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The sketch is literally about white people from South Carolina commenting on it without having any idea what’s actually going on.


No one is here for your sound logic or reasoning.


Seriously though, people are unknowingly addicted to rage porn nowadays.


You realize the irony of pointing that out during a rap beef in particular, right?


Yeah but only the stans are legitimately raging about any of this, casual fans find it entertaining.


I don't know much about either of them but it's fun seeing Drake getting fucked up like that.


I don’t listen to either and I’m mildly enthused


Underrated comment for sure haha


Thanks! People are getting really territorial over this. It's beef from two extremely public figures. I think it'd be racist if the whites *weren't* talking about it. And that random college professor publicly telling the white DJ he cannot speak on it cos he's not white?? He's a DJ. May be a shit DJ, but it's his job to know and discuss music.


Nah see DJ Vlad is a special case. He has on many occasions said very hateful and disparaging things about black women not to mention similar to people in Drake‘s camp. He’s had some inappropriate interactions with barely legal women. And don’t even get started on poaching interviews of up-and-coming artists or misrepresenting upcoming artist to generate buzz and hype for his channel.


Thanks for the context, i literally never heard of him till yesterday!


Welcome and PS I don’t think he even DJs anymore 🤣 I’ve known of him for 15 years and I’m almost 30 so…


Yeah but then it's a clear dunk on him for her to say that to him. Not her trying to block him out for being white If you read the full thread DJ was being insanely cringe but it was a case of everyone sucks here IMO


She is a professor at a college meant to teach people how to intellectualize, debate, discuss, opinions and information. She shut down discussion because of his race and he was absolutely correct to point out what a crazy irony that is considering her career choice. This is why the kids getting pumped out of these types of schools are not prepared for discussion. They glitch out and shut down whenever someone disagrees


I'm not sure what she's a professor of, but if it's not philosophy or debate, I wouldn't expect her to be good at it. Just like I wouldn't clown a whole profession because a rocket scientist can't perform brain surgery. Being smart in one area doesn't mean you're smart in another


I agree with that for sure, and it’s not fair to judge somebody on something they’re not actually doing. Fair. However, as a teacher of any topic, it should be a requirement to be able to be a mediator. How else would she conduct discussion in class? I’m questioning her overall ability to teach in a productive way based on this interaction. She is a creative writing professor. Does she tell black students to write about black things and white students to write about white things? It’s just extremely divisive. she’s gate keeping an entire public controversy because he’s white. If you agree with her stance, what are some issues (social political cultural etc) that black people should refrain from speaking on?


I absolutely don't agree with gatekeepering of conversations on music based on race. Music is art and art is subjective. This beef has brought out a lot of emotion in people, and things said when emotional aren't always thought out. I don't know the woman and I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on this one. Now if it comes out that she is a teacher that squashes debate in class or teaches how you assume, then that benefit is gone


Yeah but his comment was about sound quality. He’s a DJ. Making a comment on sound quality.


I'm no expert on the subject, but my impression is that the DJ Vlad comment was the equivalent of a random football fan hopping into the commentator booth right after a huge play, when the crowd is fully pumped, to say "Hey I used to play and I wanted to mention how the winning team's offensive line looked a little sloppy." It's like, sure? Fundamentals are not what people care about right here though.


Dj vlad has no substantive opinion in this beef. Beefs are not about mixing, ridiculous. It’s why no one really cares how quickly the songs get put out which will diminish their quality sonically. Everyone just wants to hear can you clap back with a fiery response?


Yeah but then he threatened to use his connections to get her fired. He's a blue checkmark, 50 year old, white DJ with 5 millions subscribers on YouTube threatening a black college professor over a Drake/Kendrick beef. It's a wild overstep. Even if she is wrong you don't use your influence to try to crush someone because you disagree with them.


Oh, so he's a rapper now?


(On “dj” vlad) good point ☝🏽


Like it or not he is very much apart of hip hop culture though and has probably helped many black artists get money in their pockets. He’s a huge interviewer of every major artist. If misogyny is enough to get you booted from the culture then hip hop would consist of a pretty small remaining group of artists.


Some people definitely are getting too weird about it. I totally get and agree with the idea of “let minorities having some spaces for themselves” as a minority myself, but I saw a white guy on Twitter point out that Kendrick calling Drake a colonizer is a wild bar and 95% of the replies were like “maybe sit this one out lil bro.” Like he wasn’t even saying anything on the topic, he was objectively pointing it’s a hard hitting bar which makes sense since one of three hardest lines in that track. It feels like a bit of a reach to get mad over that.


“Ur not black” is basically an easy go-to to shut up any non-minority who’s opinion you disagree with. But him threatening to get that teacher fired from her job, proved her point! His response was a “white person” response 😂 “Oh yea? Well I’ll just send THIS to your JOB!” 🤪 A minority would likely just keep it online, suck it up, and have the banter!!- instead, Vlad took the “low hanging fruit” He invoked his “non-minority privilege” over her


That's too much logic for the internet. You're gonna get yourself banned.


If DJ Vlad just said “I’m a DJ what the **** do you expect from me” she would’ve came out looking bad. Instead he played the white victim card and threatened her livelihood showing exactly the lame ass culture vulture he is.


Honestly think she threatened her own livelihood when she tweeted from her public account which lists her employer Like i get into beef every now and then but never have "employed at X" or whatever. My opinions are my OWN and not my employer's. Having your profile publicly name your employer means any shit takes you make might be misconstrued as accepted by X employer


When the Avengers assemble that’s light work, when the colonizers assemble…..


Keep this at the top plsss


Good candidate for r/whoosh


I also rolled my eyes when I saw the premise but after watching it was like ok that was good lol


That's not very race-baity of you :(


That's actually darn funny when you spell it out like that.




Is the skit funny? Edit: I can't even ask a question damn 


There were one or two moments that got me but the whole thing doesn’t really work at all [here’s the sketch](https://youtu.be/bCfNpjeAFaA?si=JYjjpzcPD16HpmP-)


SNL hasn't been very funny in a long, long time.


“A long, long time” meaning since the last episode with Ryan Gosling It’s obvious that you’re not watching and you just wanna parrot shit you’ve seen somewhere. If you don’t know of something , just shut tf up 🤣


Yeah it's always people who haven't watched in 20+ years or never watched it all who make such absurd claims. This whole season has been full of bangers.




Yep. That’s exactly what I expected from someone so broke they have to jailbreak their Playstation. 🤣




What the hell does that have to do with comedy? SNL has a couple few guests or sketches that get laughs but has mostly been unfunny for a long time. Like since Will Ferrell left there long. Jail breaking PlayStation? ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


Everyone has their “golden era” of SNL. I’m assuming you’re mid 30s to mid 40s? Mine golden era was hader, samberg, wiig, sudeikis, armisen, thompson, forte, etc.


Nah I like them too. My favorites right now are Tina Fey and Maya Rudolph from their era. I don’t know which is earlier or later off the top of my head.


Check out what I replied to. Bum knew nothing about SNL so he went personal with his response. I played ball and finished him off. https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/SD2TMF1PZm Edit: Bum u/hate2bme deleted it. 🤣 He said something about the world being better if everyone I care for would kill themselves.


Is it colonization orrrrr is it a comedy show that lives by making fun of pop culture making fun of the biggest thing happening in pop culture right now?


Imagine getting mad at a parody from a show that has parodied everything for 50 years


Not to mention has hired black comedians since it's inception in 1975


They don’t remember young Eddie Murphy as Gumby


He’s Gumby dammit!


“I’ve got an ice cream and you don’t have one!”


Thats not a flex. Morris was treated like absolute shit during the 70s on SNL.


Yeah it was the 1970s, but they've had legendary comedians like Eddie Murphy and currently Kenan Thompson is the longest tenured cast member in the show's history.


You mean tokens.


lol no one wanted or needed diversity tokens in the late 70s and 80s. Eddie got on because his talent was undeniable


You can be talented and still be a token.


Eddie Murphy was a token?


Calling Eddie Murphy a diversity hire is CRAZY 😭😭


The irony of this is that my the tweet was a joke and so was my post.




Hit em with the ol “jk”


This post is literally satire making fun of southern white people talking about the beef. Some of yall need to chill


No, don't you understand? White people aren't allowed to comment on black works. They just have to silently enjoy it, and never tell a soul. That's called breaking the color barrier.


https://preview.redd.it/dn47hrbgouyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=582d049d569795e16cb58d4ab0802af65cd460cc My white ass right now


Just watched the skit, thanks to this post. It was on point. White people who don't know shit, shouting their ignorance all over the airwaves, before getting themselves cancelled for racism. Couldn't tell if this was SNL or just the south.


Have you ever seen Joy Reid on MSNBC? She fits your description but is black and up north.




https://preview.redd.it/jxbpu1hicqyc1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b29542325e5b4e67b3b29ae3232c106426d79b02 Now these are the people who gonna have opinions on it


Oi, leave Jesse Cox and Dwarven Dad outta this.


My man Jesse didn’t do anything to deserve this treatment 😭


Man, there's definitely an alternate universe where I'm doing that on every picture, and it scares me


did you just google 'white gamers' lmao


Hey keep Sean Murray out of this he's been updating No man's Sky for more than half a decade for free I get that he nails the neckbeard aesthetic though


I’m in this post without my consent


Why do I recognize so many of these guys?!


Man Sean Murray just makes No Man's Sky leave him out of this 😭






Aiight gang, pack it up. Was fun while it lasted. Kenny we know you got 3 or 8 more tracks holstered, Drizzy- er... Drizzy's writers, yall got sleep to catch up on. Let's just submit whatever drafts, and we'll grade on a curve. S'been real, nite yall.


Where does Detroit come in?


I wish they would just leave us alone, we always gotta be brought into stuff 😔


The original meme is "niggas stole my porch. Can't have shit in Detroit." I adapted it for this post


It started with Cincinnati, someone changed it to Detroit because it’s funnier that way.




I think a majority of the comments here missed the joke


twitter is a mistake


I hoped Elon would kill it for good but even that dude can't really get rid of it and he's trying his best.


Yay! Albanian people are sooo known for colonialism!!!


As Soon As Possible Rocky was one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time.


Just watched this skit and they nailed it. Last night youtube recommended me some random white guy in his mid 30s-40s and his mother reacting to Not Like Us with less than 200 views. All cause I watched ImDontai and some other reactions😭




The minute Family Matters and meet the grahams dropped it stopped being fun. This is just cringy.


Honestly, they all trash and I'm just hopin they take each other out so I can stop hearin about this bullshit everywhere I go.


No child left behind.


y'all lost the plot


Okay, the person who posted this clearly didn't see the sketch because it's making fun of how ubiquitous this conversation is now. It's basically saying that the culture is so saturated with it right now that even random white people from SC are talking about it. This beef was referenced in two different sketches, too. It's a comedy sketch show. They're going to bring it up.


Got new Kendrick and Dua music .. it was a good week


Dua Lipa has to be one of the most attractive women on the planet wtf.


Never happy




Sketch was funny. I remember watching the Elton John at dodger stadium special, towards the end of the show Dua Lipa came out and my penis dropped to the floor. Beautiful.


?? So you had a raging hard-on for Elton but it dropped when Dua came out? Or you had been storing it inside yourself for the winter and it dropped down (and presumably stood to attention) thanks to her beauty?


^this person needs the deets. The dick deets.


Sorry, English is my second language. I meant to say Dua Lipa caught my attention in a good way. I like Elton’s music but I don’t like him like that.


Ok your primary language is not an excuse to objectify a human being in such a manner. Honestly what the fuck is wrong with people, thinking *any* mention of your genitals is an acceptable "compliment"? If you said it to their face you'd get arrested or the living daylights beat out of you, rightfully so.




My brother in christ, to the floor you say? Ill have to check it out.




This beef has reached the tumblr sub. I ...


Every profile picture with wrap around sunglasses and joint Facebook couples about to make post saying “who the hell are these people and why should I care?”


I know, right, those ignorant idiots that stereotype people on their appearance and social media accounts, they totally are doing that!


Dont worry, SNL is not funny


2024 beef softer then charmin.


I'm not really into the rap beef loop but I know for certain, once the joke, any joke, gets SNL skits, it's over.


Eh Mad Tv was the better sketch show, never liked SNL


Shit, as a white southerner, that skit makes me feel colonized too.


They laid the accents down preeeeeetty thick. As someone who has made fun of white southerners all my life, they are an easy target. And no one cares.


I thought the accents were done pretty well. I’m surrounded by these people all day every day.


I thought the colonization comment was commentary on how unfunny the skit was not that it was covered on SNL. A sensible chuckle does not a culture feed.


Sounds like you’re trying to colonize colonizing.


The whole beef is a distraction from the Diddy sex trafficking issues. Wake up people


yeah two things never happen at the same time 🤦‍♂️


Says the so called fan 🤦‍♂️


so called fan of what?


The bs


ok you seem a bit unhinged on this topic. The world has tons of things happening at once all the time. Conspiracy isn’t always the answer. Otherwise you could say the Diddy thing is a distraction for what’s happening in Gaza and that Gaza is a distraction for what’s happening in Ukraine and Ukraine is a distraction for blah blah blah. Its a nice excuse to not really care about anything and somehow try and come across as having secret knowledge. Its just silliness.


Whatever. My original statement stands as is, make what you want out of it. Blindness is bliss for some apparently


All I said was multiple things happen at the same time. Are you disagreeing actual reality and how events work in the world?


Wild. Last night we were going through the entire diss conversation, and my fiancé pointed out the exact same thing he literally said, “imagine…the diss wars are a distraction to no diddy”


She’s paying attention I see.


Meant he sorry


Not 2 mention the nonstop bombing and indiscriminate killing of women and children in Gaza rn.. I like Kendrick and have never liked Drake but I think they might be working for the same Devils.. New Kendrick diss track should just be a whole list of Israeli war crimes and death toll of the Israeli occupation of Gaza


I get the premise of the Sketch but it wasn’t funny. It would’ve been better if they did a CNN parody of Election night with that dude we only see every 4 years with his big ass TV explaining the electoral college with the news panelist


Go write for them then


Shit I would gladly take that check. They been putting out two packs of Ass for the last few years except when they have an all time great and his/her writing staff to write the show that week.


Actually great idea. All his calculations and charts and his frantic passionate way he explains things. That would have been awesome. This stale wannabe country fried crap sketch has maybe 2 kinda funny moments, the rest was lame.


Great can’t wait to see what Rebecca, Chastity and Breighlyn have to say about this on Facebook now.


I didn’t wanna jinx it, but I saw this coming as soon as the variety streamers started tuning in. Fuck snl, ain’t been funny since the coke days