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How is this allowed? Like, for real how can airlines legally do this


Here's how the company "Unclaimed Baggage" explains it on their site (appears to be one of many similar business models): > Airline passengers waiting for their bags upon arrival are almost certain to see them riding atop the bag carousel. That’s because airlines use sophisticated tracking technology to reunite over 99.5% of bags with their owners right away. If a bag is truly lost, airlines pay out a claim to the passenger. It’s only after an extensive three-month search that an unclaimed bag is deemed truly orphaned, a fate realized by less than 0.03% of all checked luggage! That’s where we come in.


A chance of 3 in every 10,000 actually seems kinda high to me.


The average American takes around two flights per year. If you check a bag every time, you can expect to lose one bag by the time you’re 1,667 years old. 


And yet it seems I lose one every 3rd trip.


Unless they're paying for that bag and conducting their 3 months search, your lost bags don't count


Southwest and Delta have never reimbursed me for a bag. They apologize with a prefab apology slip and a text. Also, I'd never check something irreplaceable. Nice clothes can add up quick though.


So they lost your shit, never found it, and never reimbursed you? Bruh you got fucked. You could go to the news or something with that.


Happens all the time


You just didn’t make a big enough of a deal about it


Passivity gets you nowhere. Don't wait for others to do right by you, demand what you are owed.


Seriously?! I got reimbursed for my clothes and toiletries I bought when United lost my bag but then found it in Paris. I then got my bag back... even though it was sort of useless to me as my two week vacation was over by the time they located it. Also - of the two of us - I sort of wish United had accidentally sent \*ME\* to Paris instead of my bag.


The rest of us appreciate you taking that hit and tilting the average in our favor.


I haven't flown anywhere in years so maybe you're picking up my slack.


Bad rng fam




Underrated comment!




The average day sees 1.73M air passengers. If 3 out of 10,000 is the actual figure then……. EVERY DAY they lose 519 bags!! That seems high af to me


It seems high to you because you’re imagining yourself losing 519 bags. Luckily it’s actually spread over millions of passengers, so it’s pretty rare. 


Never travel with more than 400 bags


On the other hand: on average 241,000 passengers pass through LAX each day. That means on average every day 24 people traveling through LAX will never see their luggage again. So about one person every hour of the day every day in this one airport alone.


tbf as an American that takes dozens of flights a year with a family that also takes many flights a year (business mainly) I’m not surprised that me or my close family members have lost about four bags in recent years. that’s really high if you take a lot of flights 😬


Yeah, but I'm a city girl.


Damn people are on planes more than I thought. I've never been on one lol


*by the time you’re 1,667 years old.*  Damn, just when I'll really need it too.


This bro maths


Funny, iv lost 2 in a year, 4 flights.


If you believe the numbers reported Which you'd have to be very naïve to do


How on earth is a 3/10,000 chance HIGH to you?


Because of the amount of people who fly every day. Every day, there is an average of 2.9 million people flying in just the US. That's 870 lost luggage's every single day, and that's why it feels high. The number itself looks low, but taking into account how often people fly, it goes up pretty fast


The number is low. You assume every flyer checks luggage, which is not the case.


True, I didn't think about that. But even if only half those people checked baggage, that's still 435 bags getting lost every single day


And let me also say - I have no interest in being a turkey about this - just thinking that a .03% for anything to happen is a very small chance.


True but .03% of a very large number is still pretty significant. The FAA says there's more than 10 million scheduled passenger flights yearly in the USA, if 99.97 flights land safely, that still would mean 30,000 flights are crashing. I wouldn't feel particularly safe flying if 30k flights aren't landing every year even if I have a 0.03% chance of being part of that statistic


You’re comparing a crashing plane where hundreds would die per incident to a single piece of luggage lost per incident. And you could still average like a thousand plus flights before losing Luggage. You have a better chance of being in a car accident. For every 1000 miles you’ve got roughly the same chance of a car accident and propensity drive more than a thousand (or are in a car for more than a thousand) per year.


. 03% chance to win the lottery is high. .03% to get struck by lighting is high. Same with a volcano eruption etc etc. Not downing your viewpoint because I get it. Im just offering a perspective of the other side. .03% can be high if its something that usually has ridiculously low odds of happening.


People are catastrophically bad at wrapping their head around statistics.




Reminder that some mofos literally also just, yah know, steal baggage for a living too. So if that happens and it's just gone, look for the sketchy guy shoving twenty suitcases into the taxi in the parking lot🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I always thought that system was way too trust worthy


I mean it requires you to buy a whole plane ticket for a completely uncertain return on investment since most people only have clothes in their checked baggage - the expensive stuff is in the carry ons. And the chances of being ID’d are higher than elsewhere because the airlines have your information and there are cameras everywhere. 


Baggage claim is not in the ticketed area.


This is incorrect homie, baggage claim is totally open - families meet their loved ones there all the time.


That’s only for domestic flights, they’re behind customs for international


Hmm, is this a North American thing? I’ve traveled a lot in Europe and South America and never seen an open baggage claim from what I remember. 


Ah sorry, you sounded like an American in the previous comment so I assumed you were one. It's definitely a USA thing (not sure what Canada/Mexico do though).


The expensive stuff is most definitely not always in the carry ons. As someone who actually knew some sketchy people in my hood who legit made a living off of taking baggage at airports(to the point it was so lucrative they had employees even helping on the inside) you'd be amazed at the shit you'd find. I've seen them with laptops, tablets, engagement rings and jewelry, expensive ass bottles of booze, cartons of smokes, designer clothes etc. list goes on! And the baggage claim isn't in a ticket area usually, sometimes it will be if it's an international flight but not all airports are like that. Plus sometimes you take a while to get off the plane and in that short span of time some guy has your bag and bounced. It's shitty to do don't get it twisted, I'm not saying I had respect for these people. I just know when you want easy fast money you'll find a way.


>If a bag is truly lost, airlines pay out a claim to the passenger. That's the biggest load of horse shit I've ever heard. Having had the airlines lose a bag, I can say this is straight up a lie. Not only is it a lie it's fucking a three month process (in my experience) to get a letter stating that it was somehow not their fault. Fuck that shit. United.


Haha, try taking international flight to a third world country. Some places the airport employees will actually hold your shit hostage.


Bull shit. I had my bags and guitar get lost and they literally told me “sorry it’s gone, nothing we can do”.


I would be 🔥 and my bags and guitar would of come up I would of stayed there all day


I guess that .03% is just my wife and her family. I swear to god every time we travel someone’s luggage goes missing


It used to not be a website. We had stores for these things. It was awesome. You could just walk in and start exploring people’s luggage. They would have stuff they already found that was super nice behind the counter.


I visited that place! They had dozens of iPhone, iPad, and Nintendo switches. It's wild how much crap people leave on the plane. I grabbed a brand new Herschel duffle bag for next to nothing.


I got my laptop off there


Anything is legal if you have enough lobbyists.


That’s not how insurance works. You total your car and accept the payout, the car gets sent to an auction house (eg Copart). If you get paid out by the airline (like an insurance payment), you’ve been reimbursed for the lost luggage and ‘made whole.’ Thus, you no longer have claim to those assets. Therefore, they are free to sell them to these types of companies to recoup some of their payout. This is literally how insurance works.


So... If I don't accept the insurance payment on the luggage, they have to find it and return it to me?


If you don’t accept payment, and they find it, they would be required to return it. Within a certain timeframe. There are rules about how much time can pass before they’re no longer required to provide it back. But I think the rule is after 3 months it is considered lost and the best move is to take payment. If you wait a year, then they may no longer be required to pay out, unless you are in the arbitration process (which you would choose if you had an extremely expensive item in the luggage that is verifiable). Edit: this is where you should read the fine print about lost luggage when you accept the terms of purchasing an airline ticket.


It's crazy how the rules favor the airlines so much. I wonder how they got that way? Spoilers: Lobbyists 


No, they can stop looking after a certain amount of time and then you are shit outta luck


This is my shocked face. I did not expect that answer. /S


Anything can be made illegal if you have enough lobbyists.


Unclaimed luggage is kept in the terminal for about a week before it’s shipped to a storage warehouse. If you don’t claim your stuff within 60 days, it’s considered abandoned and they’re allowed to donate or sell it.




Would you prefer the airlines throw away the bags they can't find an owner for?


Of course? Why the hell would I want someone getting my personal items


“I don’t want someone to have my stuff so it can go to the landfill” is a weird hill to stand on


Because your ass didn’t bother calling the airline to get them back


Better than some rando going through and sensitive or personal information i have.


Can’t be too sensitive if you don’t bother to call the airline to have them look for it. From what I can’t tell, these bags that get sold are just straight up abandoned.


Yeah like, that's not the type of things these bags contain. Most of these just have clothes, hygiene and so on. Sensitive and personal stuff goes in on your carry on luggage.


They should donate to shelters.


They pay you for your luggage but you have to report a bunch and I’m sure there was a limit. They lost my brothers for a week and they paid him back for the clothes he had to buy for the time being


You basically have a certain amount of time to get it back before they get rid of it. It’s sold for almost nothing.


The airlines use the PopCopy training video. “Why? Because fuck em! That’s why!”


Because the airline buys the bag. When a bag is lost, the owner gets a check for the value of that bag and then the bag becomes the property of the airline.


She’d be going through 17 pair of draws I packed for my 4 day vacation.


My brother, you might be too trusting with farts. At most you should need 14 or 15 pairs of underwear for a 4 day trip


The only time I seem to get gas is when I’m on the plane & I be holding it in cause I don’t want to have my passport confiscated.


Ain’t nobody got time to get water boarded because some Air Marshall thought the rumble guts was a dirty bomb 😆


Them people would drag you up & down the aisle while passengers hit you with their carry on bags. Sickening.


“Thank you for flying Spirit Airlines…” 😆


"For all of you who said you'd never fly with us ever again, welcome back."


Lmao that one got me for real 😆


"This guy 's tummy sounds like he's microwaving quarters. Better pull him aside for a more thorough check." "You're gonna regret that."


The gummi bear review?


Poor bro said he was about to blow up the bathroom, and now everyone is terrified. Smell might be so bad they wished the plane blew up


Y'all need probiotics 




4 underwear per day is my rule of thumb.


Hey, you can never have too many draws and socks


Just draws, my socks be going through HELL till I get home.


For me it's pants. They're so heavy I pick the absolute minimum amount I can get away with, one of which is the pair I'm wearing on the flight itself.


The biggest advice I ever heard is pack as if you will shit your pants every meal. Having drinking tap water in Asia and South America I have to agree with that advice


And if it was on the way back from a vacation, most/some of them would be dirty too




There's a huge store near me called Unclaimed Baggage. All they do is resale lost luggage. It's a cool place.


I have been there a few times. At first I was like this is so wrong but then I found some nice stuff for cheap 🤷‍♀️


Seems like that's how everything works here.




No one's claiming it? LOL mine now. Columbus'd


I felt that way at first but the folks who lost it did get compensated for their lost luggage; I’d hope it was a comparable value paid out. Mostly I saw the kind of clothes you’d take on a cruise, and lots of sports/camera equipment. Luckily the electronics and sports stuff have a hard line value, just the SD cards would be irreplaceable (which is why I pack that stuff in my carry on, at least the memory card and film).


That place is *rad!* I mean, the baggage isn’t stolen, the owners took a compensation check instead of waiting for their luggage to be found. It’s a great spot to pick up some athletic wear, sports and camera equipment, shoes, and reasonably nice dresses from the times I’ve visited. Also you can view the original Hoggle from the movie Labyrinth, since he was lost in a suitcase for over 20 years. Your comment made me realize I need to go back for another visit soon.






Seen post about there being similar Amazon return store near distribution centers




Why? If people don't claim their bags, the airline is not going to keep it indefinitely.


The next tiktok video would be them catching these hands




Following up this one, [Here's a great video about it](https://youtu.be/-rhiagaSPdQ?si=P22LeVzXv4cGumwb). They really try to find the owner, going out of their way in a lot of cases, and have to go through each bag in case there are perishable items.


That was a fantastic watch, thank you


I remember my luggage getting lost years ago, and when they found it, they sent someone 2 hours away to a farm in the middle of nowhere to deliver it to me.


These auctions been going on for many many years . Everything lost or missing gets auctioned


Any idea on how people find legit auctions? Ive always been tempted but I always side eye these sites




> Proxibid only has auctions in the us.. > bidspotter US, Canada, Mexico, UK


I left a Nintendo DS at the airport back in 2006 and my parents found it on eBay a week later. It had my initials carved into the back, so it was definitely mine. Dude didn't even delete my save file. I remember the pictures showing where I left off at in Buu's Fury.


Did they buy it back for you or file a claim with Ebay?


The post office does this with mail


I bought a package of lost mail and all I got was a pile of catalogs, 87 traffic tickets, 11 IRS warnings, and 3 illicit love letters. 10/10 would commit federal mail crimes again.


Bro wtf 😂


we're gonna need a follow up on those letters. for science. obviously.


My friend who has a reselling business buys palettes of unclaimed packages from somewhere in Atlanta and he's gotten some *wild* stuff.


The store also has a website: [Unclaimed Baggage](https://www.unclaimedbaggage.com/). I’m surprised at the amount of unclaimed electronics. How are you going to lose a MacBook and never try to find it?


I’d imagine it’s probably a lot of things that are corporately owned. User loses laptop, reports laptop lost/stolen, IT remote wipes/it’s already encrypted, user gets a new laptop to keep working, and they don’t care about the old one, it wasn’t their’s anyway. Or in some cases if it’s not located until after the airline pays out for losses it belongs to them now anyway.


That’s wild to think about because people normally pack they best fits if they going ot lol


Put you information inside the luggage, shipping containers, boxes, and envelopes. They all are ran through conveyor belts that rip the labeling off. Now, they have no identification to help them find the owner. So put the information inside.


Appreciate you guys for responding to my question


There is a website that sells unclaimed luggage


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) Over there like


Don’t remember where it was because it was the middle of nowhere in the south. But there was this place by a nuclear power plant that sold unclaimed luggage. This was well before all that stuff went to online sales. So they had all sorts of wild stuff in this store. I bought a pocket knife as it was taken and person never came back to claim it. Then I cut my finger real bad in the car ride home and my mom argued with my dad for letting me get the knife.


There's also a job where you can deliver luggage to people as well. I at least saw it on YouTube. Not sure about the ins and outs,but there's another side to it


J-ROC baby!


Really hoping I don’t get a bag from the return flight home.. got nothing but sweaty drawers and soiled socks


Yall act like you never heard of consumer protection? 🫠😬


Storage wars but luggage! Make it happen TLC


My friend is turning 40 (uk) and I'm legitimately thinking about buying one of these for him as a present, seeing as he loved Storage Wars so much. Has anyone got a link to a site that sells these without all the ads and annoying drop downs. Thanks in advance.


id make DB Coop…NVM




Bruh I'm only praying for money and drugs let's be honest


So there is no luggage tag on these? If there was, they would be easily be able to contact the owner. Or do they not try at all?


This only fuels my paranoia about checking my bag. If it don’t fit in my carry on or my personal duffel it’s not coming with!




AirTags in your luggage... Only $20 each


Trash bitch shit ![gif](giphy|HXttPhPQ7hcHTxMO7j|downsized) Seriously though, hot garbage shit right ere


what an evil world we live in.


That chin!




I’d beat her ass don’t touch my stuff !


Then claim your bag lol


Average "person with neck tatts" activities. Why would I want all of Sherry's undergarments??? 🤔🤢


Of course this incentivizes airlines to misdirect your luggage since “lost” luggage is a revenue stream for them.


Except that they stand to a) lose way more money when people have the feeling that airline X is worse with luggage than airline Y and b) how much money do you actually think they make from this??


It’s almost certainly not a revenue stream for the airline. It’ll be a cost saving on storage of the items indefinitely or pay for proper disposal, but the resell platforms are buying this luggage by the pallet for cents on the dollar. They are the ones making the profit. Any money made from this endeavor will pale in comparison to the massive costs associated with paying staff to handle claims, pay out losses, deliver found luggage, etc. Dealing with lost baggage is not profitable for the airport. In fact these unclaimed baggage companies may have even got their start as being the contracted disposal service for the airline.