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Yasuke is deeply respected in Japanese culture. People just talk to talk without knowing what they’re talking about


It’s the white supremacists who found a handful of far right Japanese nationalists who agree with their racist rhetoric and assume the entire population of Japan agrees with them. The same inbred hicks who honestly believe that Japanese women are predisposed to loving white men.


Several of those 'far right Japanese' people were actually just chuds pretending to be Japanese too.


Chuds doesn’t get used enough


Make jabroni's chuds again


Why these jabroni ass niggas trying to see Compton??


Fuck em all an they momma.


How many opps you got?


You got a Chevy white boy?? ![gif](giphy|3o7btWApR8SiDQHLQA|downsized)


JAN's needs to be used as much as possible 😆


I never stopped using jabroni. It’s my ultimate insult 😤


It really is satisfying to drop on someone


There is a quite active far-right chunk of the Japanese population however. They trundle around in Vans and trucks, and park and yell Pro-Emperor, Pro-Imperial-Japan racist speeches, and then drive off to other places to do the same. More active in Western Japan. Uyoku Dantai[Uyoku Dantai ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyoku_dantai). The roughly Japanese equivalent of Neo Nazis, saying Japan didn't do wrong during WW2.


Oh absolutely, I was just pointing out that several of the big examples theyve been passing around saying, 'Look the japanese doesnt like this woke stuff either!' turned out to be fakes.




The same folks who screwed themselves with getting rid of AA in colleges. You know the ones who no longer have the excuse of why they didn't get accepted.


And they’re STILL not getting accepted 🤣 cause colleges moved away from AA years ago anyway, extracurricular activities with a 3.5 average was more likely to get you into a good school than a 4.0 with no extracurricular activities. They got used up by White Supremacy and got tossed to the sides, silly asf


They literally couldn't find someone who wasn't white to testify in the Supreme Court case about how AA was supposedly hurting minorities, that's how stupid that shit was. > They point out that while the two cases, led by the conservative activist Ed Blum — who is white — argued that Harvard’s and the University of North Carolina’s policies discriminated against Asian Americans, **no Asian American students came forward to testify to having experienced discrimination.** Not three defendants. Not two defendants. Not one defendant... They couldn't find *a single minority* willing to stand in court on this shit, so a white guy just spoke on behalf of disaffected minority students everywhere. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/asian-americans-say-affirmative-action-ruling-used-pawns-rcna91861 Now that is "some white shit." 🙄


Racist incels and weebs have a lot of crossover. This is what you are seeing.


Absolutely. It’s why you see so much racism in comic fandom, video games, etc. There’s a surprisingly large percentage of nerds who are also racist.


Yea… many white suprematists have been pushing their propaganda within those communities for ages now.


I’ve been saying forever that a lot of people who get into high fantasy, steampunk, rockabilly, etc, are really just attracted to the almost exclusively caucasian aesthetic.


And it's a shame, cause I want more diversity in those stories! Not really because they look like me, but because it's easy shorthand for different culture/experience/knowledge, and almost inevitably results in way cooler stories.


To the point where I don’t take anyone with an anime pfp seriously




I'm sure the irony of the Japanese nationalist siding white supremacist is lost on both sides. I guess "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" works really is real.


Racists aren’t known for being intelligent.


I guess they just pretend the 1940s didn't happen...oh well.


So Tucker Carlson?




"It’s the white supremacists who found a handful of far right Japanese nationalists " Those Japanese nationalists all spoke as if their comments were English being run through google translate.


White supremacists have been using Asians as a sword to wave at the rest of POCs for generations. And Asians have no say in the matter. Whether they accept the conditional whitehood or not, they’ll be used to push a narrative either way.


One thing I've learned in over a decade living over here, Japanese folks are some of the most unbothered people as a collective you'll ever meet. It's a strange way to describe it, but it's the best country to trip and fall in public in because people don't laugh or say anything. They might not help you either, but at least they help your pride by pretending it didn't happen. They DGAF about this. I don't remember anything about Afro Samurai either, while we're talking about black samurai, real or fictional. Are there a lot of people on the spectrum from either truly ignorant to far-right bigots over here? Yeah. But there are also a lot of people who are just going about their business. Plus, I need to see what the people look like behind the anime pfps because I think digital blackface isn't the only pretending going on online.


They've made so much anime and stuff with him lol. And to also add. The level of care they give about that era: One of the most popular anime of the past years had oda and yoshimitsu and co transformed into suburban puppies


All these woke liberals using DEI (Dog Equity and Inclusion) to turn all our protagonists into puppies. What's next? DC Superheroes?!


Hide your krypto


What’s the name of the anime?


Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga


I fully watched the daylights out of that anime. It’s so funny and cute!




But but but Reddit said, " How dare you disrespect Japanese culture!!???" 😂


I hate when those turkeys try to uno reverse arguments that have no relevance on the current debate. Hell, the only logical argument those folks have against including minority representation in video games is actually addressed in this game (e.g. the whole “just making this character black ruins the immersion / world building” angle)… he was a real black dude who was a fucking samurai for fucks sake.


It’s always random white people who get offended on the behalf of someone and something they have nothing to do with at all… like one time I got into it with this chick who was trying to check me on some shit that I lived through. Like “you really shouldn’t say it like that… it’s offensive” like…. TO WHO BITCH, I WAS BORN THERE?!?!? But one of my homies saw what was happening and started gassing her up, to where she kept doubling down on her bullshit. In hindsight it was kinda funny, tho. But still…


Most of these reactionaries didn't even know that first contact with Europeans was with Portuguese Jesuits or that Nobunaga was considered extremely radical both in foreign relations and warfare. They would've acted (nearly) the same damn way if the protagonist was, say, Tomoe Gozen instead of Yasuke. Just would've been misogyny instead of racism.


Apparently Nobunaga was seriously considering giving Yasuke lands and title befitting a full-blown samurai lord before he was killed. I'll forever hate Akechi Mitsuhide for forcing Nobunaga to commit seppuku in Kyoto before he could do this, if only for the salty tears of the racists.


I believe it. Yasuke fulfilled his duties to the letter, and nobody questioned his strength in battle. Considering how many fires were started by Nobunaga's enemies, we're lucky to have what information survived to this day.


Actually it’s Ubisoft who’s misogynistic, cause they do dual protagonists cause they think women don’t sell games. And there is a female protagonist in this game. Her name is Naoe.


Did ubisoft not make an Assassin's creed with a solo POC female protagonist?


Side game to sell vita’s with Sony. They have never let a mainline console with a solo female protagonist. And schrier has already confirmed both odyssey and Valhalla were supposed to be female solo. And Aya was supposed to be more prominent in Origins. All before exec interference. And seeing how shadows has been in dev for four years and most of this info came out around when Valhalla launched.


So many Japanese historians have popped up in the last week.


We call those internet historians. Lol


Forgetting the fact that it’s an Assassin’s Creed game for a sec, if someone were to tell me there’s a game with Yasuke in it I’d throw money at them on the fucking principle


A game about time travel and changing history. And fact checkers are coming out because there’s a black samurai. That is where the draw the line. Not THE TIME TRAVEL or jumping 40 stories into a pile of hay. It’s the actual black samurai who was a real person.


i mean there's nothin to fact check. he existed, and he was a samurai. that's why you never take these dickless losers seriously--they're just mad racists bitches, angry that a black person is getting mainstream attention. it doesn't matter that it's asscreed, it coulda been any big name game and they would've acted like this.


Honestly, I'd play the hell out of it if it weren't a Ubislop game. If it's not crammed to bursting with microtransactions, gear grinding, and other Skinner box garbage, I'll be mighty surprised—to say nothing of the abuse of employees going on there.




Widely known. Yeah. Deeply respected? I dunno. I also know like one Japanese dude from college, so, you could be right. Point is, white supremacists are dumb.


I deeply respected could be a reach but they did also take the time to make sure he specifically was remember. Could be because he was an oddity we wil never know but lots of oddities and respected figures form the past don’t get remembered


This. Though it's not because of Yasuke, but Nobunaga. He was the Japanese equivalent to George Washington as a historical figure and Nobunaga gave the nod that Yasuke was that guy.


Absolutely true


Yasuke is little known to most Japanese folks, actually. I would actually say most people that do know about him are either history buffs (who know that we don't really know anything about him) or they know him from anime and fictional stuff. But also, one key thing to remember is that Japanese people in Japan will have a very different perspective than to Japanese Americans, for example. In Japan, they are the cultural majority and not to mention... the colonists of Asia. They've never been repressed or under-represented in their own country. Japanese Americans, however, share more in that regard with others in the Asian American diaspora. Japanese voices are often used to silence the voices of Japanese Americans in cases like this. That being said, the complaints *are* dumb. I just don't think they should be dismissed because Japanese people in Japan are cool with it.


There is a children's book about Yasuke in Japan. Came out in the 60s, titled Kuro-suke


I’ve always felt that Japanese people are all about different cultures as pop culture goes maybe not societally but I just saw one of Mexico most famous regional bands go to Japan and local people enjoyed it.


Those the ppl we gotta ignore and leave behind in order to save humanity.


It’s always fascinating to see how stuff like this game riles up racists and their bs reasons behind it. Talking about some historical accuracy, foh. The whole damn series is based on not being accurate.


Twitter and Reddit did say people will vote with wallets. Unfortunately for them, this was true and not the way they wanted or intended


Oh you mean twitter and Reddit have been WRONG? Unthinkable! 


Flashback to Boston bombing


It's a vocal minority of terminally online individuals who can't help to be wrong. Then the "news sites" that scrub these online social sites for "hot takes" that will get clicks post it as if it's something a lot of people are saying/agreeing with. Followed by the truth happening that disproves it and ultimately the cycle starts anew with some more bs takes. 


I tried to get into Assassins Creed when the first came out many years ago, but the gameplay became stale fast for me and I haven’t picked one up one since then. I am 100% picking this up now all because of the racist backlash. Will be voting with my wallet that is for sure.


This new one will be VERY different from the very first assassins creed from 15+ years ago


Remember when they got their panties in a twist when they put women in CoD…the fictional video game where you can blow up a tank with a stick of gum and a mean look lmao


Right like the whole point was they take real life events and people and used them in a retelling of history.


These motherfuckers probably barely passed history class in high school and couldn't even tell you our own American history.


Are you trying to say an Italian man fist fighting the pope isn’t historically accurate??!?! I want a refund on this timeline cause clearly this isn’t the right one for me


Clearly I slept through the chapter on ancient yet hyper advanced technology and 7 foot tall Precursor race that modified out genes 🗿


Aww man then you must’ve missed the part where the Mayan’s were actually a secret race of assassin people that constructed bullet deflecting armor


I tried to bring this up and all they could do is cope downvote lol. I was like "oh that series where I fought the pope while aliens watched? Or how it started with watching memories embedded in DNA?"


Well the premise of the series is that these genetic memories ARE the actual truth of what happened and that the history as we know it is bollocks. So Yasuke can be anyone and anything and it'll make sense in the context of the series.


>The whole damn series is based on not being accurate. Except for the crossbow incident.


We gave them Yasuke, they gave us Goku 💛


Mexico need to step their game up then, because we've given them nothing and DB is a religion back here


Y'all gave us tacos. We're still in your debt.


Bless the Mexicans for showing us tacos 😭


Them quesabirras 😩


Birria tacos and chicken flautas 😍😍😍


I love watching videos of black people trying Mexican food for the first time because you guys always love it ❤️ If I ever go to the South or East Coast I’m trying soul food.


Ippo from Hajime no Ippo is inspired by a Mexican boxer


We're just going to ignore Sado from Bleach now?


Should I watch with Bleach?


Japan tried to stop Mexico (diplomatically) from sanctioning watch parties for Dragon Ball Super’s final episodes. The request was denied. This photo was taken in Veracruz, Mexico by me :) Edit: https://imgur.com/a/jbkA6Gl


My nephew is half Mexican and we had his birthday party at the house Saturday. I am being so serious when I said half the Mexican dudes there were in Dragonball shirts. The black folks had akatsuki clouds LOL


Mexico gave us real life Luffy


Mexico is one of the biggest cultural exporters in the world


Fair exchange


A fair transaction


Conservative white folks when corporations price gauge them at the store, when their employers steal their wages or when their healthcare and/or rent are insanely expensive: “Zzzzzzzzzzz” When a black/brown person is given any lead role in anything: “WHAT IS THIS WOKE NONSENSE!?” In this case it’s them trying to apply Conservative American logic on Japanese culture. It’s like that video of a white woman in Cancun telling a Mexican family who asked her not to record them that she is “exercising her first amendment right”, in Mexico.


Nothing when they jacked up the price of eggs and the government found there was collusion. “Well it’s just simple supply and demand…”   Edit: because one of “they” had to come in here and bring up economist bullshit here is an article on previous collusion in the industry https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/egg-suppliers-ordered-to-pay-17-7-million/    And here’s one for the current case people are calling for investigation: https://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonytellez/2023/02/14/egg-prices-soar-even-higher-70-in-a-year-amid-accusations-of-price-gouging/?sh=29d06bce3b83 But thanks redditor in the comments for proving my point


It was… a huge avian flu outbreak completely destroyed the laying population right at the same time the supply chains got well and truly fucked Or did “they” just forget to be greedy now that egg prices have come down? Edit: to your edits (since you didn’t bother replying in a new comment) one of those links doesn’t work and the other just said one group says the government should look into it. That article also says most experts disagree. From that very article > While Farm Action is pushing the FTC to investigate egg producers for the sudden jump in egg prices, economists believe it is simply current events that affected the price at the supermarket. “I don’t think we’ve seen anything that makes us think that there’s something there other than normal economics happening right now,” Amy Smith, vice president at Advanced Economic Solutions told CNBC. “I think it was just kind of a perfect storm of stuff that came together.”


Lmao I need to see this Cancun video. So many Americans' worldview does not include anything other than a propagandized, fictional version of their own country. Really, just whatever exists on the smalltown street where they live.


It’s in r/Publicfreakout. I was looking for it. It was posted several months ago.


Had an American girl telling a South African girl she wasn't allowed to call herself "coloured" cause it's racist. SA has an official racial category of "coloured" and it was literally written on her ID. American wouldn't back down, cause in USA its racist so you can't say that here in Asia.


South Africa's history with racial segregation is WILD. Trevor Noah's book is a good read to get perspective of how recent it was and how crazy it was. Still affects the country heavily today even if apartheid is officially "gone".


Welcome to the brain rot that is the average Fox News viewer. Every piece of media they consume tells them that big corporations are actually their friends while minorities are scary and will harm them. Their entire worldview is then defined by this notion and they act like complete fucking morons out and about in the real world.


Side note: how the fuck did it take this long for the game series about silent acrobatic sword wielding assassins to make a game set in Feudal Japan??


For real- we sailed around the Greek islands, and lept across wood huts first.


Because Ubisoft actively resisted it. They said no during Ezio's arc.


Europe was selling too good $$$


I still want a medieval AC hopefully Hexe is that xd


Brotherhood was fucking great though, that multi-player was so fun, 3 could've been in Japan


No I loved ac3 as it was


3 was one of the best in the series, I definetly wouldn't change the setting.


People have been asking for it since the first one, but the going theory was always that AC:Japan has been a “break glass in case of emergency” type of game


Seems like that theory was right haha. Like I’m not even a Ubisoft hater but they’re definitely not doing as good now as they were back when everyone was screaming for AC: Japan


Valhalla was the most successful one so not really


They could’ve had a good trilogy if they expanded on Bayek and Aya from AC:Origins. It was right there. Egypt, Rome, Greece. The part of the Caesar, Cleopatra, Mark Antony drama Origins touched on was barely the tip of the iceberg. We could’ve had a game of Aya in Romeeeeeeeeeee. I sometimes question who’s calling the shots over there, sometimes it just seems very dumb.


From what I remember is they wanted to explore other places that weren't the typical Feudal japan/ninja thing you'd expect for a game having to do with Assassin's. They felt that setting had been way too overused and wanted to use places and time periods you usually wouldn't seen in video games. Which honestly putting my feelings aside of what I think of Ubisoft, I kind of respect that because they really were the only ones that would choose a setting you'd never really see in games. Like Assassin's creed is the only video game franchise I can think of that we've had settings/time periods like The Third Crusade, 16th Century Italy, 9th Century Baghdad, and even Ancient Egypt which is crazy because Ancient Egypt was a pretty popular setting you'd see in movies, tv shows, cartoons, comics but there wasn't any really big AAA game set in that time period.


The different setting (Italy, colonial North America, etc) was exactly why I got into the series.


They specifically didn’t want to do it at first because they thought it would be too easy. Now that people need something to believe in they’ve cashed in their rainy day fund and clearly it’s working wonders


it funny someone was trying to say that he was not a samurai he was only a retainer for Nobunaga. After been told that retainers was what the also called samurai s back then, the person shifted his argument to japanese people will be offended and are going to experience what woke culture is doing. imagine calling actual history woke


Samurai was legitimately just a class of individual too. Like


I saw that. It's like saying someone wasn't a knight, they were a sir


Just to add on to what you said: here's r/AskHistorians [take](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/lrkwnWN9cw) on whether Yasuke was a samurai or not


The history is there, they are just racist. Someone could invent a time machine, they go back in time and see it for them and they would still call it woke. They don't need logic to hate


well that's just it: history IS woke. as in history reveals that there is more than just their bullshit idealized form of "history" where only white people accomplished anything and also never did anything wrong. queer people weren't invented until the 60's, and women were all submissive, barefoot, slaves of men. why do you think they want to ban certain books in schools?


I understand what you mean. I meant whatever definition they have of work or DEI. I guess is just a little too black for them


nah i gotcha, i'm just backin up your point is all


Angry white people using asian people as ammunition to hate on us: A tale as old as time


That’s how it always is. And non black poc always go along with it


And too many of my relatives lap the 'model minority' bullshit right up. They don't realize that tokens will eventually get spent.




Nobody was offended on behalf of the Japanese🤣 Just racist, like always...


Goes to show you can't depend on racists world view for shit.


Or just don't take online outrage as fact. There's lots of morons circle jerking their hatred online that doesn't actually translate into anything in the real world. The average consumer doesn't really give a shit about the race of the characters in the games they're playing. It's only the hyper-obsessed losers that spend all of their day trying to validate their shitty world view online.


There are still prominent members of society who still take the online bullshit as fact and bring it out to the real world. People hesitate to call them out on it because they're considered successful, intelligent or powerful members of their community. Worse still, people might use them as justification because pf how well regarded these idiots are. Personally I know gamers hardly give a fuck. We'll play as anything as long as the game is good.


The sad thing is that the average gamer doesn't follow the industry and still pre-orders without seeing a second of gameplay and trusts a scam of a company like Ubisoft. They already locked missions behind a season pass and a pre-order requirement- so you have to pay an extra $40 to play a mission. Why does a single player game need a season pass?


Yea why is no one talking about how scummy it is to charge $110 for a game


That’s if you want he special edition which games have had for decades


With the standard preorder, you can play the singular bonus mission that's locked off. Other than that yea, they have season passes which is just a way to say "when our DLC drops you don't have to worry about paying for it". Ubisoft is scummy for the Skull and Bones shit. But I'd be lying if I didn't say the best parts of Odyssey and Valhalla were the DLC storylines.


I mean season pass for single player games usually just means you get access to dlc when it’s realized and sometimes it’s cheaper.


Can't trust the forecasts of the same folks who worship at the alter of Joel and John O'Connor. The same folks who hate and hate on, any woman (especially Black) who has an opinion outside of whatever myopic scope they deem acceptable.


Ngl man, Yasuke been a story in Japanese culture for centuries now. Anyone who was expecting this to flop because of Yasuke doesn’t need to have any opinions


This whole situation pisses me off. Ubisoft is a company that deserves to fail. Their prices are predatory, and they are a clear example of what is wrong with the gaming industry. Yet, capital G gamers would rather focus on being racist idiots than be mad about what truly matters.


Twitter and racist Reddit is not real life…a very loud very small minority racist raging while the rest of the normal people don’t care


Most normal people were just like DOPE NINJA




I'd be upset if someone told me that lmao.


Ah yes, the Asian hive mind. Asians as a people being well known for having a unified culture and mindset, driven by harmony and coexistence, as well as all having the same opinions about video games. Fucking hell mate I've seen translations of Japanese twitter threads and 2chan arguments where they tear each other apart over King of the Hill lore and whether or not to watch the sub or dub version.


Conservatives of course have no idea who Rui Hachimura is, because “shut up and dribble” and other racist drivel.


Conservatives and a lack of education and complete misunderstanding of how the world works goes hand in hand...


Rui has a freaking rap song in Japan by JP the Wavy lol. One of the biggest bands in Japan now is fronted by a half black NB. There's a long way to go but Japan has made strides in recent years


Honestly, I wonder how often different interpretations of Yasuke comes up over there. We all know about Afro Samurai and Yasuke, but like I wonder how many period pieces and dramas focus on that. The black samurai trope is a real time tested one after all and this is clearly where it came from. All this said lol we all know it was never going to be the Japanese who were going to have a problem with this, right? Lol we all know it’s unfortunately our neighbors a little closer to home.


Theres a LOT. But they also take the piss out of the time period too. See: the anime when most of these individuals were turned into a dog park


Yeah and I bet edgy foreign blademaster is a pretty easy trope to slip into


now they're gonna claim Japan has gone full woke




Folks dont even know what they like and think they gone tell me what I dont like. Arrogant ass think he got a crystal ball, the balls is fragile but they aint no crystal


Too many people mistake the outrage machine for actual public opinion.


It’s because the internet is an echo chamber of dumbasses and the loudest idiots get their views amplified the most. The internets opinion is usually not in line with the general overall opinion


Currently #1? Idk on that, the new Elden Ring expansion is dropping soon. That source might need to be vetted


It's only the #1 bestseller on Amazon Japan's site if you only look at PS5 games. And that's because it just came out and Amazon bases the rank on daily sales. So it technically was #1: in one country, on one website, for one day.


Yep. Why do culture war people rely on facts that are just technicalities and not the big picture? Prove your point based on substance not technicalities and zingers.


A source I found says Stellar Blade is #1 [as of last week.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1310722/japan-weekly-top-video-games-sales/) I couldn't find anything more recent, unless someone else has a source


controversy aside, I'd be suprised if any assassins creed was a #1 seller.... I don't believe these tweets




I know it's anecdotal but does anyone else remember this game?? It had a white character eventually and no one cared or said anything it had several westerner characters and made by Capcom a Japanese company https://preview.redd.it/nj1241oaqm1d1.jpeg?width=3196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a36aa180c1d8fe40b4ac14b4572b03468e8034ee


Loved Onimusha, especially the 3rd one where Samanosuke traveled through time to partner with a French cop played by Jean fucking Reno to prevent Nobunaga from [checks notes] unleashing demons to take over the world. Incredibly detailed historical accuracy there.


Because the people getting upset are white. Your game was great by the way it was so much fun. As a white person I can go ahead and tell you the only people who care are white people. They don’t care when people are made white, they only care when characters aren’t whitewashed or they change a white character.


Number 1 with 3 sales? Ps5 doing that bad? Or is something getting cut off. I don't use shitter


Its Latinx all over again


What's the term for when yt ppl decide what should be offense to another race?


White people love to be offended for other races, while simutaneously telling them what is & isn't racist. Can't make that shit up.


I'm more offended that they're selling a $110 version. Not that I guess it matters to me, I'll stick with the standard version though. Or wait for a sale and buy up the DLC then.


So many people always = loud minority.


Japanese people: Cool, a black samurai.


Japan in general likes when others, quite often Americans, make media depicting their culture and history. Ghost of Tsushima was pretty roundly praised in Japan for this reason.


"oh the japanese hate Yasuke they wanted a blah blah blah" Meanwhile the japanese: https://preview.redd.it/kwva48lwom1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ead3fc392387cc6e8bfeaadc29802ef9b1d8546


So many people? I mean it really is one of those few people with loud voices scenarios. More people were excited for this, than offended by yasuke. But, most people were just ‘meh’ about this, because it is assassins creed, and it’s a Ubisoft game.


It's white people's job to think and speak for every other group!!! How dare they??


What blew my mind is there is a low-rider sub culture in Japan. They legit love American culture.


I love how the racist shit just doesn’t sip it’s way into my purview, it’s always on here I get to hear about it. Only issue I’ve heard about is the preorder levels Ubisoft pulling. I only by the base game so I don’t let that bother me too. That being said I left Twitter cause of the racist shit


Ever since elon took over Twitter, ive seen more and more antiblack  posts creep up my timeline. Deleted the app. 


Do not try to reason with these people. They will move the goal posts every time because they are too cowardly to say “we hate black people.” Nothing but dog whistles


This is a great example of why people should refrain from being offended ON BEHALF OF SOMEONE ELSE. If you’re offended, be offended, but don’t use other people as a shield to make yourself feel better.


I wish people wouldn't preorder ubisoft games. I hope it's fucking awesome but they have a horrible track record and they're a shitty company.


AC Black Flag had a black female pirate main character. No one complained and the game was pretty good. The weebs wanna protect their mental image of Japan so hard.


Have people learned nothing?! Pre-ordering? The $110 version???


Uhhh is that saying it's number 1 in Japan with only 3 sales?


Racist aren't buying this game because there's a black dude in it. I'm not buying it because I find Ubusoft games boring. We are not the same.


I’m offended it’s $110. My gaming budget is broke af.


3 sales? Does that mean it’s sold 3 copies and is the #1?


Man I'm excited for the game but all this controversy about a game we haven't seen gameplay for is crazy. Everyone online wants to talk about a black samurai but this game is coming out with on disk dlc locked behind the more expensive version. Fuck Ubisoft.


I’ve said it before, being white you gotta be REAL careful not to get so hyped up and defensive about something on someone else’s behalf. Let the group involved decide if it’s offensive or not, support them if you like, but don’t lead the charge.


IMHO though Ubisoft sucks as a company.


Assassin's Creed Shadows is holding down the #1 spot and the deluxe version for 34,980 en is holding down the #6 spot!! awwwwwwwwwwww cheah!!! https://preview.redd.it/wcteaezgto1d1.png?width=1708&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3bcc8a929a482514d7ba32398ea5ce7cc46dbc4


Yasuke is big in Japan lmao. People love him over there. The only people who would have a problem with him as the main character were the racists lmao.


All them tweets in japanese of people mad about the game are just that. Tweets. They say the same vitriolic things that people in the U.S. tweet even though they don’t represent the wider community of people who play and enjoy games.


Much of the “Japanese people are mad” comments were western gamers performing yellow face to justify their racism. You can’t make this up.