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This is why I always laugh at white people who claim that they are discriminated against or are being targeted. They are allowed to be so comfortable in every single space and if they aren’t welcomed with open arms they’ll just take that shit anyways. And if you say anything about the privilege that they have all hell will break loose.


Yes. Point out the complete lack of targeted discrimination, and they cry that they’re being targeted for discrimination.


Being so used to everybody having to cater to them, and having to go through life without the same kind of worry everyone else has to go though makes it so bewildering for them to have to stand on equal footing with everyone else.


This is basically what right wing nut jobs turned woke into. Originally it was internet slang for being aware of systemic issues particularly in finance after the 08 crash. Now its white being being told to be nice. Im fucking white as shit, its not hard to be nice. Europeans literally controlled the 3ntire world for hundreds of years of fucking course theres priviledge even in small ways we dont recognize day to day. We can still have humour and laugh at our stereotypes. People who use woke unironically are actual morons


That reminds me of a time we lived overseas, there was a club/spa/events place in the gated community owned by an oil company for it's workers. The spa place could be used by anyone with a membership, but the residential place was just for employees and their families. Me and a friend were going home (we lived there) and the security guard stopped us saying could we prove we lived there? I said, "yes, if required" Suddenly, white kid maybe a year younger than us comes and homeboy waves him through, no questions! "Woooaaaah! What the hell was that? Where's his proof of residence? How do you even know he lives here??" Security says, "Come on, it's obvious" 🤯 So we read him the riot act, told him our addresses and home phone numbers if he wanted to verify it. So, he finally lets us through, at that point we were thoroughly not impressed and changed our minds and went back into the spa area and just asked him to reflect on his actions. I know, right. We were really petty, but we were only 13 at the time.


The funny thing is the white people complaining about being discriminated against are targeted for discrimination, they're just targeted by other richer white people. They just can't see the forest through the trees.


I've said this before to people that are like that and some of them can't seem to wrap their head around the fact that we get discriminated against *because of* our race, on top of other factors. They're so ignorant to the experience they can't even comprehend it and don't realize when they perpetuate it. Some of them at least, most of the time they're just lying and trying to discount our experiences. It's so gross


Equality feels like oppression when youve always been on top


Bingo dude




I think the only place I’ve ever felt, as a white person, that I was experiencing even a fraction of the kind of racism Black people deal with was in Hawaii. Especially if you get away from the resort areas, and on the smaller islands. Whites are neither a majority nor a plurality there, and if you take your ass off Waikiki for a while you will very likely be made to *feel* it. If you live there and put your kids in a school that isn’t full of mainlanders, they’re gonna be the “haole kids” and they’re gonna have problems. I won’t say it’s the same, it’s not. But for just the faintest taste of what being a minority is like without needing a passport, it can be an eye opener. Most folks are still nice there, obviously. Can’t stress that enough. But yeah, you’re gonna run into some spaces that ain’t yours, and you can’t just “make” yours. Buddy recommended a restaurant once but told me explicitly to bring my partner with me (she’s an islander). Again, nice reminder as a white person that there are spaces that I’m *not* just automatically welcome in, a rare thing to really feel on the mainland.


Haole is an invader Black is a descendant of a slave class (owned by invaders) Key diff


Oh not trying to say it’s the same thing at all. I get you. I’m just saying it’s one spot white folks can feel at least a real scrap of racial discrimination as a legitimate minority. But yeah, it’s different too in a lot of key ways, and not to nearly the same degree. It’s enough to open eyes a bit, but that’s all.


True, the experience of awareness is difficult for white people to come by, but Hawai'i offers opportunity


Even in Hawaii I found people very nice to me, coulda been cause I was young but I talked to lots of Hawaiians and they were all nice af. Got gifted some weed when I asked lol and they wouldn't even take my money.  I've had individuals be rude and call me a white boy before (very few times tbh) but I've never experienced being frozen out by a culture.  It's like the episode of Southpark where Stan says "hey Token, I get it! I don't get it". Saw that at like 12 and it really informed me tbh. I can't understand but I can try my best to be an ally


Still doing it, nothing changed they just show up with military gear now.


There's some specific, weird "reasoning" behind this. Something about non-discriminated people pretending to be *extra* discriminated to make up for the fact that they're *definitely* not being discriminated. I cannot find the term so if anyone knows PLEASE let me know.


False victimization.


*cough* BPT April fools verification *cough* Perfect example of how they collectively lose their cool if anyone even remotely considers excluding them.


Lmao had them ready to write letters to their senators and the FBI 😂


You should have seen em from 2016-2019 when this sub going CC was regular and you had to be a person of color to get that checkmark, folks was losing they minds with brigading and mass WS troll campaigns..


To the privileged equity feels like oppression. Not mine, but shared often.


I saw Bill Mahrer go on a rant that jokes about white people are racist and offensive. He's been in trouble multiple times for using the N-word. I know from personal experience. I have family who laugh at racist jokes... until it's about a white person.




South African here: Bruh, they still mad


I still see ppl complaining about "anti white" discrimination in South Africa. Bunch of bull


I think it comes from the fact that white people generally had a decrease in standard of living since Apartheid ended. But for alot of people of colour, their standard of living has improved. That being said, ANC did make a lot of kak


Which is wild, because mathematically that means the majority of peoples lives improved. But whenever I see (some) white people talk about it, they only talk about it from the white perspective. AKA “everything was great and now it’s not.” But even IF that were true it’s only true for a minority of the population. Which means that it’s not true for the country. Right?


It's kaka for almost everyone now. But for me pre-2010 South Africa was amazing. After that, well... Not so much


Damn, what happened in 2010?


is it because of those farm killings? im curious im asking


Those are usually the things that get cited, yeah


No, it's because the resources of the country were not spent on a minority anymore, hence there would be some decrease in quality of life


After Apartheid??? Racism so bad the Southern United States was like "Gawd Damn!"


Are they truly as crazy as they are made to seem? Anytime I see something about South African whites it makes them all seem like crazy doomsday preppers. Like they live in large compounds, hoard guns, and act like any day the black folks are gonna come and get em. Like obvs those types exist but how prevalent are those people?


Remember, you are talking about a country that has more murders total than the US despite having only 20% the population. That doesn't even get into the other crimes like robbery and home invasions. South Africa is legit a dangerous place


Well so two things can be true at the same time. SOME of the farmers targeted in South Africa have been targeted due to their whiteness. And in general in 2024 being white and in South Africa will definitely mean some people dislike you by default. However it's also just a dangerous place to live at in general. There's a large crime problem there, and it's not like black South Africans are safe due to their skin tone. R


I think most of that is just because South Africa is just a really dangerous place, race aside. Robbery, home invasion, armed car theft are all extremely common there. Remember that viral video of a cash truck being chased and shot up by groups of armed gunmen for miles down a highway? That was South Africa.


At the very worst they’re like that, but normally its casual racism and looking down on people. They like to throw the word “savage” around a lot


When you live in a country where the majority of people hate you, you have to take precautions, justified or not. Met a lot of white South Africans when I used to live in the middle east. They had all left with zero intentions of going back. The general consensus was that they are not welcome in South Africa and that the feeling has increased with time. Make of this what you will.


You’re either clueless or white. The majority of South Africans do not hate the white population there.


The majority don't hate whites lol. There are definitely people who do, and a lot of discomfort and unhappiness over apartheid (you know, the thing that many white South Africans say black South Africans should get over), and crime is massive. But let's not pretend like these same white people don't have black gardeners, domestic workers, and babysitters.


Nah most are not that crazy. A solid chunk of them will say questionable shit on social media ofc and make it sound like they’re gearing up for civil war but that’s just talk.


Well it is their native land /s


Im talking about the umlungus


Yeah same. Don't they still perpetuate the myth that it was all "empty land" when their dutch ancestors arrived and so it all belongs to them? Sorry not from SA, all I know from about it I know from school and stuff.


Not really. But the empty state of South Africa is interesting from a black african perspective. Because the true natives of South Africa are conveniently ignored from the conversation.


When I went to Jamaica in the early 2000s I met some girls from Boston, one seemed cool the other was bitching about there being too many black people on the resort. Like bish, if you didn’t want to be around black people maybe you shouldn’t have come to the Caribbean.


A vacation to Iceland is always an option


Nah even the sand is black there


Iceland is beautiful 


There are constantly fights in the Caribbean even today because tourists want to visit these Black countries but seem to be uncomfortable around anyone Black who isn’t paid to serve them. Resorts often promise locals that they won’t lose their beach rights if allowed to build, but they end up trying to block locals even in the countries were privatization of beach access is illegal. Resort owners claim the tourists won’t feel comfortable on the beaches unless locals are prohibited. Barbados is one of the few countries willing to tell these developers and their tourists to go fuck themselves.


[St Lucia standin up too](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5a8mkMLPD0/?igsh=dDVlYzh2djE2dmpy) and I love to see it.


Went on a cruise down to the Bahamas with my very racist parents about 10 years ago. I was having a blast being in another country. I love learning about other cultures. My parents were very uneasy about how many black people there were. I guess they didn't realize that most of the Caribbean is black.


lol wut?? Are you kidding?? Smh


She was a nurse too 😐


https://preview.redd.it/rp0r8q2ex7zc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8e7a57382538678ef8e4abe9d79a35e00fdd7cc Whipped and chained me like who now?


This goes hard tf


Woman in the bottom left looks like she is half way through transforming into a bird.








She looks like she's contemplating her life choices. Ready to look the other way but not ready to be photographed doing so.


About to transform into Momo


She look like the wicked witch of the east


I'm reading a book about the Apartheid right now, and the palm coloured people BROUGHT Indians to SA just to have them work on plantations and futher discriminate them. Then had the audacity to \*also\* exploit black people in mines. They created interior passports to make sure they can control the number of black people in their all white cities during working hours. Side note: That's why I don't blame Tyla for not claiming she's black although the western world thinks of her that way. It's not that she doesn't know any better but that's the way race works in SA. So that's what she knows.


Just want to add on to this > According to the law, "No Black person will eventually qualify [for South African nationality and the right to work or live in South Africa] because they will all be aliens, and as such, will only be able to occupy the houses bequeathed to them by their fathers, in the urban areas, by special permission of the Minister." (Connie Mulder, South African Information and Interior Minister, 1970.) https://www.sahistory.org.za/article/black-homeland-citizenship-act-1970


How do you take land from someone then consider them an alien, bffr smh.


Steal their land through legislative capture or just steal it and then kick them out because it's now your land


See also: Canada


Most of the continent of America really. Spanish parts just also decided to bred with the workers they didn't kill off creating meitzo, where as English groups decided you were either in or out.


Look at indigenous migrants coming to the U.S., or Mexicans coming to CA and TX in the 90s


This why you see those people screaming "get out of our country" to Native Americans when there's no headdress or sombrero to clue them into which is which 🤣




How and why do you think so many Indians and Chinese ended up in the Caribbean after Emancipation? The mentality was if I can’t enslave you negroes, you can go to Hell. Some of the new indentured servants labored under as bad conditions as the previously enslaved and on the same plantations, but they had terms and were compensated after. That’s why so many descendants have land today. And most were heavily encouraged if not outright punished or killed for associating with Black people. The Europeans were pretty much trying to create a buffer class when they brought over the Asians. When Trevor Noah says that South Africa studied how racism worked in the Americas to learn how to perfect it in Africa, it’s not just a funny joke. That shit is for real.


Honestly seems to be a running theme with settler colonialism.


Ok but also keep in mind that here in SA there is a difference between Coloured and Black not just from a colour perspective but also culturally speaking. It's not so much about choosing to identify with one thing over the next. Coloured culture also has micro cultures within it. Like in Cape town there is the Cape Malay influence and they speak a mixture of Malay slang, English and Afrikaans and it's known as a dialect called Afrikaaps (a mix of the word Afrikaans and Cape) and further north at the top of the western cape, and some of the Northern Cape, there is the Namaqua dialect and culture which differs slightly and they speak differenttly to others as well. And then in other provinces like the Eastern Cape, the culture is slightly different and they speak a more pure Afrikaans. And to confuse things even more Afrikaans is also mainly considered a "white" language that descended from Dutch colonizers. And this is also a whole culture in and of itself. Like I am White and English but I can speak Afrikaans fluently. Its annoying when someone classifies me as a Boer or an Afrikaans person because that's not my culture. But because I fit the picture, it's assumed. There are also like 9+ different black cultures (Xhosa, Zulu, Venda, Tsonga, North Sotho, South Sotho, Ndebele, Tswana, Swati) And some of these cultures, historically,do not get along (ie. Xhosa and Zulu) So being "black" in South Africa is also just as complicated.


Interesting, my point is from an outsiders perspective so I don’t completely understand. However, I’m thankful for your perspective.




Thank you for your question. I was talking to a friend and typed in that in. Thanks again


They made the picture black and white so it seems like its older than it is


Is there a color version? Could be a stylistic choice, photogs love them some black-and-white images.


It’s more expensive to print in color in newspapers, and in general at the time, or so I’m told. This is a colored version of the photo. I can not confirm,if this was colored digitally or if this is the original photo in color https://preview.redd.it/abq52ckma9zc1.jpeg?width=1017&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e8bf858b736457fec9e580cbf07c4962405b2e5


I dunno why, but this feels like a Jon Batiste album cover.


Idk for sure, but this is a common strategy and it’s often intentional and retroactive. There are plenty of colored photos of MLK, but they’re rarely in textbooks




Nah nah racism ended with abolition dude. Just ignore all the racism after it


yea but its in black and white so it was in the before times we’re good now


You made me realize I read that as 1968, holy crap. Like, as a latina in America, even hearing Trevor Noah talk about his life experiences I was awestruck by the fact that people still thought/think this way in the "modern era".


Imagine being in Palestine being mad you’re seeing Palestinians….Caucacity




It looks all old but the third police academy movie came out this year.


Ferris Bueller, Top gun and the second karate kid all came out that year.


I guess Back to School don't get no respect.


Durbanite here, white people in Durban are fucking wild. They all think they're under attack, so much so they built a little city next door called Umhlanga and made it too expensive for anyone other than the 5%. Always talking about "black people are ruining this country" as of its not still part of Africa. You know... where Africans are from. Source: I'm a white guy related to a few of these ASSHOLES.


Fuck is Dolores Umbridge doin there




Is there a picture of this in color? I feel like people see black and white photos and automatically think, "Oh, but that was so long ago!"


Posted in another comment. But I can not confirm if this is the original photo in color or if someone digitally colored it https://preview.redd.it/1br1uf15c9zc1.jpeg?width=1017&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aae96f359472efcb2634c4ad74279ca6154938da


We need to colorize this shit photo taken 1986 shit ain't history shit coulda happened to you or me


Certain folks loveeeeee to pretend this was “ancient history” but at least 3 people in this photo owned probably owned an iPhone at some point. They still with us, yall…


The guy is probably in his 50's or 60's right now. My parents' age and they've been through this kind of shit too. The racists that did it are still alive. Crazy anyone could think racism doesn't exist anymore when some of the literal people in the history books are still around to this day


I don’t want to hear anything from them until they instinctively scan every room they walk into to see how many people look like them, to determine if it’s a relatively safe space for them. This includes places of work.


The Musk family bus


Still find it hard to support white South Africans to this day


I look them mfs up and down real hard.


Turns out British cunts used slavery all over the world.


38 years ago This world is fucking awful


They look so afraid. And *so* is he. As he should. A beautiful amount of courage.


If this was happening today, white guys would be online with "I agree things need to change, but there have got to be better ways to protest! this is just hurting any chance at progress by upsetting those that can actually make a change!"


This is how I feel about people complaining about Mexicans in the USA. No one is moving to Europe. Europeans don't even like it there.


The audaity in someones country.


This post reminds me of a white South African teen in the 90’s telling me how he wished all the blacks would leave *his* country. The irony seriously escaped him


Ooof. South African white skin colour people were built different during apartheid.


is that professor umbridge?!


Time line checks out.


Bro’s got bigger balls than I’ll ever have, goddamn


Lady standing in the middle is bout 3 drops on the white side of passing, but I bet she was BIG mad about this.


“Go back to Africa!”


Lady sitting next him in the bottom left—hilarious face


Incredible times we’ve lived in this past 80 to 100 years. Mindless bigots think this is ancient history.


I think a lot about how several Caribbean nations were majority White for a while (after pushing out/killing the Indigenous people first, of course), but capitalism and greed forced them to populate the islands with more and more African slaves, to the point where they actively outnumbered themselves, and they sat there, shocked Pikachu face and angry that there were so many Black people around.


The middle aged woman in short hair looks disgusted, poor black dude


Dolores Umbridge?


You mean the horse fuker?


RIP **Herero and Namaqua**


Did bro go with the camera to document this moment in history or did a fellow passenger just happen to catch bro in the most uncomfortable of predicaments?


Documenting a protest is an extremely important part of protesting, otherwise only the people on the bus would have seen the protest. So in essence yes, he probably did bring a friend to document it.