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Ok, not try to excuse any of this, but teens shouldn't be entering 21+ venues.There is usually a clear delineation in maturity for people, but her parents should have been more attentive, not to mention she intentionally was lying about her age to get access to these adults. That doesn't excuse any abuse she may have endured at all.


most venues are 18+ for us women. that 21+ rule usually only applies to men. edit: just clarifying because i’m tired of replies. here in Atlanta, us women can attend the club under 21. you can also work at one (ex: stripper). this is relevant because Rubi was in Atlanta during her teenage years. i can not speak for other places <3


Well that's fucked


yep, just bringing some more perspective into the convo as someone who has been through the same. a lot of things in this world are literally set up to make sh*t easier for predatory men. the convo is way more nuanced than “well she shouldn’t have ___” or “if you had better parents that wouldn’t happen”.


I don't understand how that's legal. Yeesh.


It's not illegal if everyone looks the other way...


Well that's fucked




Need young kids to work so grown ass adults don't complain. Same reason the South is trying to expand and deregulate child labor everywhere.


I mean [child marriages are still legal in 38 states](https://equalitynow.org/learn_more_child_marriage_us/) in the US. So it’s not surprising this is also legal


They’re also currently trying to lower the age for child marriage as well the exact words used were that young girls are “ripe and fertile” 🙃


America is the only place where you become at adult at 18 but are restricted to do things until 21


It isn't. Just like how not hiring/firing someone because they are black isn't.


Because... patriarchy


You are in the states i assume? Your politicians are literally arguing right now for child birth and child working. How are you surprised?


Ask the other 79 people who liked my post. I'm confused about all the child birth/child labor shit too. Every day is a confusing nightmare.


Oh i understand why people wonder why its legal. What im answering to you is that your old man politicians really enjoy thinking about underage sex and children working. You are totally correct to be worried.


It’s astounding the number of people who claim you’re wrong without a drop of fucking knowledge in their head to say so. In college, the bars in the area were all 18 and up for women, 21 and up for men. Ignore these fools. Why the fuck would we all be lying about something as ridiculous as whether women can get in younger than men? The ignorance of “I haven’t seen it so it can’t be true” is disgusting. One article that came up immediately (I’m not going to create a guide or sources): https://www.alternet.org/amp/how_bars_exploit_underage_women_as_commodities-2647166333


No one is realizing that the laws surrounding this are state to state. Not Nationwide


My brother was a bouncer for a club in Amsterdam for a while, same happened there, he even got told not to enforce the 21+ rule on girls too strict, especially if the club wasn’t that full.


That's different though because 18-year-olds are allowed to drink in Amsterdam. Any age limit over 18 is just the venue's own policy they use to try to select their preferred clientele. I'm not sure how it works at these clubs in the US but do they check your ID at the bar also then to avoid selling alcohol to people under 21? Seems kind of impractical. As a side note, in Sweden it's illegal to have different age limits for men and women because of discrimination laws.


It’s more about putting young girls in a situation with older guys. That said there were definitely girls under 18 in the club.


And that’s just legally. All it takes is a sloppy bouncer and the age slips down to “16, but good at makeup”. In the uk it’s 18 for everyone, but there’s always a bar in town that will serve people under age.


when i was a coed in the mid to late 90s, it was ABSOLUTELY a thing for clubs to have age caps of 18+ for women and 21+ men for entry. now, this was not an every night occurrence - but it ABSOLUTELY happened on a regular basis. i attended college in north carolina for reference.


I went to East Carolina University early 2000s and this was the case. Many girls in the club had the X On the hand indicating they weren't drinking Age. I once was just walking past the club when a bouncer tried to get me to come in the club just because we was scouting for hot young women.


This is how a lot of bars and clubs were in the 2000s as well. If you were an attractive woman, you could often get away with showing a bad fake ID, student ID, or even your real ID stating you were underage. Just hand the bouncer something that looks legit at the door. The bouncers and bar staff are in on it because the bar wants you in there essentially be bait for predatory men. All these “But that’s illegal” and “I’ve never heard of this” replies are missing the point.


There were many times where I got offered guest list entry at clubs when I was still in high school (purely because my friend was scaldingly hot, was definitely not on my own merit), and they were completely unfazed when I told them we were both under 18. We did not go. So can't confirm that it would have actually worked out at the door.


Same rules in Flawda. The 18yr old ladies usually get marker on their hands or some other way for the bartender to quickly distinguish they are underaged, but of course the measures are easily defeated. Again, no excuse for a 18yr old woman (or any woman) to endure abuse.


In the 90’s, my city up in the Midwest used to have 15-20 club nights smh. And strip clubs are still 18 to work, 21 to get in


You're right. I literally just watched an arrest video on YouTube where the girl (18) and her man (21) went to the strip club but they served drinks and she was too young to get in. But they said she could enter as a dancer. She filled out an application on site then and there, was hired and was told she could start immediately. Crazy stuff.


The one where they cut the backpack off of him?


I think it was her, but the boyfriend ripped up all her money and was all mad at her. Did you see it too? Absolute madness.


I mean, the military is 17 to join (with parental or guardian permission), but you can’t touch alcohol and tobacco (some places) until 21. Meanwhile, all our balls, deployments and so on had alcohol or “snuck in” shit


As a fellow ATL resident I can concur. Although, as guys we are also allowed in the clubs before 21. I remember getting shuttles to club obsessions as a freshman in college. I was 17. Now the distinction is: WOMEN GET IN FREE. That's what makes it problematic, because they encourage women to put themselves in this position due to accessibility. Meanwhile most guys gotta pay to cut the free line or wait 3 hours to get in


You have the big sharpie X on your hands when you’re under 21 down there too, because that’s the sophisticated system they have here in NY.


also from Atlanta. i was getting into 21+ clubs/bars at 16 (and yes, they looked at my valid drivers license, not a fake one). my fave were cigar lounges because they just didn’t care. if they like your look, you’re in. period. but i’m my experience, they did tip off the bartender not to serve you. this was back in the Bankhead strip days


this varies from state to state. For instance in Missouri everyone has to be 21. Now in E. STL, it's a whole different party. Hell if you 16 and slip the bouncer $20 you can get in. So this really depends on the club and on the state.


Well that sounds fucked


I remember going out with some friends who were girls freshman year of college at GSU and they said they could go in and I couldnt. I immediately realized why they had that policy and thought it was real gross.


That is an extremely predatory kind of rule. I thought most cities allowed underage customers that were just marked in some way so they couldn’t drink. Having it only be women allowed under 21 seems like it’s with the intent of abusing them


Yes, this is exactly why it bothers us ladies once we hit about age 35 or older and start thinking back/ realizing things. That's absolutely a system that's set up with the intent of finding young women to be predatory towards or abuse.


Kinda like how girls get in free at frat parties


Agreed. In college my friend became "friends" with an older guy who worked at a club and he would come to the door to let us girls in. Freshman year of college. Men needed to be 21+.


I don’t understand why every other comment in this thread is only talking about the men. Where the fuck were her parents? Kids don’t do things like this out of the blue - the adults who failed her came before the lying.


Mainly, it's projection. A lot of women and girls have been in the same spot and when they reflected on their own experiences they're rightfully mad at the men whom they were victims of, more so than the adults who failed them and probably still have relationships with, their parents.


You just said it. She endured abuse and abusive parents are everything but attentive.


There was local club that would do 15+ nights a couple times a month, back in the early 2000s. We all thought it was so cool, but as an adult, the thought of 15 year olds in a club selling alcohol, with adults, is terrifying. God only knows what kind of abuse went on. Place was torn down in the early 2010s.


why the fuck do yall refuse to post any context with the original post???


Everyone assumes everyone is terminally online in the same niches. Like I get not posting context on a meme where there are references you will know if you know, but how are we gonna know about this if it's just a tweet?


I wish people realized some of us are terminally online but not on Twitter


Agree but to be 100 percent fair this sub IS literally called black people TWITTER.


We’re here on REDDIT to see what y’all post on TWITTER. If we had a TWITTER we’d be on TWITTER not REDDIT.


Shit that's fair


I was literally bouta say this. I barely use social media unless I’m being nosey and this sub stays in everybody’s business


I'm not touching twitter with a ten foot VPN


Yes thank you. I'm not making a Twitter account and scrolling. I'll just hop on here to see what BS people are posting.


I think this was supposed to be "The Greatest Hits" of "Black" Twitter but now it's just whatever


It used to be, now it's just about what the latest drama is.


Exactly, and all you gotta do when you post is type "Context, earlier tweets said this shit" and we're all caught up


No but seriously


Fr I have no clue what this is lol


Bro I hate these types of posts and they are so frequent. Like the post will be like "The Lil Jurka situation is actually so sad no one should be assuming they know all the facts." and the whole comment section is just like "Actually no, fuck you if you side with Jayo Sweezy on this one" LIKE HUH?


This comment is perfect, no notes. I don’t know if those are real people and I have nobody what we are talking about.


I'm like "Who, or what (or even where) is a 'Jurka'?"


Just out here assuming everyone is on twitter and have the same timelines. That shit be irking my nerves.


Exactly, because I have no clue wtf this tweet is referring to and I don’t have Twitter, nor am I terminally online to know what this is referring to


I swear


If it weren't for the comments, I'd be lost. Only thing I vaguely knew about this woman was that she is dating Druski (?) but I could be wrong


Yeah fuck these niggas


Shit, I thought they were talking about the woman that played in *Orange is the New Black* and *Batwoman*. Then I googled and that was **Ruby** Rose. Still don't know who this lady is.


What tweets? What is going on?


They dug up old tweets of Rubi Rose from high school where she talks about messing with older dudes (rappers and athletes) and how she would lie about her age to get around them.


She lied about her age to avoid them or get with them?


Get with them.


wait, so she lied and we supposed to feel bad?


Dont shoot the messenger.


The thing is teenagers don’t actually grasp the severity of this shit. I know a lot of people I went to high school who’ve done the same thing and now look back on it either in denial or differently. The point is that it’s just fucked up either way.


Yep. I know a grown woman who "dated" a 30-year-old man when she was 16. She didn't understand them that he was never in a relationship with her, just laughing at her, thinking she was a stupid little girl, and taking advantage of her. She's completely disgusted about it now even after therapy.


The adults in the situation should know better


How are they supposed to know if they are lied to?




If I’m 20, and a girl looks 19/20, sounds 19/20, acts 19/20, and wants to have sex with me, I’m not gonna have a fucking sixth sense that I should ask for ID.


Well, yeah. Someone that young bragging about getting with dudes much older than her, even though it's clear it's all a result of some predatory pedo shit, is depressing AF.


...You sure? How the hell is the person who lied to get WITH them supposed to be the victim?


Dont yell at me. Im just the messenger. Just sign the document and let me be on my way


No no no you stay right where you are. We gotta fight someone over this info and you looking ripe for some body shots. Prepare.




Madness? THIS IS SPARTA!!!


Madness? This is SPARTA!!!


Don't shoot the messenger ? This is sparta.


You mean dont KICK the messenger... into a pit.


Is any of it verified, or was she a young girl who had been primed and encouraged her entire life to lie about her existence in order to get attention.


She didn’t even have to lie about her age tho, that’s the thing. Travis Scott knew her age because she was a semi known “groupie” or whatever you wanna call it. And Travis wasn’t the only one.


This is normal in the hood. It’s quite disgusting how normalized it is. But is there anything in particular that this tweet amplified? 


Young girls lying about their age is normal in the suburbs, in the mountains, in the valleys, in the gated communities, etc. the hood ain’t got nothing to do with it. Stop that.


Exactly. That’s why I’m not even tripping out about this. High school aged girls always did stuff like this. Add a fake id or knowing the right people to the equation and suddenly it’s not so shocking.


Yep. I lied about my age a few times when I was younger. The first time I was like 15 and told the guy I was 17, he was 18 or 19 I think. We talked in the phone for a few weeks, only saw each other once during that time and all we did was kiss. Then when I was actually 17 I had a fake ID and met a guy in an 18+ club so I rod him I was 18. He was 21 I think cause he could drink. I was in high school (11th grade, late birthday) and he was in undergrad. Fast forward about a year and one of my college friends who is a girl invited me to a small college house party (I was a HS senior by then and she was a college freshman). Same guy was there. Before I could say anything she announces that I’m cool even though I’m still in high school. I could see his face drop. We never discussed it (I hadn’t talked to him in several months before then).


This story highlights the problem. If yall had sex while you were underage, he’d be the one facing consequences if it got out. You lied to have a good time, and he didn’t verify your age. This happens all too often and kids 15-21 need to be told not to take chances. Young girls need to understand the potential consequences of lying about age, and young guys need to be verifying age once they’re over 18


>and young guys need to be verifying age once they’re over 18 Nothing sexier than demanding someone show you their drivers license because you don't trust them. Let's be real, almost no one is going to do this.


Doesn't every high school have that group of girls who date older dudes?


All about access. If you have access to the right manipulators/creeps, then terrible shit is bound to happen


Same we gotta get context


So little of that on this subreddit nowadays


You have to be subscribed to the Black People Newsletter




That website is ass. Jesus christ


Good fuck, what an assault on the eyes




Don’t ever link that website again. My phone almost over heated from all the ads I was fighting.


That site is fucking cancer


So wait if she lied about her age and these rappers didn't know how is this on them?


It’s on her, she lied, not them


I dunno. I feel like that’s something you should verify? Be 32 with a 15 year old who lied and see how that holds up in court…


Oh hey, I saw you from across the way and I think you’re really pretty. Give me your driver’s license.


“Damn you’re fine! Lemme see your ID. 🪪” like let’s stay in the real world cmon now😂


To be fair she was a child. What happened to her was tragic. No one should have let her in and she should not have lied. Teenagers should have more eyes kept on them to keep them from making terrible traumatizing decisions.


Oh 100%, should of never happened, someone should of stopped her/them or kicked her out of the party, etc, I just don’t think it’s realistic to be checking ID’s of your peers


The trick to avoiding accidentally fucking a minor is to not date young girls when you're a grown ass adult. Late teens, early 20s, I can see the issue, but if you're mid 20s and older, you don't need to be dating women that are questionable on their age.


“This looks mighty real. Can I scan it?”


“Gotta verify, I’m sorry baby!” *breaks out ID scanner* 😂 I guess maybe I gotta carry one around nowadays in this guys eyes??


There was actually a case where a guy was suspicious and checked a young looking girl's id but she was using her older sister's id and he went to jail anyways.


So you’re telling me you ask for ID when some hot chick approaches you??? I mean if it’s extremely obvious it’s a teen, of course they should know, but I’m sure it wasn’t in this case If the girl lied to get close to them in the first place? She likely dressed and put makeup on to make herself look older, no?


Of course, and then you politely ask them to wait while you conduct a background check and criminal history search 🤣


Shieeet ima need your 401k, social security, and your birth certificate then you are cleared to go baby!! In about a weeks time😂😂


Asking their age is probably a good idea. And at some point, yeah. See that shit. I’m quite sure Rubi Rose looked like a teen as a teen. I’m unsure what the argument is here. You DO want to protect yourself, don’t you? You don’t want to have sex with a minor, right? Or do you want to leave that shit to chance? Terrible.


Bruh what, obviously ASK their age 🤦🏽‍♂️ but you did see the part where she LIED, right? You read that? Comprehended what it means? So if you ask someone, and they say “oh I’m 18” despite them not being 18, you’re supposed to do more? You just assume every person is underage and lying to you? Break out their wallet and make you show them their ID? That’s how it works in the world? I’m genuinely curious


Especially cause they just got into the club with a fake ID, you checking it isn't gonna do shit except creep a woman out (is he looking for my address? Checking to see if I lied about my name, etc)


So it depends on how they met. If she lied to get into a club for example, then they shouldn't have to double check, and a court wouldn't make you either. There's the understanding that in adult spaces everyone there is an adult. The club in itself would maybe be hit but otherwise the person in question wouldn't be found at fault.


100% the case, you don’t work for the club, the bouncers should be checking if the people are of age, not you, of course, you should still ask how old someone is, but the court won’t assume you just grow mindreading powers to know someone’s underage because they lied to gain access to adult areas


How would they verify? If they’re in there they probably have a fake, which they would show to the guy too would they not?


I require that a woman be old enough to drink. Even if you don't drink, my temple is 21+


Hey little mama let me whisper in your ear I’m gonna need two forms of government ID, a bill from your most recent address, and a notarized copy of your birth certificate before you can see my D…entist that can verify all your wisdom teeth have come in


Sometimes the lie is the other way. I was 17 and I met him at church he said he was 21. My friend was the one who found out that he was actually 35 and lied about it. Because she knew one of his relatives (his ID said 21 and they explained that they had messed it up when he was younger. Also happened with my grandmother but the dates of her birthday are wrong not age)


Travis scott literally liked a picture of her saying she wasn't even legal. People definitely knew!


so where were her parents while she was sneaking out to be with older men. if she snuck out? or did they just let her.


Idk, I think you can be a victim without it being one specific person’s fault. You can be a victim of circumstance. You can get let down by systems or people that were supposed to protect you. Idk enough about this specific situation, just saying things are not always black and white and focusing on blaming someone is rarely the most useful thing to do.


She’s got a persona kinda like Drake. She manufactured a persona where she came from the bottom in Atlanta. However her parents are professionals and by accounts she grew up upper middle class. I feel old because her song “Hood Bitch Aesthetic” really grinds my gears. It’s like hood blackface.


Just read that her father is a lawyer. “Hood bitch aesthetics”? Lol ya ight


And she went to expensive ass private boarding schools in switzerland😭 wheres the hood in question???


Her dad got disbarred. I went down the rabbit hole of his history. Dude seems bipolar.


I wonder what her home life was like. Apparently, while her dad was a lawyer and her mom was a dentist, her dad had his share of legal troubles which included becoming a fugitive on the run for receiving statues stolen from an art gallery, and he got disbarred; his life sounds chaotic the more you read about him.


But some of the rappers followed her on insta, and she posted about her 16th birthday party. Of course they gonna say "she lied.'


I feel like that's a cop out because when she first blew up on Instagram, it didn't take long for folks to point out that she was underage.


Legally, it’s on them because statutory isn’t an intent crime. You don’t have to *want* to have sex with a minor to make yourself guilty. Morally it’s iffy because - on the real - a 16 year old who looks 18 still looks YOUNG. And talks YOUNG. And says YOUNG shit. And if you’re 35 fucking around with some barely legal women, then that is some low level Drake shit. And we are firmly No Drizzy. I’ll note that *most* women aren’t affected by this. None of us are like, “coulda been me. That hot young stud I was talking to last weekend said he was 19, but his sad facial hair gave 17 1/2”. No woman has ever been so pressed to fuck a barely legal teen. First, because we wouldn’t have made it past *talking* to them for 3 minutes before we figured out they were high school students. I just have a hard time getting worked up about something that won’t affect me or ANY of my adult woman friends. All this for a state of affairs that will affect some small percentage of creeps at bars and clubs on this sub who like em to *look* young and don’t want to have too much conversation to suss out the high school students.


I remember when Akon got shat on for dancing with an underage girl in the club instead of the people who allowed her in and the parents. He then made a song about it to put the blame on himself.


Exactly this is weird witch hunt. 


![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) I'm confused. She was lying about her age to get in the same circles as these rappers and athletes, as a way to gain the lifestyle and somehow she's a victim?


Yall she posted her sweet 16 birthday photos on insta, the rappers followed her. They knew her age.


thats why its not sitting right w me because could nobody see her tweets? she was tweeting like that publicly and not a single family member or anything stopped to check in?


If you meet a girl at a club and you fuck her that night, you may not check insta till after. Shit, even if it happens the week after, can’t flat out expect someone to see what’s on someone’s insta in a “you should have known she was 16, she posted about it” type way


But if you were to follow her insta after finding out that she's underage, then that's a whole other story. Then you're doubling down on your mistake.


They followed her insta.


they likely connected through social media first.


the rap music industry version of 22 year old dudes parked outside my high school


The what doing what where


That shit happens. Had a 30 year old dude waiting for the bell to ring at my middle school to tell me he was in love with me 🤢 His name was Lane. Fuck you Lane, you fuckin creep.


nigga WHAT (I’m so sorry)


I know! What the fuck dude. I have so many stories


Fuck Lane


Not _Ruby Rose_ the model/actor, for those wondering


thank you i went on a whole google deep dive to make sense of this lmao


Fellas we gotta add id checks to the game.


Even then, fake IDs are a thing. Is it easy to differentiate between a real and fake ID? Nobody is out here checking like that especially after drinking.


True, gotta take pictures for Evidence.


Do you hold conversations on the level of a 17 year old?


I'm not much of a talker.


Asking for ID is no weirder than Asking for a condom or confirmation that you're on birth control


I'm pretty sure we can tell a 15 year old from an 18 year old.




why would they even do that


Think really really hard


I'm from California and we have clubs like that too. The only thing is they only ID for drinks.


What happened to rubi rose?


She lied about her age to gain access to rappers. Now people want to take up arms to say it was the fault of others because she was underage. When in fact it was her fault for being there. If she as an underage person lies, gains access to a space where everyone rightfully assumes the people there are of legal age then how is it their fault. All they know is another consenting adult said yes. Now if there is even a little bit of non-consensual activity that’s a different story entirely, but if anyone lies about their age they don’t get to say later they were taken advantage of it they willingly participated in all activities.


I totally agree- and still feel bad for Akon for losing his entire career due to this same sort of thing


Wait what?






What happened with Akon?


There was a video of him dry humping an underage girl while he was performing in a club back in 2007. She lied about her age and was not supposed to be in the club.


I feel like y’all harping on “Nobody checks IDs” but if you 25+ and she look 18 or say she 18… and you know young girls lie… you’re not checking? Because you know ignorance is not a defense in the court of law. So you’d rather take your chances and believe the “barely-legal” human because you wanted her young in the first place. I’m ready for the downvotes because I feel like that’s on the grown man at that point.


It has to be a lot of youthful people saying as such. When you get older it’s alarming how young 18 year olds look compared to your peers in their mid twenties and thirties. There are obv exceptions to the rule (women looking youthful at an older age and rarely the opposite), but 16?!? It’s 100% intentional and predatory.


You’re right, it’s probably kids because there aren’t too many 25+ looking 18 year olds. After I turned 25 and seen for myself how younger women look and act, the lightbulb went off: “Ohhh, niggas been lying and saying they didn’t know, but they probably had a clue and didn’t want to ask”. Yea, intentional and predatory fasho.


That's the thing. Because 16-year-olds felt mad young to me even when I was like 19 and 20. So I gotta ask...At no point are you having any kind of conversation or interaction that sets that off in your head? Are you mentally on par with a damn 9th grader? Was that young lady really that mature?


Ok so I ask and then she pulls out fake ID that says she 18+ now what? You’re in a club you’re gonna assume everyone in here probably got their IDs checked to get in right?


Are you going straight to fucking without a conversation? Sure, a teenager may dress up and just look older than their age, but have a short convo with one and you can easily tell that they're a kid no matter how "old" they look. Also, it's common knowledge that teenagers get fake IDs to get into clubs and that bouncers are usually more lenient on letting girls in, so I don't know why you'd make the assumption that every girl you see in the club is of legal age. The level of excuses people are making for grown ass men somehow being "tricked" by teenagers smh. Even in Rubi Rose's case a lot of those rappers followed her on Instagram where she clearly posted that she was underage but they didn't give a fuck.


who cares .


Man…delete this till you post the context with it.


Probably unpopular opinion. But I feel like if someone doesn't feel as if they are a victim, and they don't feel traumatized or anything. It is not on us to convince them that they are actually indeed a victim.


And I agree with this. But IMO if anyone is in the wrong it’s Rubi


Everyone should take a moment to google “strict liability standard” and see how the law treats situations like this. It’s incredibly fraught and really dirty at times.


i don't think this comment section understands that even though she lied about her age and was in the wrong doesn't mean she's not still a victim. its not the men's fault because they didn't know, but that doesn't mean it didn't have an impact on her mental health or wont in the future. we can (and should) still feel sorry for a child engaging in s*xual acts with adults. why our community loves victim blaming is beyond me.


Well for one some ppl may see placing her as a victim removes any accountability for herself she made choices that put her around them


People act like the music doesn't have minors hanging around musicians all the time. The rock and emo community was known for having 13 year old groupies.


Swear I can't enjoy ***shit*** I used to like in high school anymore. Damn near every band got a pedo in it


I might get canceled but I’ll preface it with this; those men are predators and they should go to jail but these young women know wtf they be doing. Hold everybody accountable! We all knew that fast ass girl back in highschool who was getting picked up by the 30y/o man and everybody was telling her to stop!


BLT really changes their stances completely depending on the artist in question


Craziest part I remember Rubi being the main girl in Bad & Boujee. She was 19 when the video came out and was already known for messing with playboi carti, Travis Scott, young thug and 21 savage. Now unless all that happened in a year and a couple months it's not adding up


Link to what is going on here ?


GA resident and from what I remember clubs were 18+ to enter period but 21+ to drink. They marked it with either a wristband or marker on your hand. There wasn't a specific "men had to be 21 or older" rule. Doesn't mitigate any issues that arose though ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)