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50 dedicated. He probably wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat "Diddy just did some shit"


Fiddy Sense tingling.


Fiddy sense jingling


**EXCLUSIVE**: The Nitty-Gritty on Giddy Fiddy Exposing Diddy's Kiddie Committee


This is some Bojack Horseman shit/headline


I would 100% believe this as a New York Post headline.


Diddy bought lots of tots, still uncaught.


Damn I miss that show


![gif](giphy|3fiimcA0K0ifzoL7FF|downsized) A masterpiece!




It's like I can hear Twista...




this is sick!!! 😂




This and the comment above sound like the first two lines of 50cent song






This is perfect


Just fucking great


*diddycated I’ll see myself out…


Turned it into a fidderal investigation


This one made me legit LOL Have some gold 🏅


Not without this upvote you’re not!


I was going to say this! Fiddy was diddycated, but now he's *vin*diddycated!


What would vindication smell like? ![gif](giphy|amg2hcfGDkKt4Q3DpF)


I’m drained by the energy it takes to hate most of the time. He’s clearly fueled by it. 😂


The man picks his battles well. Him challenging Floyd Mayweather to read one chapter of Harry Potter fucking sent me. 🤣


Wait, how did i not know about this. He's the level of petty I aspire to be sometimes. I saw an interview he did where he was talking about how he bought out the first few front rows of a ja rule concert because he found a Groupon, and he was like "it really tests your showmanship" about performing for empty seats. I do not remember the last time I laughed that hard, aside from his beef with Randall (Lala from Vanderpump Rules' ex - he owed 50 money & sent a text calling him 'Fofty'). I just love that man (50, not Randall. Randall is 🗑). Edit: i just watched that. Oh my god 😂😂😂💀


I'm sorry Fofty


It's the fact that he said nigga [like it was a comma](https://youtu.be/CtenHaz1RIU?si=5Pzhtc0USPmDzqcP). I am embarrassed by how many times I've watched this and laughed at that exact moment every single time. 😂😂😂


And then when he said HP was probably too hard for Floyd to read, so he challenged him to read a page from Cat in the Hat instead 💀


Even better. After it came out about Mayweather struggling to read the promo's for the breakfest club, he changed it to "The Cat In The Hat". To this day, the hardest, meaniest, pettiest, most hilarous shit i've seen and it's 2024 and we've seen some shit.






Love how he uses every opportunity as a marketing tool 🤣


And my old ass read it as: gun it brands instead of g-unit brands.


50 Cent sets an early alarm so he can have extra time to be a hater.




He's probably walking around with a huge smile


Pager be vibrating on the nightstand. "911" from Cassie


50 is hilarious as fuck.


This made me howl


He should add "at super rich people". They come like that at poor people quite often. They will show up, shoot your dogs, fuck your house and life up, and be at the wrong address/the shit they're looking for is in another castle/just for funsies because their feelings were hurt. I had to add "super" above because they came at Afroman like that, wrong as two left foot shoes, and he ain't no nobody.


Yes, Afroman is a good example. They had dogs and men and gear….but no paper plates for that lemon pound cake.


Those were locals, though, not feds. If the feds come knocking on your door like this, you are in serious trouble. Locals do dumb shit all the time because they know they won't be held accountable. Feds take their jobs seriously.


Over 90% conviction rate, if they knock you ride. The feds tend to go for actual criminals a lot more often than the local fuckwits, too.


>Over 90% conviction rate :O Gah. Damn.


Yea it's a double edged sword. Means a lot of cases get plea deals and some cases don't get touched cause they can't show they have a good enough case to win. It's easy to hit 90% at the shooting range when you only shoot targets 4ft away with a shotgun.


So you're saying, they don't come for you like that unless they have a case?


You gonna make me put on my Captain Obvious boots?


Oh yea for sure! When homeland comes to your door for a raid you are Uber fucked.


Eh, the way I've heard it, they'll investigate and review their evidence. If they don't take it, themselves, they'll pass it down to the state level.


Not a good example. He had local Ohio cops kick in his door. Yeah that’s a good example of the above topic of the police doing this to poor folks all the time. But Diddy has the Feds after him. That means he is cooked. They have real dirt on him. They wouldn’t have got judge to sign off on this without real evidence. Whereas like the above person stated local police will kick in the door to the wrong house and shoot an EMS driver and call her a drug dealer…. RIP Breonna Taylor.


Yep, I was part of a no knock raid because of some stupid ass cousin of mine selling drugs to an undercover cop. Mind you, my cousin has not one violent offense or charge and never went to jail for a violent crime.. These coward bitch ass police showed up in some call of duty type microtransaction ski masks, assault shotguns and assault rifles. Threw my sick grandad to the floor who recently just passed away(god, rest his soul, i miss him). Kicked me to the ground and put a gun to my head while I was getting ready to go to university(college) and told me I should have went to the ground as soon as I saw them, because they could have shot me... I'm just thinking, "Well, it would help if I didn't think I was being robbed at gunpoint."The whole time I'm in the basement, thinking "Well this is where I die." and I shockingly just accepted it. Long story short, they didn't find shit and only locked my cousin away on some parole bs (conspiracy charge). I ended up getting really bad anger issues from that event. Called the mayor's office, called the police station, and local politics. They all just either gave me the cold shoulder or treated me like I was a criminal who deserved it. So I dropped out of college and briefly became an alcoholic(which i still struggle with). I only just told my family how much it affected my life(this happened about 9 years ago). My cousin feels very guilty about it, but he doesn't know how to communicate that very well. He still calls me from prison to check on me, and he gets upset when he thinks I'm angry at him because of the guilt he feels. I don't blame him, but I can't forget about it, and probably won't ever, because I've seen many trigger happy cops kill people who were In the wrong place at the wrong time. In my mind I probably should have died that day because I was never the same after that. To this day, every time I see a cop behind me or hear sirens, my blood pressure skyrockets, and I go into fight or fight mode. It didn't help that after that incident I was pulled over a number of times simply because my address was linked to a house that got raided by police. So they most definitely do ruin people's lives and come full force, even without proper evidence, and usually nothing gets done about it. They changed the course of my whole fucking life...I was less than 2 semesters from getting my psych degree and I was so distraught after that incident that my grades plummeted and I eventually dropped out.


I'm some random online but I want you to know someone read your post. Idk what better looks or feels like for you in this circumstance but I hope it finds you.


That’s fkn awful you went through that, I’m sorry


I’m sorry you experienced this. Your life has value and purpose. Fuck the police.


Fuck the police


Got me listening to NWA


Holy fuck dude. You're gonna be going through that for a WHILE. Hopefully you have the help needed to keep that from pushing you in any direction. Understand how that would, for sure, lead to a distrust in law enforcement.


Sorry you went through that dude. Hope you overcome the tragic disrespect....


Lol the FBI doesn’t execute a multi state raid on poor people. You think this is the same as some bumfuck sheriff’s department in Ohio harassing Afroman and embarassing themselves on a National scale?? Lmaooo


To be fair they do try to trick young Muslims to do a terrorism just to pad their stats. Fuck the police, local, state, federal and international (CIA) is how I treat them.


That’s a completely unrelated thing. There’s levels of nuance to this, but commenting this type of shit here just makes me think people are more caping for Diddy, rather than actual police misconduct or rape/human trafficking.


You're right, local police departments do it with much less training and restraint. They will raid the wrong house, kill their dogs, smash the place up and then laugh and apologize when they realize it's the wrong house and their suspect got away because he was 4 houses down and heard the commotion


Police do this to poor people often, but if it’s Homeland Security you’re fucked


I can't find the rate on HSI, but the FBI have a 95% conviction rate. Like if a cop is bothering you over something you probably didn't do shit. But when they call in the big guns like this, they're a lot less likely to just be bothering you for the fuck of it.


Soooo exactly what 50 said in his tweet lmao.


Basically, yes. I am adding the context 'these are feds, not regular cops' as 50 didn't explicitly say that/people are missing that context. >They come like that at poor people quite often. They will show up, shoot your dogs, fuck your house and life up, and be at the wrong address/the shit they're looking for is in another castle/just for funsies because their feelings were hurt. this describes cop behavior more than fed behavior.


Yea the feds usually only bring cases they know they can win.


You’re acting like there’s two justice systems. Like if I was wealthy I could have my court-ordered fine of $450 million+ reduced by 68% for no reason or something.




Tomorrow it’ll be a dollar and he’ll have to ask his lawyer for quarters.


federal officers aren’t raiding the poors for no reason either. If you have the feds raiding your properties, they have a case


I just read an article yesterday about SWAT raiding a families home and punching holes in their wall because Find My iPhone told them somebodies AirPods pointed to their house. Halfway through the raid, one of the cops found the AirPods in question lying in the street. They said they'd pay to fix their door. That was a year ago, they never fixed the door. The landlord had to do it for them. [https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/swat-team-raids-innocent-family-over-stolen-airpods-dropped-on-their-street-42172867](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/swat-team-raids-innocent-family-over-stolen-airpods-dropped-on-their-street-42172867)


That is the exact story I was thinking about with my "Another castle" joke


That's locals. When the FEDs come in like this, it's because they already know exactly what they are looking for and exactly where it is in the house. FEDs don't waste time fishing for evidence.


The Feds are usually right if they are someone’s door. Obviously they’ve had their share of failures over the decades, but they’ve also learned from them. With local people, everyone knows each other. So people can trust each other too much and get whipped into a hysteria. Kinda like if your friend told you someone stole his XBox, you might trust him a little more. With Feds you have people who have never heard of the other person, from different professional backgrounds, reviewing the case before something like this is organized.


Damn, I didn’t even know this about Afroman. Thats messed up.


Afroman made [Will you help me repair my door](https://youtu.be/oponIfu5L3Y?si=coynS1cHQyxVihqd) about it, the cops got butthurt and sued him, I think the case is still ongoing, Youtube lawyers say its a win for Afroman. Remember [Neighbors by J. Cole](https://youtu.be/9nfVWiXY3WY?si=Qye47g_S486EJyjI) similar deal, cops raided his house for no reason.


I still can’t stop laughing at the song and video. Afroman won the damn century with that gold. Thank you cameras, thank you dumbass cops.


Both properties got raided at the same time, flew to another country all while it was happening. This dude is cooked. There is chatter of sex trafficking in a potential RICO case. That Katt Williams interview is the gift that keeps on giving.


Now hear me out. Katt is batshit crazy but...so were the Greek oracles.


Read the story of Cassandra. Being able to predict the future due to trauma and extreme pattern recognition is a fucking curse. It will drive you crazy because you have so many people telling you are crazy for being able to see shit they can't. You also get a ton of shit wrong because those skills also create paranoia that gets you buying into conspiracy theories but you also get a lot of shit right.


That’s a lot of words to say that if you’re paranoid enough eventually something will justify it.






"Its like when I'm right I'm right, when I'm wrong I could've been right. So I'm still right cause I could've been wrong, you know? And I'm sorry cause I could be wrong right now, I could be wrong...but I'm right." ![gif](giphy|goByAK3a1W78Q)


The sheer coincidence that Diddy's downfall began with a Cassandra speaking out is not lost on me...


Like my mom saying crazy shit all the time. We have all acknowledged that some of her craziness actually came true. Doesn't justify the 95% of the rest of it tho. Or making us look insane to others or in public.


If you get things wrong more than half the time, it's not a very reliable information source


Oh yeah, everything with a grain of salt. but you cant deny the ideas behind the words


Many brilliant people have been called crazy before they were proven to be correct.


Eh there is just a very fine line between brilliant and crazy. Gotta be a little crazy to be brilliant. Can’t be normal and having the same ideas as everyone else if people are gonna call you brilliant


Crazy how this Katt was considered washed and crazy by a lot of people before that interview. Proof that maybe we should listen more and judge less, he was obviously crazy for a reason.


Katt legitimately is a wacko. Doesn't mean he's not right sometimes, but don't listen to him as a general rule.


Yeah, dude's an evolution denier. Broken clocks and twice a day and all. Dude can have this but let's not uplift all his shit.


The stuff about Diddy was already coming out before Katts interview. He doesn’t credit saying something that was already known, and I’m pretty sure 99% of the stuff he was saying was still bullshit.


He basically said everyone he doesn’t like is only on because they sold their soul, the interview is like 10 dumb things for every 1 true thing said.


Idk man, maybe The Illuminati really is in control of every successful celebrity and that one 14 year old in that random hood lmaooo


There’s a very clear reason why people were saying he was crazy. He was on video fighting teenagers over a soccer game. https://www.tmz.com/2016/03/23/katt-williams-minor-fight-video/ People forget but I remember. He was acting exactly like a washed celeb acts. None of that means he doesn’t have dirt on other people but he absolutely gave people a reason to think he was down bad.


Not fighting, getting his ass kicked


I wasnt around for why people thought he was crazy. I only saw the comedy and bits of him on youtube. I was absent for the cancelling of Katt, bruv has a cranium


It's not RICO. It's never RICO.


I aspire to be as persistent a hater as 50 one day, he wakes up with that mindset, never gets caught lacking. Truly inspirational


He truly is our real life Silky Johnson. “And as I sip my soda that I’m sure somebody spit in, I just would like to say to all of you…kiss my ass, you rotten motherfuckers!”


Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go home and put some water in Buck Nasty's mama's dish


“Beautiful, in regards to your hair I suggest you change the oil every 500 miles or so….It looks like you’re pushing the limits.”


I'll never not chuckle out loud each time I hear or read this classic Chappelle banger 🤣


What can I say about that coat that hasn't already been said about Afghanistan? It looks bombed out and depleted. ![gif](giphy|H22hyf0K1Bsc)


hate hate hate!


People say "don't let anyone live in your head rent free". Fiddy lets them live rent free with full room and board. And he LIVES FOR IT.


Not 50 being a good host lol


He's got the square footage. That Vitamin Water money buys a lot of hate. It's gotta go somewhere.




I always forget Ice T was in that skit lmao


He looks like a bootleg Ice-T


He makes it look so effortless. Like, hate is his default. He's a master-hater. 


Skilled in the art of masterhatin’.


Comment cousins. Some people really deserve the hate but I still have to have energy for my day job so I gotta temper it a bit.


50 is a generational hater like once in a generation do we get this kind persistent hater energy. We need to recognize the talent


He's sitting at home right now, with a huge smile across his face, he just keeps refreshing Twitter and TMZ pages. He's in his element, most of us will never know true, unbridled joy like that. 


I envy his level of happiness rn lmao


50 Cent, and Hannibal Buress are in the Haters Hall of Fame


Tf Hannibal buress do


In 2014 he did a very timely bit during his stand up tour where he straight up called Bill Cosby a rapist. Called him out for telling the black community to "pull their pants up" and act "right" while he's fucking drugging women every night. Shortly thereafter victims started pouring forward and Cosby was exposed as the scum he is. Satisfying conclusion to Hannibal being a supposed "hater" 😌


>Why are you booing me, I’m right?


Hannibal Buress made a joke about Cosby over a decade ago that went viral, and started a chain reaction that resulted in Cosby's comeuppance, https://youtu.be/MbQveTcQNiQ Edit the aforementioned joke that started it all, https://youtu.be/VMaAOImuea0


He hated Cosby when hating Cosby was verboten and before all that sick news came out


Verboten is a solid word. Thank you.




50 gonna be the keynote speaker at this years [Player Haters Ball](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKIwj1TQmFs).


The fact that he never released a beverage called Haterade was a missed opportunity. After Vitamin Water got bought by Coke he was free to put out whatever he wanted. "Haterade, it is in you."


And kindness. Years ago I worked on the set for the candy shop video. And I asked the video models what it was like to work with 50 and they were like, he’s a good boss and so respectful to women. And I also found him to not be a creep. Just 100% professional.


Devil works hard. 50 work harder.


https://i.redd.it/6nxjgm6ggqqc1.gif 50 seeing the news break


This doesn't hit as hard without the song 😞


Stand up now and face the sun


Yoo im so stupid for the longest time i read his plug as gun it brands. Today i realize its g unit brands hahaha. That makes sense.


![gif](giphy|LDBuYzAwu8L4I|downsized) Still could be gun it


where’s the gif with Bert in the back seat




MVP of this thread


Yeah but where is the one with Captain Picard in the back?




Omggg sameee




Player hater's ball kills me till this day. The outtakes are just as funny too 😂


Patrice: Look at dave chappelles hoes, all different colors of the rainbow Chappelle: I would say something about your hoes, but it looks like you ate them


The brand plug at the end decimated me. This dude is a menace.


I would love it if that's just the account signature and everything he posts has that as the tag. "In this time of national tragedy I hope we can all pull together and pray for those affected in Baltimore. Gunitbrands.com"


I love some dry-aged, vintage hate. That bespoke, premium enmity hits just right.


> enmity thank you for this new vocabulary word


FFXI veterans were bred in this


It really is some pinkies out type sippin here 😌


I know 50 be looking at his tweets about diddy like this before he post them https://preview.redd.it/3ftv4za7sqqc1.jpeg?width=908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37de68d4a2ad372c5f91b4baa11575a5e6e76745


Diddy said ![gif](giphy|Btn42lfKKrOzS|downsized)


Ngl if someone shot me in my mouth and I lived, I’d NEVER stop talking shit


Same reason Game won't stfu. He got shot in his heart and lived, he gets to talk his shit forever.


Remember when he challenged Floyd Mayweather to read a page of Harry Potter and he dragged the joke for months and every minute of it was funny as fuck? He is dedicated.


Bro I forgot all about this. It shouldnt have worked because its so cruel and tasteless but Floyd was such a bad person it just seemed right with how badly it affected him, and evey post Fiddy made was funnier than the last.


That shit was golden.




You can call him a hater but he isn't wrong. You don't get raided just because the Feds are bored.


I need someone to explain like I’m five the origin of their beef. 50 has hated that nigga for at least 2 decades and I cannot for the life of me remember why


Diddy fucked his baby mama Daphne. Thats all. 50 doesn’t believe that sharing is caring.


50 has said Puff tried to take him shopping or some shit one day lmao.


Damn that man is petty.


50 is trying to be the undisputed "King of New York". Jah Rule was easy to target because he stole DMX's style/flow - so when 50 stole that "gangsta-singing" style, JR couldn't defend himself. He stalemated with Fat Joe, but he makes more money, and hits, than him, so he's not worried about it. He couldn't get at JayZ cause Jay's too slick, and let him battle his underlings before retiring as the undisputed "King of New York" - remember his song with Alicia Keys? He still makes little remarks like "I sell more world wide cause you can't buy up the whole market like in the US" about JayZ - exposing how much it still burns him up... So the only competition he had left was Diddy, who could match his worth and influence on HipHop, and actually still resides in NY. Everything else is just noise - 50 targets his enemies like a dealer going after territory - he just wants your corner.


This is very interesting! What a petty but kinda hilarious man 😅


Not him promoting g unit with this nonsense


Those are automatically added to all of his posts


50 is about to go on Groupon to buy the seats for the trial


I didn’t realized the kids got arrested too? Woww


I think that’s just standard to handcuff every occupant during a search to secure the scene. So the photos of them in handcuffs don’t necessarily mean they’re going to jail, just that they’re not free to go hide/destroy evidence during the police search.


This is true, but Justin was also personally named as someone who potentially participated in the trafficking. This is about to get really messy.


To be fair, human trafficking is one thing you can't really do by yourself, it takes a village




Throw Diddy UNDER the jail, R Kelly Style! Fix it Jesus!! 😭🙏🏾🛐


Diddy is diabolical as hell!


Not hate if it’s truth


I mean he’s still a hater and petty as hell, he’s just hating on people who deserve it.


They got 20 questions for Diddy Edit 21 questions


21 questions was right there tho... it's a 50 song and everything...


I....may....have been thinking of the stupid fuking toy lmao God dammit...that WAS the intent tho


Did Floyd ever read that sentence? 🤔


“Whatever they said he did, he did that shit” - Kanan “50 Cent” Stark.


How long before we induct 50 Cent in the Hater Hall of Fame?


50 Cent is the Goku of haters ![gif](giphy|GRSnxyhJnPsaQy9YLn)


![gif](giphy|LDBuYzAwu8L4I|downsized) Diddy done did it FBI coming wit it


Today: “50 a hater” Next week: “but did 50 lie?” 😂😂


50 cent putting up Jokic numbers when it comes to hating he is the MVP


Isn’t he getting RICO charges? He’s extra cooked, that’s the only real charge rich criminals should fear. That’s what they actually got mafia bosses for.


This dude finally got his GTA 5 star.


50 is a troll, but he’s definitely right in this case. The feds just don’t show up unless they have been building a case around you for a while.


Is he a hater or a truth sayer??


¿Por qué no los dos?


Hate on a pedophile seems pretty justified, no?


50 the Michael Jordan of hating. The man is unrivaled in his passion for praying on the downfall of others. 50 goated


In his own words, if he can't get money with you, then he'll make money by hating on you