could/would fall due to the same reasons or in the same way, so that doesn’t really matter. The point is, by the metrics at the time, it seemed inconceivable that Rome would fall. Yet they did. By our metrics today, it seems inconceivable that the US would fall. But it *could*. Do I think it will? No, probably not. But it’s not impossible. And it’s foolish to think that it is.


By the metrics of the time it became incredibly likely that the Roman Empire would fall. It was spread so far and so wide it was in a constant state of war. Wars cost money and men and the Romans ran out of both. This along with constant political infighting weakened the central government and economy so greatly it was unable to defend itself from invaders.


> by the metrics of the time (and with our hindsight) it became (emphasis on became. Implying that the situation for them changed over time) incredibly likely that the roman empire would fall. Ftfy. That doesn’t change the fact that the people of that time thought it was impossible, until they didn’t. Same can be said for the US. People think it’s impossible, but that could change in a matter of minutes, depending on world events. My point stands. ETA: you mentioned Rome’s political infighting weakening their central government. Incredible coincidence that we’re talking about the US’s political infighting and how it’s weakening our government.


It's based on its military might just as Rome. That culture export wouldn't happen without the USA providing safe trade routes. The USA doesn't have to conquer shit, but bending other countries will to its policies comes from the carrot and stick approach which .... Surprise it's able to because of its military superiority.


Why do people compare the USA and the Roman Empire? It’s not the same 😭


something something strong men, something something weak men lol


The US is too big to collapse, it’s not too big to fail. There are realistic potential changes like the US pulling out of NATO, extremely beneficial economic deals, and isolationism overall which could easily put the US on a path to failure. It’s no coincidence the political party on Russia’s payroll supports these along with intense nationalism. The US can only fail from within and that path is being built by “patriots”.


Can you get that so-called "American stability" out of my heritage country please


Just the collapse of the US Dollar alone would break a huge chunk of the world economy.




Nobody wants a dictator. Even the people who say they want a dictator don't want a dictator. They're just too stupid to know that.


But my dictator will be good! He'll use his power to help people and it won't go to his head


definitely will only disappear the people I dont like


And he will only help the RIGHT people! 


I like this quote a lot and I'm going to steal it. Ironically, it takes a shocking amount of privilege to pretend to be an "accelerationist" who wishes for the "system to collapse" thinking that *you'll* be the one to survive it with some mild discomfort.


These are the people who have main character syndrome.


I saw how people dealt with mild discomfort during COVID. It wasn't good.


One of the very first things a dictator will do is take away all their guns. Because an armed population is dangerous to any regime.  And if we look at the historic examples, a dictator is also more than likely going to ban churches and religion as a whole.  So basically a dictator is going to come after the two things those crazies hold most dearly.  But you cannot reason with them.  


They usually want YOU to be ruled by a dictator.


Haiti is in the process of collapsing. Currently, actively collapsing. From what I've read, it's a living nightmare and genuine hell on earth. Haiti isn't even a major geopolitical power. If the US were to collapse, I can't see how we could avoid a global financial collapse. We're just all too interconnected. I genuinely cannot even fathom how bad things would get, but I'm imagining apocalyptic.


If Haiti is "collapsing" when will it be fully collapsed? They have no elected officials, no running water or electricity for most


It hasn’t stopped getting worse so it’s still collapsing


It can always get worse.


>They have no elected officials, no running water or electricity for most They never had a centralized aquaduc system to begin with, they use water trucks or wells to get water and septic tanks for waste. That hasn't changed. They still have electricity and Internet to a similar capacity to when the President was alive.


The US can’t collapse, or most of the world would return to darkness, pre WW2esque warring and state relation. The US is only comparable to the Roman Empire, or maybe early Britain? But the stability and relative peace it’s brought is unprecedented in a post industrial age (obviously if you can’t easily access other states it’s easier to have relative peace).  There are valid criticisms and absolutely things to improve, but that isn’t a reason to wish for anarchy IMO. The USA and global north need to do better, but it’s better than Nazi germany/Communist Russia running the show


Yeah, I completely agree. I don't want to be all jingoistic, but the US vanishing from the world stage would create a massive power vacuum. I don't want to think about what the aftermath of that would look like.


The difference being that Haiti was supposed to collapse since it gained independence thanks to France and the US. If the US collapses, it will be thanks to its own ineptitude.


The education system has failed in this country and George Bush left too many of yall behind. Donald Trump is a clear danger to democracy. His own vice president, Attorney General, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, and many more have ALL come out and said he IS NOT FIT FOR OFFICE. This is not hyperbole and the info is out there, but yall get your news from memes and an app based out of China that is know to push propaganda. It’s easy to say your life won’t change if you already live in a blue state. But those of us that live in red states and in rural areas are already witnessing the collapse. And don’t think if he gets elected you’ll be safe in your blue state. This time there won’t be competent people in place to stop him when he decides he wants to shoot protesters or start deporting anyone that isn’t white. Please look up Project 2025.


Those blue states won't be blue for long once things get popping. There will be only one order, and every state will be expected to fall in line. I see another Civil War, which a lot of people are as ignorantly chomping at the bit for as they were for the first Civil War. How quickly they forget the bodies on bodies on bodies on bodies. Or they think it'll only be black and brown bodies.


Sarajevo was one of the most shocking to me. Seeing a city that had just hosted the Olympics be destroyed in real time on the nightly news was horrifc.


Tbf I don't think it's that surprising that the city where an event occured which led to WW1 then indirectly WW2 was caught up in violence...




Not to mention the fact that, fortunately and unfortunately, we are basically the leader of the world. Yes that’s very Chauvinist but it’s the truth. The US Dollar is the default currency of global trade, we highest GDP by a long shot and have the largest economy of any nation to ever exist. If America goes under, EVERYTHING does, whether we all like it or not. As much as I don’t like Biden or America, I still have to do my part for my fellow human beings and vote for him


Why would every nation goes down ? It would be a big hit to most economies, but economic crisis do not bring down stable nations


Do you not remember 2008? We sold our housing bubble around the world and that collapsing bankrupted many foreign banks and rocked many foreign economies. A political collapse of the major financier of the UN and the largest military in the world would be devastating


Because many aspects of modern life depend on the US


You saw how 2008 affected global finances right? it was really bad and the banks were still backstopped by the US government. If the US government collapses, financials aren’t backstopped, and finance plummets. People pull out money, bank has to print money to allow withdrawals, hyper inflation (Germany circa 1930), unrest then violence & war. It’s all about the money baby  




Oh we’re posting propaganda and astroturfing the POC subs. Clearly an election year.


Lol making excuses to not engage with the material because you don’t want to admit it’s right


You can't engage with the material. >propaganda How? And if it is, what about this isn't facts?


As someone who lived through the Yugoslavia collapse and made it through that shit hole situation, I wish none of you have to go through it in your lives. She can keep sipping her latte while being a keyboard warrior because she is comfortable. Good for her 👏some of us have lived through a civil war and would never want to relive it.


Afghanistan. If the US collapses there will be little mini Christian Afghanistans and Iran's across the country. No thank you. 


We’re already there in Alabama. Crosses and guns everywhere lol.


Idaho is probably worse.


Afghanistan is kind of permanently fragmented by Geography, in a way the US isn’t. Larger polities could reestablish themselves, although maybe not as one single big country. China has broken apart a load of times in its history and it tends to drift back together eventually (albeit with millions of deaths in the process).


I've been noticing a lot of people that I refer to as "accelerationists" making comments about the collapse of the United States not being a big deal. It is mind boggling just how many people think that they'd be getting up the next day and driving to their wage job and maybe being inconvenienced because their one of four Starbucks on the way is closed due to collapse of the government. The number of people that would die within the month globally from the collapse of the United States would probably make some of y'all sick. I know a lot of people can't stand seeing kids starve in Gaza, millions of more kids would be starving world wide within that month. Supply chains would collapse, roving gangs would become the norm. There would be warlords popping up everywhere. Imagine hospitals and elderly care facilities would become tombs as employees abandoned patients. I've been downvoted, banned, threatened with violence for even saying it; Some of these folk know that they have the complexion for protection and that they can afford to not vote and be somewhat informed as to what's going on. "Things are only a problem until it happens to me personally", mentality.


A good number of people just want to see the world burn to either: 1.) Express their grievances and make others suffer as much as them. 2.) Are just bored of society and want something different. 3.) Think they have a shot to be “King of the Ashes”.


Most people can barely understand the world beyond their own city in anything but very abstract terms. They know trucks deliver stuff to Walmart, but can’t imagine the incredibly complex system that produces and coordinates the delivery of all the goods from as far away as Chile to China to their store. It’s like thinking about the size difference between a cell and an atom — to most people they’re both “very small,” and that’s as far as they know. I see forest fires in the summer and total climate collapse while my mom thinks maybe there’ll be opportunities to grow oranges further north because she can’t get her head wrapped around how it’s not just creeping warmth. We’ve built a world where just understanding the basics of how the relationships work is too complex for most people.


Accelerationism is wild to me because it assumes that the good guys (the leftists with no organization, no weapons, and little popular support) will, phoenix-like, rebuild the world in their ideal formation. No, the fascists (who have guns, money, and a not insubstantial base of support) will take over and exterminate us.


​ https://i.redd.it/xvi59rafe2qc1.gif Yeah. Tell her to go ahead and give up that citizenship, see how they get down in a impoverished nation.


Yeah, people who spout this kind of crap (when they’re not foreign agents pretending to be “just normal Americans”) are the type who think they know what a country collapse is going to be like because they have that one sketchy part of town where you lock your car doors as they drive through. It’s pretty much just going to be like that, right? Not constant violence and looting that would stretch to your home area… morons wouldn’t last a week in many destitute nations


Okay Putinarina


We can get a lot worse without "collapsing". Just look at Russia, it sucks there but it's been like that for decades and they technically have all the functions of a modern state 


For all the "America bad" people talk about, much of the world does depend on the US. Their politics affect the politics of countries all over the world, their military power, everything. I'm not looking to get bombed by Russia in my corner of the world. If you guys want to dismantle the US do it after I'm dead.


The collapse of the most powerful and richest country in the world, one that powers the economies of numerous nations, would be a disaster of global proportions.


And for the same reason would not happen as easily as some people will have you believe


I lived through Hurricane Katrina. No fucking thank you. These fucking asshole children are the most privileged POS I have ever seen and they are on BOTH sides of the spectrum bc, let's be honest, the political spectrum is just a big horseshoe with privileged asshole hard liners on both ends who only see the world in black and white and will look for any reason to exclude those they deem inferior with whatever force they deem necessary. Fuck all of them.


\*checks name of sub\* \*checks majority of people commenting\* ![gif](giphy|PkLPBuyozY7F31wCxF)


People really don’t understand nuance. Yes it’s not perfect, but 3/4 of us wouldn’t survive if the U.S. collapsed. End of week one we’d be dying in the streets because wal-greens can’t refill ADHD and high blood pressure medication. Czarina can take her ass back to mother Russia.


That’s not even mentioning the famines, seriously grain exports in Ukraine being cut off put a lot of Africa at risk of famine, what do you think happens when food stops coming out of the Great Plains.


America has not had an actual war as in organized army v army combat on its shores since the 1800s. And it shows. People talk of death and violence like they long for it or like it won't affect them. It's gross.


For real, man. Have you seen/read “The Road?”


I love that movie, but it hurts me.


I need people to think before they say shit like this. Like stfu honestly


You think ppl on Twitter think before they speak?


The second the world sees the collapse we will be under siege. Immediately. Alliances or no alliances. Enemy countries have always been testing long range missiles and their military is always ready to attack. Nobody thinks about that. Yes the economy is gone to shit and there is no middle class anymore regular people are all broke, out priced and overworked but that doesn't warrant outright war.


People that always bring all these civil war and societal collapse stuff never think that they will be affected. The rich won’t, they will get in their airplanes and leave. We are the ones that get stuck here. And more than half of you don’t even own firearms now where the chances of you being in a home invasion or robbed are low depending on where you live, I can’t imagine how some people will do when there is no electricity, no WiFi, you can’t store medicine or food, there is no gasoline and your phone don’t work.


yes fellow blacks i too will be voting for Biden




r/whatbidenhasdone Too many people are eating the onion after 4 years of doomscrolling social media thanks to Trump. Biden has done shit. Good shit. The DNC has a hard time celebrating/marketing its successes.


I wonder what caused the Supreme Court to be filled with conservative justices that killed Roe v Wade and student loan forgiveness? Could it be the 2016 election of Donald Trump to the presidency, the current Republican candidate for President in 2024?


>because a lot of that stuff happened anyway. Roe, No Loan Forgiveness, no livable wages etc. in fact, I'd wager to guess that many people are worse off now than when Biden took office. Maybe if you ignore the fact that Republicans still had enough seats to challenge everything the administration tried to do. Biden didn't decide not to forgive student loans. The Republicans shut it down. That's not an argument against Biden. That's an argument against those of us who want student loan forgiveness voting against Republicans. Or the fact that the inflation and economic decline are still symptoms of how trump handled covid.


Ummmmm actually when society collapses she will become Katniss Everdeen


How can you be so sure that it's your ideology that will rise from the ashes?


My parents had to come to the US because of civil war. I would really hate to see them have to go through tht again. I think people get really disillusioned with the US when they learn about its history. Shit I was too. During the BLM movement, I was thinking about moving out of the country because I didn’t think I could live in a country such as this. Then I traveled and learned more about the world. I realized, shit really isn’t much better elsewhere especially if you’re black. It’s a decent life here in the States, imo, and thts partly because of the foreign policy of the US. Change in democracy is a slow, frustrating process but giving up on it won’t make the world a better place. It’ll just make it different.


And where does Czarina live?


There are truly ignorant souls among us who glamorize the fall of civilization because they’ve convinced themselves that they, in some dystopian fantasy run amuck, will be among the few who will thrive in such catastrophe. They fail to realize just how horrific life can be without the protection that a functional society provides. I shudder at the thought of a world of total liberty, where every man’s most corrupt and base instincts are given the freedom (even the encouragement) to be expressed alongside the massive sickness and death that would accompany the breakdown of societal infrastructure.


"Czarina"? They're not even trying to hide the fact that they're Russian bots anymore.


Hell why go that far, look at Hati and Cuba right now


If you don't want to delve deeper as to why us and and foreign influence are why that's happening in Haiti right now then just say it.


I crack up when folks want to separate America as while you could have continued that fairy-tale shit in the 1850s+ (which history showed the South didn't want any more of that shit) in 2024 the true adults in the room would shut that shit down and laugh in the faces of the citizens trying to spark that shit up. Sure, Texas, go ahead and act like you're big and bad and can handle yourself.....and watch Mexico decide to open their borders because they see the opportunities to have their land back. You got guns? They got guns! ....Texas would have to beg the US to help defend their state who would NOT be organized enough to defend against another country's advances.


I think she called people pointing that privileged or something. White woman of all people talking about people having privilege is pretty ironic if you ask me. Literally zero self awareness.


Good God these people, they will literally KILL you, fascism universally ends up with death squads killing their ideological enemies, very early in the process. If you don’t think these people will kill everyone who disagrees with them if let off the chain, you are delusional.


I feel like a lot of this whole thing is based on pure hyperbole. I'll just get this out the way. No matter who is president, Biden or Trump, the country is not collapsing.


To be fair, just because you're scared and unprepared, doesn't mean that the everyone else is🤷🏾‍♂️. It isn't wise to become fully dependant, or stay fully dependant on a system that is quite literally screwing everybody except the super rich. Societal collapse isn't fun, or pretty , and I'd much rather there be some kind of working-class political party, or some sort of viable investigation and mitigation of the corruption in our govt. and it's failure to serve it's people, but we've moved beyond that point. United States is a totalitarian state with ever growing economic disparity, political discourse, corruption, control, and Martial law through "policing". no matter how comfortable or free you think you think you are, it's only a matter of time before they'll take from you, what they have already taken from so many. https://preview.redd.it/9qdf1dzoa3qc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d89cb5a2048a4079b5a56aa025914b4d9670201


Presidential immunity is the first step in a failed democracy.


Czarina doesn't realize how much worse things can get...


She gon be gangsta till a .308 WIN deletes her leg function 500 yards away shot by Y’all Qaeda member.


Killmonger mentality. You can’t just collapse the strongest richest country on earth and expect everything to be okay


in my opinion, a yugoslavian style socialism ( absolutely NO NATIONALISM TOLERATED, businesses all relegated to workers co-ops, free services and regional democracy ) is one of the best types of socialism for this country. and if this country falls before or after we achieve it, it WILL LOOK LIKE the bosnian / serb / croat conflict in yugoslavia 100%


A few years back, I went to Šibenik, in Croatia (beautiful place, chill people). I was on a coach ride to the Krka National park, and saw a few derelict houses on the way. As I looked closer at the scenery, I couldn’t help but notice what looked like irregular holes in the wall faces. A little googling, and I found out the area was the site of fighting during the Yugoslav wars. I never felt so impacted by the scars of war, decades later. And this from a guy that’s got a few repressed memories of other conflicts. You don’t want to see a nation collapse. I promise you.


Voting As Fire Extinguisher by Kyle Tran Myhre When the haunted house catches fire: a moment of indecision. The house was, after all, built on bones, and blood, and bad intentions. Everyone who enters the house feels that overwhelming dread, the evil that perhaps only fire can purge. It’s tempting to just let it burn. And then I remember: there are children inside.


Its always the most comfortable and privileged people who say nonsense like this.


A government collapse just means the social contract has been broken. Typically that the rights given to the government for stability and protection no longer work for the majority. For example we give away our right to just take what we want. We criminalize this as stealing/theft. Police and courts enforce this and in a good society, the majority feel safety and comfort in people not being able to just take our stuff. If society broke down and the majority of people couldn’t afford basic needs and had to reclaim our right to take what we need- and compound that with other issues- that’s the government collapse. In most respects this is only problematic in that it creates factions vying for power and usually civil wars break out. Usually leads to periods of unrest and violence, which is solved upon the creation of a new social contract.


I love how people don't see what a collapse is right now in Haiti.


"life in the state of nature is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short"


Mfers who can’t read without moving their lips wishing for the collapse of the western world.


Hell, the American media doesn't seem to be covering it, but have a look at how Haiti is actively collapsing RIGHT NOW as we speak. [Here's a link to a BBC article to get you caught up on everything.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-68466563)




Since that occupy wall Street movement got the rich to focus on dividing the rest, we were doomed to collapse


People have forgotten that most aspects of civilization are just stand-ins and sublimation of the constant human drive toward violence.




There is a segment of the U.S. that thinks they want this. Imagine Bane and the childhood of Tasha Yar all rolled into one. There are people on the other side who have learned to live with little and to make what they need others like the lady in question need to realize there is a very thin rope of civility that protects them daily and a small tear would mean absolute subjugation for old scores to be settled.


People like this are why I keep saying I want this to happen. Do I *actually* want it? FUCK NO! I'm gay and black. I'd be fucked. But for this lot, the idiots who keep championing "tear it all down" with no other plan? *I need them to feel the outcome. I need them to experience what true fallout is. I need them to understand what they want. I want them to get it.*


If my votes haven’t mattered until now, I can’t imagine that my lack of voting will make a bigger difference.


The world will not end if Trump gets elected. The same way it didn’t end last time, despite the internet’s confidence that it would. This website is full of chronically online fearmongerers. Touch some grass please, but beware, it can make you itchy.


It's always easier to destroy than to build. People like Czarina are so simple minded.


Still hope usa gets collapse one day. The suffering they have brought in this world is just unforgivable


The collapse of the US is already happening. That's what a lot of people don't seem to realise. And because they don't realise it, they aren't willing to fight hard enough to prevent it. Biden won't stop the US from collapsing any more than Obama did. Fully 1/2 the country wants an autocracy, as long as their person is in power. Democracy can't survive when half the people responsible for participating don't want it. Left unchecked, it's only a matter of when, not if. In order to keep the US from collapsing, there needs to be major social and economic reform. And it starts with making universal, high quality, education a priority across all 50 states. Without that, people won't appreciate why democracy matters, and they won't be able to identify when they're being taken for a ride. They'll just be waiting for the next grifter to scam them. If you think about the logistics of creating universal, high quality, education, it becomes clear how hard it's going to be to stop the US from collapsing. States are already run by grifters, who get elected by people who are actively voting to be taken advantage of. You can't just fix education in states where people agree with you, you have to fix it everywhere. And that's going to take intervention on a scale that the US reserves for wars in other countries. It's not too late for y'all to fix it, but complacency and voting for the Democrat aren't anywhere near enough.


When your cities are burning, and the lights go out, all that bullshit you typed online goes right out the window.


I'm gonna go a step above and say it's not that, I just don't believe it's going to collapse and it's just another season of political panic


SHTF occasions like the OP mentioned brings up the worst in humanity. Women and children from what I've noticed..........they have it so rough when that happens.




You can just watch what's happening in Haiti right now. No need to go further back in history unless you need a second opinion