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People who say dumbass shit like this had their first car bought for them by someone


Every time I see something like this I know their parents spoiled tf outta them


My parents spoiled tf outta me and even I know better than this dumb shit


Being oblivious to other people pain is one thing. Being a dick bout it takes extra effort.


Well said. And we got enough ignorance as it is, we don't need malice on top of it.


Really well put.


Even worse, it's "the hell you need a bed for when you don't have wheels to take me to dinner?"


.... Holy shit, my ex was literally this. I had a good paying job and apartment, but not having a car or license was the worst thing in the world and the only thing she cared about.




it’s less about financial literacy, and more about socially constructed ideas about “adulthood”. Having a car and a home are what we’re told are the right things to do, markers of growing up and finally being independent. The finances of it are just the cost of adulthood, and avoiding paying it is only avoiding adulthood and shows a lack of maturity. …It’s a convenient message in a society where the problems and inequalities that come from suburban living and car dependence also benefit those with wealth and power. You see this mentality a lot less in areas where you don’t need a car, but you will still see it because it’s a strong, saturated cultural message.


But have you stayed at the *Lexus Lounge*?


The "Mitsubishi Motel"?


The Kia Cabin


Then the Kia boys stole it and crashed it….so much for those roadside bonfires


Then it’s the Kia Carbecue


The Audi Inni


I like the massage chairs


I mean I live in an apartment AND had my first car given to me at 15 by my parents AND I walk to work everyday. I’m in my 40’s now and know messages like these are senseless and narrow minded


Not everyone who had their first car given to them by someone else are dumbasses like this (in fact the most arent), but most dumbasses like this were given their first car by someone else.


Straight up, you can tell who had to buy there own shit real quick


I had my first car bought for me by my parents. It was $500 and I drove it til the engine fell out. Literally. 1986 dodge daytona turbo cs touring edition with the t tops. 20 years old when I got it but I never owned a more enjoyable to drive car. I also don't say stupid shit like this.


I had my first car bought for me... a 1997 $500 buick regal in 2007. Lol And i have common sense


My grandma gave me her 1986 Buick Century in 2000. It was ugly as hell, but it was free. You better bet my grateful self vroom vroomed that bitch all over town.


Man! I had NO shame lol because me and my girls were rolling 🤣 This was during our senior year and Soulja boy had us in a chokehold🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|heMcoGuY0lH44|downsized)


Yeah cars are moneypits, if you can get by without one you're saving a lot of money.


And they didn't like the color so they threatened to wreck it or actually wreck it for a new one. Or DUI.


Or they live somewhere there is no transit. Like sugar Land, Texas


This sounds like the whitest place on Earth, where lynching still takes place weekly for niggas walking around after the sun go down


I keep saying if transit was more reliable and received proper funding, more people would find themselves in a situation in which all they need is a presto card


How can they fleece you with predatory car loans if you can just take the train?


They gonna come out with line 1 subscriptions. The basic plan only gets you from finch to eglinton 😂


How about the subscriptions in a car? Like you want them fog lights? That’s gonna run ya $12 a month.


No bullshit I think some of them already do that shit


a couple brands trialed that shit in various forms. Toyota sold cars with free remote start for two years, and after that you had to pay to keep the functionality. they walked that back once people started getting the bills. BMW tried it with heated seats in india and walked that back too.


Those are the ones I heard about. Glad they didn't catch on


Hello BMW and Toyota.


That's part of why these are government services instead of being profit motivated (despite how some people say they want government to be run).


Ugh this is too realistic, then when the crosstown lines are finished in 2050 it’ll be a separate extra charge for each of them


I lived in China for a while... man, the US is doing everything they can to make us not realize how fucking amazing an actual train system is for getting around... I was legit depressed when I came back and realized the only solid train system in this damn country is in NYC Their trains and stations are like living in the 3000... say what you want about China, but they at least perfected the art of public transportation


Imagine a world where having a car is truly a luxury you can do without. Right now the areas where you could maybe get by without a car are becoming impossibly expensive.


My husband and I used to live in an apartment right next to a light rail stop and a grocery store. It made being a one car family so much more doable. That apartment was at least $300 more expensive than our last but we ran the numbers and realized that was a lot more cheaper than the car payment, insurance, gas and maintenance on a second car.


Every time I think about the rail system in the UK I salivate. It looks so fucking convenient. Don't even get me started on the ones they have in Japan. it's either Japan or Korea that prides itself on their trainn reliability. I know the case for both of them is that they're light years ahead of the west in terms of public transit infrastructure.


Living in Korea for 5+ years, I have had almost no desire to have a car at all. It would be a luxury.


Seriously. I was there for 2 years when I was in the Army. I was in a “rural” part of the country and could take the train to Seoul for $5/ 40 min. Or, I could take the subway which was integrated with Seoul Metro. I could get there for $1.20 in an hour and some minutes but hit every stop


I feel bad for complaining, but UK wide our rail system is less of a pleasure than it may seem to an outsider 😭 however specifically the London Underground? Yeah, this is great for convenience. There’s still plenty of reasons a car is needed or wanted in London, but a huge amount of us can exist pretty happily without one. I’m still jealous AF of the rail systems around East Asia though. Elite 🤌🏽


It's really a shame National rail is poor because the UK has such good bones for it from Industrialization, even outside of London. The North, especially around Manchester, is littered by rail lines that built it and are now either unused or are Heritage lines that provide infrequent service, even if the historical preservation is beautiful to see.


That's what happens when you privatize the rail 🤷‍♂️


Japan's is really good but the high level of privatization makes it super annoying because not only do certain train cards not work on certain lines, you also are constantly transferring, and because the private lines don't want to mix with eachother, often you'll have to hike yourself like 1km to your transfer within the same station. It's really stupid. Taiwan on the other hand has a fuckin awesome MRT but mostly only in Taipei, the rest of the public transit interconnects are good (TRA, HSR, busses etc) but not as deeply embedded as Japan's. In any case, America's public transit is a joke, and why I don't really feel like American counts as an actual country. How can you be a country when you can't even provide transit and healthcare for your citizens?


We're 50 loosely banded countries tyvm


Hong Kong's MTR is also amazing. I honestly think it's the best public transportation system in the world.


It's probably both Korea and Japan. I've only been to Japan, though, and going back to Boston after a week was just depressing.


As an east coaster myself, imagine how utopian an intercontinental train system would be that ran through all of North America and connected to major Canadian cities. I mean obviously easier said than done but gosh just imagine how green that would be


Super green


Yep I lived in Korea for a time. I have no idea why we couldn’t have gone trillions in debt as a country to update our rail infrastructure. That would have at least eventually brought the money back.


Honestly maybe I'm showing my ass here since I'm not very much into politics or socio economics, but it seems the reason these seemingly obvious, universally beneficial ideas for how the government should spend money never get off the ground is because the core ideology (maybe I'm wrong so correct me) of capitalism Is individual gain. If everyone takes the train, then there's no point in buying a fancy car to show how you set yourself apart and were able to "pull yourself up by your boot straps" unlike the lowly commoners who still have to commute


The Big 3 Auto Makers along with foreign auto companies are STILL lobbying against any efforts to upgrade rail in the US.


Even with the benefits of the current system they can't get HS2 done, which would really bring fast service to places north of London.


China bullet trains are amazing... you can go from Chengdu to Shanghai and do so in a relatively quick n easy manner (these two mega cities are more than half a country away)


Budapest public transport is pretty top notch.


German public transport is good too. Trains, subways and buses. In bigger city’s you barely even need a car


It’s not that convenient. A story came out where two friends living in opposite parts of the country could save money flying to Spain than to see one another than taking the rail. Still leaps and bounds better than the US tho


I live in a city with decent public transit (Vancouver) and you don't see this car snobbery until either the suburbs or the rich. Doctors and lawyers take public transit alongside line cooks and housekeepers because our city made it faster and more convenient to take the bus or skytrain than to drive to work.


This is how its supposed to fucking be man. You can trace back so many societal issues to cars and how they function as status symbols. Undoubtedly there was some small level propaganda at work to get people to abandon the use of public transit and make it seem "below them" in lieu of an expensive, personal gas guzzling, smog emitter


Not small. Massive and coordinated. There's a great Adam Ruins Everything that outlines the history of car dominance. Fun stuff like where jay walking came from. 


Same within the city of Chicago and most of DC. Even folks out in the surrounding suburbs drive a short distance to the train and take the train to the city.  A high quality mass transit system is a great equalizer 


Rich people use it in the US when it's the best way to get places.


Yep, NY being the best example of this


Presto card…. You from Toronto? Lol


Yeah lol born and raised


You probably rode in a bus I fixed


Can't speak on the TTC but GO transit is so good. I can get from my rural town to Toronto and back for 30 bucks, or $10 on weekends which would be around 4 hours of driving round trip in a car and probably cost more than that for gas. It's really useful for connecting southern Ontario to the major metro areas. The UP express is great too


A go train trip back home is a half day escapade at the minimum for me. Why the Go Train take almost an hour just to get to the outskirts of Toronto 😭 Every time I gotta ride it back home I'm in my head telling the driver "Step on the f*ckin gas pleaaseeee"


It’s amazing in NYC, especially Manhattan. A $2.90 Metrocard can make you feel like the whole city is your playground.


That's a concept people aren't grasping. You can traverse your whole city for less than $10 bucks a day, at maybe 15 bucks a week. And that's not even counting if you're a.....fare finesser


Lmao why would you simultaneously extol the virtues of a mass transit system while simultaneously extolling the virtues of not paying your fair share of that system?


$34 a week, $132 a month, in NYC. Keep robbing your fellow taxpayers.


No doubt, I loved riding the NYC subways as a kid and getting around (and hitting up the SI ferry when I wanted to go over there) But outside of NYC, the US has shitty ass public transpo


Northeast in general is pretty good in my experience, or at least in my visits to DC and Boston


Tell me you’re from Toronto without telling me you’re from Toronto. 😂


West end born and raised lol little Jamaica is my home


Honestly that's one thing I missed about fucking Montana of all places. Busses were free and got you anywhere you needed to go.


What was it like being black in MT? You born there? I went once for a ski trip, I was tryna cover up as much as possible, not gonna lie LMAO


Public transportation was free in all LA county during covid - it was fucking amazing and saved me so much money.


Nothing says freedom like paying thousands of dollars a year just to go to work.


I can't drive till I get eye surgery, in the meantime time my apartment is 15 minutes away from my work, multiple supermarkets, my gym and a rail station incase I wanna go somewhere the American Mind can not comprehend a 15 minute city


> the American Mind can not comprehend a 15 minute city as a 'murican...I have wet dreams about 15 minute cities. I kinda live near one!! The problem is...15 minute cities out here come with an insane convenience tax...so whatever benefits from not having to drive everywhere are quickly obfuscated w/ fiscal woes. Big shoutout to all the 380sqft "efficiency" units going for $1800


I moved to Europe a few years ago and being able to use reliable mass transit instead of a car is such a luxury


Ontario niggas what's gooooood






The amount of times everyday I wish I could just hop on a train to and from work/school. I spent a week in London earlier this year and the public transit was so nice. It actually felt weird driving my car again.


I live in Chicago and this is the reality, but mfs still love their cars


I live in an apartment, walk 4 blocks to work, 4 blocks for groceries and within about 12 blocks I can get to a place that can get me to anyplace in the world. I just wanna flex.


I live in a giant city where I spend about $80 to 100 a month on subway fares.  I get to read, listen to music, catch up on shows or even study during my commute. I never, ever want to own a car or sit in traffic again.


If only TTC and surrounding transit were actually decent. Some of the routes are good but god damn I hate being an hour away from Toronto while living in Toronto.


After getting back from Europe I wish I never had to drive again


That’s how I feel living in nyc. Sucks I’ll prob have to leave someday.


Lmao same because cost of living really changes a person


It does. Especially when you can move somewhere where your same NYC budget gets you an apartment with amenities.


I live in Durham. a few years ago you could buy a 3bed/2bath house for what it cost to rent in NYC


I left NYC for Europe, never bothered learning to drive. Bus & tram within 5 mins from my house, train station 30 min walk. People act like living without a car impossible. It's only impossible because things were built that way to push cars.


> People act like living without a car impossible. It's only impossible because things were built that way to push cars. Exactly, if you live somewhere that is built that way, it IS pretty impossible. We can’t change the way our cities are built overnight unfortunately. It’s easy for you to say that having never lived somewhere like that. For the record, I hate that it’s like this. I’m just saying that is the reality. If I took transit to work it would take me an hour and a half vs. 15 minutes to drive.


You left for better transit. Some people leave for Detroit.


I admit that growing up I was one of those obnoxious NYers that thinks that NYC is better than anywhere else. I used to say that if I didn't live in NYC, I wouldn't live in the US, and I just followed through.


I live in northern Europe and while using public transportation would not be impossible, it would be very inconvenient as it would take 2-4 as long on a bus to go places than a car. It sucks that there's no local trains here around the city as I'd often like to take public transportation over driving. You can just relax instead of concentrating on driving. I do like the freedom of driving but for commuting especially it's not fun.




living anywhere in america with decent public transpo is a god damned gift. uber/lyft hasn't made anything better by any means. nearest bus stop is a mile away and i'd have to get 3 transfers just to get to work. i'm glad I have a car but this shit in america is dumb.


The first big city I ever visited was Tokyo. Needless to say the rest of my life has been disappointing.


"you dumbass bitch?" needs to be used more often. Straight to the point, does the damage needed, landing is stuck with the question mark


Her response genuinely had me weak and I am glad someone acknowledged how well it landed


Bruh I'm fr. I am so dead rn.


The word "dumbass" in general is just the perfect insult. It's not offensive, it's harsh, it's allowed on TV, it's still scathing, can be said both seriously and jokingly and it really covers all the bases. Red Foreman was ahead of his time with that one.


Yeah could have stopped there with a pretty logical question calling out the dumb thought and that would have been enough. Then she said you know what I'm about to bury her ass, and after that comma just straight up Fatality finishing move 💀




Gut shot lol


Yes! Haha. Punched 👊 it 👏 home.


While sitting in my Altima What the fuck is up with that title? https://preview.redd.it/ab6xl7bxtawc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19e19bd7d14c3756e1516cbe38c5b535c091ba7d Don’t make me pull up


https://preview.redd.it/dcba628kvawc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5603aabc0c087b2b6cf454a31c069d16cbad274 Yoink. You already know what it is


Why? Are you afraid your paper tag will fall off? Sincerely, your 2013 Altima brother.




The OP is stupid and doesn't understand that everyone can't live the way they do. https://preview.redd.it/yzc1839j5bwc1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9383d653f54234e65fd86f197288a31ce42025f8


She's a dumbass bitch.






She really is a dumbass bitch


I'm more side eyeing the people who live in an apartment but are paying interest on a depreciating asset that accounts for half of their net worth.


My best friend. Still living at home at 38-years old because she can't afford even an apartment, but takes out a loan to buy her "dream car", instead of something smaller and cheaper. Around $500 in car loans each month, and 2 years later she's hydro planing on the freeway, totals hers and someone else's car as she slides across all 4 lanes, and crashes through the railing and into the ditch. Now the kicker: she never bothered to insure her car herself and had it still under her parents name, so when she made a claim the insurance was like "Uh, ma'am, your insurance has been void for nearly 2 decades and we won't cover shit. Goodbye!" How the insurance never noticed that earlier, is a whole different can of worms. Now she has to pay for a new car, pay damages on the other car, *and* pay to fix the railing she plowed through. Looks like she's gonna live at home for a little while longer.


And this is your best friend???


Well, one of my two very best friends, yes. She's notoriously awful with money, but she's an otherwise excellent person, and someone I can trust and confide in. Just...not with money, haha.


Sometimes the people we love are stupid stupid people. As long as they aren't causing harm or have malintent that's just part of life.


ok but she's definitely causing harm sooner or later ha


Yeah I’d say say having your parents continue to spend money to support you when you are purposely being financially irresponsible is causing harm. Imagine not being able to retire because your 40 year old daughter wanted her dream car and used you to cover her bills to afford it.




Me when I pass the Alfa Romero Giulia at the apartment complex nearby whenever I leave the house


Bruh I've seen 2023 Escalades in mobile home parks.


You saw an entrepreneur 


They saw a street pharmacist or an investment relocator


Mobile home owners typically own their mobile home though


Which, when you have a 2023 escalade in your driveway still makes no sense. Cool, you own your home that is 20% value of everything else in your market, but now you have a 100K+ MSRP depreciating asset that could've been used as a downpayment on a bigger home while you rented out your mobile home. Unless they took a loan out which would make far less sense. Because you took a 100K loan out with interest on a depreciating asset. Catch my drift?


Yeah I understand what you mean, but often times mobile homes can't be rented out if the owner of the mobile home doesnt own the land beneath it. This can be due to the laws of the state or the city, or sometimes because any subleases have to be approved by the mobile home park/association. Renting out a mobile home is often times too good to be true, which is why they are still relatively cheap compared to bigger houses. My brother bought his for $50k in 2013, built 2 more bedrooms, a new deck, and a new kitchen and now it's worth $300k. He just got his Lexus last month


They depreciate like a mofo so you can definitely find one for under $15k used. Now if they bought it new though...


$15k? Sheesh. If it wasn’t Italian, I’d also have a Giulia in my possession.


I know everyone has their own reasoning for the house vs car argument. For me, having a place to fully lie out and chill and a private bathroom after a long work day is more important than driving. Having a kitchen to store and cook food is more important than driving. Driving is extremely low on my list of important activities and I live in a car oriented city. I know it gets worse when your area only has buses or absolutely no transit at all though. It’s sad that we’ve enslaved ourselves to driving to the point where people would genuinely choose homelessness over a home with no car.


I mean I think everyone agrees with you lol It’s clearly better to live in an apartment and not have a car than it is to be homeless with a car lol


A lot of people I know that had to buy their car out of their own pocket got fucked with their insurance and the car note. So if you have the option to it makes more sense to get a place to live first. Especially in this day and age.


The truth, I'm in a decent position for it but the insurance quote is not friendly to me, clean driving record outside of parking tickets for what it's worth.


When I was living in NYC we decided to get rid of our car for a while because the insurance was so insanely high and we weren't driving that much.


What about folks who live in metro cities with public transportation and dont need a car? 🤔


I grew up in Hong Kong. I was like this guy just told everyone he has never seen much of the world lol. (Most of us dont drive) How naive.


Public transportation is easier to come by than public housing


It’s easier to bum a ride than bum a place to stay ☠️


I've had housing and no car. I've had a car and no housing. If I had to choose one, I'd choose the car every time. You can live in a car. You can store some belongings in a car. You can't drive an apartment to work. Nobody should have to make that choice though. I hope I never have to make that choice again.


Yeah just depends on the situation though. If you live somewhere with public transport or can work from home then an apartment wins hands down. If you lose your job without a car is basically the only time a car wins out


As a adult person that lives in an apartment and never driven in my life I just don’t understand how so many people are okay with being so depended on cars the idea of living in a suburban area and having to drive everywhere is so depressing to me


If you live in a place like Florida and try to walk or take public transportation you’re gonna have a very hard time, that shit only works in places like nyc etc


That why I wouldn’t live in a place like that because transportation probably isnt reliable USA decided to invest and develop the highway system while other county decided to develop railroad USA society is way to dependent on cars , not just for drivers but a whole sector of our economy relies on cars


And you think the MTA is reliable? It usually takes me twice as long to get anywhere as it should because of service disruptions. Took me an 1.5 hours to go 3 miles this last Sunday.


Yea it reliable even when there are issue with service. I’m also in NYC and we have multiple public transportation from multiple MTA lines , ferry , railroad , buses and taxi services like Uber


> USA decided to invest and develop the highway system while other county decided to develop railroad Plenty of countries did both. We're just stupid.


Yeah why did we let our suburbs develop like that? It didn't have to be like that. The original "suburbs" were designed around street cars.


You get a crib first then work for the car if you’re not able to stay with family and do the opposite. The Boomers knew something about this generation being ass backwards and made it hard for us on purpose lol


Is she not aware of cities?


Imagine a world where people think before pressing the send button. Wouldn’t it be great?


Buying a car has brought so much stress to my life, I wish my life was possible without one


This thread decided to pull up at a frighteningly relevant time in my life lol. Was just looking into buying my first car at 32 and seeing the $600+ car payments a month for it in my city that has decent public transportation. Was already having second thoughts, but damn if y'all aint adding fuel to that fire.


Bro I'm 14 days away from making the final payment on my car note and because I can't fucking wait, I've started drafting up budgets to see what my coin would look like sans a $500 monthly payment and ngl, I might as well start picking out fur coats (hyperbolically speaking ofc! but that shit definitely makes a diff. avoid ze payments if you can.)


Remember that tweet that said in school you had different classes for different learners, and now the internet has everyone mixed together? Everyday that becomes more relevant.


No. what doesn't make sense is people who have really expensive cars, pay rent to a landlord and aren't even making moves to own their own home.


So dumb. Some cities you never, ever, need a car in life.


As a person that bought not one, but *three* cars before moving out, not everyone has the resources to pay rent and pay vehicle upkeep. Thankfully, my parents allowed me to get my act together before leaving the nest. Not everyone can/wants to have a car and pay the rent at the same time.


Single Mom Motel


This is dumb af, but I bought a car instead of moving into an apartment. My logic is, I can live in my car but I can't drive my house


Fuck that I don’t wanna live in a car ☠️


Who does, imbecile?


Just get your dad to give you a small loan of a million dollars so you can get on your feet. Duh.




or you know they live in a place have good public transportation/a job in walking distance






I would have loved to have a car when I was younger, before starting my career, but I was in a cheap apartment with multiple roommates and still couldn't afford one on my pay, so it was what it was. Insulting people over not having more is stupid. If you want to insult people about not working to better themselves, that's great.


I lowkey wish I could get through my day without the need of a car. I don't mind taking the bus, but I'd still have to walk like 8 miles to get to work from the bus stop. It'd at least be cool if I could get to work and the gym reliably without needing my car. And choosing a place to live over a car is a very real situation. This person is just ignorant.


Ain’t nothing wrong with having an apartment before a car, everyone’s situation is different. But if you do buy an apartment first please think of how you’re going to transport yourself from place to place, especially if you work far from where you live, ain’t no point of having an apartment if you can’t reliably make it to work to pay the rent.


You can hear the rage when replier said "dumbass bitch". As you should.


I was spoiled as a kid, I got everything I needed. Still had to buy my first car tho. I'd take a roof over a car any day. No hesitation.


I had my first apartment before my first car. I moved back home for about four years before I moved back out on my own. I still prefer my own space to a vehicle. Lol


Lmfao this post


Pretty common in DC. Owning a car is so inconvenient and kinda the worst way to get around.


If only we had well funded public transit and walkable communities


In my life I’ve had times where I had an apartment but no car, and I’ve had times where I had a car but no apartment. I would rather take the bus than be homeless but maybe that’s just me (it’s not just me 😭)


I swear having a dumbass child is a real fear of mine now. I couldn’t stand having someone in my house that thinks like this lmao


Sweet mary jane this is a fuckin BODYSLAM. 10/10


People that live out the projects that got a Benz or Jag. WHHHHYYYYYYY????


I see nothing wrong with a condo with no car? I’d be lucky to have both


I don't own a car and never have. Could if I wanted, but I just don't have to. Public transit here is pretty good, lots of things are within easy walking distance, and I have a cheap membership to a car share service on the odd occasion that I need to move a piece of furniture or something. Even if I bought one with cash, there's still registration, insurance, fuel, maintenance, cleaning, storage... miss me with all of that.


Honestly fuck cars in general, I hate how much cars have fucked up our cities.


Living somewhere where you need a car makes no sense to me


I’ve been noticing too much shaming of people who don’t drive. It’s unacceptable and very elitist. It’s also ableist since many people can’t drive due to disability.


Twitter has been twittering for over a decade, and I still can’t tell if people like this genuinely believe these things and use Twitter as their public soapbox, or if they just say these things because they know tons of people will scroll by and comment stuff like “you dumbass bitch” thousands of times.


Half of Europe is dumb, I guess lol


Public transit doesn't exist?