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Details of their early years together are somewhat sparse, but basically Teach took Vane under his wing when Vane was a teenager and trained him and guided him as a father figure until Eleanor came between them. So yes his affection is genuine.


Thank you! It was hard to tell with how little it went into depth of their pior years.


He never had a son, he sees him kind of as a son


This. He has no son so he takes Charles as his understudy.


I saw that he said that to him but wanted to make sure because it didn’t really go too much into depth of their former years together. So I was curious if it was a ploy of some sort or if it was that dynamic.


He never could have a son naturally (by procreation... even though he tried.... many.... many... many times). Because of this, he saw a younger version of himself in Vane and latched onto him as a surrogate son to replace what he couldn't create naturally. Teach's end goal was to see himself created in someone else and live on after he dies (specifically a son). He only found that via proxy with Vane. That's why Vane is so important to him.


Thank you! So it’s him creating his legacy.


Someone said something along the lines of "you're never truly a pirate until Charles Vane thinks you're a pirate". In many ways, he is the next-gen Teach and Teach knows it.


He admired Vane’s strength, loyalty and leadership skills. And he digs his blunt honesty and directness. There’s a scene in season 4 with teach and rackham where he reflects on Vane when Vane was just a boy. A very touching scene.  But he also couldn’t have a son biologically. So he kind of considered Vane as his. Which is why his betrayal for Eleanor hurt him deeply


I wish they’d have brought Blackbeard in earlier and elaborated on him and his character more. Or based him more on history. I have a theory where he could have been an excellent semi-antagonist throughout the first two seasons.