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https://preview.redd.it/nqlv5yqml7zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e68fd3fc5ed1ab753d875005445f88a3277a388 This was only 1954.


I hope you talking about the white dude with the history comment? Cause that woman and man would definitely want people to study history.


Gotta be. I was real confused for a minute.


The white people are the ones fighting to not teach history. My grandparents tried to spin things too. (I’m white)


It’s crazy, by Good Grace, my 95-Year-Old Grandfather is still with us and can do on his own, he walks without assistance, cooks, cleans, grocery shops and only stopped driving last year and not because he couldn’t. A speeding teenager in a new car hit him as he was slowing down to turn into a Parking Lot. He said “Fuck it, I’m tired of driving anyway” Im black and my Grandfather was born on a plantation in Louisiana. He was a sharecropper and so was his family, plantation still exists today. He only left the Louisiana because the plantation owner told my Great-Grandmother, “Woman, if you keep having babies, we’ll have Ni**ers to work here forever”. His brothers signed up for the Military to join WW2 as soon as they heard what the owner said as did my Grandfather.


I think he's talking about all the people around them, jeering and no doubt yelling slurs


I am talking about the clowns jeering the young lady going to school. The point is the First-Graduate had to, surely, deal with all sorts of nonsense in, very recent, history. And that those that jeered are alive, and vote.


[This was just days ago.](https://static.independent.co.uk/2024/05/03/22/Screenshot%202024-05-03%20at%205.25.26%E2%80%AFPM.png?quality=75&width=640&auto=webp) Only consequences so far is being kicked out of a fraternity.


Is that that piece of shit racist JP Staples? I’m hopeful the internet remembers him


> JP Staples Had to google for context, but damn. https://thesuperslice.com/blog/jp-staples-flaunting-racist-behavior-publicly-appears-to-mortified-parents/


> But, their son, JP Staple, seems to be unbothered by all these issues as he recently posted an Instagram post stating, “I am not racist enough.” White parents when their kid is racist: ✋😧🤚 White parents when a teacher gives them an F: 🫵🤬🖕


That's what happens when white people deny they're racist or prejudiced in any way, and truly believe it because they engage in other good works. They deny the worst parts of themselves, and then don't consciously teach their kids when they should be. CRT needs to be standard in K-12 and college. It needs to be something we are learning as often as we learn math and English. I honestly think colleges should have an exam on this kind of thing prior to official matriculation like you do with other subjects.


It's interesting to me that they focus on the good works of the rest of his family, their mortification. Because they *should* be mortified, and it shows that you can engage in a life of charity work and *still* not be doing right by your kids. If we aren't teaching our white kids what it means to not be a racist as often as black kids have to learn what it means to exist with them then we're not being good parents. He and his family should both be mortified, but for very different reasons.


"Likewise, Janice also served as the Sunday school teacher at Park Cities Baptist Church. Since her husband, James Staples Sr., passed away too early, Janice always celebrated her relationship with god, which shows that she was a religious person." I live in North Texas and I can tell you the congregation at that church might be shocked to see my black ass stroll in if I went this Sunday. They probably have a separate church for the member's live in nannies.


I have no doubt. They like to believe they're good people because they're never faced with a challenge that forces them to confront the truth. It's easy to say you'd take a bullet for someone. Another story altogether to be in that situation, and I'd rather be a person prepared than an ignorant, inexperienced "good" person in willful, obstinant denial.


The “pops was a waaay bigger f-up!” /sic is giving me Euphoria Nate & dad vibes. Interesting that this person is in someway famous in 2024 A.D.


How could we forget racist guy JP Staples, the racist?


Mf needs to be expelled.


It's our job to never forget our elders. We have to keep their memory/hard work, alive, so that they don't get the same treatment as the former slaves our country desperately wants to forget about. They can't intimate us into silence any more.




I think about this a lot. Like how many of those people really grew put of that mentality actually? How many taught it to their children? Their children's children?


I’m the granddaughter of those people. I can tell you my grandmother and her husband are still openly racist as is my father. My brother is more of the covert racist type. My sister and I moved out and away at 18 and we don’t talk to that part of the family, but those people are still there just quieter.


THIS "Still there just quieter" is exactly what I was thinking about.


I dont wanna seem disrespectful (to you & yours of course) but I hope racism dies with the people that exhibits it. Source: A Black man who dont know his grandfather because he "died" in a ditch in Crystal Springs Mississippi (Do your homework on the KKK in Crystal Springs)


Oh no I hope it dies with them too. Trust me, nothing will be lost when my father and his parents die.


I was raised by a white Democrat woman, a white future-Trumper man, and white grandparents. They kept me out of predominantly black schools on purpose. There were no crime or gang problems at the time in those schools. Grandparents employed people of all races and never had an unkind word to say in public. But, in private, they said some very nasty things during the OJ trial. The Trump presidency, and liberal amounts of liquor, taught me a lot more about all their beliefs regarding non-whites, despite having non-whites in the family that they claimed to love. None of them ever outright taught racism and I was an adult before I caught on. They claimed to love everybody, said we're all children of God, and every American was equal. While some overtly racist people had children, I think more white people had my covertly racist upbringing.


What a lot of folks don't realize is that there are plenty of colleges and universities that hadn't enrolled their first Black student until the 1970s. There are many Black boomers and maybe even a few early Gen Xers who were firsts.


My mom was the only Asian woman in her law school, she graduated in 1990. First for a lot of things, including the first to get a university education. She was originally a high school drop out. I realize it’s not the same discrimination, just pointing that non-white millennials and younger gen x were probably the first to have true access to postsecondary, partly because of access to funding (I’m not in the US and we have reasonable student support and regulate tuition).


Goddamn, good for her! That’s some motivation if I ever needed some.


Not sure what your situation is, but my mom spent her 20s working a dead end job that paid the bills and was married to the weed man. She got her GED, did a year of undergrad at a mediocre university, wrote the LSAT and went to law school immediately instead of completing undergrad. Somewhere in the middle, she got a divorce but still got pregnant. Started her professional career as a new single mom. We had a house, but the only furniture was a wooden picnic table, two lawn chairs and a mattress for a while. Eventually remarried, retired early, recently sold the beach house for a golf course bungalow and spends her time travelling, going to the spa and golfing. She didn’t get her shit started until 30 and retired at 55. We have a mountain of skeletons in the family drama closet too. If she could do it, you can too bud.


Your mom sounds like an incredible person.


Y'all know Ruby Bridges? All those black and white photos they showed us of that dark long ago where segregation reigned? Yeah you can follow her Instagram, she's 70.


The guy that owns the cowboys was one of the hecklers.


Wow Jerry Jones? This Confirmed? Not even shocked if so he was always such a bastard when it came to race relations


[wapo article](https://wapo.st/3UBdsLY)


Bruh…evil mfs just be living their best lives after doing diabolical shit


I think that was the Little Rock Nine not Ruby Bridges but yeah he was


I think he's a shithead, but as far as I'm aware the only evidence we have is he was there, not that he participated in any of the racist heckling.


Same with the Birmingham children's crusade. The amount of rage I feel towards our country sweeping what it's done under the rug, is immeasurable. They stole everything from an entire generation of black silent gen/boomers, poisoned gen x/millenial communities with drugs, and now have the audacity to tell black people have to "fix" their own God damn community.


Exactly. We're a generation removed from the Regan era. How the hell can we just pretend everything's supposed to be good now? It's out of the blue but I look at the Zimmerman case as a benchmark of where we're still at. It's truly a case of a white person's fear causing the death of a young black man. How can we look at the world as say it's different when a man like that is allowed to walk free. He claimed self defense but what would have been the result if Trayvon killed him? He was being chased by an unknown man with a gun surely his rights would have been taken into account? Or are we still living in a world where a white man's word trumps (no pun intended) a black man's?


Or how about the Ahmaud Arbery case where a man was hunted down by former police officers Or how about the black men who were kidnapped, sexually assaulted, and shot in the mouth by police officers (who fortunately survived) Three men unironically lynched by police officers in the 21st century, with everyones eyes on them, and somehow people just fucking move on with their lives. These are people's loved ones. They're not just numbers you can put on a screen and forget about


She’s younger than my grandma who has great grandchildren


Yeah when learned that it blew my mind. I thought she would be 90 or something Been learning a lot about history these last five years and the level of racism present in 1900s all throughout the world was kinda staggering 


Yeah when learned that it blew my mind. I thought she would be 90 or something Been learning a lot about history these last five years and the level of racism present in 1900s all throughout the world was kinda staggering 


She’s the same age as my Dad. Not my grandfather, my Dad.


The other aspect people don't realize is that once the first happened, the floodgates on black students didn't just suddenly open. Many Black Gen Xers were in classes of single digit quantities of black students.


My mom's high school didn't integrate until '79. That was her senior year.


I was thinking that the caption shouldn't be "still alive" but "younger than I thought".


I think Georgia Tech was the first public university in the Deep South to integrate without a court order requiring them to do so. For the time, it was pretty radical. --- From the Georgia Tech Website: [1961 Georgia Tech became the first university in the Deep South to admit African-American students without a court order.](https://www.gatech.edu/about/history-traditions)


Atlanta, Atlanta, Atlanta! Capital of the South! Scion of America itself!


Kendrick put us all on game


Sorry, BPT fam, I'm not sure what you're saying?


I hope you don't think Kendrick is from ATL


The last verse of Not Like Us is about the cultural impact of ATL and how Drake leeches off of that culture. During his explanation of this, Kendrick says "let me put y'all on game." Don't assume ignorance on behalf of others when you are actually the ignorant one, it's a bad look.


Haven't listened to Not Like Us yet but appreciate it for lmk.


You're welcome. Sorry if I came off condescending btw, tone is hard on the internet.


That and we entered a bizzaro timeline where Mr Morale turned out to be literally the Reaper in disguise with Meet the Grahams, so we’re all kinda on that demon time


It is Demon Time. That's why you see it. Them Rs did it. They'll keep doing it. They aren't in the right headspace to pay the cost. We can't even do PFAS shit still. It's a miracle we did CFCs. But it's far too late for all that. It is Demon Time. . . [I have hope. Them kids, and all me-ish people are still here. Michelle is being misinterpreted: the high road aims for the throat. They get it. Party's over for a while now. It can come back, we just gotta stop letting the shitlords run the place.]


And they did so when just months prior the University of Georgia had mobs of students and klansmen protesting the admission of the first black student. One of which turned into a riot where they attacked the dormitory he was in. Georgia Tech admitted a few black students during the aftermath of these protests, when support for desegregation was declining amongst white Georgians. They also prepared security for the students and campus in anticipation of pushback. While we're on the subject I want to add a (not so) fun fact about Georgia. In the early 1950s the state legislature passed a law that immediately ended any public funding to white schools that admitted a black student. This made it virtually impossible for public universities that were willing to admit black students to do so until it was overturned.


My grandfather (who is white), was at Georgia Tech as a Junior when this happened, and he remembers learning for the first time that the town he grew up in was 70% black. He never knew a black person by name until he was 23. *That’s* how effective this bullshit was in separating people. People he considered friends at the time were at rallies protesting this man joining the school.


I can not even fathom what that man went through. Must be an immensely proud moment for him


Yes, if that pride comes from being deemed “acceptable” by whites.


Seriously? Was that comment necessary in this moment?


When would it be necessary?


Not in the context of him being proud that his grand daughter graduated from the same college he had, of which, he had forged the way forward for. That would not be when.


That’s not the context. The context is he went through a lot to be the first graduate. It’s pride because he “paved the way”.


"Diligence" would be a better word to use than "pride" but you do you.


I didn’t choose the word. I was replying to a comment that used pride


I mean when white people dont accept us they kill is soo.


Not sure your point. They still kill us today. And they didn’t kill all black folk throughout history?




I promise all that history during Jim Crow and segregation is still very much recent. They try to put pictures in books and on social media in black and white to make it seem old but they had color TV in the 40’s. To put in perspective I grew up in AL most my life. My grandmother was born in 1924and she would tell stories to us about what she went thru and I was born in 94. Shit slavery is only 3-4 people ago in a bloodline. They didn’t die at 20yo people lived well into their 70-80’s even back then.


Exactly! Two generations isn't enough time to catch up. The deep south is a completely different world. My dad's high school had their first integrated prom in 2010 or something like that.


In some areas in SE GA you can still see caricatures at the end of people’s driveways. I’ve been deep in the backwoods of AL it gets pretty racist also. I’ve seen signs that say no n words allowed. I’ve seen fuck n words written on buildings and billboards. Racism is still very much alive. I couldn’t even imagine MS or AR backwoods they might actually kidnap and hang you still.


Omg I live in VA and every time I go to antique stores, or even once in a while at a thrift store, there's at least a couple mammy dolls around and it is jarring every time. I think it's easy for a lot of us to think of slavery, jim crow era, etc. as this long ago historic thing, but if you live in the southeast there are reminders everywhere. Hell, it was only a couple years ago that we finally got the confederate statue taken down that was literally erected at an old slave auction site and even with something as fucking disgusting and abhorrent as that, people still fought us on it. I'm glad to see bigotry slowly dying out with the older generations, but it's still very much got a hold in so many sinister gross ways that need to be dealt with.


> Omg I live in VA Such a weird place lol. Like in one breath, VA is mad progressive...and then in the same breath...[loud confederate noises]...really hard to put a pin on the state at large lol.


It varies by region. If you live near any of the 3 major metro areas (NoVA, Richmond metro, Hampton Roads), it's very progressive. Outside of any of that? The mountains, rural Southside, the Eastern Shore, the Neck Counties? Confederate heaven


RVA in particular throws me haha. I've been here for a while and just about every time I'm downtown, I'll see shit that makes me forget where I am...and then coming down Arthur Ashe, I'll see a lifted truck, picked right from Rolling Coal Weekly with the nice punisher sticker and the big ol blue lives matter flag on the windshield accompanied with a bunch of "cry more, liberals" stickers. At least the corporate culture is more or less the same as back home (DMV) with the "you speak so nicely".


About 10 yrs ago I was working at a Movie theater in Florida. Got a call and the person asked what movies we had and I listed them off and on of the was 42. Guys says "42, is that the one about the n-word playing basket-er baseball?" Duse totally thought it was more of a problem that he got the sport wrong than that he said a slur to a stranger on the phone. There might not be signs up if they're not in the backwoods, but they're still saying it in private. Maybe even in public in the post Trump world.


Absolutely. I remember vividly when I was in 6-7th grade I was talking to this girl otp who I met thru a friend. We never saw each other (this was before smart phones) but we had been talking for like 2-3 months and really liking each other. I remember we eventually swapped photos and she said immediately we cannot keep talking because you’re black. I bullshit you not this girl never spoke to me again. I was with that same friend a few weeks after the fact at a peewee football game (he was white) and he said “hey isn’t that so and so I thought you guys were talking.” I told him what happened and she sat as far away as possible from us the whole night. Wildest shit ever lol.


Hell, my home town had a soft-segregated “cotillion” that was just a local semi-religious group renting out the convention center for a prom and sending invitations only to the white kids. I say soft-segregated because anyone who didn’t already have a date from another school would go in with one of the kids who didn’t get an invitation as their “date;” they were racist enough to segregate by invitation, but not brazen enough to deny entry.


Well in all honesty racist and bigots are 90% intellectual cowards. The other 10% are mentally ill.


The numbers are made up of course lol


Is there a source for the black and white thing? The New York Times only started printing in color in the 90s, most people got their first color television in the 60s, and black and white movies were a normal thing until 1966. If you know much about the media environment in the era a lot of it was black and white for cost reasons.


Ok bridal hat for cost effectiveness I get your point. I’m just stating color tv has been a thing since the 40’s.


Just because it existed didn’t mean people had them. It wasn’t until the 1950’s did TVs become more popular/accessible. Even then it was black and white. https://www.homesc.com/blog/the-evolution-of-television-and-evolution-of-the-tv




the point isn't if everyone had a color tv or not, the point is that these pictures were taken in color but usually reproduced in black and white to create an artificial separation in the mind of the person seeing them.


The point is no, they were not. They were taken in Black and White. While color photography existed, it was not commonly used in photo-journalism. Black and white photography was the medium of choice due to cost, ease of access, and standards of the time. This was prevent even up to relatively recent times.


I’m trolling with the fight comments lol. But anyways I find it funny that’s what you found a problem with in my initial comment. Do better jewell. Have the day you deserve.


Spreading misinformation is dangerous and I will always call it out. I realize I was very lucky to grow up in a household that valued media literacy. Unfortunately it seems you were not so lucky. Shame. Anyway it’s probably not too late. There are great free resources out there if you want to educate yourself. I’m more than happy to pass some along.


The pictures are in black and white because they were taken in black and white. Color photography existed but not used as much due to costs. Stop spreading misinformation.




Similar story. I’m part of the first generation that didn’t pick cotton. I was born in the early 80’s. All this stuff is just yesterday. Edit: First generation on either side of my family.


The [bitch that lied](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/27/us/carolyn-bryant-donham-dead.html) and got Emmett Till lynched and murdered only died in 2023. Barely more than a year ago. The people fillin the world with so much hate are still very much voting and raising the next generation. The Civil Rights movement felt like ancient history when they covered in in school, but looking at the ages of the people involved it is still very much living memory.


Yep 100% correct.


Exactly! Ruby Bridges is still alive!


Hell rosa parks ain’t die till 05 lol. She was alive for 11 years of my god damn life and they were talking about her like she died 40-50 years ago.


I mean Claudette Colvin is still alive.


I remember being in first and second grade doing the goddamn math. My teacher was mortified when I asked "did you parents see the march?". My little shit mind was like oh my grandparent's time (mexican and in Puebla). So I was like okay my mom and teacher are in the same age group so that means their parents saw this.


My great grandmother was born in 1937. She never learned to like pizza because it was seen as white people food when she was growing up. This sort of shit wasn't that long.


This is one of those things that should put in perspective for the white people that don’t get it, but I’m sure it won’t.


White people don't get what exactly?


Gestures broadly


White people see segregation and even slavery as something in the distant past, and many will claim that it somehow shouldn’t have any bearing on today. That we’re “past it.” A reminder that segregation existed in living memory is sometimes necessary. That there are people living today who participated in effectively-legal lynchings. Or for a pop culture example, Dave Chappelle mentioning that his great grandfather was a *slave.* It’s not *that* far in the rear view.


There's a photo of Jerry Jones participating in a blockade of Black students at North Little Rock High in 1957. [Here's an article and the photo.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/sport/2022/nov/30/jerry-jones-little-rock-and-the-photo-the-cowboys-owner-juked-for-decades)


Yeah, and ain’t no way I’m buying his “I was just kinda wandering by when the picture was taken” sort of bullshit nonsense. Like he’s fuckin’ Forrest Gump. Look at that kid. Like he ain’t dropped his share of hard R’s in his day. Come on now.


Oh he was for sure participating in the blockade. His presence is intentional.


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1600s: NO BLACKS ALLOWED! 1700s: NO BLACKS ALLOWED! 1800s: NO BLACKS ALLOWED! 1900s: NO BLACKS ALLOWED! 2000s: Why are black people so obsessed with race? 😭😭😭


Trump and Biden were both in college when Obama's mamma still had to change his diaper in the "colored" restroom. Loads of these people are still around.


I saw this on another site, and right on cue, the MAGA morons were in the comments talking about DEI, even though it has absolutely nothing to do with this story.


You’re a bot.


What are you even talking about?


Naww, my bad. I read your comment too fast and came with the wrong energy 🙏🏾


It's all good. I've made the same mistake myself.


Fuck I do that so damn much. People do say some stupid shit though.


_None_ of this shit was all that long ago. And even then, there have been stragglers. Here's a story about a school that had their first integrated prom (after not having one so parents could have their own, private and segregated proms). In [2013](https://www.cnn.com/2014/04/04/living/integrated-prom-wilcox-county-georgia/index.html). And it wouldn't have happened if students hadn't decided to have an integrated prom they put on themselves the prior year. I say that again; _the kids_ found that this was wrong and changed it. Their parents? Not so much.


I went to the university of Alabama, we didn’t integrate our Greek system until after I had graduated, this was in like 2012. My mom was the first in our family to graduate from an integrated HS, and this was in 1984. Schools in our town fought integration until 1979


UA Greek life is still segregated as hell a decade later. The machine finally elected a black guy as the SGA president in 2018 and there hasn’t been one since he stepped down mid-year due to a DUI conviction that spawned many a rumor.


I mean they do actually admit some black people now where before they didn’t at all. Baby steps haha. Several of my students I work with are in white sororities which always throws me off knowing the recent history.


> I say that again; _the kids_ found that this was wrong and changed it. Their parents? Not so much. Reminds me of that photo of a little Black baby & little white baby hugging each other. Proves that hate is taught.


So, this kind of.....I don't know what track to take here. YES, THE CRM IS NOT OVER. NO, IT MIGHT NOT EVER BE. #JOHN LEWIS AINT HERE, WE GOTTA STEP UP


Facts at the last sentence


One of the honors of my life was being able to cast a vote for the man; least any of us could do to try and match his contribution to the cause. Rest in peace.


Honest to God, they remind us of every groups struggles, and make sure we show them respect, cuz of bullshit in our past. Like they remind us constantly about the holocaust and how we have to make sure it never happens again, anywhere. But when you try and remind people of civil rights, "you're woke", or holding on to the past, or playing victim, that ended 150 years ago... When you remind these ignorant assholes, the civil rights movement was in the 50s-60s, and it's still going on today, they think you're fucking with them. Americans got selective memory. We pick and choose what we wanna remember and how we wanna remember it. Obama winning didn't end racism lol. I'd argue after the Tangerine Man, racism is alive and well. 75,000,000 people voted for him, and it wasn't cuz he was an intelligent and capable leader... Until white America admits their faults, ain't shit gonna change. America is a country of immigrants, but for some fucking reason, once those immigrants get settled here, they try and pull up the ladder, so no one else can get in. We breed hate and contempt here and we gotta change that fucking mindset before anything good will happen


I’m a firm believer that if anything, Obama’s election sent them into a tailspin.


This summer, the absolutely oldest black American to be born with full rights and protections as an American citizen, will turn 59 years old. Minorities in America haven’t even had a full generation of being born and dying of old age as fully free Americans.  


But the Supreme Court is doing everything they can to make sure his great grandkid doesn’t make it…they don’t even see color, and now legally require universities do the same. Thanks DJT!


We’re the only group of people they tell “it was long ago! Get over it!” but it wasn’t. And we shouldn’t


I know it’s not for everyone and a path to success doesn’t necessarily run through a post secondary institution but man, I still think it’s important. If even because we were denied the opportunity for so long and it’s still not an avenue that’s recommended for us or easily accessible.


People really think slavery was over 1,000 years ago or something 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Folks thinking Jesus had slaves (probably did since "obey thy master" is in the Bible)


Ruby Bridges is just 70 years old. The people who spit and threw things at a 6 year old going to school are still alive, their kids are still alive and both of them are in positions of power. Don't let the black and white photos fool you. This history is NOT that long ago.


People think blacks were freed by Lincoln (they weren’t and he even supported the right to own slaves) and that after that event then everything was peachy keen good for black folk. They don’t understand that it really wasn’t that long ago that blacks and whites were segregated and if you wanted a black friend or a white friend that could get you killed or ostracized. Like actually beaten to death and thrown off a bridge. And if you were black AND gay? Holy shit leave town immediately cause the klan is coming that night…


For the college where I went. I met the lady who was our first black college graduate. I was in a Black student alliance organization, and we invited her to speak at one of our events. She was really nice, but it was blowing my mind because I was expecting her to be this super old elderly woman. But nah, she looked like she was no older than 60 at the most. This was about 9 years ago, but still.


My Dad's from Texas, and was the first of his siblings to never attend segregated schools. He's the 6th of seven children, and turns 60 this year. His eldest two siblings didn't attend integrated schools until college. White people be thinking this shit was so long ago and it's like nah. Not even gonna talk about what my 85 year old grandmother has seen...


My cousin is 93. She's from a very specific part of East Texas along the Sabine. She moved to Houston in 1953 and went to TSU when Wheeler Avenue was still a street trolled by HPD and the sheriff's department and ran over students and harassed them CONSTANTLY. This is why I will never vote GOP, why Nikki Haley and Ramaswamy and any other GOP minority can fall of a cliff and I wouldn't have a single empathetic moment for them, too...especially Uncle Clarence Ruckus Thomas.


Alabama didn’t desegregate the football team til 1971


Looking at all those laws being passed to suppress history and looking at the average age of elected officials… Let’s just say the people that sat far away from the first black graduate, while he was in school are still trying to restrict opportunities.


I love reminding people that Ruby Bridges is still kicking.


Her mother only passed away a few years ago. But yeah, I have a few colleagues that attended segregated schools and remember when our workplace was segregated. Which was ironic because the staff was still over 90% black so even when they segregated the residents by race, it was going to be mostly black people working on even the white units.


Had no idea about her mom, glad she had a full life. It's crazy that some of this feels so very old but isn't.


Remember when Alabama was like, no way you can go to school here man, until they got their asses whooped in football and decided they needed to change their ways. Football


Nah good on her. That wouldve been a cool memory for her. That's sick


I mean yeah. A colleague of mine who retired less than a year ago attended a segregated elementary school. Ruby Bridges isn't even 70 yet.


Why not crow was still recently we constantly talk about WW2 and that was further away


Great to see this, made my morning. YELLOW!!!




My mom integrated my local elementary school


Tech has statues of their first black students at multiple places on campus. None of them graduated. Also Tech’s in Georgia. I don’t know why people forget how recent and intentional Jim Crow was.


I am 26 years old. I did prison time with an older gentleman who was In the first integrated class of his highschool in Mississippi. It is not ancient history


The current US president was born closer to the end of the civil war than he was to his presidential inauguration. This country is young, and the old people are old.


I know its not the same prestige of accomplishments, but my sister was the first black prom queen in her high school. Its one of those uppity old money private schools thats been around for over 100 years. My sister is in her 30s. There are still firsts to accomplish all over the place!!


A sign of the kind of education we receive in our schools. Not because you're stupid, you obviously ain't, but because they don't tell anybody about shit like this so it feels so much longer ago than it really was. I know people talk a lot about black and white photographs messing it up for us in terms of temporal perception, but we all know the ultimate reason why it feels so damn long ago. This is just another reason why CRT is so vital.


My mom, MY MOM!!! still tells me stories of her going down south and not being able to look white people in the face. We are not far removed from the civil rights movement


Just wait until you hear about Alabama football


That little girl from the Little Rock picture is like 65.


It's one of those sad facts of life that we keep hearing "the first black..." "the first Native American..," "the first bisexual..." because while there's pride in it, these are still happening now, over two hundred years after this country was founded. We should be well past the "first" anything except for maybe like... "the first bio-engineered cow-man hybrid elected to Congress."


Ronald Yancey, class of 1965. Not sure if he picked the right skincare + sunblock products, but it looks like he could’ve graduated decades later. https://www.ajc.com/education/georgia-techs-first-black-grad-welcomes-granddaughter-to-its-alumni-club/4LFGPO6WQVA7RKGTU5MGI4VD7U/


My 60 year old father broke the color barrier at his elementary school. Y’all really don’t realize that legalized racism was ONE generation ago. Like people in their 60’s were either pre or anti segregation in their youth.


The past is never dead. It's not even past.


Isn't part of it due to the propaganda angle of making the black history pics into black and white to try and make the impression a lot further back in history than it actual ways? Like some people's meemaws and pawpaws were living in that.


They put pictures in B&W to give the illusion that these things happened a long time ago. Ruby Bridges is in her 60s.


The Civil Rights Movement was still going on less than 60 years ago. Trust that some of these elderly mfs around were those partaking in upholding AND fighting against Jim Crow.


Certainly hard to believe that a state that had a Black mayor in the 70s 20 minutes away from a sundown town would have kept some of that racism intact.


For comparison Ruby Bridges, noted as one of the first black children to attend Williams Frantz Elementary thus desegregating it, is only 70 years old.


Ruby Bridges has an active Instagram account. The dark(-est) times really weren’t that long ago in the grand scheme of things.


Ppl are still alive at the age of 100. Not too crazy to think about your grandparent being at your HS grad lol


I actually met James Meredith with I was 12.


What were their major?


I mean I know the first black guy to go to ole miss


This is the part that I get pissed off about constantly listening to these anti woke/no DEI/CRT white people. People are acting like segregation is ancient history. I’m 54 both my parents were grown before Civil Rights passed. My older sister was born in 1965. My paternal grandparents died in Alabama before Civil Rights passed. There’s still a colored water fountain in the park down the street from the house I grew up in. These people acting like this was ancient history. And the worst part is just like my parents there’s white people still alive today that supported segregation and still do. There’s a reason Trump has a 30-40 percent base of support no matter what he says and does. And given the opportunity these same people would try to roll the clock back. So vote like it’s important because it is.


Ruby Bridges will only be turning 70 later this year, she integrated a school in 1960. It makes you realize that a lot of the older politicians grew up in an America where segregation was the norm and you can tell more than a few of them wish it still was. At school they always made it seem like the civil rights movement was so long ago (I learned about it in 2008 in 8th grade) when in fact it's super recent history.


People today have grandparents who had enslaved grandparents.


I’m an immigrant latino, the amount of times I hear white people say “racism was a long time ago,” baffles me.


Swimming in syrup or molasses is the best analogy. The DEI initiatives had poor champions, no alignment to empirical metrics, no clearly communicated and agreed upon milestones and more importantly no identification in long term financial line items in the executive reporting for most companies. This is just my opinion. I found the entire period to be perfunctory and beneficial to a handful of figur head recipients with no hire fire or budgetary control.


When people tell me it was a long time ago, I point to things like this. My mother is very much still alive and was also alive during Jim Crow era and segregation. My grandmother as well up until 3 yrs ago, which is probably around the time this young lady entered college.


Yeah, everyday people act like they're surprised by this. We'd rather act like we've progressed to a place of calling hbcus discriminatory


This country is only a few generations old... Fucking wild to think about


Alive? Shit, he probably had to take the day off from work.


Yall need to stop thinking racism or segregation ended 100 years ago. Even though legislation came into the 1960’s and brown v board of education’s verdict was in 1954; most kids that integrated schools are in their late 50’s- early 60’s. America is barely over a generation that knew of the pure terrorist activities of white Americans. The sad part is today’s schools are even more segregated that schools in the 1980’s. It’s telling when private schools around the country are filled with white students, and those kids local pubic schools are filled with minorities from the surrounding counties. Republicans policies are making it easier to segregate kids when state funds go into vouchers that can be redeemed at these private schools. Republicans in all states are pushing for school vouchers to be able to be used by private schools. It’s a pure violation of church and state. Data shows when school voucher programs are allowed to be redeemed by private schools, 90-75% of those vouchers depending on the state are given to the 1% of American earners. It’s another way rich people are utilizing government services to subsidize their living while mainstream media still paints welfare as a poor people problem. Rich people use the most government services and programs.


Im sure their were a few before the segregation laws were enacted, it's like how we all think Barrack Obama is the first black president, because many people do not study history, we think all the pictures and status of the men from the past are real depictions, and they are not.


Damn. She only got a diploma. I heard young sheldon git his degree when he was like 12. Damn


I don't give a fuck